446 research outputs found

    The dynamics and control of large flexible space structures, 8

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    A development of the in plane open loop rotational equations of motion for the proposed Spacecraft Control Laboratory Experiment (SCOLE) in orbit configuration is presented based on an Eulerian formulation. The mast is considered to be a flexible beam connected to the (rigid) shuttle and the reflector. Frequencies and mode shapes are obtained for the mast vibrational appendage modes (assumed to be decoupled) for different boundary conditions based on continuum approaches and also preliminary results are obtained using a finite element representation of the mast reflector system. The linearized rotational in plane equation is characterized by periodic coefficients and open loop system stability can be examined with an application of the Floquet theorem. Numerical results are presented to illustrate the potential instability associated with actuator time delays even for delays which represent only a small fraction of the natural period of oscillation of the modes contained in the open loop model of the system. When plant and measurement noise effects are added to the previously designed deterministic model of the hoop column system, it is seen that both the system transient and steady state performance are degraded. Mission requirements can be satisfied by appropriate assignment of cost function weighting elements and changes in the ratio of plant noise to measurement noise

    The dynamics and control of large flexible space structures, part 11

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    A mathematical model is developed to predict the dynamics of the proposed Spacecraft Control Laboratory Experiment during the stationkeeping phase. The Shuttle and reflector are assumed to be rigid, while the mass connecting the Shuttle to the reflector is assumed to be flexible with elastic deformations small as compared with its length. It is seen that in the presence of gravity-gradient torques, the system assumes a new equilibrium position primarily due to the offset in the mass attachment point to the reflector from the reflector's mass center. Control is assumed to be provided through the Shuttle's three torquers and throught six actuators located by painrs at two points on the mass and at the reflector mass center. Numerical results confirm the robustness of an LQR derived control strategy during stationkeeping with maximum control efforts significantly below saturation levels. The linear regulator theory is also used to derive control laws for the linearized model of the rigidized SCOLE configuration where the mast flexibility is not included. It is seen that this same type of control strategy can be applied for the rapid single axis slewing of the SCOLE through amplitudes as large as 20 degrees. These results provide a definite trade-off between the slightly larger slewing times with the considerable reduction in over-all control effort as compared with the results of the two point boundary value problem application of Pontryagin's Maximum Principle

    The dynamics and control of large flexible space structures, part 7

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    A preliminary Eulerian formulation of the in-plane dynamics of the proposed spacecraft control laboratory experiment configuration is undertaken when the mast is treated as a cantilever type beam and the reflector as a lumped mass at the end of the beam. Frequency and mode shapes are obtained for the open loop model of the beam system and the stability of closed loop control systems is analyzed by both frequency and time domain techniques. Environmental disturbances due to solar radiation pressure are incorporated into models of controlled large flexible orbiting platforms. Thermally induced deformations of simple beam and platform type structures are modelled and expressions developed for the disturbance torques resulting from the interaction of solar radiation pressure. Noise effects in the deterministic model of the hoop/column antenna system are found to cause a degradation in system performance. Appropriate changes in the ratio of plant noise to the measurement noise and/or changes in the control weighting matrix elements can improve transient and steady state performance

    The dynamics and control of large flexible space structures X, part 1

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    The effect of delay in the control system input on the stability of a continuously acting controller which is designed without considering the delay is studied. The stability analysis of a second order plant is studied analytically and verified numerically. For this example it is found that the system becomes unstable for a delay which is equivalent to only 16 percent of its natural period of motion. It is also observed that even a small amount of natural damping in the system can increase the amount of delay that can be tolerated before the onset of instability. The delay problem is formulated in the discrete time domain and an analysis procedure suggested. The maximum principle from optimal control theory is applied to minimize the time required for the slewing of a general rigid spacecraft. The slewing motion need not be restricted to a single axis maneuver. The minimum slewing time is calculated based on a quasi-linearization algorithm for the resulting two point boundary value problem. Numerical examples based on the rigidized in-orbit model of the SCOLE also include the more general reflector line-of-sight slewing maneuvers

    The dynamics and control of large flexible space structures-V

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    A general survey of the progress made in the areas of mathematical modelling of the system dynamics, structural analysis, development of control algorithms, and simulation of environmental disturbances is presented. The use of graph theory techniques is employed to examine the effects of inherent damping associated with LSST systems on the number and locations of the required control actuators. A mathematical model of the forces and moments induced on a flexible orbiting beam due to solar radiation pressure is developed and typical steady state open loop responses obtained for the case when rotations and vibrations are limited to occur within the orbit plane. A preliminary controls analysis based on a truncated (13 mode) finite element model of the 122m. Hoop/Column antenna indicates that a minimum of six appropriately placed actuators is required for controllability. An algorithm to evaluate the coefficients which describe coupling between the rigid rotational and flexible modes and also intramodal coupling was developed and numerical evaluation based on the finite element model of Hoop/Column system is currently in progress

    Efficacite agronomique du compost a base de la biomasse du « neem » et de l’anacarde sur des cultures maraicheres dans la zone des Niayes au Senegal

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    Dans la zone des Niayes au Sénégal, les sols sont pauvres en matières organiques et en éléments nutritifs nécessaires aux plantes. Les engrais chimiques utilisés pour améliorer les rendements ont engendré une forte pollution des sols et de la  nappe phréatique. L’objectif de cette étude est d’évaluer la valeur agronomique du compost fabriqué à base des feuilles de neem et d’anacarde, de fiente de volaille et de la cendre de bois. Le compost obtenu présente un rapport C/N de 15,49 et des teneurs en N - P - K de 9,1, 14,8 et 7,3 mg/kg, respectivement. Les différentes doses du compost testées  sur  des  cultures  maraichères  ont  révélé  des  performances  agronomiques  meilleures par rapport aux témoins. La dose T3 (30 t/ha) a induit les meilleurs rendements pour la tomate (27,213 t/ha) et l’oignon (105,263 t/ha). Pour le chou et la pomme de terre, la dose T1 (10 t/ha) a permis d’obtenir les meilleurs rendements (144,533 t/ha et 55,163 t/ha, respectivement). Par contre pour le poivron, la dose T2 (20 t/ha) a favorisé les meilleurs rendements (32,534 t/ha) avec un poids moyen (81,748g) et un nombre de fruits/récolte considérablement plus élevé. Ce compost pourrait constituer une alternative réelle à l’utilisation abusive de l’engrais minéral dans la zone agricole des Niayes.Mots clés : Compost, Neem, Feuilles d’anacarde, Maraichage, Sénéga

    Issues in modeling and controlling the SCOLE configuration

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    The parametric study of the in-plane Spacecraft Control Laboratory Experiment (SCOLE) system, the Floquet Stability Analysis, and three dimensional formulations of the SCOLE system dynamics are examined. Control issues are discussed, such as: control of large structures with delayed input in continuous time; control with delayed input in discrete time; control law design for SCOLE using Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQC)/TRR technique; and optimal torque control for SCOLE slewing maneuvers

    Giant Taro (Alocasia macrorrhiza) Root Meal with or without Coconut Oil Slurry as Source of Dietary Energy for Laying Hens

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    The effect of feeding Alocasia macrorrhiza root meal (AMRM) with or without added coconut oil slurry (COS) on egg production and egg qualities was investigated in a 20-week experiment. A control diet based on maize and 4 other diets containing 10 and 20% AMRM with or without COS were fed each to 4 replicates of 10 birds in a completely randomized design. There were no significant dietary effects on feed intake (FI) and the intake of lysine, methionine and metabolizable energy (ME). Birds fed the 20% AMRM_COS added significantly less weight during the experimental period compared to the control fed group. Body weight change (BWC) did not differ among the AMRM fed birds. Per cent hen-day and feed conversion ratio were depressed on 20% AMRM and egg weight on 10% AMRM but these depressing effects were overcome by COS addition. Egg shape index, Haugh unit and per cent shell were not affected by the diet. It is concluded that AMRM can replace 10% dietary maize without adverse effect on laying performance but 20% replacement negatively impacts on hen-day and egg weight. These adverse effects are however, overcome by treating AMRM with COS at the ratio of 9: 1. More research into higher levels of COS treated AMRM in the diet is warranted

    The dynamics and control of large flexible space structures

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    Large, flexible orbiting systems proposed for possible use in communications, electronic orbital based mail systems, and solar energy collection are discussed. The size and low weight to area ratio of such systems indicate that system flexibility is now the main consideration in the dynamics and control problem. For such large, flexible systems, both orientation and surface shape control will often be required. A conceptual development plan of a system software capability for use in analysis of the dynamics and control of large space structures technology (LSST) systems is discussed. This concept can be subdivided into four different stages: (1) system dynamics; (2) structural dynamics; (3) application of control algorithms; and (4) simulation of environmental disturbances. Modeling the system dynamics of such systems in orbit is the most fundamental component. Solar radiation pressure effects and orbital and gravity gradient effects are discussed
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