56 research outputs found

    Pre-sowing Treatment Enhanced Germination and Vigour of True Shallot (Allium cepa var. aggregatum) Seeds

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    The objective of this research was to sudy the effects of pre-sowing treatments to enhance germination, growth and transplanting of true shallot seeds. The experiment was conducted in the glasshouse at Tangtu village, Badung regency from August until November 2017. Germination experiment was carried out in petridishes, while that for seedling vigour and growth experiment was done in plastic pots containing sand and top soil mixture. Both experiments were designed as complete randomized design with eight concentrations of KNO3 (1, 1.5 and 2 M) and GA3 (100, 150 and 200 ppm). Those treatments were replicated four times. Seeds were soaked for 24 hours in each concentration of solution prior to planting in petridishes as well as in pots. Results of the experiment showed that GA3 significantly increased germination percentage, speed of germination (57-63% germinated seeds at 1 dap), index of seedling vigour, speed of seedling emergence (34,39% day-1) and percentage of seedlings having one true leaf (52%) at 9 dap. The effects of KNO3 on those variables were not significantly different from those of GA3 except on speed of seedling emergence. KNO3 2M and GA3 (100, 150 , 200 ppm) resulted in 12 days earlier in transplanting seedlings than control

    Chitosan/Poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) films with ciprofloxacin for application in vaginal drug delivery

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    Chitosan (CHI) and chitosan/poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) (CHI/POZ)-based films were prepared by casting from aqueous solutions of polymer blends with different compositions. Ciprofloxacin was used as a model drug in these formulations. The weight, thickness, folding endurance and transparency of blend films were measured and characterised. All films had a uniform thickness (0.06 ± 0.01 mm) and exhibited sufficient flexibility. The surface pHs of films ranged from 3.76 ± 0.49 to 4.14 ± 0.32, which is within the pH range suitable for vaginal applications. The cumulative release of the drug from the films in experiments in vitro was found to be 42 ± 2% and 56 ± 1% for pure CHI and CHI/POZ (40:60) films, respectively. Drug-free chitosan/poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) films showed weak antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli. Drug-loaded CHI and CHI/POZ films showed good antimicrobial properties against both Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus and Gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli. Mucoadhesive properties of these films with respect to freshly excised sheep vaginal mucosa were evaluated using a tensile method. It was established that all films were mucoadhesive, but an increase in POZ content in the blend resulted in a gradual reduction of their ability to stick to vaginal mucosa. These films could potentially find applications in vaginal drug delivery

    Active transmission of Trypanosoma brucei gambiense Dutton, 1902 sleeping sickness in Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria

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    Active surveillance of Human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) or sleeping sickness was undertaken in 3 agrarian villages in Ethiope East Local Government Area of Delta State, Nigeria. Card Agglutination Trypanosomiasis Test (CATT) was used qualitatively for mass screening with undiluted fresh whole blood (WB) and quantitatively for diagnosis in serum dilution tests. Thereafter, palpation for enlarged cervical lymph gland (ECLG) was followed by parasitological examination of aspirate using wet film, haematocrit centrifugation technique (HCT) and mini-anion exchange centrifugation technique (mAECT). Only one confirmed case of sleeping sickness was diagnosed out of the 491 samples screened. The results showed 43 (9.8%) serological positive cases in WB/ CATT test. 12 (27.9%) suspected cases that reacted at &lt1/4 titre in serum dilution test were highly suspected serological positive but parasitological negative cases. The study indicates that there is ongoing active transmission of Gambian type sleeping sickness in Abraka focus of Nigeria. The highly suspected cases will be followed up. Many cases might have gone undetected and more villages within the same focus were not covered. Moreover, a large-scale multi-disciplinary disease surveillance, vector and animal reservoir studies are required to determine the true situation of HAT in this focus. KEY-WORDS: Transmission, Gambian Trypanosomiasis, Screening, Blood, Serum, Diagnosis

    Reduction of nutrient run-off by the use of coated slow-release fertilizers on two container-grown nursery crops

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    The agricultural district of Pistoia (Tuscany, Italy) is one of the most important sites in Europe for the production of Hardy Ornamental Nursery Stock (HONS). One of the main problems of this sector is the environmental impact of the pot cultivation, mainly due to an incorrect irrigation scheduling that leads to high nitrogen and phosphorus losses. The aim of this research has been to compare the effects of the traditional fertigation versus new fertilization strategies, based on the use of controlled slow-release fertilizers (CRFs), on plant growth and on nitrogen and phosphorus run-off in two container HONS species (Photinia × fraseri and Prunus laurocerasus). Every week, plant height, cumulate irrigation and drainage volume were measured on four replicates for each treatment and species. Every four weeks two average samples of drainage water and irrigation water for each treatment and species were analysed, determining total nitrogen and phosphorus content, in order to draft a water and nutrient balance. The three different fertilization strategies did not produce any relevant effect on the final plant height and all plants were ranked in the top quality market category. The data confirmed that the use of CRFs could contribute to a huge reduction of nitrogen and phosphorus run-off in the environment and could be a winning strategy for the fertilization of HONS in nitrate vulnerable zones

    Étude des effets indésirables lies à l’administration de Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine et Amodiaquine lors de la chimio prévention du paludisme saisonnier au Mali

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    Objectif : L’objectif de notre étude était d’étudier les effets indésirables liés à l’administration de la Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine et Amodiaquine lors de la Chimioprévention du paludisme saisonnier (CPS) de 2015 à 2016, dans dix districts sanitaires du Mali. Population et Méthode : Notre démarche méthodologique était basée sur la collecte des données des effets indésirables à travers une fiche de notification après l’administration des molécules de la Chimio prévention du paludisme saisonnier (Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine et Amodiaquine) aux enfants de moins de cinq ans. Les données ont été collectées dans les districts sanitaires de : Nioro du sahel, Nara, Ouelessebougou, Bougouni, Kadiolo, Barouéli, Bla, Ségou, Koro, Tenenkou. Résultats : Durant notre étude, nous avons enregistré 131 cas d’effets indésirables présentés par 104 enfants. Le district sanitaire de Tenenkou a enregistré plus de cas de notification (50%), suivi par Nioro du sahel (13%). Les troubles digestifs étaient les plus représentés soit 83,2%. L’évolution de l’ensemble des effets indésirables étaient favorables pour tous les enfants. Conclusion : Le renforcement du système de pharmacovigilance au Mali à travers la formation continue des personnels sanitaires en vue d’une notification continue des effets indésirables pourrait améliorer la prise en charge des effets indésirables liés aux médicaments de la chimio prévention du paludisme saisonnier

    Reusing greenhouse growing media.

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    The disposal of used growing media represents one of the weak points for the application of hydroponic technology to greenhouse and nursery production. In many cases, especially mineral wools, exhausted substrates are disposed to landfill. However, landfill costs are increasing and landfill sites are becoming ever more unavailable. Thus, substrate reutilization must be strongly encouraged along with the reduction of substrate volume applied per plant. The paper reports a literature survey on the biological, technological and environmental implications of the reuse of exhausted substrates in soilless culture

    Ozono: percezione del pericolo e reazioni precoci di difesa. Il caso del pioppo.

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