16,153 research outputs found

    Regularity at infinity of real mappings and a Morse-Sard theorem

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    We prove a new Morse-Sard type theorem for the asymptotic critical values of semi-algebraic mappings and a new fibration theorem at infinity for C2C^2 mappings. We show the equivalence of three different types of regularity conditions which have been used in the literature in order to control the asymptotic behaviour of mappings. The central role of our picture is played by the tt-regularity and its bridge toward the ρ\rho-regularity which implies topological triviality at infinity

    Uso de polímetro hidroretentor no plantio de cafeeiros em ambiente protegido.

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    A operação de plantio do cafeeiro em sequeiro é tradicionalmente executada na estação chuvosa, visando proporcionar condições satisfatórias de umidade para o desenvolvimento inicial das mudas no campo. Durante este período a distribuição das chuvas não é regular e a ocorrência de veranicos é freqüente, resultando em morte das plantas por falta de água. Realizou-se este trabalho com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito do polímero hidroretentor (hidrogel) sobre mudas de cafeeiros plantadas em vasos. A pesquisa foi conduzida em vasos, em casa de vegetação, na Fazenda Experimental da Fundação Procafé, Varginha, MG. O experimento consistiu em um fatorial com quatro doses do polímero (0,5; 1,0; 1,5 e 2,0 litros por vaso), dois modos de fornecimento de água e uma testemunha sem água. As mudas foram plantadas em vasos com os polímeros e estes pesados diariamente para monitoramento de perda de água durante 87dias, quando as plantas foram lavadas para medição das variáveis fenológicas. As liberações da água dos vasos para o meio foram maiores na presença do polímero até um período de trinta dias após o plantio, para as dosagens de 1,0 a 2,0 L/vaso do polímero hidratado. Houve aumento crescente na matéria seca das plantas a partir da dosagem de 1,0 L/vaso. Em casa de vegetação, o uso do polímero hidratado no plantio das mudas de café proporcionou maior desenvolvimento das plantas, sendo a melhor resposta obtida para dosagem de 2,0 L

    A Multi-Membership Catalogue for 1876 Open Clusters using UCAC4 data

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    The main objective of this work is to determine the cluster members of 1876 open clusters, using positions and proper motions of the astrometric catalogue UCAC4. For this purpose we apply three different methods, all them based on a Bayesian approach, but with different formulations: a purely parametric method, another completely non-parametric algorithm, and a third, recently developed by Sampedro & Alfaro, using both formulations at different steps of the whole process. The first and second statistical moments of the members phase-space subspace, obtained after applying the three methods, are compared for every cluster. Although, on average, the three methods yield similar results, specific differences between them, as well as for some particular clusters, are also present. The comparison with other published catalogues shows good agreement. We have also estimated for the first time the mean proper motion for a sample of 18 clusters. The results are organized in a single catalogue formed by two main files, one with the most relevant information for each cluster, partially including that in UCAC4, and the other showing the individual membership probabilities for each star in the cluster area. The final catalogue, with an interface design that enables an easy interaction with the user, is available in electronic format at SSG-IAA (http://ssg.iaa.es/en/content/sampedro-cluster-catalog) website.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 9 pages, 3 figures, 6 table

    The impact of sound in people's behaviour in outdoor settings: A study using virtual reality and eye-tracking

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    This paper presents an analysis of space perception and how visual cues, such as landmarks and sound, are perceived and impact people's behaviour while exploring a given outdoor space. The primary goal of the research is to investigate how auditory sensations and visual stimuli influence people's behaviour in outdoor built environments. Our technique compares people's perception of the built environment in different conditions: the real world and a replicated virtual world. As a case study, a university campus was used, and four experimental conditions were designed. The study followed a between-subjects design, and the data collection included gaze data acquired from an eye-tracking device as well as self-reports. The study concludes that sound influences human behaviour in such settings. More specifically conclusions are that: i) human behaviour in virtual replications of the real space, including both visual and sound stimuli, is tendentially more similar to human behaviour in the real world than in simulations omitting sound; and ii) there is a difference in human behaviour when people explore the same virtually replicated outdoor space, by varying the presence of sound. This study is particularly useful for researchers working on the comparison between human behaviour in virtual and real environments, related to visual and sound stimuli.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Phase diagram of the antiferromagnetic XY model in two dimensions in a magnetic field

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    The phase diagram of the quasi-two-dimensional easy-plane antiferromagnetic model, with a magnetic field applied in the easy plane, is studied using the self-consistent harmonic approximation. We found a linear dependence of the transition temperature as a function of the field for large values of the field. Our results are in agreement with experimental data for the spin-1 honeycomb compound BaNi_2V_2O_3Comment: 3 page

    Long-Term Complications After Renal Transplantation

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    IN the past, every effort was directed at the prevention of acute rejection in renal transplant (RT) patients (pts). Ever since the introduction of the new immunosuppressive agents in the late 1990s, the short-term results of renal graft survival are considered satisfactory. In recent years, the prevention of long-term graft loss and the extension of life expectancy have gained new emphasis. The immunosuppressive agents though, namely calcineurin-inhibitors and steroids, may potentiate the development of several problems in RT pts: obesity, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension,1 which are not only risk factors for cardiovascular disease but also for graft loss.2,3 We performed a retrospective analysis of all RTs performed at our unit that reached 10 years (y) with a functioning graft. The aim of the study was to evaluate long-term complications and, in view of the results, to seek a possible strategy that minimizes these problems

    CVD of CrO2: towards a lower temperature deposition process

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    We report on the synthesis of highly oriented a-axis CrO2 films onto (0001) sapphire by atmospheric pressure CVD from CrO3 precursor, at growth temperatures down to 330 degree Celsius, i.e. close to 70 degrees lower than in published data for the same chemical system. The films keep the high quality magnetic behaviour as those deposited at higher temperature, which can be looked as a promising result in view of their use with thermally sensitive materials, e.g. narrow band gap semiconductors.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Electrochemical aptasensor array for multiple detection of human osteopontin

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    Electrochemical aptasensor arrays have been recently used to detect several proteins reported as disease biomarkers, mainly due to their known advantages, that include high affinity, sensitivity, specificity and low costs, among others. This study describes the development of a label-free electrochemical multi-aptasensor array, for the simultaneous detection of human osteopontin (OPN), using two specific aptamers. To enable multiplexed protein assay, RNA and DNA aptamers were immobilized in the dual-screen-printed gold working electrodes via streptavidin-biotin interaction, and using the [Fe(CN)6]3-/4- as the redox probe for cyclic voltammetry measurements. The multi-aptasensor array herein developed exhibited a good response and selectivity to detect human OPN in the presence of other interfering proteins. Considering these preliminary results, the DNA/RNA dual aptasensor array could potentially be used as an analytical tool for the specific detection of human OPN, and for cancer diagnosis overall. © 2018, Sociedade Portuguesa de Electroquimica.The authors acknowledge the financial support from the Strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469/2013 and from project ref. RECI/BBB-EBI/ 0179/2012 (project number FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-027462). This work was also financially supported by Project POCI-01–0145-FEDER-006984 – Associate Laboratory LSRE-LCM and by Project UID/QUI/00616/2013 – CQ-VR, both funded by FEDER - Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional through COMPETE2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) – and by national funds through FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal. S. Meirinho also acknowledges the doctoral grant (ref SFRH/BD/65021/2009) funded by FCT.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio