9,397 research outputs found

    The joint large-scale foreground-CMB posteriors of the 3-year WMAP data

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    Using a Gibbs sampling algorithm for joint CMB estimation and component separation, we compute the large-scale CMB and foreground posteriors of the 3-yr WMAP temperature data. Our parametric data model includes the cosmological CMB signal and instrumental noise, a single power law foreground component with free amplitude and spectral index for each pixel, a thermal dust template with a single free overall amplitude, and free monopoles and dipoles at each frequency. This simple model yields a surprisingly good fit to the data over the full frequency range from 23 to 94 GHz. We obtain a new estimate of the CMB sky signal and power spectrum, and a new foreground model, including a measurement of the effective spectral index over the high-latitude sky. A particularly significant result is the detection of a common spurious offset in all frequency bands of ~ -13muK, as well as a dipole in the V-band data. Correcting for these is essential when determining the effective spectral index of the foregrounds. We find that our new foreground model is in good agreement with template-based model presented by the WMAP team, but not with their MEM reconstruction. We believe the latter may be at least partially compromised by the residual offsets and dipoles in the data. Fortunately, the CMB power spectrum is not significantly affected by these issues, as our new spectrum is in excellent agreement with that published by the WMAP team. The corresponding cosmological parameters are also virtually unchanged.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to ApJL. Background data are available at http://www.astro.uio.no/~hke under the Research ta

    A High-speed Engine Pressure Indicator of the Balanced Diaphragm Type

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    This report describes a pressure-measuring device especially adapted for use in mapping indicator diagrams of high-speed internal combustion engines. The cards are obtained by a point-to-point method giving the average of a large number of engine cycles. The principle involved is the balancing of the engine cylinder pressure against a measured pressure on the opposite side of the metal a diaphragm of negligible stiffness. In its application as an engine indicator the phase of the engine cycle to which a pressure measurement corresponds is selected by a timing device. The report discusses briefly the errors which must be avoided in the development of an indicator for light high-speed engines, where vibration is serious, and outlines the principles underlying the design of this instrument in order to be free of such errors. A detailed description of the instrument and accessories follows together with operating directions

    Neuromuscular control of wingbeat kinematics in Anna's hummingbirds (Calypte anna)

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    Hummingbirds can maintain the highest wingbeat frequencies of any flying vertebrate – a feat accomplished by the large pectoral muscles that power the wing strokes. An unusual feature of these muscles is that they are activated by one or a few spikes per cycle as revealed by electromyogram recordings (EMGs). The relatively simple nature of this activation pattern provides an opportunity to understand how motor units are recruited to modulate limb kinematics. Hummingbirds made to fly in low-density air responded by moderately increasing wingbeat frequency and substantially increasing the wing stroke amplitude as compared with flight in normal air. There was little change in the number of spikes per EMG burst in the pectoralis major muscle between flight in normal and low-density heliox (mean=1.4 spikes cycle^(–1)). However the spike amplitude, which we take to be an indication of the number of active motor units, increased in concert with the wing stroke amplitude, 1.7 times the value in air. We also challenged the hummingbirds using transient load lifting to elicit maximum burst performance. During maximum load lifting, both wing stroke amplitude and wingbeat frequency increased substantially above those values during hovering flight. The number of spikes per EMG burst increased to a mean of 3.3 per cycle, and the maximum spike amplitude increased to approximately 1.6 times those values during flight in heliox. These results suggest that hummingbirds recruit additional motor units (spatial recruitment) to regulate wing stroke amplitude but that temporal recruitment is also required to maintain maximum stroke amplitude at the highest wingbeat frequencies

    ALMA observations of 99 GHz free-free and H40α\alpha line emission from star formation in the centre of NGC 253

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    We present Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array observations of 99.02 GHz free-free and H40α\alpha emission from the centre of the nearby starburst galaxy NGC 253. We calculate electron temperatures of 3700-4500 K for the photoionized gas, which agrees with previous measurements. We measure a photoionizing photon production rate of (3.2±0.2)×1053(3.2\pm0.2)\times10^{53} s−1^{-1} and a star formation rate of 1.73±0.121.73\pm0.12 M⊙_\odot yr−1^{-1} within the central 20×\times10 arcsec, which fall within the broad range of measurements from previous millimetre and radio observations but which are better constrained. We also demonstrate that the dust opacities are ~3 dex higher than inferred from previous near-infrared data, which illustrates the benefits of using millimetre star formation tracers in very dusty sources.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    Joint Bayesian component separation and CMB power spectrum estimation

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    We describe and implement an exact, flexible, and computationally efficient algorithm for joint component separation and CMB power spectrum estimation, building on a Gibbs sampling framework. Two essential new features are 1) conditional sampling of foreground spectral parameters, and 2) joint sampling of all amplitude-type degrees of freedom (e.g., CMB, foreground pixel amplitudes, and global template amplitudes) given spectral parameters. Given a parametric model of the foreground signals, we estimate efficiently and accurately the exact joint foreground-CMB posterior distribution, and therefore all marginal distributions such as the CMB power spectrum or foreground spectral index posteriors. The main limitation of the current implementation is the requirement of identical beam responses at all frequencies, which restricts the analysis to the lowest resolution of a given experiment. We outline a future generalization to multi-resolution observations. To verify the method, we analyse simple models and compare the results to analytical predictions. We then analyze a realistic simulation with properties similar to the 3-yr WMAP data, downgraded to a common resolution of 3 degree FWHM. The results from the actual 3-yr WMAP temperature analysis are presented in a companion Letter.Comment: 23 pages, 16 figures; version accepted for publication in ApJ -- only minor changes, all clarifications. More information about the WMAP3 analysis available at http://www.astro.uio.no/~hke under the Research ta

    Book Reviews

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    The purpose of this book is, to quote from the preface, to present a clear, accurate, and impartial study of the law in the hope of offering assistance to those who are attempting to choose a career or who are about to enter upon the profession. This necessitates a review of the nature of the law, present day legal conditions, personal and educational requirements, the dangers and disadvantages incident to practice, the high professional demands made upon the lawyer, the varied fields of service open to him, his probable earnings and emoluments,--in a word, all that has a distinct and important bearing upon the law as a vocation

    Direct evidence for an early reionization of the Universe?

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    We examine the possible reionization of the intergalactic medium (IGM) by the source UDF033238.7-274839.8 (hereafter HUDF-JD2), which was discovered in deep {\it HST}/VLT/{\it Spitzer} images obtained as part of the Great Observatory Origins Deep Survey and {\it Hubble} Ultra-Deep Field projects. Mobasher et al (2005) have identified HUDF-JD2 as a massive (∼6×1011M⊙\sim6\times10^{11}M_\odot) post-starburst galaxy at redshift z≳6.5\gtrsim6.5. We find that HUDF-JD2 may be capable of reionizing its surrounding region of the Universe, starting the process at a redshift as high as z≈15±5\approx 15 \pm5.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Morphological analysis of the cm-wave continuum in the dark cloud LDN1622

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    The spectral energy distribution of the dark cloud LDN1622, as measured by Finkbeiner using WMAP data, drops above 30GHz and is suggestive of a Boltzmann cutoff in grain rotation frequencies, characteristic of spinning dust emission. LDN1622 is conspicuous in the 31 GHz image we obtained with the Cosmic Background Imager, which is the first cm-wave resolved image of a dark cloud. The 31GHz emission follows the emission traced by the four IRAS bands. The normalised cross-correlation of the 31 GHz image with the IRAS images is higher by 6.6sigma for the 12um and 25um bands than for the 60um and 100um bands: C(12+25) = 0.76+/-0.02 and C(60+100) = 0.64+/-0.01. The mid-IR -- cm-wave correlation in LDN 1622 is evidence for very small grain (VSG) or continuum emission at 26-36GHz from a hot molecular phase. In dark clouds and their photon-dominated regions (PDRs) the 12um and 25um emission is attributed to stochastic heating of the VSGs. The mid-IR and cm-wave dust emissions arise in a limb-brightened shell coincident with the PDR of LDN1622, where the incident UV radiation from the Ori OB1b association heats and charges the grains, as required for spinning dust.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ - the complete article with uncompressed figures may be downloaded from http://www.das.uchile.cl/~simon/ftp/l1622.pd

    The Rest-Frame Optical Properties of z~3 Galaxies

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    We present the results of a near-infrared imaging survey of z~3 Lyman Break Galaxies (LBGs). The survey covers a total of 30 arcmin^2 and includes 118 photometrically selected LBGs with K_s band measurements, 63 of which also have J band measurements, and 81 of which have spectroscopic redshifts. Using the distribution of optical {\cal R} magnitudes from previous work and {\cal R}-K_s colors for this sub-sample, we compute the rest-frame optical luminosity function of LBGs. At the brightest magnitudes, where it is fairly well constrained, this luminosity function strikingly exceeds locally determined optical luminosity functions. The V-band luminosity density of only the observed bright end of the z~3 LBG luminosity function already approaches that of all stars in the local universe. For the 81 galaxies with measured redshifts, we investigate the range of LBG stellar populations implied by the photometry which generally spans the range 900--5500 AA in the rest-frame. While there are only weak constraints on the parameters for most of the individual galaxies, there are strong trends in the sample as a whole. A unified scenario which accounts for the observed trends in bright LBGs is one in which a relatively short period of very rapid star-formation (hundreds of M_sun/yr) lasts for roughly 50--100 Myr, after which both the extinction and star-formation rate are considerably reduced and stars are formed at a more quiescent, but still rapid, rate for at least a few hundred Myr. In our sample, a considerable fraction (~20%) of the LBGs have best-fit star-formation ages ~> 1 Gyr, implied stellar masses of ~> 10^10 M_sun, and are still forming stars at \~30 M_sun/yr.Comment: 61 pages including 19 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    General Discussion of Test Methods for Radiators

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    Report describes the methods and apparatus developed and used in the extensive experimental research into the problems involved in the dissipation of heat by means of the airplane radiator
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