8,350 research outputs found

    Radio Astronomy

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    Contains reports on one research project.National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Grant NGL 22-009-016)National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Grant NGR 22-009-421)National Science Foundation Grant GP-2076

    A search for 183-GHz emission from water in late-type stars

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    A search was made for 183 GHz line emission from water vapor in the direction of twelve Mira and two semiregular variables. Upper limits to the emission are in the range of 2000 to 5000 Jy. It is estimated that thermal emission from the inner regions of late type stellar envelopes will be on the order of ten Jy. Maser emission, according to one model, would be an order of magnitude stronger. From the limited set sampled, the possibility of very strong maser emission at 183 GHz cannot yet be ruled out

    A Radio Determination of the Time of the New Moon

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    The detection of the New Moon at sunset is of importance to communities based on the lunar calendar. This is traditionally undertaken with visual observations. We propose a radio method which allows a higher visibility of the Moon relative to the Sun and consequently gives us the ability to detect the Moon much closer to the Sun than is the case of visual observation. We first compare the relative brightness of the Moon and Sun over a range of possible frequencies and find the range 5--100\,GHz to be suitable. The next consideration is the atmospheric absorption/emission due to water vapour and oxygen as a function of frequency. This is particularly important since the relevant observations are near the horizon. We show that a frequency of 10\sim 10 GHz is optimal for this programme. We have designed and constructed a telescope with a FWHM resolution of 0 ⁣ ⁣^\circ{}\!\!.6 and low sidelobes to demonstrate the potential of this approach. At the time of the 21 May 2012 New Moon the Sun/Moon brightness temperature ratio was 72.7±2.272.7 \pm 2.2 in agreement with predictions from the literature when combined with the observed sunspot numbers for the day. The Moon would have been readily detectable at 2\sim 2^{\circ} from the Sun. Our observations at 16\,hr\,36\,min UT indicated that the Moon would have been at closest approach to the Sun 16\,hr\,25\,min earlier; this was the annular solar eclipse of 00\,hr\,00\,min\,UT on 21 May 2012.Comment: 11 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Stellar Populations and Evolution of Lyman Break Galaxies

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    Using deep near-IR and optical observations of the HDF-N from the HST NICMOS and WFPC2 and from the ground, we examine the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of Lyman break galaxies (LBGs) at 2.0 < z < 3.5. The UV-to-optical rest-frame SEDs of the galaxies are much bluer than those of present-day spiral and elliptical galaxies, and are generally similar to those of local starburst galaxies with modest amounts of reddening. We use stellar population synthesis models to study the properties of the stars that dominate the light from LBGs. Under the assumption that the star-formation rate is continuous or decreasing with time, the best-fitting models provide a lower bound on the LBG mass estimates. LBGs with ``L*'' UV luminosities are estimated to have minimum stellar masses ~ 10^10 solar masses, or roughly 1/10th that of a present-day L* galaxy. By considering the effects of a second component of maximally-old stars, we set an upper bound on the stellar masses that is ~ 3-8 times the minimum estimate. We find only loose constraints on the individual galaxy ages, extinction, metallicities, initial mass functions, and prior star-formation histories. We find no galaxies whose SEDs are consistent with young (< 10^8 yr), dust-free objects, which suggests that LBGs are not dominated by ``first generation'' stars, and that such objects are rare at these redshifts. We also find that the typical ages for the observed star-formation events are significantly younger than the time interval covered by this redshift range (~ 1.5 Gyr). From this, and from the relative absence of candidates for quiescent, non-star-forming galaxies at these redshifts in the NICMOS data, we suggest that star formation in LBGs may be recurrent, with short duty cycles and a timescale between star-formation events of < 1 Gyr. [Abridged]Comment: LaTeX, 37 pages, 21 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Imaging the molecular gas in a submm galaxy at z = 4.05: cold mode accretion or a major merger?

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    We present a high resolution (down to 0.18"), multi-transition imaging study of the molecular gas in the z = 4.05 submillimeter galaxy GN20. GN20 is one of the most luminous starburst galaxy known at z > 4, and is a member of a rich proto-cluster of galaxies at z = 4.05 in GOODS-North. We have observed the CO 1-0 and 2-1 emission with the VLA, the CO 6-5 emission with the PdBI Interferometer, and the 5-4 emission with CARMA. The H_2 mass derived from the CO 1-0 emission is 1.3 \times 10^{11} (\alpha/0.8) Mo. High resolution imaging of CO 2-1 shows emission distributed over a large area, appearing as partial ring, or disk, of ~ 10kpc diameter. The integrated CO excitation is higher than found in the inner disk of the Milky Way, but lower than that seen in high redshift quasar host galaxies and low redshift starburst nuclei. The VLA CO 2-1 image at 0.2" resolution shows resolved, clumpy structure, with a few brighter clumps with intrinsic sizes ~ 2 kpc. The velocity field determined from the CO 6-5 emission is consistent with a rotating disk with a rotation velocity of ~ 570 km s^{-1} (using an inclination angle of 45^o), from which we derive a dynamical mass of 3 \times 10^{11} \msun within about 4 kpc radius. The star formation distribution, as derived from imaging of the radio synchrotron and dust continuum, is on a similar scale as the molecular gas distribution. The molecular gas and star formation are offset by ~ 1" from the HST I-band emission, implying that the regions of most intense star formation are highly dust-obscured on a scale of ~ 10 kpc. The large spatial extent and ordered rotation of this object suggests that this is not a major merger, but rather a clumpy disk accreting gas rapidly in minor mergers or smoothly from the proto-intracluster medium. ABSTRACT TRUNCATEDComment: 33 pages, 8 figures, submitted to the ApJ, aas latex forma

    183 GHz water line variation: An energetic outburst in orion KL

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    Observations of the 3(13)-2(20) transition of water vapor in the direction of Ori MC1 in 1980 February show a 50% flux increase and an apparent additional red shift of approximately 2 km/s relative to the line observed in 1977 December. From a detailed examination of the amplitude and frequency calibration, it appears unlikely that the effect is due to systematic error. The increase is attributed to the appearance of a new component at a velocity of 12 km/s with respect to the local standard of rest. The new component also has broad wings. Increased emission from a region in the high-velocity core of Ori MC1 can be due either to additional far-IR radiation to pump the 1983 GHz transition or to a change in the physical conditions in the gas. Statistical equilibrium calculations using the large-velocity-gradient formalism were carried out to develop a model for the emission. The calculations support a model in which the gas in the region of enhanced emission is hotter than the dust. The temporal coincidence between the 183 GHZ increase and the 22 GH1 water maser outburst suggests a common, impulsive cause, which has heated the gas in a part of the HV source, enhancing the emission in both transitions

    A Survey of Atomic Carbon [C I] in High-redshift Main-Sequence Galaxies

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    We present the first results of an ALMA survey of the lower fine structure line of atomic carbon [C I](^3P_1\,-\,^{3}P_0) in far infrared-selected galaxies on the main sequence at z1.2z\sim1.2 in the COSMOS field. We compare our sample with a comprehensive compilation of data available in the literature for local and high-redshift starbursting systems and quasars. We show that the [C I](3P1^3P_1\rightarrow3P0^3P_0) luminosity correlates on global scales with the infrared luminosity LIRL_{\rm IR} similarly to low-JJ CO transitions. We report a systematic variation of L'_{\rm [C\,I]^3P_1\,-\, ^3P_0}/LIRL_{\rm IR} as a function of the galaxy type, with the ratio being larger for main-sequence galaxies than for starbursts and sub-millimeter galaxies at fixed LIRL_{\rm IR}. The L'_{\rm [C\,I]^3P_1\,-\, ^3P_0}/LCO(21)L'_{\rm CO(2-1)} and M[CI]M_{\rm{[C I]}}/MdustM_{\rm dust} mass ratios are similar for main-sequence galaxies and for local and high-redshift starbursts within a 0.2 dex intrinsic scatter, suggesting that [C I] is a good tracer of molecular gas mass as CO and dust. We derive a fraction of f[CI]=M[CI]/MC313f_{\rm{[C\,I]}} = M_{\rm{[C\,I]}} / M_{\rm{C}}\sim3-13% of the total carbon mass in the atomic neutral phase. Moreover, we estimate the neutral atomic carbon abundance, the fundamental ingredient to calibrate [C I] as a gas tracer, by comparing L'_{\rm [C\,I]^3P_1\,-\, ^3P_0} and available gas masses from CO lines and dust emission. We find lower [C I] abundances in main-sequence galaxies than in starbursting systems and sub-millimeter galaxies, as a consequence of the canonical αCO\alpha_{\rm CO} and gas-to-dust conversion factors. This argues against the application to different galaxy populations of a universal standard [C I] abundance derived from highly biased samples.Comment: 14 pages + Appendix. Accepted for publication in ApJ. All the data tables in Appendix will be also released in electronic forma