14,169 research outputs found

    Representation of transport: A Rural Destination Analysis

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    Moscovici’s social representations perspective is applied to a study of transport in a rural destination. The principles are demonstrated using empirical data from a questionnaire survey, developed following in-depth qualitative research. The data analysis strategy was founded on inductive reasoning, by employing cluster analysis and correspondence analysis. A social representations analysis demonstrates how individuals draw on socially accepted explanations of transport where they have little or no direct knowledge or experience of the actual transport modes (notably the alternatives to the car). By so doing, ideas are further perpetuated. Importantly there is ambiguity surrounding responsibility to take positive action yet a key to addressing transport issues is acknowledgement of responsibility. Keywords: social representations, transport, rural destinations

    Melt densities in the Na2O-FeO-Fe2O3-SiO2 system and the partial molar volume of tetrahedrally-coordinated ferric iron in silicate melts

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    The densities of 12 melts in the Na2O-FeO-Fe2O3-SiO2 system have been determined in equilibrium with air, in the temperature range of 1000–1500°C, using the double bob, Archimedean technique. Ferrous iron determinations of 100–200 mg samples, “dip” quenched from high temperature, indicate that all the melts investigated were highly oxidized under these experimental conditions. 57Fe Mössbauer spectra of glasses obtained by drop quenching 80 mg melt samples from loop equilibration runs yield Fe3+/Fe2+ data equivalent to that for the densitometry (dip) samples for all but the most viscous melt, and confirm that all but one melt equilibrated with air during the densitometry measurements. Melt densities range from 2.17 to 2.88 g/cm3 with a mean standard deviation (from replicate experiments) of 0.36%. Least squares regression of the density data at 1300, 1400 and 1500°C, was calculated, both excluding and including excess volume terms (herein named linear and nonlinear fits, respectively) and the root mean squared deviation (RMSD) of each regression was compared with the total experimental error. The partial molar volumes computed for linear fits for Na2O and SiO2 are similar to those previously reported for melts in the Na2O-Al2O3-SiO2 system (Steinet al., 1986). The partial molar volumes of Fe2O3 obtained in these linear fits are equal to those obtained by Shiraishi et al. (1978) in the FeO-Fe2O3-SiO2 system but 5 to 10% lower than reported by Mo et al. (1982) in multicomponent melts. The partial molar volume exhibited by Fe3+ in this system is representative of the partial molar volume of tetrahedrally coordinated Fe3+ in silicate melts

    Ingestive behaviour and physiology of the medicinal leech

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    Ingestion lasts 25 min in Hirudo medicinalis and is characterized by pharyngeal peristalsis which fills the crop. This peristalsis has an initial rate of 2.4 Hz which decays smoothly to 1.2 Hz at termination of ingestion. During ingestion, the leech body wall undergoes peristalsis which appears to aid in filling the crop diverticula. Body peristalsis begins at a rate of 10 min^(-1) and decreases linearly to 2 min^(-1) at termination. The body also undergoes dorsoventral flexions when blood flow is occluded. Blood meal size increases slightly with leech size: 8.4 g for 1-g leeches and 9.7 g for 2-g leeches. However, relative meal size decreases markedly with increasing animal size; from 8.15 times body mass for 1-g to 4.80 times for 2-g leeches. When intact leeches were exposed to micromolar concentrations of serotonin, there was an increase in the rate of pharyngeal peristalsis and the size of the blood meals. Leeches excrete the plasma from their ingested blood meals. Excretion is activated during ingestion, which increases feeding efficiency by increasing the proportion of blood cells in the ingestate. Excretion continues for 4–6 days following ingestion, removing all the remaining plasma from the ingestate. Leech ingestion comprises stereotyped muscular movements, secretion of saliva and excretion of plasma. A strikingly similar feeding physiology is seen in the blood-sucking insect Rhodnius, and we suggest that efficient sanguivory may require the convergent evolution of similar ingestive mechanisms

    VLA 1.4GHz observations of the GOODS-North Field: Data Reduction and Analysis

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    We describe deep, new, wide-field radio continuum observations of the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey -- North (GOODS-N) field. The resulting map has a synthesized beamsize of ~1.7" and an r.m.s. noise level of ~3.9uJy/bm near its center and ~8uJy/bm at 15', from phase center. We have cataloged 1,230 discrete radio emitters, within a 40' x 40' region, above a 5-sigma detection threshold of ~20uJy at the field center. New techniques, pioneered by Owen & Morrison (2008), have enabled us to achieve a dynamic range of 6800:1 in a field that has significantly strong confusing sources. We compare the 1.4-GHz (20-cm) source counts with those from other published radio surveys. Our differential counts are nearly Euclidean below 100uJy with a median source diameter of ~1.2". This adds to the evidence presented by Owen & Morrison (2008) that the natural confusion limit may lie near ~1uJy. If the Euclidean slope of the counts continues down to the natural confusion limit as an extrapolation of our log N - log S, this indicates that the cutoff must be fairly sharp below 1uJy else the cosmic microwave background temperature would increase above 2.7K at 1.4 GHz.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJS. 16 pages, 19 figures. Radio data and source list can be found at http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/~morrison/GOODSN

    Dating Behavior of Black and White Adolescents Before and After Desegregation

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    An article by George E. Dickinson published in the August 1975 issue of the Journal of Marriage and the Family, pages 602-605

    Divorce Practices Among Some North American Indian Tribes

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    The objective of this study is to present on overview of marriage termination practices among North American Indians and to compare the practices of these early inhabitants of the continent with contemporary practices. The Human Relations Area File was utilized to gather information on marriage termination practices of North American Indian tribes. Divorce was the most common practice used by the Indians; and divorce grounds available to them proved to be similar to contemporary North American customs. The consequences of divorce varied with different Indian tribes, but all tribes studied had similar attitudes toward coring for children of divorced parents

    Adolescent Sex Information Sources: 1964-1974

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    An article by George E. Dickinson published in the Winter 1978 issue of the Adolescence, pages 653-658

    School Desegregation and Racial Attitudes: 1964-1979

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    A report submitted to the Faculty Research Committee by George E. Dickenson on school desegregation and racial attitudes of adolescents from 1964 to 1979
