20 research outputs found

    Temas Socio-Jurídicos. Volumen 30 No. 62 Junio 2012

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    La Revista Temas Socio Jurídicos es una publicación seriada del Centro de Investigaciones Socio Jurídicas, dependencia adscrita a la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga, que se dirige principalmente a Abogados, profesionales de las ciencias sociales y humanas, a estudiantes de derecho y de ciencias sociales y humanas.The Socio Legal Issues Magazine is a serial publication of the Socio Legal Research Center, a dependency attached to the Faculty of Law of the Autonomous University of Bucaramanga, which is aimed mainly at Lawyers, professionals in the social and human sciences, law students and social and human sciences

    Nonredundant, Highly Connected MicroRNAs Control Functionality in Breast Cancer Networks

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    Alterations to transcriptional regulation are an important factor in breast cancer. Noncoding RNA, such as microRNA (miR), have very influential roles in the transcriptional regulation of genes. Transcriptional regulation can be successfully modeled and analyzed using complex network theory. Particularly, interactions between two distinct classes of biological elements, such as miR and genes, can be approached through the bipartite network formalism. Based on bipartite network properties, it is possible to identify highly influential miRs in the network, such as those that have a large number of connections indicating regulation of a large set of genes. Some miRs in a network are nonredundant, which indicates that they are solely responsible of the regulation of a particular set of genes, which in turn may be associated to a particular biological process. We hypothesize that highly influential, nonredundant miRs, which we call Commodore miRs (Cdre-miRs), have an important role on the control of biological functions through transcriptional networks. In this work, we analyze the regulation of gene expression by miRs in healthy and cancerous breast tissue using bipartite miR-gene networks inferred from the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) expression data. We observe differences in the degree, clustering coefficient and redundancy distributions for miRs and genes in the network, indicating differences in the way that these elements interact with each other. Furthermore, we identify a small set of five Cdre-miRs in the breast cancer network: miR-190b, miR-let7i, miR-292-b, miR-511, and miR-141. The neighborhood of genes controlled by each of these miRs is involved in particular biological functions such as dynein structure-associated processes, immune response, angiogenesis, cytokine activity, and cell motility. We propose that these Cdre-miRs are important control elements of biological functions deregulated in breast cancer

    HPV16-E2 protein modifies self-renewal and differentiation rate in progenitor cells of human immortalized keratinocytes

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    Abstract Background Cervical cancer is the fourth cause of death worldwide by cancer in women and is a disease associated to persistent infection with human papillomavirus (HPV), particularly from two high-risk types HPV16 and 18. The virus initiates its replicative cycle infecting cells located in the basal layer of the epithelium, where a small population of epithelial stem cells is located performing important functions of renewal and maintenance of the tissue. Viral E2 gene is one of the first expressed after infection and plays relevant roles in the replicative cycle of the virus, modifying fundamental processes in the infected cells. Thus, the aim of the present study was to demonstrate the presence of hierarchic subpopulations in HaCaT cell line and evaluate the effect of HPV16-E2 expression, on their biological processes. Methods HaCaT-HPV16-E2 cells were generated by transduction of HaCaT cell line with a lentiviral vector. The α6-integrin-CD71 expression profile was established by immunostaining and flow cytometric analysis. After sorting, cell subpopulations were analyzed in biological assays for self-renewal, clonogenicity and expression of stemness factors (RT-qPCR). Results We identified in HaCaT cell line three different subpopulations that correspond to early differentiated cells (α6-integrindim), transitory amplifying cells (α6-integrinbri/CD71bri) and progenitor cells (α6-integrinbri/CD71dim). The last subpopulation showed stem cell characteristics, such as self-renewal ability, clonogenicity and expression of the well-known stem cell factors SOX2, OCT4 and NANOG, suggesting they are stem-like cells. Interestingly, the expression of HPV16-E2 in HaCaT cells changed its α6-integrin-CD71 immunophenotype modifying the relative abundance of the cell subpopulations, reducing significantly the percentage of α6-integrinbri/CD71dim cells. Moreover, the expression of the stem cell markers was also modified, increasing the expression of SOX2 and NANOG, but decreasing notably the expression of OCT4. Conclusions Our data demonstrated the presence of a small subpopulation with epithelial “progenitor cells” characteristics in the HaCaT cell line, and that HPV16-E2 expression on these cells induces early differentiation

    Resistencia de la población hacia la vacunación en época de epidemias: a propósito de la COVID-19

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    10 páginasThis article presents the findings of a review of the literature on public resistance to vaccines and the main factors that have influenced their decisions about immunoprevention, with a focus on the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods. We searched the literature using the terms DeCs/MeSH, anti-vaccination movement, vaccination refusal, epidemics, COVID-19, and impacts on health, using the Boolean operators OR and AND in Google Scholar, Medline, Lilacs, and Ibecs. Documents from official sources were also considered. Results. Throughout history, since vaccination began, people have had controversial perceptions of the procedure: some accept what the health authorities recommend, and others allege hidden intentions behind immunization. The COVID-19 vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 has been no exception. Conclusions. Vaccination has been one of the greatest scientific achievements in public health. However, despite its benefits, it has raised fear, uncertainty, and suspicion in the population. For this reason, it is important to increase health education actions in the population—with clear, concise, understandable information that is based on reliable and truthful sources—in order to reduce resistance to vaccination and address preventable diseasesObjetivo. El presente artículo busca exponer los hallazgos de una revisión de la literatura sobre la resistencia de la población frente a las vacunas y las principales razones que han influido en sus decisiones hacia a la inmunoprevención, con foco en la pandemia de la COVID-19. Métodos. Se realizó una búsqueda en la literatura utilizando los términos DeCs/MeSH, Anti-Vaccination Movement, Vaccination refusal, Epidemics, COVID-19, Impacts on health, relacionados entre ellos por los operadores booleanos OR y AND en Google Scholar, Medline, Lilacs e Ibecs; también se tuvieron en cuenta documentos de fuentes oficiales. Resultados. A lo largo de la historia, desde el inicio de la vacunación, la percepción de las personas hacia este procedimiento ha sido controversial, hay quienes aceptan lo que las autoridades sanitarias recomiendan y quienes alegan intenciones ocultas detrás de la inmunización; la vacuna contra el SARS-CoV-2 causante de la COVID-19 no ha sido la excepción. Conclusiones. La vacunación ha sido uno de los mayores logros científicos en términos de salud pública, un avance que, a pesar de sus beneficios, ha causado miedo, incertidumbre y suspicacias en la población. Por esta razón, resulta importante incrementar las acciones de educación para la salud en la población, con información clara, concisa y comprensible, y sustentada en fuentes confiables y verídicas, con el fin de disminuir la resistencia a la vacunación y evitar las enfermedades prevenibles

    Plan maestro arquitectónico y paisajístico del Centro de Innovación Cultural y Tecnológica de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Azcapotzalco, Ciudad de México

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    253 páginas. Especialización en Diseño.Se presenta el plan maestro arquitectónico y paisajístico para el edifico A en la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Azcapotzalco, en el cual se formará el Centro de Innovación Cultural y Tecnológica (CICTE), dicho edificio contará con el primer y único jardín botánico en terrazas de un edificio en el que se albergará especies nativas mexicanas, en cada uno de sus niveles con un ecosistema distinto. El jardín botánico contará con tres ecosistemas como: Bosque mesófilo de montaña, Bosque de pino encino y Matorral xerófilo. Lo que suma un área total de 643.58 m2 para los tres niveles con 115 especies vegetales. Para su diseño se contempló un análisis del paisaje que toma en cuenta su sistema ambiental localización del sitio, clima, suelo, topografía, hidrografía, además de valorar el sistema socio cultural al visualizar el perfil del usuario y las necesidades que requiere para que este sea funcional. Asimismo, se desarrolló el proyecto ejecutivo paisajístico del Centro de Innovación Cultural y Tecnológica, así como del jardín contiguo que se encuentra entre los edificios B, C y D además del estacionamiento de visitantes. Estos proyectos incluyen planos arquitectónicos, estructurales, de nivelación y trazo, drenaje pluvial, riego, hidrozonas, iluminación, despieces de pisos y pavimentos, plantación, sustratos y taxonomía, entre otros. En resumen, el diseño paisajístico se basó mediante un análisis del sitio, mediante el análisis de las necesidades del usuario, entorno, los requerimientos del lugar y su historia, para que este sea un espacio optimo, funcional para cada actividad que se lleve a cabo. Además de mantener la memoria presente de nuestros antepasados ya que conserva nuestra historia, origen y salvaguarda de la vegetación nativa del país

    The pursuit of healthier communities through a community health medical education program

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    10 páginasBackground: Distinct periods in the community health undergraduate medical program at the University of La Sabana (Colombia) were identified in its evolution from 1999 to 2013. We describe each period and explain the succesion of changes toward improvement. Methods: An ordered review of the community health program was constructed based on the retrospective recollection, classification, and analysis of information from document archives and interviews with participants. The review of the experience reconstructs periods of the program, organizing the evolution of its learned lessons and identified changes across the development of community health projects (CHPs) and the phases followed in their implementation. Results: Two principal stages were identified, the first when students’ CHPs involved only schools, and the second when students worked in a broader array of community settings. Identified phases of the community health cycle leading to identifying changes across the program timeline were focus of the community–campus partnership; development of relationships among participants; health and health determinants’ assessment; defining project goals and objectives; devising a project activity plan; implementing and gathering results; disseminating project achievements; and building sustainability of program activities. Periods were bounded by important new characteristics introduced in the pursuit of healthier communities. Discussion: Understanding the evolution of the program revealed the key concepts and practices in setting community health apprenticeship scenarios for the various participants. Overall, trust and commitment from stakeholders requires competent facilitators able to build meaningful and sustainable collaborations that can translate the purpose of community health practice into an effective teaching–learning experience. Institutional capacity building and collaborative practice contribute to improvements in the community health program and its ability to be flexible to adapt to different contexts. Periods reflecting improvement in this school’s programs over time can help others identify key elements that need to be integrated into a community health medical education program

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of HPV16-E2 protein modifies self-renewal and differentiation rate in progenitor cells of human immortalized keratinocytes

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    Data from the self-renewal assays. HaCaTwt cells were α6-integrin-CD71 stained and analyzed by flow cytometry to establish the relative abundance of α6-integrinbri/CD71dim (R6), α6-integrinbri/CD71bri (R7) and α6-integrindim (R8) subpopulations (Parental). After sorting, α6-integrinbri/CD71dim or Non-α6-integrinbri/CD71dim cells were re-seeded in separated wells and grown for 10 days. Then, the immunophenotype was analyzed by flow cytometry (First enrichment). Again, α6-integrinbri/CD71dim cells or Non-α6-integrinbri/CD71dim cells were sort and re-seeded for 10 days and flow cytometer analyzed (Second enrichment). Data are presented as the average and SD from three self-renewal assays. (DOCX 13 kb