724 research outputs found

    Diversidade de parasitos metazoários em Geophagus altifrons (Cichlidae) da Bacia do Rio Jari, AP, Brasil.

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a comunidade e infracomunidades de parasitos em Geophagus altifrons do Rio Jari, município de Laranjal de Jari, estado do Amapá, na região da Amazônia Oriental.Editoras técnicas: Cristiane Ramos de Jesus, Ana Cláudia Lira-Guedes e Adelina do Socorro Serrão Belém. ODS-14

    Aspectos qualitativos da água do Rio Poty na região de Teresina, PI.

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    O presente trabalho objetivou monitorar e avaliar a qualidade da água do Rio Poty, em Teresina (PI) para fins agrícolas em períodos extremos de temperatura e de precipitação. Coletaram-se amostras de água no rio em 10 pontos georreferenciados, da curva do conjunto residencial São Paulo (zona sudeste) até sua foz no Rio Parnaíba (zona norte), em um percurso aproximado de 23,7 km, de junho a dezembro de 2004. Determinou-se as variáveis físico-químicas: CEa, RAS e pH, além das concentrações de Cl-, HCO3 -, CO3 2-, Na+, Ca2+ e Mg2+. Os maiores valores da CEa (0,26 dS m-1) e da RAS (1,90 mmolc L-1)0,5 foram registradas no mês de outubro, devido ao baixo índice pluviométrico, período seco e eventual poluição antrópica. Pelo Teste de Kruskal-Wallis, constataram-se oscilações nas concentrações de HCO3 - (1,68 a 1,91 mmolc L-1) ao longo dos pontos amostrais. O carbonato de sódio residual (CSR) indicou que a água é apropriada para fins agrícolas (< 1,25 mmolcL-1)

    Intercomparison of planetary boundary layer heights using remote sensing retrievals and ERA5 reanalysis over Central Amazonia

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    The atmospheric boundary layer height (zi) is a key parameter in the vertical transport of mass, energy, moisture, and chemical species between the surface and the free atmosphere. There is a lack of long-term and continuous observations of zi, however, particularly for remote regions, such as the Amazon forest. Reanalysis products, such as ERA5, can fill this gap by providing temporally and spatially resolved information on zi. In this work, we evaluate the ERA5 estimates of zi (zi-ERA5) for two locations in the Amazon and corrected them by means of ceilometer, radiosondes, and SODAR measurements (zi-experimental). The experimental data were obtained at the remote Amazon Tall Tower Observatory (ATTO) with its pristine tropical forest cover and the T3 site downwind of the city of Manaus with a mixture of forest (63%), pasture (17%), and rivers (20%). We focus on the rather typical year 2014 and the El Ni&ntilde;o year 2015. The comparison of the experimental vs. ERA5 zi data yielded the following results: (i) zi-ERA5 underestimates zi-experimental daytime at the T3 site for both years 2014 (30%, underestimate) and 2015 (15%, underestimate); (ii) zi-ERA5 overestimates zi-experimental daytime at ATTO site (12%, overestimate); (iii) during nighttime, no significant correlation between the zi-experimental and zi-ERA5 was observed. Based on these findings, we propose a correction for the daytime zi-ERA5, for both sites and for both years, which yields a better agreement between experimental and ERA5 data. These results and corrections are relevant for studies at ATTO and the T3 site and can likely also be applied at further locations in the Amazon

    First isolation and characterization of clinical signs of polymicrobial infection by Aeromonas jandiae, Aeromonas hydhophila and Edwardsiella tarda in disease outbreak of fingerlings Arapaima gigas (pirarucu).

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    The topic of bacterial polymicrobial infection, still little studied in fish farming, has been demonstrating to be an important cause of economic losses in aquiculture. The Brazilian national production of Arapaima gigas, Schinz 1822 (pirarucu) in 2014 was around 12 tons. In Brazil, there is little information on the diversity of bacteria in aquatic ecosystems, mainly on the pirarucu microbiota, as well as on the bacteria that cause diseases in this fish of great importance for Brazilian and Amazonian aquaculture. However, identification and characterization of diseases caused by bacteria are of great importance for the sustainability of productive chain of fish farming. The aim of this study was to report the first polymicrobial outbreak in newly acquired pirarucus from commercial fish farming, which resulted in significant financial losses, which resulted mortality of approximately 1,400 farmed fingerlings. Fish with and without external signs of bacteriosis were collected for bacteriological analyzes. The isolated bacterial strains were characterized according to traditional taxonomical analyses and were identified as Aeromonas jandaei, Aeromonas hydrophila, and Edwardsiella tarda. In the pirarucus tegument with aeromonose and edwardsielose, lesions that varied in shape, extension and size were observed, and such lesions occurred mainly in the tail and fins of the fish. Anorexia, loss of balance with erratic movement, reduction of respiratory movements, depigmentation along the body with hemorrhagic foci, necrotic hemorrhages in internal organs such as kidney, liver and modified swimming bladder were found. In addition, to splenomegaly and ascites containing mucous-yellow fluid, deposition of sanguineous fluid in the abdominal cavity, hyperemia, enlargement of the gallbladder, abdominal cavity with swelling and small areas of liver hemorrhage were observed. These characterization of clinical signs related with polymicrobial infections can help fish farmers in the early identification of diseases, allowing thus the appropriate management of treatment. Therefore, further studies are needed to better understand the immune response of these fish during mixed bacterial infections, because these may have a major impact on the development of new strategies for disease control and vaccination programs in this fish to mitigate the bacteriosis in fish farms

    Atividade antibacteriana e antifúngica de extratos etanólicos de Aster lanceolatus Willd., Asteraceae.

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    Conhecida popularmente como áster-arbustiva, margarida-de-são-miguel e monte-cassino, Aster lanceolatus é uma planta ornamental de corte. Sabendo-se que não existem estudos que atestem a atividade biológica desta espécie, procurou-se neste trabalho atividades antibacteriana e antifúngica. Para tanto se utilizaram extratos brutos etanólicos de duas porções distintas, das flores e dos caules com folhas. Para a atividade antibacteriana, oito bactérias patogênicas foram submetidas a ensaio de difusão em gel e concentração inibitória mínima. Demonstrou-se atividade do extrato bruto etanólico de flores contra Streptococcus pyogenes, em difusão em gel e atividade de extrato bruto etanólico de caules e folhas contra Salmonella typhimurium e Streptococcus pyogenes em concentração inibitória mínima. Para a atividade antifúngica, utilizaram-se três fungos patogênicos em ensaios de crescimento micelial em placas e bioautografia direta. No ensaio de crescimento micelial em placas verificou-se a inibição de Fusarium oxysporum e na bioautografia direta, inibição do Cylindrocladium spathulatum. Os resultados delinearam uma nova fonte de pesquisa, as plantas ornamentais. Estas podem ser fonte de constituintes químicos capazes de servirem como protótipos para novos agentes terapêuticos e para tratamento sanitário de plantas medicinais