11,494 research outputs found

    Comparison of Leaf Reflectance of Sorghum Plants Infested by Sugarcane Aphids

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    Sugarcane aphid, Melanaphis sacchari (Homiptera: Aphididae; Fig. 1A), is a significant pest to sorghum, Sorghum bicolor (Fig. 1B). Sorghum fields are regularly surveyed to detect pest infestation. Remote sensing methods using satellite and aircraft data are expected to provide an efficient alternative to field surveys. However, spectral signature of sugarcane aphid infested sorghum plants is not well understood. We evaluated reflectance spectra of sorghum leaves infested by sugarcane aphids. We used those spectral data to estimate indices that are related to photosynthetic pigments such as chlorophyll', anthocyanin, and carotenoids. We also estimated an aphid index, damage sensitive spectral index (DSSI)". We used these data to examine whether indices differ between pest infested and uninfested plants. We predicted that plants infested by aphid will have higher levels of anthocyanin, carotenoids, and DSSI indices compared to the control plants. In contrary, chlorophyll index will be greater for uninfested plants

    Mapping expert perspectives of the aviation sector

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    Aviation globally is characterised by significant change and consequently the future of the sector has always been difficult to predict. This study adopts a systemic approach based on findings from exploratory interviews with UK aviation academics to: determine the roles of stakeholders in the air transport system; report the current issues facing the sector; explore how these issues interact and impact on the stakeholders in the system; and speculate on the future implications. Six core stakeholders are identified: airlines, airports, consumers, manufacturers, governing institutions and interest groups. Nine core issues are reported, namely: local environment, climate change, peak oil, the state of the economy, social norms, demographics, disruptive events, national (or international) regulations and capacity. A matrix of interactions and their impacts and implications for managing the aviation system is then presented

    An analysis of the vertical structure equation for arbitrary thermal profiles

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    The vertical structure equation is a singular Sturm-Liouville problem whose eigenfunctions describe the vertical dependence of the normal modes of the primitive equations linearized about a given thermal profile. The eigenvalues give the equivalent depths of the modes. The spectrum of the vertical structure equation and the appropriateness of various upper boundary conditions, both for arbitrary thermal profiles were studied. The results depend critically upon whether or not the thermal profile is such that the basic state atmosphere is bounded. In the case of a bounded atmosphere it is shown that the spectrum is always totally discrete, regardless of details of the thermal profile. For the barotropic equivalent depth, which corresponds to the lowest eigen value, upper and lower bounds which depend only on the surface temperature and the atmosphere height were obtained. All eigenfunctions are bounded, but always have unbounded first derivatives. It was proved that the commonly invoked upper boundary condition that vertical velocity must vanish as pressure tends to zero, as well as a number of alternative conditions, is well posed. It was concluded that the vertical structure equation always has a totally discrete spectrum under the assumptions implicit in the primitive equations

    Specificity and Kinetics of Haloalkane Dehalogenase

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    Haloalkane dehalogenase converts halogenated alkanes to their corresponding alcohols. The active site is buried inside the protein and lined with hydrophobic residues. The reaction proceeds via a covalent substrate-enzyme complex. This paper describes a steady-state and pre-steady-state kinetic analysis of the conversion of a number of substrates of the dehalogenase. The kinetic mechanism for the “natural” substrate 1,2-dichloroethane and for the brominated analog and nematocide 1,2-dibromoethane are given. In general, brominated substrates had a lower Km, but a similar kcat than the chlorinated analogs. The rate of C-Br bond cleavage was higher than the rate of C-Cl bond cleavage, which is in agreement with the leaving group abilities of these halogens. The lower Km for brominated compounds therefore originates both from the higher rate of C-Br bond cleavage and from a lower Ks for bromo-compounds. However, the rate-determining step in the conversion (kcat) of 1,2-dibromoethane and 1,2-dichloroethane was found to be release of the charged halide ion out of the active site cavity, explaining the different Km but similar kcat values for these compounds. The study provides a basis for the analysis of rate-determining steps in the hydrolysis of various environmentally important substrates.

    Influence of temporal structure of the sonic environment on annoyance

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    Gold-free GaAs/GaAsSb heterostructure nanowires grown on silicon

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    Growth of GaAs/GaAsSb heterostructurenanowires on silicon without the need for gold seed particles is presented. A high vertical yield of GaAsnanowires is first obtained, and then GaAsₓSb₁ˍₓ segments are successfully grown axially in these nanowires. GaAsSb can also be integrated as a shell around the GaAs core. Finally, two GaAsSb segments are grown inside a GaAsnanowire and passivated using an AlₓGa₁ˍₓAs shell. It is found that no stacking faults or twin planes occur in the GaAsSb segments.Part of this work was funded by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research SSF, the Swedish Research Council VR, and the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation

    Influence of mutations of Val226 on the catalytic rate of haloalkane dehalogenase

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    Haloalkane dehalogenase converts haloalkanes to their corresponding alcohols. The 3D structure, reaction mechanism and kinetic mechanism have been studied. The steady state kcat with 1,2-dichloroethane and 1,2-dibromoethane is limited mainly by the rate of release of the halide ion from the buried active-site cavity. During catalysis, the halogen that is cleaved off (Clα) from 1,2-dichloroethane interacts with Trp125 and the Clβ interacts with Phe172. Both these residues have van der Waals contacts with Val226. To establish the effect of these interactions on catalysis, and in an attempt to change enzyme activity without directly mutating residues involved in catalysis, we mutated Val226 to Gly, Ala and Leu. The Val226Ala and Val226Leu mutants had a 2.5-fold higher catalytic rate for 1,2-dibromoethane than the wild-type enzyme. A pre-steady state kinetic analysis of the Val226Ala mutant enzyme showed that the increase in kcat could be attributed to an increase in the rate of a conformational change that precedes halide release, causing a faster overall rate of halide dissociation. The kcat for 1,2-dichloroethane conversion was not elevated, although the rate of chloride release was also faster than in the wild-type enzyme. This was caused by a 3-fold decrease in the rate of formation of the alkyl-enzyme intermediate for 1,2-dichloroethane. Val226 seems to contribute to leaving group (Clα or Brα) stabilization via Trp125, and can influence halide release and substrate binding via an interaction with Phe172. These studies indicate that wild-type haloalkane dehalogenase is optimized for 1,2-dichloroethane, although 1,2-dibromoethane is a better substrate.