343 research outputs found

    A novel approach for wheat germplasm evaluation: bridging high temperature tolerance and grain quality

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    Doutoramento em Biologia / Instituto Superior de Agronomia. Universidade de LisboaWheat is an essential crop for food and feed, due to its nutritional value and unique aptitude to produce gluten and their derived food products. It is thus essential to understand how increasingly common extreme weather events like heatwaves, defined as short periods of high temperatures (HT), affect wheat grain production and quality, and transcriptomic modulation. Thus, in order to identify wheat varieties with increased tolerance to HT, the objective of this work focused on the characterization of the already referred parameters in plants of several commercial varieties recommended to be used nowadays in Portugal and traditional varieties, submitted to high temperatures during grain filling. Using molecular markers, we showed that commercial genotypes have predicted good grain technological quality, based on the allelic composition of genes related with grain composition. Most commercial and traditional genotypes showed negative effects, induced by heatwave-like treatment, revealed by a decrease in grain number and weight, while protein content was increased. Also, through attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) analysis, we denoted the occurrence of alterations in grain polysaccharide composition induced by HT. Additionally, HT increased protein content variability in landraces and reduced it on commercial varieties. Regarding transcriptomic profiles assessed immediately after the HT treatment, traditional varieties revealed a significantly higher number of differentially expressed genes (DEGs), that include genes coding for heat shock proteins and cupins, and more similar HT responses than commercial varieties. Furthermore, Bancal and landraces DEGs appear to be more associated with several metabolic pathways, while in Antequera DEGs were preferentially related with transcription modulation and RNA and protein synthesisN/

    Reflexiones sobre el islamismo, la tradición y los derechos humanos en la obra de Marjane Satrapi

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    1 archivo PDF (18 páginas)Adentrados en el siglo XXI y sumergidos en fenómenos de generalización mundial, como la tan renombrada globalización, a muy pocos se les debe escapar una realidad concluyente que el paso del tiempo no ha hecho más que reafirmar: el choque entre las civilizaciones se produce no a causa de un determinismo biológico, pretendido ya por muy pocos, sino debido a factores culturales y educativos que la tradición histórica transporta y enriquece. La tensión que se produce en la confrontación entre paradigmas antagónicos no es siempre buena si nos referimos a la experiencia humana, como en el caso que aquí nos ocupa; aunque en términos de investigación, resulta atractiva y fecunda: el dolor emerge en la lucha por la supervivencia física e intelectual de quien plantea una perspectiva crítica que hace temblar las seculares bases identitarias de los diferentes grupos humanos: el dinamismo del “deber de ser” actúa frente al estaticismo del “deber ser” como “ofensa imperdonable”, pero también como obligado y productivo motor de transformación de esas colectividades. El objetivo de este trabajo es observar la confrontación entre Oriente y Occidente, a la luz de los derechos humanos y destacar los resultados de tal enfrentamiento en la vida de una mujer de procedencia islámica, Marjane Satrapi, a través de su mundialmente conocida obra gráfica. En la primera de las dos partes que compondrán esta investigación, se pretende dar una abreviada visión de los derechos humanos y, particularmente, de los referidos a la mujer, desde el enfoque del islamismo y de la tradición. En la segunda, se presentará a nuestra autora y se hará un repaso a su obra, la cual se eleva como seña de identidad de alguien para quien el cuestionamiento y la libre elección son sinónimos de vida

    Grain transcriptome dynamics induced by heat in commercial and traditional bread wheat genotypes

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    Original ResearchHigh temperature (HT) events have negative impact on wheat grains yield and quality. Transcriptome profiles of wheat developing grains of commercial genotypes (Antequera and Bancal) and landraces (Ardito and Magueija) submitted to heatwavelike treatments during grain filling were evaluated. Landraces showed significantly more differentially expressed genes (DEGs) and presented more similar responses than commercial genotypes. DEGs were more associated with transcription and RNA and protein synthesis in Antequera and with metabolism alterations in Bancal and landraces. Landraces upregulated genes encoding proteins already described as HT responsive, like heat shock proteins and cupins. Apart from the genes encoding HSP, two other genes were upregulated in all genotypes, one encoding for Adenylate kinase, essential for the cellular homeostasis, and the other for ferritin, recently related with increased tolerance to several abiotic stress in Arabidopsis. Moreover, a NAC transcription factor involved in plant development, known to be a negative regulator of starch synthesis and grain yield, was found to be upregulated in both commercial varieties and downregulated in Magueija landrace. The detected diversity of molecular processes involved in heat response of commercial and traditional genotypes contribute to understand the importance of genetic diversity and relevant pathways to cope with these extreme eventsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effects of post-anthesis heat waves on the grain quality of seven european wheat varieties

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    Wheat is undoubtedly one of the most important crops worldwide and it is essential to study how the distinct varieties answer to heat waves associated with climatic changes, in order to design adequate wheat breeding strategies. To assess high temperature (HT) impact in wheat grain characteristics, seven commercial varieties, which have been recommended for production in Portugal, were submitted for one‐week HT treatment ten days after anthesis. Firstly, predicted grain technological quality was determined by giving high scores for all varieties studied, based on the allelic compositions of genes encoding high molecular weight glutenins, granule‐bound starch synthase and puroindolines. The effects of HT on transcription levels of those genes were, for the first time, evaluated in distinct wheat genotypes, in comparison with control plants. Finally, protein fraction content in mature grains were also estimated in untreated and treated plants. Immature grains from plants, maintained in control conditions, showed significant intervarietal differences in transcription levels of genes associated with grain quality traits, a variability that was significantly reduced in grains from HT treated plants. On the other hand, the influence of HT in mature grain protein‐fractions and in gliadin/glutenin ratios revealed intervarietal diversity, even with opposite effects in some varieties. The present study, therefore, discloses marked variability in parameters associated with flour quality between the wheat varieties analyzed, which are differentially affected by HT treatments, similar to heat waves frequently observed in climate change scenariosinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    La mujer y su reflejo en la literatura bajomedieval española : ¿literatura feminista o femenina?

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    1 archivo PDF (18 páginas). fhduodequadragintaLa literatura femenina bajomedieval española ha recibido y sigue recibiendo muy distintas denominaciones: literatura de matrimonio, literatura para mujeres o literatura feminista o antifeminista. Estas últimas acepciones van a ser el centro de atención y estudio de nuestro trabajo, pues creemos que el uso indiscriminado que se produce en la crítica literaria desvirtúa la naturaleza de las obras bajomedievales y el sentido preciso que tienen los términos feminista y antifeminista, apartándolos de su correcta taxonomía y de su ideología más propia

    A Management Strategy Plan to Address Return to Play in Sports Medicine

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    A new viral disease named COVID-19 spread rapidly into a pandemic in early 2020. Most countries have active community transmission and imposed measures such as social distancing and travel restrictions to mitigate its effect. Many sporting events all over the globe were canceled or postponed. In this article, we briefly discuss some important topics regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and propose a strategy to manage return to play in professional athletes. We searched the PubMed and Google Scholar databases to identify articles published through May 12, 2020, using the following keywords: “coronavirus,” “COVID-19,” “SARS-CoV-2,” “athlete,” and “return to play.” Although athletes have a lower risk of severe disease, preventive measures are still very important for minimizing time away from training, avoiding potential complications, slowing the pandemic spread, and ultimately protecting the health of those with a higher risk of complications and death. Athletes may present with mild disease, but complications such as pulmonary fibrosis and myocardial injuries have to be considered. Although still controversial, athletes should be evaluated before return to play and monitored accordingly afterward via proper clinical assessments and testing.publishersversionpublishe

    Involvement of disperse repetitive sequences in wheat/rye genome adjustment

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    The union of different genomes in the same nucleus frequently results in hybrid genotypes with improved genome plasticity related to both genome remodeling events and changes in gene expression. Most modern cereal crops are polyploid species. Triticale, synthesized by the cross between wheat and rye, constitutes an excellent model to study polyploidization functional implications. We intend to attain a deeper knowledge of dispersed repetitive sequence involvement in parental genome reshuffle in triticale and in wheat-rye addition lines that have the entire wheat genome plus each rye chromosome pair. Through Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis with OPH20 10-mer primer we unraveled clear alterations corresponding to the loss of specific bands from both parental genomes. Moreover, the sequential nature of those events was revealed by the increased absence of rye-origin bands in wheat-rye addition lines in comparison with triticale. Remodeled band sequencing revealed that both repetitive and coding genome domains are affected in wheat-rye hybrid genotypes. Additionally, the amplification and sequencing of pSc20H internal segments showed that the disappearance of parental bands may result from restricted sequence alterations and unraveled the involvement of wheat/rye related repetitive sequences in genome adjustment needed for hybrid plant stabilizatio

    Death, liberty and self-determination in a globalized society: the medical advance-directive in the legislation of the Distrito Federal

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    1 archivo PDF (12 páginas). fhquinquagintaunusLa muerte en la sociedad moderna, en los diversos escenarios globales, está mostrando múltiples caras que están intrínsecamente relacionadas con las sociedades en transformación. Es notorio el esfuerzo de los sistemas económicos y de mercado por delimitar la libertad del ser humano en su relación con la muerte y, en este sentido, la legislación del Distrito Federal en materia de aplicación de la voluntad anticipada es un claro ejemplo de esto. Abstract: In modern society as well as in many diverse global scenarios, the topic of death presents itself in many diferent ways wich are intrinsically related to evolving societies. Economic systems seek to limit the human being’s freedom in relation to his/ her death; and in terms of the laws relating to medical advance-directives, the Distrito Federal is a clear example of this. PALABRAS CLAVE: Muerte, libertad, autodeterminación, eutanasia, ortotanasia, voluntad anticipada en el Distrito Federal. KEY WORDS: Death,liberty, self-determiantion, euthanasia, orthothanasia, medical advance-directive in the Distrito Federal

    Assessment of high temperature effects on grain yield and composition in bread wheat commercial varieties

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    Wheat is one of the most important cereals for food and feed, and it is, therefore, necessary to determine the e ects of short-term high temperature events (heatwaves) during grain filling. These heatwave events are increasingly common, especially in Portugal. In this work, seven commercial varieties recommended for production in Portugal were submitted to one-week high temperature (HT) treatment ten days after anthesis to evaluate heat e ects on grain yield and quality. Grain yield parameters, such as grain number and weight, were evaluated as well as grain composition through attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy. Variation in HT response between varieties was detected. Grain number and weight tended to decrease in most varieties analyzed. However, two varieties proved to be more resilient since grain number and weight remain unaltered in the Bancal variety, which is the one with better yield results, and even increased in the Pata Negra variety. Regarding grain composition, the comparison between ATR-FTIR spectra of milled grains from control and HT plants revealed alterations in peaks assigned to polysaccharides and proteins. Additionally, a model was built based on nitrogen elemental analysis to predict protein content in flour samples through spectral data that corroborated the di erences identified by spectra profile comparison. Moreover, both analyses showed that the intervarietal diversity observed in control conditions was significantly reduced in HT treated plants. The results obtained highlight the intervarietal diversity of wheat response to HT, regarding grain yield parameters, grain composition, and particularly, protein contentinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    El enfoque de la justicia y los medios alternativos de solución de conflictos : un cambio de paradigma en el sistema de justicia mexicano

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    1 archivo PDF (14 páginas). fhquadragintaquattuorEn este trabajo se desarrolla la hipótesis de que en México coexisten dos modelos de justicia: la tradicional y la que se ha denominado alternativa. Esta última no debe considerarse como un mero derivado de la justicia tradicional, sino como una modalidad que adquiere características que la llevan a configurarse como un nuevo paradigma de justicia, a partir del modelo científico que Thomas Kuhn definió en su obra la estructura de las revoluciones científicas. Palabras clave: Justicia tradicional. Justicia alternativa. Crisis de la justicia. Paradigma nuevo. Thomas Kuhn. Revoluciones científicas. Medios alternativos de solución de conflictos. Arbitraje. Conciliación. Mediación