13 research outputs found

    Entomological and functional role of floral strips in an organic apple orchard: Hymenopteran parasitoids as a case study

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    Habitat manipulation techniques improve the availability of resources required by natural enemies to increase their effectiveness. This study focused on the effects of floral strips on Hymenopteran parasitoid presence. The experiments were conducted during spring 2007 in one organic low-input apple orchard located in south-eastern France. The density and the diversity of parasitic wasps collected from sown floral strips were higher than those from mown plants. The family of parasitic wasps of Braconidae was strongly dominant, followed by Mymaridae and Pteromalidae. By studying 26 flowering species, the greatest diversity and density of parasitic wasps were collected from Potentilla reptans, Achillea millefolium, Trifolium repens and Torilis arvensis. In terms of the early flowering plants, the most important results were observed in Euphorbia helioscopia, Senecio vulgaris and Veronica persica. To give an idea of the functional role of these plants, we studied the parasitic wasps of the diapausing larvae (cocoon) of codling moth Cydia pomonella. We recorded three emerged species: Ascogaster quadridentata, Pristomerus vulnerator and the hyperparasite Perilampus fulvicornis. However, none of these species have been observed on the 26 studied plants. Hence, this result may be suggesting that the studied plants do not have a functional role concerning these parasitoids. These studies may be advantageous for biological control programs in order to select flowering plant species attracting parasitic wasps specific to fruit pests

    Rôle des ennemis naturels dans la lutte biologique contre le puceron cendré, Dysaphis plantaginea Passerini (Hemiptera aphididae) en vergers de pommiers

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    In the current political and social context (reduced use of pesticides), there is a need for the development of alternative solutions to control the rosy apple aphid, Dysaphis plantaginea Passerini (Hemiptera : Aphididae), especially in organic farming. One of these alternatives is the increased and improved use of natural enemies against this pest. In this thesis, we provided some elements of responses regarding this problem in term of research study and technical application. Based on weekly observations of arthropods in marked shoots infested by D. plantaginea, we demonstrated the negative effects of the natural enemies on the development of D. plantaginea but this effect was unsufficient to provide an effective regulation avoiding economic damages. We also showed the possible and positive influence of ant presence on the infestation dynamics and thei rnegative effect on natural enemies. Among the natural enemy groups, three were the most abundant and appeared in a temporary sequence : syrphids arrived first, at the beginning of the infestation,followed by coccinellids and earwigs that arrived later.To enhance the role of the natural enemies against D. plantaginea, we also need other practices that enable to reduce significantly the number of pesticide applied. This is the case of a very recent innovation : the Alt'Carpo nets. Despite its negative influence on the abundance and richness of the natural enemies, especially the coccinellids, present in the colonies of D. plantaginea, there was a negative influence of these nets on the development of D. plantaginea populations (both at the shootand tree levels) especially when the nets were closed in mid-April (coinciding with classical netting trees for controlling populations of codling moth). We additionally showed that the highest reductionin D. plantaginea population was observed in the presence of at least one active natural enemy in the marked shoot. This gives support to the combination of these methods of control, one biological and the other physical, to regulate D. plantaginea populations. Based on their precocity for Episyrphus balteatus De Geer (Diptera : Syrphidae) and their abundance for both Forficula auricularia Linnaeus (Dermaptera : Forficulidae) and E.balteatus observed under field conditions, the syrphids and earwigs appear as good candidates for controlling the D. plantaginea populations. We first demonstrated under laboratory conditions using detached plantain leaves in Petri dishes conditions the potency of these two predators, especially a tolder stages, against D plantaginea. The optimal predation occurred at 20°C for both predators. Using young apple trees, we further studied the possible interactions between these predators and showed a small and positive interaction when the D. plantaginea density was not limiting. But at low densities of aphids, the results suggested a possible negative interaction (a sign of intraguild predation) between these two predators. These results from laboratory studies have led us to study the augmentative release of these two predators, under field conditions, in early spring for controlling D. plantaginea populations. The releases of F. auricularia (third instar nymph) did not result in lower D. plantaginea populations. This confirmed the difficulty of successful releases of natural enemies under theconditions of open orchards, and demonstrated the need for improving or creating conditions that canpromote the success of the released natural enemies. However, despite closed conditions, the early release of E. balteatus under Alt'Carpo nets was also not efficient against D. plantaginea.This thesis, through several studies under different conditions (controlled, semi-field and field), represented an important first step that should ideally lead to the development of a dynamic model of the development of D. plantaginea at the shoot level, taking into account the presence of ants and therole of natural enemies and the influence of some agricultural practices (for example Alt'Carpo nets and natural enemy releases). Further studies are also needed to validate our results (effects of Alt'Carpo nets) and to optimise the releases of natural enemiesDans le contexte politique (réduction 50% de l’utilisation des pesticides à échéance de 2018 -Plan Ecophyto) et social actuel (mise en place de modes de production plus respectueux pour l'environnement), la sévérité des dommages causés par le puceron cendré du pommier, Dysaphis plantaginea Passerini (Hemiptera : Aphididae), surtout en agriculture biologique, rend nécessaire la mise au point de solutions alternatives s’appuyant sur le rôle des ennemis naturels. Nous avons donc essayé d’apporter des éléments nouveaux sur la connaissance des relations entre le puceron cendré et ses ennemis naturels et sur les conditions à même de favoriser leur action. Des suivis hebdomadaires des arthropodes présents sur les rameaux infestés par D. plantaginea, ont mis en évidence l’effet négatif des auxiliaires sur les populations de D. plantaginea, sans pour autant atteindre une véritable régulation à même d’éviter les dégâts économiques. Nous avons également montré l’action favorisante des fourmis sur la dynamique du puceron cendré et négative sur celle des auxiliaires. Nous avons pu identifier trois groupes d’auxiliaires dominants avec une arrivée séquentielle marquée : les syrphes, dont l’installation coïncide avec le début de l’infestation de D. plantaginea, puis les coccinelles et les forficules qui arrivent plus tardivement. Pour que les auxiliaires jouent un rôle plus important contre D. plantaginea, il faut d’autres pratiques permettant d’abaisser significativement le nombre de traitements pesticides. Une innovation très récente permet la réduction drastique des traitements insecticides : les filets Alt’Carpo. Malgré son influence négative sur l’abondance et la richesse du cortège des auxiliaires présents dans les colonies de D. plantaginea, surtout les coccinelles, cette technique freine le développement des populations de D. plantaginea à l’échelle du rameau ou de l’arbre lorsque les filets sont fermés après la floraison (en conformité avec les préconisations contre le carpocapse). Cependant, la réduction des populations de D. plantaginea sous les filets requiert la présence d’au moins un stade actif d’auxiliaire par rameau, ce qui interroge sur la réalité de la régulation de ce ravageur par le simple usage des filets. Sur la base de leur précocité, pour Episyrphus balteatus De Geer (Diptera : Syrphidae) et de leur abondance dans les colonies de D. plantaginea, pour Forficula auricularia Linnaeus (Dermaptera : Forficulidae) et E. balteatus, ces deux espèces apparaissent comme de bons candidats pour la régulation de D. plantaginea. Nos études en conditions contrôlées ont démontré leur potentiel régulateur sur D. plantaginea, en particulier aux stades les plus âgés. L’efficacité optimale intervient à 20°C pour les deux prédateurs, pour lesquels nous n’observons par ailleurs pas d’interaction négative lorsqu’ils sont associés en présence de fortes densités de D. plantaginea. Sur la base de ces résultats de laboratoire nous avons analysé les possibilités de lâchers printaniers de ces deux prédateurs sur de jeunes colonies de D. plantaginea. Dans nos conditions expérimentales en vergers de pommiers, des lâchers précoces de larves du 3ème stade de F. auricularia n’ont pas permis de limiter les populations de D. plantaginea, confirmant la difficulté des lâchers de prédateurs en cultures de plein champ. De la même manière, des lâchers précoces d’E. balteatus pourtant réalisés sous filets Alt’Carpo restent sans effet sur l’infestation par D. plantaginea. Cette thèse, en s’appuyant sur des essais en conditions contrôlées, semi contrôlées et de plein champ, constitue une étape dans un processus d’élaboration d’un modèle dynamique du développement de D. plantaginea à l’échelle du rameau, prenant en compte le rôle des fourmis et des auxiliaires et l’influence des pratiques de protection (par exemple, les filets Alt’Carpo et les lâchers d’auxiliaires). Elle confirme, si besoin en était, la complexité des phénomènes de régulation, des pucerons en particulier, et la nécessité d’études complémentaires pour définir les conditions d’application de la lutte biologique contre D. plantagine

    Role of natural enemies in biological pest control against rosy apple aphid (Dysaphis plantaginea) in apple orchards

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    Dans le contexte politique (réduction 50% de l’utilisation des pesticides à échéance de 2018 -Plan Ecophyto) et social actuel (mise en place de modes de production plus respectueux pour l'environnement), la sévérité des dommages causés par le puceron cendré du pommier, Dysaphis plantaginea Passerini (Hemiptera : Aphididae), surtout en agriculture biologique, rend nécessaire la mise au point de solutions alternatives s’appuyant sur le rôle des ennemis naturels. Nous avons donc essayé d’apporter des éléments nouveaux sur la connaissance des relations entre le puceron cendré et ses ennemis naturels et sur les conditions à même de favoriser leur action. Des suivis hebdomadaires des arthropodes présents sur les rameaux infestés par D. plantaginea, ont mis en évidence l’effet négatif des auxiliaires sur les populations de D. plantaginea, sans pour autant atteindre une véritable régulation à même d’éviter les dégâts économiques. Nous avons également montré l’action favorisante des fourmis sur la dynamique du puceron cendré et négative sur celle des auxiliaires. Nous avons pu identifier trois groupes d’auxiliaires dominants avec une arrivée séquentielle marquée : les syrphes, dont l’installation coïncide avec le début de l’infestation de D. plantaginea, puis les coccinelles et les forficules qui arrivent plus tardivement. Pour que les auxiliaires jouent un rôle plus important contre D. plantaginea, il faut d’autres pratiques permettant d’abaisser significativement le nombre de traitements pesticides. Une innovation très récente permet la réduction drastique des traitements insecticides : les filets Alt’Carpo. Malgré son influence négative sur l’abondance et la richesse du cortège des auxiliaires présents dans les colonies de D. plantaginea, surtout les coccinelles, cette technique freine le développement des populations de D. plantaginea à l’échelle du rameau ou de l’arbre lorsque les filets sont fermés après la floraison (en conformité avec les préconisations contre le carpocapse). Cependant, la réduction des populations de D. plantaginea sous les filets requiert la présence d’au moins un stade actif d’auxiliaire par rameau, ce qui interroge sur la réalité de la régulation de ce ravageur par le simple usage des filets. Sur la base de leur précocité, pour Episyrphus balteatus De Geer (Diptera : Syrphidae) et de leur abondance dans les colonies de D. plantaginea, pour Forficula auricularia Linnaeus (Dermaptera : Forficulidae) et E. balteatus, ces deux espèces apparaissent comme de bons candidats pour la régulation de D. plantaginea. Nos études en conditions contrôlées ont démontré leur potentiel régulateur sur D. plantaginea, en particulier aux stades les plus âgés. L’efficacité optimale intervient à 20°C pour les deux prédateurs, pour lesquels nous n’observons par ailleurs pas d’interaction négative lorsqu’ils sont associés en présence de fortes densités de D. plantaginea. Sur la base de ces résultats de laboratoire nous avons analysé les possibilités de lâchers printaniers de ces deux prédateurs sur de jeunes colonies de D. plantaginea. Dans nos conditions expérimentales en vergers de pommiers, des lâchers précoces de larves du 3ème stade de F. auricularia n’ont pas permis de limiter les populations de D. plantaginea, confirmant la difficulté des lâchers de prédateurs en cultures de plein champ. De la même manière, des lâchers précoces d’E. balteatus pourtant réalisés sous filets Alt’Carpo restent sans effet sur l’infestation par D. plantaginea. Cette thèse, en s’appuyant sur des essais en conditions contrôlées, semi contrôlées et de plein champ, constitue une étape dans un processus d’élaboration d’un modèle dynamique du développement de D. plantaginea à l’échelle du rameau, prenant en compte le rôle des fourmis et des auxiliaires et l’influence des pratiques de protection (par exemple, les filets Alt’Carpo et les lâchers d’auxiliaires). Elle confirme, si besoin en était, la complexité des phénomènes de régulation, des pucerons en particulier, et la nécessité d’études complémentaires pour définir les conditions d’application de la lutte biologique contre D. plantagineaIn the current political and social context (reduced use of pesticides), there is a need for the development of alternative solutions to control the rosy apple aphid, Dysaphis plantaginea Passerini (Hemiptera : Aphididae), especially in organic farming. One of these alternatives is the increased and improved use of natural enemies against this pest. In this thesis, we provided some elements of responses regarding this problem in term of research study and technical application. Based on weekly observations of arthropods in marked shoots infested by D. plantaginea, we demonstrated the negative effects of the natural enemies on the development of D. plantaginea but this effect was unsufficient to provide an effective regulation avoiding economic damages. We also showed the possible and positive influence of ant presence on the infestation dynamics and thei rnegative effect on natural enemies. Among the natural enemy groups, three were the most abundant and appeared in a temporary sequence : syrphids arrived first, at the beginning of the infestation,followed by coccinellids and earwigs that arrived later.To enhance the role of the natural enemies against D. plantaginea, we also need other practices that enable to reduce significantly the number of pesticide applied. This is the case of a very recent innovation : the Alt'Carpo nets. Despite its negative influence on the abundance and richness of the natural enemies, especially the coccinellids, present in the colonies of D. plantaginea, there was a negative influence of these nets on the development of D. plantaginea populations (both at the shootand tree levels) especially when the nets were closed in mid-April (coinciding with classical netting trees for controlling populations of codling moth). We additionally showed that the highest reductionin D. plantaginea population was observed in the presence of at least one active natural enemy in the marked shoot. This gives support to the combination of these methods of control, one biological and the other physical, to regulate D. plantaginea populations. Based on their precocity for Episyrphus balteatus De Geer (Diptera : Syrphidae) and their abundance for both Forficula auricularia Linnaeus (Dermaptera : Forficulidae) and E.balteatus observed under field conditions, the syrphids and earwigs appear as good candidates for controlling the D. plantaginea populations. We first demonstrated under laboratory conditions using detached plantain leaves in Petri dishes conditions the potency of these two predators, especially a tolder stages, against D plantaginea. The optimal predation occurred at 20°C for both predators. Using young apple trees, we further studied the possible interactions between these predators and showed a small and positive interaction when the D. plantaginea density was not limiting. But at low densities of aphids, the results suggested a possible negative interaction (a sign of intraguild predation) between these two predators. These results from laboratory studies have led us to study the augmentative release of these two predators, under field conditions, in early spring for controlling D. plantaginea populations. The releases of F. auricularia (third instar nymph) did not result in lower D. plantaginea populations. This confirmed the difficulty of successful releases of natural enemies under theconditions of open orchards, and demonstrated the need for improving or creating conditions that canpromote the success of the released natural enemies. However, despite closed conditions, the early release of E. balteatus under Alt'Carpo nets was also not efficient against D. plantaginea.This thesis, through several studies under different conditions (controlled, semi-field and field), represented an important first step that should ideally lead to the development of a dynamic model of the development of D. plantaginea at the shoot level, taking into account the presence of ants and therole of natural enemies and the influence of some agricultural practices (for example Alt'Carpo nets and natural enemy releases). Further studies are also needed to validate our results (effects of Alt'Carpo nets) and to optimise the releases of natural enemie

    Effect of management strategies on arthropod communities in the colonies of rosy apple aphid, Dysaphis plantaginea Passerini (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in south-eastern France

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    Apple orchardists are encouraged to adopt pest control strategies with less pesticide use and thus less harmful environmental impacts. In this study, we compared the possible effects of organic, integrated pest management (IPM), and conventional protection strategies on the rosy apple aphid-ant-natural enemy communities in 12 apple orchards in south-eastern France in 2008 and 2009. The organic orchards had the smallest aphid populations and the most diverse and abundant natural enemy populations compared with the other orchards. More diverse and abundant natural enemy populations were observed in IPM compared with conventional orchards. In 2009, the aphid abundance in IPM orchards was, however, significantly higher than in conventional orchards. No significant differences in ant densities were observed among protection strategies in 2008, but in 2009, these densities were significantly higher in conventional compared with organic orchards. Three predator groups were the most common: Coccinellidae, Forficulidae, and Syrphidae. These were significantly more abundant in organic orchards than in the other orchards, except in 2008 when there was no significant difference in syrphid and earwig abundance between organic and IPM orchards. Parasitoids were significantly more abundant in organic orchards in 2009 but not in 2008. The smaller number of aphids in organic orchards appears to results from the absence of toxic insecticides and thus to increased natural enemies compared with other orchards. Our findings emphasize the importance of no or less intensive synthetic pesticide usage for the conservation of natural enemies biodiversity and biological control of rosy apple aphid in apple orchards

    Spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) in organic apple (Rosaceae) orchards in southeastern France

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    The role of spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) in biological control programmes has received less attention than that of insect natural enemies. The aim of this two-year study was to obtain descriptive data on spider spring field population structure and dynamics. The study was carried out in one insecticide-free and four organic apple orchards in southeastern France. Rolls and bands of corrugated cardboard near the ground and shoots infested with Dysaphis plantaginea (Passerini) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in the tree canopy were used to sample spiders. Thirty-three spider species belonging to 14 families were identified from both sampling methods. Cheiracanthium mildei Koch (Araneae: Cheiracanthiidae) was clearly the predominant arboreal spider species in aphid-infested shoots (>57%). More than half of the spiders recorded in cardboard bands belonged to three species Drassodes pubescens (Thorell) (Araneae: Gnaphosidae), Pseudeuophrys erratica (Walckenaer) (Araneae: Salticidae), and Icius hamatus (Koch) (Araneae: Salticidae). Salticidae (39.9%) and Gnaphosidae (23.4%) families dominated significantly the spider assemblages observed in the cardboard rolls and were present on almost all sampling dates. However, in the two shelter types, the spider abundance curve clearly had a poly-modal shape. This may be due to the sequential arrival of some spider species or their dominance in a certain period of our study

    Rôle des ennemis naturels dans la lutte biologique contre le puceron cendré, Dysaphis plantaginea Passerini (Hemiptera aphididae) en vergers de pommiers

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    Dans le contexte politique (réduction 50% de l utilisation des pesticides à échéance de 2018 -Plan Ecophyto) et social actuel (mise en place de modes de production plus respectueux pour l'environnement), la sévérité des dommages causés par le puceron cendré du pommier, Dysaphis plantaginea Passerini (Hemiptera : Aphididae), surtout en agriculture biologique, rend nécessaire la mise au point de solutions alternatives s appuyant sur le rôle des ennemis naturels. Nous avons donc essayé d apporter des éléments nouveaux sur la connaissance des relations entre le puceron cendré et ses ennemis naturels et sur les conditions à même de favoriser leur action. Des suivis hebdomadaires des arthropodes présents sur les rameaux infestés par D. plantaginea, ont mis en évidence l effet négatif des auxiliaires sur les populations de D. plantaginea, sans pour autant atteindre une véritable régulation à même d éviter les dégâts économiques. Nous avons également montré l action favorisante des fourmis sur la dynamique du puceron cendré et négative sur celle des auxiliaires. Nous avons pu identifier trois groupes d auxiliaires dominants avec une arrivée séquentielle marquée : les syrphes, dont l installation coïncide avec le début de l infestation de D. plantaginea, puis les coccinelles et les forficules qui arrivent plus tardivement. Pour que les auxiliaires jouent un rôle plus important contre D. plantaginea, il faut d autres pratiques permettant d abaisser significativement le nombre de traitements pesticides. Une innovation très récente permet la réduction drastique des traitements insecticides : les filets Alt Carpo. Malgré son influence négative sur l abondance et la richesse du cortège des auxiliaires présents dans les colonies de D. plantaginea, surtout les coccinelles, cette technique freine le développement des populations de D. plantaginea à l échelle du rameau ou de l arbre lorsque les filets sont fermés après la floraison (en conformité avec les préconisations contre le carpocapse). Cependant, la réduction des populations de D. plantaginea sous les filets requiert la présence d au moins un stade actif d auxiliaire par rameau, ce qui interroge sur la réalité de la régulation de ce ravageur par le simple usage des filets. Sur la base de leur précocité, pour Episyrphus balteatus De Geer (Diptera : Syrphidae) et de leur abondance dans les colonies de D. plantaginea, pour Forficula auricularia Linnaeus (Dermaptera : Forficulidae) et E. balteatus, ces deux espèces apparaissent comme de bons candidats pour la régulation de D. plantaginea. Nos études en conditions contrôlées ont démontré leur potentiel régulateur sur D. plantaginea, en particulier aux stades les plus âgés. L efficacité optimale intervient à 20C pour les deux prédateurs, pour lesquels nous n observons par ailleurs pas d interaction négative lorsqu ils sont associés en présence de fortes densités de D. plantaginea. Sur la base de ces résultats de laboratoire nous avons analysé les possibilités de lâchers printaniers de ces deux prédateurs sur de jeunes colonies de D. plantaginea. Dans nos conditions expérimentales en vergers de pommiers, des lâchers précoces de larves du 3ème stade de F. auricularia n ont pas permis de limiter les populations de D. plantaginea, confirmant la difficulté des lâchers de prédateurs en cultures de plein champ. De la même manière, des lâchers précoces d E. balteatus pourtant réalisés sous filets Alt Carpo restent sans effet sur l infestation par D. plantaginea. Cette thèse, en s appuyant sur des essais en conditions contrôlées, semi contrôlées et de plein champ, constitue une étape dans un processus d élaboration d un modèle dynamique du développement de D. plantaginea à l échelle du rameau, prenant en compte le rôle des fourmis et des auxiliaires et l influence des pratiques de protection (par exemple, les filets Alt Carpo et les lâchers d auxiliaires). Elle confirme, si besoin en était, la complexité des phénomènes de régulation, des pucerons en particulier, et la nécessité d études complémentaires pour définir les conditions d application de la lutte biologique contre D. plantagineaIn the current political and social context (reduced use of pesticides), there is a need for the development of alternative solutions to control the rosy apple aphid, Dysaphis plantaginea Passerini (Hemiptera : Aphididae), especially in organic farming. One of these alternatives is the increased and improved use of natural enemies against this pest. In this thesis, we provided some elements of responses regarding this problem in term of research study and technical application. Based on weekly observations of arthropods in marked shoots infested by D. plantaginea, we demonstrated the negative effects of the natural enemies on the development of D. plantaginea but this effect was unsufficient to provide an effective regulation avoiding economic damages. We also showed the possible and positive influence of ant presence on the infestation dynamics and thei rnegative effect on natural enemies. Among the natural enemy groups, three were the most abundant and appeared in a temporary sequence : syrphids arrived first, at the beginning of the infestation,followed by coccinellids and earwigs that arrived later.To enhance the role of the natural enemies against D. plantaginea, we also need other practices that enable to reduce significantly the number of pesticide applied. This is the case of a very recent innovation : the Alt'Carpo nets. Despite its negative influence on the abundance and richness of the natural enemies, especially the coccinellids, present in the colonies of D. plantaginea, there was a negative influence of these nets on the development of D. plantaginea populations (both at the shootand tree levels) especially when the nets were closed in mid-April (coinciding with classical netting trees for controlling populations of codling moth). We additionally showed that the highest reductionin D. plantaginea population was observed in the presence of at least one active natural enemy in the marked shoot. This gives support to the combination of these methods of control, one biological and the other physical, to regulate D. plantaginea populations. Based on their precocity for Episyrphus balteatus De Geer (Diptera : Syrphidae) and their abundance for both Forficula auricularia Linnaeus (Dermaptera : Forficulidae) and E.balteatus observed under field conditions, the syrphids and earwigs appear as good candidates for controlling the D. plantaginea populations. We first demonstrated under laboratory conditions using detached plantain leaves in Petri dishes conditions the potency of these two predators, especially a tolder stages, against D plantaginea. The optimal predation occurred at 20C for both predators. Using young apple trees, we further studied the possible interactions between these predators and showed a small and positive interaction when the D. plantaginea density was not limiting. But at low densities of aphids, the results suggested a possible negative interaction (a sign of intraguild predation) between these two predators. These results from laboratory studies have led us to study the augmentative release of these two predators, under field conditions, in early spring for controlling D. plantaginea populations. The releases of F. auricularia (third instar nymph) did not result in lower D. plantaginea populations. This confirmed the difficulty of successful releases of natural enemies under theconditions of open orchards, and demonstrated the need for improving or creating conditions that canpromote the success of the released natural enemies. However, despite closed conditions, the early release of E. balteatus under Alt'Carpo nets was also not efficient against D. plantaginea.This thesis, through several studies under different conditions (controlled, semi-field and field), represented an important first step that should ideally lead to the development of a dynamic model of the development of D. plantaginea at the shoot level, taking into account the presence of ants and therole of natural enemies and the influence of some agricultural practices (for example Alt'Carpo nets and natural enemy releases). Further studies are also needed to validate our results (effects of Alt'Carpo nets) and to optimise the releases of natural enemiesAVIGNON-Bib. numérique (840079901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Report on the life history traits of the generalist predator Forficula auricularia (Dermaptera: Forficulidae) in organic apple orchards in southeastern France

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    The aim of this paper is to provide detailed data on the reproduction of the European earwig Forficula auricularia Linnaeus (Dermaptera: Forficulidae) under natural conditions. We also describe its spring field population structure and dynamics in organic apple orchards in southeastern France using artificial and natural shelters. Two nymph cohorts could be distinguished in a laboratory reproduction study. The first brood, following the first egg-laying event in late November, had significantly higher pre-imaginal survival (1.74-fold) than the second brood in early April. The egg phase was the most vulnerable with a higher mortality rate in the first brood than the second. Independent of brood number, nymphal survival increased from second nymphal instars (N2) onwards with values higher than 96%. In orchards, N3 were generally observed in natural and artificial shelters from the end of April to mid-June. N4 was the most abundant life stage sampled and the only stage present at the majority of sampling dates, especially from early May onwards. Beginning in June, the abundance of new adults of a given year gradually increased especially in the artificial shelters. This descriptive study can now be used to develop phenological models aimed at limiting earwig mortality due to horticultural management practices and increasing their predation level in conservative or augmentative approaches

    First record of two insects preying on the red tomato spider mite Tetranychus evansi (Acari: Tetranychidae) in Latakia governorate, Syria

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    International audienceThe red tomato spider mite Tetranychus evansi is an important invasive pest of solanaceous plants worldwide. It has been recorded in Syria since 2011 in Latakia governorate, a Mediterranean coastal region. During survey conducted in 2019, the ladybird beetle, Stethorus gilvifrons (Mulsant) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) and the acarivorous gall midge, Feltiella acarisuga (Vallot) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) were identified in association with T. evansi colonies on tomato and black nightshade from 12 sites in Latakia. Larvae of F. acarisuga, and larvae and adults of S. gilvifrons, were observed preying on all developmental stages of T. evansi. This is the first record of T. evansi as a prey of S. gilvifrons. A literature review of Stethorus and Feltiella species previously reported in association with T. evansi on solanaceous plants is also provided. Keywords biological controlÍľ spider mitesÍľ predationÍľ Stethorus gilvifronsÍľ Feltiella acarisugaÍľ Tetranychus evansiÍľ SolanaceaeÍľ Syri

    Distribution and predators of the invasive spider mite Tetranychus evansi (Acari: Tetranychidae) in the Syrian coastal region, with first record of predation by the native Scolothrips longicornis (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)

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    International audienceThe tomato red spider mite, Tetranychus evansi Baker and Pritchard, has emerged as a destructive invasive pest of solanaceous crops worldwide. It was first recorded in Syria in 2011, in Latakia governorate, in the coastal region. Successful management of T. evansi in a given region benefits from information about its distribution, host plants, and associated natural enemies. Therefore, we investigated, in 2019 and 2020, the status of T. evansi on solanaceous plants in the Syrian coastal region, an important producer of solanaceous crops. A total of 237 samples were collected at 187 sites in Latakia and Tartus governorates. Tetranychus evansi was found in 34 cultivated and wild solanaceous plant samples collected at 29 sites distributed across all districts in those governorates, and in a variety of landscapes and elevations, ranging from the coastal plains to high altitudes in the Syrian Coastal Mountain Range. It was collected from three solanaceous crops, namely tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.), eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) and potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), as well as from two wild solanaceous plants: black nightshade (Solanum nigrum L.) and red nightshade (Solanum villosum Mill.). A total of 14 species of predatory insects and mites, and five species of phytophagous mites, were identified in association with T. evansi. Predatory insects were more frequent and abundant than predatory mites. The insect predator Feltiella acarisuga (Vallot) was the most common and abundant species among the predators, followed by Stethorus gilvifrons (Mulsant) and Scolothrips longicornis Priesner. The predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot was the most frequent and abundant species of associated predatory mites

    The role of natural enemies on the population dynamics of the rosy apple aphid, Dysaphis plantaginea Passerini (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in organic apple orchards in south-eastern France

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    Efficient pest control using conservation strategies requires sound knowledge of the dynamics of the pest and its natural enemies (NE). But the role of natural regulation under natural conditions is not easy to prove. The rosy apple aphid (RAA) Dysaphis plantaginea is the most detrimental aphid in organic apple orchards. Our aim was to determine whether and to which point the abundance and composition of arthropod communities associated with aphid colonies affects RAA population dynamics. The present study, based on weekly observations of marked and infested apple shoots was carried out from April to June in 2008 and 2009 in one experimental insecticide-free apple orchard and four organic commercial orchards located in south-eastern France. NE populations were the most diverse (7.3 taxonomic groups for 50 shoots) and abundant (1.44 individuals per shoot) in the experimental orchard compared to organic orchards (3.8 groups for 50 shoots and 0.7 individuals per shoot). The large RAA populations per shoot (more by 1.7-fold) observed in two of the five orchards were presumably related to a lower number of NE (less by 1.9-fold) and a high abundance of ants (more by 6.2-fold). Among the main NE groups, syrphids arrived first, followed by coccinellids and earwigs. Parasitism rates, mainly due to Ephedrus sp. (Braconidae), were between 0.66% and 6.93%. Based on their precocity and abundance, syrphids appeared to be the most efficient group of NE under the study conditions. By surveying the same shoots weekly we could demonstrate that RAA population dynamics were strongly affected by the presence of NE. This predatory effect was however not sufficient to prevent damage to the apple trees. New management practices aimed at favoring natural regulation, especially augmentative approaches, need to be developed