4,513 research outputs found

    Engineering elliptical spin-excitations by complex anisotropy fields in Fe adatoms and dimers on Cu(111)

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    We investigate the dynamics of Fe adatoms and dimers deposited on the Cu(111) metallic surface in the presence of spin-orbit coupling, within time-dependent density functional theory. The \textit{ab initio} results provide material-dependent parameters that can be used in semiclassical approaches, which are used for insightful interpretations of the excitation modes. By manipulating the surroundings of the magnetic elements, we show that elliptical precessional motion may be induced through the modification of the magnetic anisotropy energy. We also demonstrate how different kinds of spin precession are realized, considering the symmetry of the magnetic anisotropy energy, the ferro- or antiferromagnetic nature of the exchange coupling between the impurities, and the strength of the magnetic damping. In particular, the normal modes of a dimer depend on the initial magnetic configuration, changing drastically by going from a ferromagnetic metastable state to the antiferromagnetic ground state. By taking into account the effect of the damping into their resonant frequencies, we reveal that an important contribution arises for strongly biaxial systems and specially for the antiferromagnetic dimers with large exchange couplings. Counter intuitively, our results indicate that the magnetic damping influences the quantum fluctuations by decreasing the zero-point energy of the system

    Fluctuating local moments, itinerant electrons and the magnetocaloric effect: the compositional hypersensitivity of FeRh

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    We describe an ab-initio Disordered Local Moment Theory for materials with quenched static compositional disorder traversing first order magnetic phase transitions. It accounts quantitatively for metamagnetic changes and the magnetocaloric effect. For perfect stoichiometric B2-ordered FeRh, we calculate the transition temperature of the ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic transition to be Tt=T_t = 495K and a maximum isothermal entropy change in 2 Tesla of ΔS=21.1|\Delta S|= 21.1 J~K1^{-1}~kg1^{-1}. A large (40\%) component of ΔS|\Delta S| is electronic. The transition results from a fine balance of competing electronic effects which is disturbed by small compositional changes - e.g. swapping just 2\% Fe of `defects' onto the Rh sublattice makes TtT_t drop by 290K. This hypersensitivity explains the narrow compositional range of the transition and impurity doping effects.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Tuning paramagnetic spin-excitations of single adatoms

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    Around 50 years ago, Doniach [Proc. Phys. Soc. 91, 86 (1967)] predicted the existence of paramagnons in nearly ferromagnetic materials, recently measured in bulk Pd [Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 027207 (2010)]. Here we predict the analogous effect for single adatoms, namely paramagnetic spin-excitations (PSE). Based on time-dependent density functional theory, we demonstrate that these overdamped excitations acquire a well-defined peak structure in the meV energy region when the adatom's Stoner criterion for magnetism is close to the critical point. In addition, our calculations reveal a subtle tunability and enhancement of PSE by external magnetic fields, exceeding by far the response of bulk paramagnons and even featuring the atomic version of a quantum phase transition. We further demonstrate how PSE can be detected as moving steps in the dI/dV\mathrm{d}I/dV signal of state-of-the-art inelastic scanning tunneling spectroscopy, opening a potential route for experimentally accessing fundamental electronic properties of non-magnetic adatoms, such as the Stoner parameter.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Metallic magnetism at finite temperatures studied by relativistic disordered moment description: Theory and applications

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    We develop a self-consistent relativistic disordered local moment (RDLM) scheme aimed at describing finite temperature magnetism of itinerant metals from first principles. Our implementation in terms of the Korringa--Kohn--Rostoker multiple scattering theory and the coherent potential approximation allows to relate the orientational distribution of the spins to the electronic structure, thus a self-consistent treatment of the distribution is possible. We present applications for bulk bcc Fe, L10_0-FePt and FeRh ordered in the CsCl structure. The calculations for Fe show significant variation of the local moments with temperature, whereas according to the mean field treatment of the spin fluctuations the Curie temperature is overestimated. The magnetic anisotropy of FePt alloys is found to depend strongly on intermixing between nominally Fe and Pt layers, and it shows a power-law behavior as a function of magnetization for a broad range of chemical disorder. In case of FeRh we construct a lattice constant vs. temperature phase diagram and determine the phaseline of metamagnetic transitions based on self-consistent RDLM free energy curves.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Dynamical amplification of magnetoresistances and Hall currents up to the THz regime

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    Spin-orbit-related effects offer a highly promising route for reading and writing information in magnetic units of future devices. These phenomena rely not only on the static magnetization orientation but also on its dynamics to achieve fast switchings that can reach the THz range. In this work, we consider Co/Pt and Fe/W bilayers to show that accounting for the phase difference between different processes is crucial to the correct description of the dynamical currents. By tuning each system towards its ferromagnetic resonance, we reveal that dynamical spin Hall angles can non-trivially change sign and be boosted by over 500%, reaching giant values. We demonstrate that charge and spin pumping mechanisms can greatly magnify or dwindle the currents flowing through the system, influencing all kinds of magnetoresistive and Hall effects, thus impacting also dc and second harmonic experimental measurements.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, Supplementary Informatio

    Особливості гендерної характеризації персонажів та гендерні характеристики автора

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    BACKGROUND: The colonial war that Portugal was involved in between 1961 and 1974 had a significant impact on veterans and their families. However, it is unclear what the consequences of this war are, in particular with regard to levels of childhood maltreatment (CM) in offspring. OBJECTIVE: Our study aims to analyze the influences of fathers' war exposure and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) on the offspring's CM and simultaneously test the hypothesis of the intergenerational transmission of father-child CM. METHOD: Cross-sectional data were collected, using the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire-Short Form, from 203 adult children and 117 fathers. Subjects were distributed according to three conditions based on the father's war exposure status: did not participate in war, or non-war-exposed (NW); participated in war, or war-exposed (W); and war-exposed with PTSD diagnosis (WP). The data were examined using correlations, variance/covariance, and regression analyses. RESULTS: Children of war veterans with PTSD reported more emotional and physical neglect, while their fathers reported increased emotional and physical abuse exposure during their own childhood. Significant father-child CM correlations were found in the war veteran group but less in the war veteran with PTSD group. Father CM predicted 16% of offspring CM of children of war veterans. CONCLUSIONS: The father's war-related PTSD might be a risk factor for offspring neglect but potentially a protective one for the father-child abuse transmission. War-exposed fathers without PTSD did transmit their own CM experiences more often. Therefore, father's war exposure and father's war PTSD may each be important variables to take into account in the study of intergenerational transmission of C

    Estimativa de biomassa em pastagens de capim BRS Piatã sob pastejo rotacionado a partir da altura.

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    monitoramento da biomassa é necessário para subsidiar decisões de manejo, e pode ser feito por métodos indiretos a altura.Editores: Odilon G. Pereira, Dilermando M. da Fonseca, Karina G. Ribeiro, Fernanda H. M. Chizzotti. Realizado de 20 e 21 de Junho de 2019