13 research outputs found

    The Effects of Electronic Access to Scientific Literature in the Consortium of Turkish University Libraries

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    Purpose: To provide some insight to the sharp increase in the scientific publications originating from Turkish academic and research institutions in the last few years. The underlying reasons, widespread access to literature through electronic databases being the most important, are also investigated. Design/methodology/approach: Although it is difficult to gauge national scientific productivity, number of publications in electronic databases which index thousands of scientific journals can give an idea. Web of Science is one of them, and it is provided to the Turkish academic community along with several other databases by the national library consortium. Based on the Web of Science data, a comparative analysis was performed to investigate publications originated from Turkey and other countries. Findings: The analysis revealed sharp increase in publications from Turkish institutions in the last few years. Considering the highest publishing 30 countries out of 190, the increase between 2001 and 2003 is 53.48 percent for Turkey, followed by 34.00 percent for China and 26.87 percent for South Korea. Research limitations: Although one of the largest, only one of several databases was analyzed. Additionally, there are also several other indicators of scientific productivity such as books published and citations received. Originality and value of the paper: The paper provides some insight to the importance of library consortia and efficient literature access it provides to the researchers

    A general outlook on Turkish librarianship and libraries

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    Turkey has a rich book and library tradition going back centuries. This article presents an overview of Turkish libraries and librarianship by providing information specifically on the library tradition in Turkey, public and special libraries, librarianship education, professional associations and publications, and recent developments including some special projects run by the state and NGOs

    IFLA Başkanlık Toplantıları ve 2014 İstanbul Çalışma Ziyareti

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    Since 2007 Presidents Meetings have been held by IFLA Presidents according to their themes. 7th President’s Meeting was held in Helsinki and Istanbul was selected for the 8th President’s Meeting. Therefore TKD and ANKOS has organized a meeting and invited the IFLA President for a study tour inİstanbul.The IFLA Trend Report, introduced in Singapur in 2013, was the main theme of the Helsinki Meeting. This report will also be translated into Turkish and introduced to the Turkish librarians through a workshop soon.IFLA Başkanları 2007 yılından beri kendi temalarına uygun olarak Başkanlık Toplantıları yapmaktadırlar. Bu toplantıların yedincisi Helsinki’de yapılmış ve sekizinci toplantı için İstanbul seçilmiştir. Bu nedenle, ANKOS ve TKD işbirliği ile yapılan bir organizasyon çerçevesinde IFLA Başkanı İstanbul’u ziyaret etmiştir.2013’de Singapur’da tanıtılan IFLA Eğilim Raporu Helsinki toplantısının ana teması olmuştur. Bu raporun en kısa zamanda Türkçeye çevrilerek bir çalıştayla Türk kütüphanecilerine tanıtılması planlanmaktadır

    Bilgi Okuryazarlığı Ulusal Konferansı, 30-31 Mart 2009, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Süleyman Demirel Kültür Merkezi

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    Yaratıcı Kütüphane Girişimleri Tanıtım Grubu (ILIPG), ilkokul ve lise çağındaki gençlerin içinde bulunduğumuz bilgi çağını yakalamalarının çok önemli olduğu inancından yola çıkarak, 12-18 yaş arası gençlerin bilgi okuryazarlığı konusuna dikkatlerini çekmek ve kişisel yeteneklerini geliştirmelerine yardımcı olmak amacıyla bir proje başlatmıştır. Bu Proje’nin amacı; İstanbul İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü’nün de desteğiyle, “bilgi okuryazarlığı” konusunda toplumumuzda bir farkındalık yaratmak ve özellikle birincil hedef kitlemiz olan 12–18 yaş grubundaki ilköğretim ikinci kademe ve lise çağındaki gençlerimizde “bilgi okuryazarlığı” bilinci oluşturarak eleştirel yeteneklerinin ve kişiliklerinin gelişimine yardımcı olmaktır.ILIP


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    Human resources management in libraries and information centers: Performance evaluation systems and Koc University library

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    The aim of this study is to determine the functions of human resources management in libraries and information centers; to prove that performance evaluation studies, which contribute significantly to the professional development and career planning of library staff, constitute one of the major functions of human resources management; and to present a model on the basis of the information provided by performance evaluation studies. The main focus was on the performance evaluation management as it is the area neglected by most of the library managers and their administrators. The survey results supported our argument and showed us that the most of the foundation universities have not applied this very important personnel issue at their libraries. The main reason must be the lack of professional staff employed in libraries. Also some of them even do not have enough staff to run the daily library tasks efficiently and effectively. Because of these reasons, Koç University Library was chosen as one of the best examples in its area dealing with most of the human resources issues according to the international standards. As a case study, the human resources management and performance evaluation program run at the Suna Kıraç Library of Koç University were elaborated with some examples. Also, the results of the survey conducted with 29 foundation university libraries about the performance evaluation program were analyzed and given in the last chapter

    «Gri Yayınlar ve Kütüphanelerin Bu Yayınlarla İlgili İşlemleri» Adını Taşiyan Yüksek Lisans Tezi Hakkında

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    Gri yayınlar ve kütüphanelerin bu yayınlarla ilgili işlemleri

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    A General Outlook on Turkish Librarianship and Libraries

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    Turkey has a rich book and library tradition going back centuries. This article presents an overview of Turkish libraries and librarianship by providing information specifically on the library tradition in Turkey, public and special libraries, librarianship education, professional associations and publications, and recent developments including some special projects run by the state and NGOs