2,610 research outputs found

    Quasi-Stationary Distributions for Models of Heterogeneous Catalysis

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    We construct the quasi-stationary (QS) distribution for two models of heterogeneous catalysis having two absorbing states: the ZGB model for the oxidation of CO, and a version with noninstantaneous reactions. Using a mean-field-like approximation, we study the quasi-stationary surface coverages, moment ratios and the lifetime of the QS state. We also derive an improved, consistent one-site mean-field theory for the ZGB model.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figure

    Asymmetric dynamics and critical behavior in the Bak-Sneppen model

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    We investigate, using mean-field theory and simulation, the effect of asymmetry on the critical behavior and probability density of Bak-Sneppen models. Two kinds of anisotropy are investigated: (i) different numbers of sites to the left and right of the central (minimum) site are updated and (ii) sites to the left and right of the central site are renewed in different ways. Of particular interest is the crossover from symmetric to asymmetric scaling for weakly asymmetric dynamics, and the collapse of data with different numbers of updated sites but the same degree of asymmetry. All non-symmetric rules studied fall, independent of the degree of asymmetry, in the same universality class. Conversely, symmetric variants reproduce the exponents of the original model. Our results confirm the existence of two symmetry-based universality classes for extremal dynamics.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl

    Absorbing-state phase transitions: exact solutions of small systems

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    I derive precise results for absorbing-state phase transitions using exact (numerically determined) quasistationary probability distributions for small systems. Analysis of the contact process on rings of 23 or fewer sites yields critical properties (control parameter, order-parameter ratios, and critical exponents z and beta/nu_perp) with an accuracy of better than 0.1%; for the exponent nu_perp the accuracy is about 0.5%. Good results are also obtained for the pair contact process

    Path-integral representation for a stochastic sandpile

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    We introduce an operator description for a stochastic sandpile model with a conserved particle density, and develop a path-integral representation for its evolution. The resulting (exact) expression for the effective action highlights certain interesting features of the model, for example, that it is nominally massless, and that the dynamics is via cooperative diffusion. Using the path-integral formalism, we construct a diagrammatic perturbation theory, yielding a series expansion for the activity density in powers of the time.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    Diffusive epidemic process: theory and simulation

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    We study the continuous absorbing-state phase transition in the one-dimensional diffusive epidemic process via mean-field theory and Monte Carlo simulation. In this model, particles of two species (A and B) hop on a lattice and undergo reactions B -> A and A + B -> 2B; the total particle number is conserved. We formulate the model as a continuous-time Markov process described by a master equation. A phase transition between the (absorbing) B-free state and an active state is observed as the parameters (reaction and diffusion rates, and total particle density) are varied. Mean-field theory reveals a surprising, nonmonotonic dependence of the critical recovery rate on the diffusion rate of B particles. A computational realization of the process that is faithful to the transition rates defining the model is devised, allowing for direct comparison with theory. Using the quasi-stationary simulation method we determine the order parameter and the survival time in systems of up to 4000 sites. Due to strong finite-size effects, the results converge only for large system sizes. We find no evidence for a discontinuous transition. Our results are consistent with the existence of three distinct universality classes, depending on whether A particles diffusive more rapidly, less rapidly, or at the same rate as B particles.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    Asymptotic behavior of the order parameter in a stochastic sandpile

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    We derive the first four terms in a series for the order paramater (the stationary activity density rho) in the supercritical regime of a one-dimensional stochastic sandpile; in the two-dimensional case the first three terms are reported. We reorganize the pertubation theory for the model, recently derived using a path-integral formalism [R. Dickman e R. Vidigal, J. Phys. A 35, 7269 (2002)], to obtain an expansion for stationary properties. Since the process has a strictly conserved particle density p, the Fourier mode N^{-1} psi_{k=0} -> p, when the number of sites N -> infinity, and so is not a random variable. Isolating this mode, we obtain a new effective action leading to an expansion for rho in the parameter kappa = 1/(1+4p). This requires enumeration and numerical evaluation of more than 200 000 diagrams, for which task we develop a computational algorithm. Predictions derived from this series are in good accord with simulation results. We also discuss the nature of correlation functions and one-site reduced densities in the small-kappa (large-p) limit.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Uphill migration in coupled driven particle systems

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    In particle systems subject to a nonuniform drive, particle migration is observed from the driven to the non--driven region and vice--versa, depending on details of the hopping dynamics, leading to apparent violations of Fick's law and of steady--state thermodynamics. We propose and discuss a very basic model in the framework of independent random walkers on a pair of rings, one of which features biased hopping rates, in which this phenomenon is observed and fully explained.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    Series expansion for a stochastic sandpile

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    Using operator algebra, we extend the series for the activity density in a one-dimensional stochastic sandpile with fixed particle density p, the first terms of which were obtained via perturbation theory [R. Dickman and R. Vidigal, J. Phys. A35, 7269 (2002)]. The expansion is in powers of the time; the coefficients are polynomials in p. We devise an algorithm for evaluating expectations of operator products and extend the series to O(t^{16}). Constructing Pade approximants to a suitably transformed series, we obtain predictions for the activity that compare well against simulations, in the supercritical regime.Comment: Extended series and improved analysi

    A field theoretic approach to master equations and a variational method beyond the Poisson ansatz

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    We develop a variational scheme in a field theoretic approach to a stochastic process. While various stochastic processes can be expressed using master equations, in general it is difficult to solve the master equations exactly, and it is also hard to solve the master equations numerically because of the curse of dimensionality. The field theoretic approach has been used in order to study such complicated master equations, and the variational scheme achieves tremendous reduction in the dimensionality of master equations. For the variational method, only the Poisson ansatz has been used, in which one restricts the variational function to a Poisson distribution. Hence, one has dealt with only restricted fluctuation effects. We develop the variational method further, which enables us to treat an arbitrary variational function. It is shown that the variational scheme developed gives a quantitatively good approximation for master equations which describe a stochastic gene regulatory network.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure
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