543 research outputs found

    Characteristics of Vietnamese lexis of Vietnamese Australian immigrants

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    The Vietnamese of Australian communities (VAC) still maintains many obsolete expressions originating from and related to the Southern Vietnamese political institutions of the pre-1975 Southern government. In addition, VAC has adopted English loanwords (ELs) through close contact with Australian English and uses them extensively to fill gaps in vocabulary. English loanwords have not only been borrowed in their original forms but were also nativized through the mechanism of loanwords and loan translation. Moreover, hybridised expressions have been coined by Vietnamese Australian émigrés through the compounding of one English or Vietnamese item with a Vietnamese or English item through loan blending

    Accurate determination of antenna directivity

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    A Waveguide Transverse Broad Wall Slot Radiating Between Baffles

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    An analysis of the self impedance of waveguide-fed transverse slots radiating between baffles is presented. The region exterior to the slot is treated as a parallel plate (PP) waveguide which radiates into half space through an aperture in an infinite ground plane. The slot problem is analyzed using a set of integral equations which are solved numerically using the method of moments. The results can be used in previously published design procedures for waveguide-fed series slot arrays. The theoretical results will be validated using network measurement

    SAR antenna design for ambiguity and multipath suppression

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    Low loss power splitter for antenna beam forming networks using probes in a waveguide

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    Salient Pole Permanent Magnet Axial-Gap Self-Bearing Motor

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    Dual Input Microinverter for Tandem Cells

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    For every solar panel, there is an inverter which transforms the harvested DC electricity into AC electricity so that it can connect to the grid and power household appliances. In this project, we examined a tandem solar cell being designed by Iris Photovoltaics which has two layers with two distinct outputs, and we explored several solutions to create a microinverter which can handle dual inputs from the tandem PV and combine them into a single AC output. To examine the viability of such a microinverter, we designed and simulated the DC-DC combination portion of the specialized dual input microinverter, resulting in a working circuit simulation using flyback transformers which can take two DC inputs at different voltage and current levels and combine them together into a single high voltage on the DC bus, ready to be transformed into AC. We also purchased an already existing dual input microinverter and tested it by connecting it with two different solar panels and measuring its performance, however we could not obtain useful results because it did not function as intended. Overall the dual input microinverter is an interesting technology involving maximum power point tracking, DC combination, and power electronics. It has a multitude of applications, and it fits perfectly with the 4-terminal tandem solar module being developed by Iris Photovoltaics

    Doing Un/Troubled Subject Positions as a Transgender Woman with Autism: The Case of Vera

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    This paper aims to capture in/exclusion processes in one transgender person’s life, a person who is also diagnosed with autism. We do this through Staunæs’ (2005) concept of troubling subjectivities, which helps us to explore how one specific person, Vera, ‘does’ or negotiates her identities as a neurodiverse transgender woman. We pay particular attention to how the two categories of transgender and autism intersect and which in/exclusion processes they set in motion. In this way, we unfold how identifying as transgender and having been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder shape Vera’s life. Specifically, we aim to unveil how these two social categories shape her degree of agency in her private social relations and in institutional settings of both education and healthcare. This is important to explore for two reasons: a) the intersections of multiple social categories change the conditions under which someone is allowed to do their particular personhood in different social settings, and b) research shows that a significant number of transgender people also inhabit the clinical category of autism. We show, that while Vera is able to perform identities related to the categories of transgender and autism in personally empowering ways, she is at the same time obstructed by what we refer to as identity overwork. That is, others’ positioning of Vera as ‘troubled’, repeatedly requires her response, on multiple social levels and in various contexts.This paper aims to capture in/exclusion processes in the life of a transgender person who is also diagnosed with autism. We use Staunæs’ (2005) concept of troubling subjectivities to explore how Vera negotiates her identities as a neurodiverse transgender woman. We pay particular attention to how the categories of transgender and autism intersect and which in/exclusion processes they set in motion. We unfold how identifying as transgender and being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder shape Vera’s life. Specifi cally, we aim to unveil how these social categories shape her degree of agency in her private social relations and in institutional settings of education and healthcare. This is important because: a) research shows that a signifi cant number of transgender people also inhabit the clinical category of autism; and b) the intersections of multiple social categories change the conditions under which someone is allowed to do their particular personhood in different social settings. We show that while Vera is able to perform identities related to the categories of transgender and autism in personally empowering ways, she is also obstructed by identity overwork. That is, others’ positioning of Vera as troubled repeatedly requires her response on multiple social levels and in various contexts

    Microstrip antenna for polarimetric C-band SAR

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