10 research outputs found

    Analysis of Temporal Expressions Annotated in Clinical Notes

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    Annotating the semantics of time in language is important. THYME is a recent temporal annotation standard for clinical texts. This paper examines temporal expressions in the first major corpus released under this standard. It investigates where the standard has proven difficult to apply, and gives a series of recommendations regarding temporal annotation in this important domain

    A canonical scheme for model composition

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    There is little agreement on terminology in model composition, and even less on key characteristics of a model composition solution. We present three composition frameworks: the Atlas Model Weaver, the Epsilon Merging Language, and the Glue Generator Tool, and from them derive a core set of common definitions. We use this to outline the key requirements of a model composition solution, in terms of language and tool support

    Traceability mappings as a fundamental instrument in model transformations

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    Technological importance of traceability mappings for model transformations is well-known, but they have often been considered as an auxiliary element generated during the transformation execution and providing accessory information. This paper argues that traceability mappings should instead be regarded as a core aspect of the transformation definition, and a key instrument in the transformation management. We will show how a transformation can be represented as the result of execution of a metamodel mapping, which acts as a special encoding of the transformation definition. Since mappings enjoy Boolean operations (as sets of links) and sequential composition (as sets of directed links), encoding transformations by mappings makes it possible to define these operations for transformations as well, which can be useful for model transformation reuse, compositional design, and chaining

    EMF Views: A View Mechanism for Integrating Heterogeneous Models

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    International audienceModeling complex systems involves dealing with several heterogeneous and interrelated models defined using a variety of languages (UML, ER, BPMN, DSLs, etc.). These models must be frequently combined in different cross-domain perspectives to provide stakeholders the view of the system they need to best perform their tasks. Several model composition approaches have already been proposed addressing this problem. Nevertheless, they present some important limitations concerning efficiency, interoperability and synchronization between the base models and the composed ones. As an alternative we introduce EMF Views, an approach coming with a dedicated language and tooling for defining views on potentially heterogeneous models. Similarly to views in databases, model views are not materialized but instead redirect all model access and manipulation requests to the base models from which they are obtained. This is realized in a transparent way for both the modeler and the other modeling tools using the concerned (meta)models

    Achieving Practical Genericity in Model Weaving through Extensibility

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    Many tasks in Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) involve cross-cutting model modifications that are bound to certain conditions. These transformation tasks may affect numerous model elements and appear in different forms, such as refactoring, model completions or aspect-oriented model weaving. Although the operations at the heart of these tasks are domain-independent, generic solutions that can easily be used and customized are rare. General-purpose model transformation languages as well as existing model weavers exhibit metamodel-specific restrictions and introduce accidental complexity. In this paper, we present a model weaver that addresses these problems using an extensible approach that is defined for metamodelling languages and therefore generic. Through examples of different formalisms we illustrate how our weaver manages homogeneous in-place model transformations that may involve the duplication, merge, and removal of model elements in a generic way. Possibilities to extend and customize our weaver are exemplified for the non-software domain of Building Information Modelling (BIM)

    On the Combination of Domain Specific Modeling Languages

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    Abstract. Domain Specific Modeling Languages (DSMLs) are essential elements in Model-based Engineering. Each DSML allows capturing certain properties of the system, while abstracting other properties away. Nowadays DSMLs are mostly used in silos to solve specific problems. However, there are many occasions when multiple DSMLs need to be combined to design systems in a modular way. In this paper we discuss some scenarios of use and several mechanisms for DSML combination. We propose a general framework for combining DSMLs that subsumes them, based on the concept of viewpoint unification, and its realization using model-driven techniques.