784 research outputs found

    Peach Twig Borer Mating Disruption

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    Mating disruption became commercially available in the early 1990s, and was adopted by many Utah growers about a decade later. Use of this pest management technology can be daunting due to high up-front costs and monitoring requirements; however, after two to three seasons of use, the cost of mating disruption is the same or even less than conventional pest management

    Leafrollers in Fruit Orchards (Lepidopters: Tortricidae)

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    Leafrollers are a type of caterpillar that may roll or tie leaves together to form a protective shelter. They feed on the leaves and fruits of host plants. This fact sheet describes them, the crop injury they cause, their orchard preferences, monitoring, treatment timing, and management

    The Backyard Orchardist – Fruit Pests: Pear

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    Fire blight is caused by a bacterium called Erwinia amylovora. Pears are very susceptible to fire blight. Blossoms, terminal twigs, and sometimes entire limbs or trees are killed. Environmental conditions favoring infection are warm, rainy days during bloom

    Walnut Husk Fly

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    Walnut husk fly (Order Diptera, Family Tephritidae; Fig. 1) is the most common insect pest of walnuts in Utah. Husk fly larvae (maggots) tunnel in walnut husks, causing them to soften and decay, and stain the shell (Fig. 2). Damaged husks are difficult to remove. If husk fly infestation occurs early in kernel development, nuts may shrivel, darken, become moldy, and drop from the tree (Fig. 3)

    Apple Aphids

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    Speckled Green Fruitworm (Orthosia hibisci)

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    An Alternate Method for Setting Codling Moth Biofix

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    This fact sheet describes an alternate method for setting codling moth biofix that was found to be effective for Utah\u27s fruit production regions. The fixed-biomix method is simpler to implement and easier to explain to growers and crop consultants and can be accessed on line
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