12 research outputs found

    Characterization of residual oils for biodiesel production

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    Background: Residual oils were characterized according to their physicochemical properties, i.e. acidity, iodine value, peroxide value and saponification number, to evaluate the degradation level and viability for biodiesel production. Results: The methyl esters of fatty acids (FAME) from samples of residual bovine, chicken and soybean oils were quantified by using four transesterification methods, using acidic and basic catalysis and, gas chromatography with flame ionization detector (GC\u2013FID). Methods that used acidic catalysis at a lower temperature were the most efficient. Methyl biodiesel samples were synthesized by basic catalysis (KOH) for all quantified oils and the physicochemical properties of the biofuel were evaluated, i.e. viscosity, flash and fire points, density, water content, iodine and acidity numbers. Conclusions: The obtained results suggesting that it is possible to take advantage of these residues for biodiesel production as the obtained products were approved according to the rules established by the National Association of Petroleum (ANP); the bovine samples were the exception regarding moisture and acidity

    Calcium fortification of roasted and ground coffee with different calcium salts

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    This study determined the calcium content and sensory attributes of roast and ground coffee fortified with calcium carbonate, calcium citrate malate, and calcium phosphate. The beverages made from fortified coffee powder were compared with a control (unfortified beverage). Two experts in coffee sensory testing analyzed six samples of coffee with the addition of different calcium salts; they assessed the aroma, color, and characteristic flavor of traditional coffee. The formulations containing calcium carbonate (A), calcium citrate malate (B), and calcium phosphate (C) were selected and used to verify the effect of using paper and polyester to filter infusions. Formulation B had the greatest purchase intent and presented the highest calcium content in the beverage, and it was considered rich in this mineral. The daily habit of drinking a cup of coffee (50 mL) has been popularized inBrazil; therefore, the addition of calcium citrate malate into traditional coffee powder can be an excellent calcium source and ensure the healthy intake of this macro mineral

    Spectrophotometric determination of Pd(Ii) with P-Dimethylaminebenzylidenerhodanine

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    p-Dimethylaminebenzylidenerhodanine in methyl isobutyl ketone was employed as selective and sensitive reagent for the extraction and determination of palladium(II) in metal alloys and rocks. Beer’s Law is followed in the concentration range 0.2-2.4 m g.mL-1 of organic phase with a molar absorptivity of 3.0x10(4)L.mol-1.cm-1. The detection limit observed for aqueous solution was 0.1 mg.L-1. The extractions were performed at pH 2.4 and no interference of foreign ions such as Cu2+, Zn2+, Fe3+, Pb2+, Hg2+ ,etc., were observed in jewellery alloy and rock sample analyzed. The complex of reagent and palladium(II) was pH dependent and it should be carefully controlled during extraction. Continuous variation and mole ratio methods showed that the complex composition was 1:1

    Avaliação da vida de prateleira e da qualidade de amostras de carne Bovina resfriada embaladas à vácuo durante 120 dias / Evaluation of shelf life and quality of vacuum-packed chilled beef during 120 days

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    O Brasil é um dos mais importantes produtores de carne bovina do mundo, a produção representa 3% das exportações do país. A exportação de carne bovina resfriada em 2019 foi de 199,179 toneladas e há demanda crescente para o comércio internacional devido ao seu frescor e manutenção das características principalmente de maciez e suculência, porém, hoje, o prazo usual da vida de prateleira desses cortes está em torno de 90 dias. Para cortes bovinos resfriados e embalados à vácuo este período é curto, considerando o abate, processamento, transporte até a exposição no mercado consumidor. Dessa forma, conhecer a dinâmica microbiana e físico-química através de análises em cortes cárneos embalados a vácuo com vistas ao aumento da vida de prateleira, viabiliza a redução de perdas comerciais por deterioração e pode ser uma ferramenta para embasar tecnicamente empresas com vistas ao comércio internacional de carne bovina resfriada com vida de prateleira de até 120 dias

    Quantification of minerals and tocopherols isomers in chestnuts approach chemometrics

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    Os níveis dos isômeros ?, ?, e (? + ?)-tocoferol e os valores dos minerais Se, Zn, Ca, Fe, K, Mn, Mg e Cu foram analisados em castanhas de oleaginosas. Teores elevados de Zn (> 65%) em relação à ingestão dietética recomendada (RDI), foram encontrados em todas as castanhas exceto na macadâmia (25% de RDI). Todas as amostras apresentaram elevados teores de Se com relação à RDI, em ordem decrescente: castanha do Brasil> macadâmia, castanha de caju> pecans> amêndoas> pistache> avelãs> nozes europeus. ?-tocoferol foi encontrado em maior concentração nas amêndoas (30% de RDI). Todas as amostras, exceto para as avelãs, amêndoas e nozes de macadâmia, tinham (? + ?)-tocoferol, com destaque para a alta quantidade encontrada em pistache. ?-tocoferol em pequenas quantidades foram encontradas em nozes pecan e castanha europeia. A análise multivariada permitiu melhor caracterização e distinção das castanhas.The levels of the ?, ?, and (?+?)-tocopherol isomers and the amounts of the minerals Se, Zn, Ca, Fe, K, Mn, Mg, and Cu were analyzed in chestnuts. High contents of Zn (>65%) relative to the recommended dietary intake (RDI) were found in all chestnuts except macadamia nuts (25% of the RDI). All samples had Se contents higher than the RDI: Brazil nuts > macadamia nuts, cashew nuts > pecans > almonds > pistachio nuts > hazelnuts > European nuts. A greater concentration of ?-tocopherol was found in almonds (30% of RDI). All samples, except for hazelnuts, almonds, and macadamia nuts, had (?+?)- tocopherols, with the largest amount found in pistachios. Only pecan nuts and European nuts had ?-tocopherol and only in low amounts. Multivariate analysis allowed for better characterization and distinction of the chestnuts

    Characterization of residual oils for biodiesel production

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    Background: Residual oils were characterized according to their physicochemical properties, i.e. acidity, iodine value, peroxide value and saponification number, to evaluate the degradation level and viability for biodiesel production. Results: The methyl esters of fatty acids (FAME) from samples of residual bovine, chicken and soybean oils were quantified by using four transesterification methods, using acidic and basic catalysis and, gas chromatography with flame ionization detector (GC–FID). Methods that used acidic catalysis at a lower temperature were the most efficient. Methyl biodiesel samples were synthesized by basic catalysis (KOH) for all quantified oils and the physicochemical properties of the biofuel were evaluated, i.e. viscosity, flash and fire points, density, water content, iodine and acidity numbers. Conclusions: The obtained results suggesting that it is possible to take advantage of these residues for biodiesel production as the obtained products were approved according to the rules established by the National Association of Petroleum (ANP); the bovine samples were the exception regarding moisture and acidity

    <b>Orange-flavored soft drink with the addition of isolated whey protein

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    Current assay developed an orange-flavored soda pop with the addition of isolated whey protein, bottled in a 2L-polyethylene terephthalate container and stored at room temperature for 90 days. Physical, chemical, microbiological and sensorial analyses were conducted periodically on the product. The physicochemical analysis showed pH 3.53, 11.5ºBrix and 224 mg of citric acid per 100 mL of the drink and the following proximal composition: protein 0.501%, humidity 88.9%, ash 0.084% and carbohydrates 10.5%. Microbiological analyses detected no microorganisms during the storage period of the drink. Sensorial analysis results had good acceptability. Results showed that the product is stable when stored at room temperature for 90 days. This beverage contains higher nutritional rates and the same calorie rates when compared to sodas and some oranges juices found on the consumer market

    Chemical composition and fatty acids quantification in commercial meat products processed in Brazil

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    This study aimed to determine and compare the proximate composition and the content of fatty acids in different meat products processed in Brazil. To this end, meat products (formed ham, hamburger, mortadella, ham, salami, sausage) from three different brands for each derivative and from five different lots for each brand have been examined. The total lipids ranged from 1.84% for the ham brand C to 31.61% for the salami brand F; hamburguers presented values in the range of 14% of total lipids, with no significant difference (P<0.05) between brands analyzed. The major fatty acid found for meat derivatives was the oleic acid (18:1n-9), whit values between 0.79% for the ham brand A to 12.18% for the salami brand C. Hamburguers showed the lowest variation in oleic acid content, with values around 5.2%. The mean values of n-6/n-3 and polyunsaturated/saturated fatty acids (PUFA/SFA) rations were 26.28 and 0.68, respectively, for the sausage, 14.41 and 0.30 for the hamburger; respectively. The Salami was the meat derivative with the highest content of fat and the ham was with the lowest content of fat between examined products, becoming the healthiest option among all products

    Influência do método de esterificação na quantificação de ácidos graxos em óleo de oliva

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    Para a análise de ácidos graxos por cromatografia a gás, é necessário aplicar procedimentos de esterificação para converter os ácidos graxos em compostos mais voláteis, tais como esteres metílicos de ácidos graxos (EMAG). Métodos de esterificação normalmente se subdividem em categorias: Catálises ácidas e catálises básicas. Devido a possibilidade de obtenção de diferentes concentrações de ácidos graxos para a mesma amostra em função do método de esterificação utilizado, a eficiência de de oito diferentes métodos de esterificaçãoque envolvem catálises ácidas e básicas na determinação quantitativa de EMAGs em óleo de oliva foi avaliada. Os métodos selecionados foram descritos por Metcalfe, 1966 (MET); Bannon, 1982 (BAN); Joseph e Ackman, 1992 (JAC); Hartman e Lago, 1973 (HLA); Jham, 1982 (JHA); ISO 5509, 1978 (ISO); Bannon, 1982 (BBA) e Schuchardt eLopes, 1988 (SLO). Os resultados mostram a eficiência dos métodos de esterificações para os principais ácidos graxos saturados presentes no óleo de oliva analisado. Os mais eficientes métodos para a esterificação de ácidos graxos insaturados nos óleos analisados foram JAC, ISO, e BBA. Porém, o reagente BF3 em metanol, usado no método JAC é extremamente tóxico. Assim, quando o óleo a ser analisado tem baixa acidez, os métodos de catálise básica ISO and BBA podem ser usados no lugar dele, uma vez que são mais baratos e menos tóxicos. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a escolha do método para a análise dos ácidos graxos depende também da composição do óleo estudado