27 research outputs found

    IL-17 serico, obesidad y riesgo metabolico en adultos jovenes mexicanos.

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    BACKGROUND: Obesity and several inflammatory pathways contribute to the development of metabolic diseases. Some pro-inflammatory cytokines and other signal proteins produced in fat and liver appear to propagate inflammation systemically. IL-17 is a pro-inflammatory cytokine secreted by activated T-cells. Upon binding to its receptor, IL-17 activates a cascade of signals that include MAPK, NF-kB and other pro- inflammatory cytokines. The aim of this study was to determine if the IL-17 levels are associated with obesity and its metabolic comorbidities in young adults. METHODS: Cross-sectional study in the UP AMIGOS 2009 cohort. Anthropometric measurement and blood samples were collected. Fasting glucose, insulin, and serum lipid profile was measured by conventional methods. Serum IL-17 was determined by ELISA assay in 102 individuals with obesity and overweight also in 306 lean students (aged 18 to 26 years old. RESULTS: Higher levels of IL-17 were found in the group with obesity (34.99 pg/mL) when compared to lean subjects (26.57 pg/mL). In addition, a positive correlation between serum IL-17 and body mass index and waist circumference in the group with obesity were detected. CONCLUSIONS: Increased IL-17 levels in young individuals with obesity and overweight are associated with risk factors for developing chronic metabolic diseasesIntroducción: La obesidad y vías inflamatorias contribuyen al desarrollo de enfermedades metabólicas. La masa grasa e hígado producen citoquinas proinflamatorias que pudieran promover la inflamación sistémica. La IL-17 es una citoquina proinflamatoria secretada por células T activadas. Cuando la IL-17 se une al receptor, se activa una casada de señales incluidas MAPK, NFkB y otras citoquinas proinflamatorias. Objetivo: Determinar si los niveles IL-17 están asociados con la obesidad y sus comorbilidades en adultos jóvenes. Método:  Un estudio transversal del estudio de cohorte UP AMIGOS 2009. Se tomaron medidas antropométricas y muestras de sangre. Se midió glucosa en ayuno, insulina y perfil lipídico. La IL-17 en suero se determinó por la prueba ELISA en 102 individuos con obesidad o sobrepeso y en 306 con normopeso de 18 a 26 años de edad.  Resultados: Se encontraron mayores cifras de IL-17 en el grupo con obesidad (34.99 pg/mL) que en el de normopeso (26.57 pg/mL). Se observó una relación positiva entre IL-17 y el índice de masa corporal y circunferencia de cintura en el grupo con obesidad. Conclusiones: Niveles elevados de IL-17 en adultos jóvenes con sobrepeso u obesidad se asocian con factores de riesgo para el desarrollo de enfermedades crónicas

    Estado nutricional, prácticas y percepciones sobre alimentación y actividad física en familias de comunidades suburbanas de San Luis Potosí, México

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    Introducción: Las zonas de pobreza suburbanas son importantes en salud pública, por sus implicaciones epidemiológicas debidas a asentamientos insalubres y a la adopción de estilos de vida urbanos no saludables, por lo que estos contextos son propicios para la doble carga de la malnutrición. Objetivo: Se evaluó el estado nutricional y se analizaron percepciones y prácticas sobre alimentación y actividad física en familias de dos comunidades suburbanas del municipio de San Luis Potosí, México. Metodología: Los datos provienen de una evaluación antropométrica y nutricional realizada a 29 familias de Real Peñasco y Milpillas, de cuestionarios y entrevistas aplicadas a adultos, y de la técnica del dibujo en niños. Resultados: Se encontró rezago social en las familias, y su principal problema nutricional es el sobrepeso y la obesidad; la calidad de la alimentación y el sedentarismo fueron factores de riesgo. En los participantes existe conocimiento sobre alimentación saludable y no saludable, sin embargo, las prácticas de consumo indican malnutrición y las oportunidades para realizar ejercicio son escasas. Conclusiones: Es evidente la necesidad de implementar intervenciones basadas en evidencia; la experiencia del presente estudio, aporta bases para replantear futuros programas sociales y de salud en estas comunidades, acorde a su contexto

    Mecanismos de supresión de las células T reguladoras (Treg)

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    Un punto importante de la inmunología es conocer cómo el sistema inmune es capaz de discriminar lo propio de lo no propio. Los linfocitos Treg suprimen activamente las respuestas inmunes patológicas y fisiológicas, y, por lo tanto, contribuyen al mantenimiento de la homeostasis. La caracterización de estas células reguladoras ha sido tema de gran controversia debido a la falta de marcadores exclusivos para su identificación y separación. Los mecanismos que utilizan los linfocitos Treg para mediar la supresión son: citocinas, citólisis, modulación del microambiente y receptores de superficie. El sistema inmune y las células Treg se han relacionado con la obesidad y la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) mediante el proceso inflamatorio. En este trabajo revisamos los distintos marcadores propuestos para la identificación de las células Treg y los recientes avances en los mecanismos mediante los cuales estas células llevan a cabo su función primordial, la regulación del sistema inmune, y concluimos con el impacto de estas células sobre la obesidad y la DM2

    Exposure to p,p′-DDE Induces Morphological Changes and Activation of the PKCα-p38-C/EBPβ Pathway in Human Promyelocytic HL-60 Cells

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    Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (p,p′-DDE), the most persistent metabolite of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), is still present in the human population. Both are present in the bone marrow of patients with bone marrow disorders, but thus far there are no studies that assess the capability of p,p′-DDE to affect myeloid cells. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of p,p′-DDE on promyelocytic cell differentiation and intracellular pathways related to this event. p,p′-DDE induced morphological changes compatible with promyelocytic differentiation in a concentration-dependent manner. The p,p′-DDE effect on Ca2+i, C/EBPβ protein levels, PKCα and p38 activation, and the role of oxidative stress or PLA2 was assayed. Exposure to 1.9 μg/mL of p,p′-DDE increased Ca2+i, PKCα, p38, and C/EBPβ protein levels; the increase of nuclear C/EBPβ protein was dependent on p38. PKCα phosphorylation was dependent on PLA2 and p,p′-DDE-induced oxidative stress. p38 phosphorylation induced by p,p′-DDE was dependent on PLA2, PKC activation, and oxidative stress. These effects of p,p′-DDE at concentrations found in human bone marrow may induce alterations in immature myeloid cells and could affect their cellular homeostasis. In order to establish the risk from exposure to p,p′-DDE on the development of bone marrow disorders in humans, these effects deserve further study

    Neck Circumference and Its Association with Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Pediatric Population

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    Background and objectives: To identify the relationship between neck circumference (NC) and cardiometabolic risk factors in children. Materials and Methods: Children and adolescents 6–18 years old (n = 548) from five counties of San Luis Potosí, México were included. Data was collected for biological markers (glucose and lipid profile) and anthropometric and clinical measurements—weight, height, NC, waist circumference (WC), and blood pressure (BP). Body mass index (BMI) was calculated using Quetelet formula (kg/m2). Descriptive analysis, correlation tests, and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis were performed. Results: NC was highly correlated with BMI and WC in both genders (p <0.0001). The most frequent risk factor was high BMI (38.7%). Sensitivity and specificity analysis of NC and high BMI showed an area under the ROC curve of 0.887. Conclusions: According to our findings, NC is a simple, low-cost, and non-invasive measurement, which has a high association with high BMI and increased WC

    Implementação de intervenções educacionais focadas na prevenção de doenças não transmissíveis, para melhorar a saúde ambiental das áreas urbanas marginalizadas de San Luis Potosí, México

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    At present, a public health priority in all countries is to prevent and control non-communicable diseases (NCDs). It is therefore necessary to devise prevention strategies and reduce the risks associated with them. The purpose of this study was to design and implement a risk communication-based educational intervention and to evaluate its effectiveness in order to gain knowledge of the risk and protection factors associated with NCDs. The study was conducted between October 2016 and February 2018 and consisted of three stages: 1) preliminary diagnosis, 2) design and implementation of the educational strategy, and 3) evaluation after the intervention. A total of 558 children and 100 mothers and fathers from two schools belonging to marginalized urban communities in San Luis Potosí, Mexico, participated in the study. Three health parties were held in which different teaching materials were used. In order to find out the effectiveness of the intervention, the level of knowledge of NCDs before and after its implementation was ascertained. It was found that the children assimilated the knowledge pertaining to the prevention of NCDs; however, the parents showed no change in the level of their knowledge. The intervention strategy proved to be effective; in the case of parents, however, other strategies for encouraging their involvement should be found. Although gaining knowledge about NCDs does not mean that healthy habits are acquired, it is a first step to achieve this.Actualmente una prioridad de salud pública en todos los países es prevenir y controlar las enfermedades no transmisibles (ENT); es necesario por tanto establecer estrategias de prevención y disminuir los riesgos asociados a ellas. Por lo anterior, el objetivo del estudio fue diseñar, implementar y evaluar una intervención educativa, basada en comunicación de riesgos, para el aprendizaje de conocimientos de factores de riesgos y de protección asociados a ENT. El estudio se realizó entre octubre de 2016 y febrero de 2018, y consistió en tres etapas: 1) diagnóstico previo, 2) diseño e implementación de la estrategia educativa, 3) evaluación después de la intervención. Participaron 558 niñas y niños y 100 madres y padres de familia de dos escuelas pertenecientes a comunidades urbanas marginadas en de San Luis Potosí, México. Como estrategia educativa se realizaron tres fiestas de salud en las cuales se utilizó diverso material didáctico. Para conocer la efectividad de la intervención se realizó un diagnóstico sobre conocimientos relacionados con ENT antes y después de su implementación. Se encontró que las niñas y niños integraron conocimientos relacionados con la prevención de ENT; sin embargo, en las madres y los padres de familia no se encontraron cambios en el nivel de conocimientos. La estrategia de intervención mostró ser efectiva, sin embargo, para las madres y los padres de familia, se deberán buscar otras estrategias para favorecer su participación. Si bien el conocimiento no implica que se adquieran hábitos saludables, es un primer paso para logarlo.Atualmente, uma prioridade de saúde pública em todos os países é prevenir e controlar doenças não transmissíveis (DNT); é, portanto, necessário estabelecer estratégias de prevenção e reduzir os riscos associados a elas. O objetivo do estudo foi desenhar, implementar e avaliar uma intervenção educacional, baseada na comunicação de riscos, para o conhecimento dos fatores de risco e proteção associados às DNT. O estudo foi realizado entre outubro de 2016 e fevereiro de 2018 e consistiu em três etapas: 1) diagnóstico prévio, 2) desenho e implementação da estratégia educacional, 3) avaliação após a intervenção. Participaram 558 crianças e 100 pais de duas escolas pertencentes a comunidades urbanas marginalizadas em San Luis Potosí, México. Foram realizadas três festas da saúde, nas quais foram utilizados diferentes materiais didáticos. Para conhecer a efetividade da intervenção, foi realizado um diagnóstico sobre o conhecimento relacionado com as DNT antes e após sua implementação. Verificou-se que as crianças integraram conhecimentos relacionados com prevenção de DNT; no entanto, nos pais não houve mudanças no nível de conhecimento. A estratégia de intervenção mostrou-se eficaz, no entanto, para os pais, devem procurar-se outras estratégias que favoreçam a sua participação. Embora o conhecimento não implique a aquisição de hábitos saudáveis, é um primeiro passo nesse sentido

    Dynamical changes in the expression of GABAergic and purinergic components occur during the polarization of THP-1 monocytes to proinflammatory macrophages

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    The monocytes are key components of innate immunity, as they can differentiate into phagocytic cells or macrophages with proinflammatory or anti-inflammatory phenotypes. The gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP), two known neurotransmitters, are two environmental signals that contribute to the differentiation of monocytes into macrophages and their subsequent polarization into proinflammatory M1 and anti-inflammatory M2 macrophages. Although monocytes and macrophages express proteins related to GABA and ATP-mediated response (GABAergic and purinergic systems, respectively), it is unknown whether changes in their expression occur during monocyte activation or their differentiation and polarization into macrophages. Therefore, we evaluated the expression levels of GABAergic and purinergic signaling components in the THP-1 monocyte cell line and their changes during monocyte activation, differentiation, and polarization to M1 proinflammatory macrophages. Our results showed that activated monocytes are characterized by increased expression of two GABAergic components, the GABA transporter 2 (GAT-2) and the glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD)-67, an enzyme involved in GABA synthesis. Also, monocytes showed a pronounced expression of the purinergic receptors P2X4 and P2X7. Interestingly, during differentiation, monocytes increased the expression of the β2 subunit of GABA A-type receptor (GABA-AR), while the purinergic receptors P2X1 and P2X1del were reduced. In contrast, proinflammatory M1 macrophages showed a reduced expression in the α4 subunit of GABA-AR and GAD67, while P2X4 and P2X7 were overexpressed. These results indicate that dynamical changes in the GABAergic and purinergic components occur during the transition from monocytes to macrophages. Since GABA and ATP are two neurotransmitters, our results suggest that monocytes and macrophages respond to neurotransmitter-induced stimulation and may represent a path of interaction between the nervous and immune systems during peripheral inflammation and neuroinflammation development

    Differential Expression of <i>AhR</i> in Peripheral Mononuclear Cells in Response to Exposure to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Mexican Women

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    The exposure to air pollutants causes significant damage to health, and inefficient cooking and heating practices produce high levels of household air pollution, including a wide range of health-damaging pollutants such as fine particles, carbon monoxide and PAHs. The exposure to PAHs has been associated with the development of neoplastic processes, asthma, genotoxicity, altered neurodevelopment and inflammation. The effects on the induction of proinflammatory cytokines are attributed to the activation of AhR. However, the molecular mechanisms by which the PAHs produce proinflammatory effects are unknown. This study was performed on a group of 41 Mexican women from two rural communities who had stoves inside their houses, used wood as biomass fuel, and, thus, were vulnerable. According to the urinary 1-OHP concentration, the samples were stratified into two groups for determination of the levels of TNF-α, AhR, CYP1B1, miR-125b and miR-155 expression. Our results showed that the CYP1B1, TNF-α, miR-125b and miR-155 expression levels were not statistically different between women with the lowest and highest levels of 1-OHP. Interestingly, high levels of PAHs promoted augmented expression of AhR, which is a protein involved in the modulation of inflammatory pathways in vivo, suggesting that cell signaling of AhR may be implicated in several pathogenesis processes

    Function and expression of N-acetyltransferases 1 and 2 are altered in lymphocytes in type 2 diabetes and obesity

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    The cytosolic enzymes N-Acetyl Transferases 1 and 2 (NATs) transfer an acetyl group from acetyl-CoA to a xenobiotic substrate. NATs are regulated at the genetic and epigenetic levels by deacetylase enzymes such as sirtuins. The enzymatic expression of NAT1, NAT2, and SIRT1 was evaluated by flow cytometry, as well as the enzymatic activity of NATs by cell culture and HPLC analysis. Six SNPs were determined through genotyping. T2D patients (n = 29) and healthy subjects (n = 25) with a median age of 57 and 50, respectively, were recruited. An increased enzyme expression and a diminished NAT2 enzymatic activity were found in cells of T2D patients compared to the control group, while NAT1 was negatively correlated with body fat percentage and BMI. In contrast, Sirtuin inhibition increased NAT2 activity, while Sirtuin agonism decreased its activity in both groups. The analysis of NAT2 SNPs showed a higher frequency of rapid acetylation haplotypes in T2D patients compared to the control group, possibly associated as a risk factor for diabetes. The enzymatic expression of CD3+NAT2+ cells was higher in the rapid acetylators group compared to the slow acetylators group. The levels and activity of NAT1 were associated with total cholesterol and triglycerides. Meanwhile, CD3+NAT2+ cells and NAT2 activity levels were associated with HbA1c and glucose levels. The results indicate that NAT2 could be involved in metabolic processes related to the development of T2D, due to its association with glucose levels, HbA1c, and the altered SIRT-NAT axis. NAT1 may be involved with dyslipidaemias in people who are overweight or obese

    Two P2X1 receptor transcripts able to form functional channels are present in most human monocytes

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    "To characterize the presence and general properties of P2X1 receptors in single human monocytes we used RT-PCR, flow cytometry, and the patch-clamp and the two-electrode voltage-clamp techniques. Most human monocytes expressed the canonical P2X1 (90%) and its splicing variant P2X1del (88%) mRNAs. P2X1 receptor immunoreactivity was also observed in 70% of these cells. Currents mediated by P2X1 (EC50=1.9±0.8 µm) and P2X1del (EC50 >1000 µm) channels, expressed in Xenopus leavis oocytes, have different ATP sensitivity and kinetics. Both currents mediated by P2X1 and P2X1del channels kept increasing during the continuous presence of high ATP concentrations. Currents mediated by the native P2X1 receptors in human monocytes showed an EC50=6.3±0.2 µm. Currents have kinetics that resemble those observed for P2X1 and P2X1del receptors in oocytes. Our study is the first to demonstrate the expression of P2X1 transcript and its splicing variant P2X1del in most human monocytes. We also, for the first time, described functional homomeric P2X1del channels and demonstrated that currents mediated by P2X1 or P2X1del receptors, during heterologous expression, increased in amplitude when activated with high ATP concentrations in a similar fashion to those channels that increase their conductance under similar conditions, such as P2X7, P2X2, and P2X4 channels.