998 research outputs found

    Potential Vorticity Mixing in a Tangled Magnetic Field

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    A theory of potential vorticity (PV) mixing in a disordered (tangled) magnetic field is presented. The analysis is in the context of β\beta-plane MHD, with a special focus on the physics of momentum transport in the stably stratified, quasi-2D solar tachocline. A physical picture of mean PV evolution by vorticity advection and tilting of magnetic fields is proposed. In the case of weak-field perturbations, quasi-linear theory predicts that the Reynolds and magnetic stresses balance as turbulence Alfv\'enizes for a larger mean magnetic field. Jet formation is explored quantitatively in the mean field-resistivity parameter space. However, since even a modest mean magnetic field leads to large magnetic perturbations for large magnetic Reynolds number, the physically relevant case is that of a strong but disordered field. We show that numerical calculations indicate that the Reynolds stress is modified well before Alfv\'enization -- i.e. before fluid and magnetic energies balance. To understand these trends, a double-average model of PV mixing in a stochastic magnetic field is developed. Calculations indicate that mean-square fields strongly modify Reynolds stress phase coherence and also induce a magnetic drag on zonal flows. The physics of transport reduction by tangled fields is elucidated and linked to the related quench of turbulent resistivity. We propose a physical picture of the system as a resisto-elastic medium threaded by a tangled magnetic network. Applications of the theory to momentum transport in the tachocline and other systems are discussed in detail.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, 2 table

    Gyrokinetics Simulation of Energetic Particle Turbulence and Transport

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    Progress in research during this year elucidated the physics of precession resonance and its interaction with radial scattering to form phase space density granulations. Momentum theorems for drift wave-zonal flow systems involving precession resonance were derived. These are directly generalizable to energetic particle modes. A novel nonlinear, subcritical growth mechanism was identified, which has now been verified by simulation. These results strengthen the foundation of our understanding of transport in burning plasma

    Transcriptomic profiling of 39 commonly-used neuroblastoma cell lines

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    Neuroblastoma cell lines are an important and cost-effective model used to study oncogenic drivers of the disease. While many of these cell lines have been previously characterized with SNP, methylation, and/or mRNA expression microarrays, there has not been an effort to comprehensively sequence these cell lines. Here, we present raw whole transcriptome data generated by RNA sequencing of 39 commonly-used neuroblastoma cell lines. These data can be used to perform differential expression analysis based on a genetic aberration or phenotype in neuroblastoma (e.g., MYCN amplification status, ALK mutation status, chromosome arm 1p, 11q and/or 17q status, sensitivity to pharmacologic perturbation). Additionally, we designed this experiment to enable structural variant and/or long-noncoding RNA analysis across these cell lines. Finally, as more DNase/ATAC and histone/transcription factor ChIP sequencing is performed in these cell lines, our RNA-Seq data will be an important complement to inform transcriptional targets as well as regulatory (enhancer or repressor) elements in neuroblastoma

    Illusory perceptions of space and time preserve cross-saccadic perceptual continuity

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    When voluntary saccadic eye movements are made to a silently ticking clock, observers sometimes think that the second hand takes longer than normal to move to its next position. For a short period, the clock appears to have stopped (chronostasis). Here we show that the illusion occurs because the brain extends the percept of the saccadic target backwards in time to just before the onset of the saccade. This occurs every time we move the eyes but it is only perceived when an external time reference alerts us to the phenomenon. The illusion does not seem to depend on the shift of spatial attention that accompanies the saccade. However, if the target is moved unpredictably during the saccade, breaking perception of the target's spatial continuity, then the illusion disappears. We suggest that temporal extension of the target's percept is one of the mechanisms that 'fill in' the perceptual 'gap' during saccadic suppression. The effect is critically linked to perceptual mechanisms that identify a target's spatial stability

    Cosmic Evolution of Star Formation In SDSS Quasar Hosts Since z=1

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    We present Spitzer IRS observations of a complete sample of 57 SDSS type-1 quasars at z~1. Aromatic features at 6.2 and/or 7.7 um are detected in about half of the sample and show profiles similar to those seen in normal galaxies at both low- and high-redshift, indicating a star-formation origin for the features. Based on the ratio of aromatic to star-formation IR (SFIR) luminosities for normal star-forming galaxies at z~1, we have constructed the SFIR luminosity function (LF) of z~1 quasars. As we found earlier for low-redshift PG quasars, these z~1 quasars show a flatter SFIR LF than do z~1 field galaxies, implying the quasar host galaxy population has on average a higher SFR than the field galaxies do. As measured from their SFIR LF, individual quasar hosts have on average LIRG-level SFRs, which mainly arise in the circumnuclear regions. By comparing with similar measurements of low-redshift PG quasars, we find that the comoving SFIR luminosity density in quasar hosts shows a much larger increase with redshift than that in field galaxies. The behavior is consistent with pure density evolution since the average SFR and the average SFR/BH-accretion-rate in quasar hosts show little evolution with redshift. For individual quasars, we have found a correlation between the aromatic-based SFR and the luminosity of the nuclear radiation, consistent with predictions of some theoretical models. We propose that type 1 quasars reside in a distinct galaxy population that shows elliptical morphology but that harbors a significant fraction of intermediate-age stars and is experiencing intense circumnuclear star formation.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 20 pages, 11 figure

    A single intranasal dose of chimpanzee adenovirus-vectored vaccine protects against SARS-CoV-2 infection in rhesus macaques

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    The deployment of a vaccine that limits transmission and disease likely will be required to end the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. We recently described the protective activity of an intranasally administered chimpanzee adenovirus-vectored vaccine encoding a pre-fusion stabilized spike (S) protein (ChAd-SARS-CoV-2-S [chimpanzee adenovirus-severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2-S]) in the upper and lower respiratory tracts of mice expressing the human angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor. Here, we show the immunogenicity and protective efficacy of this vaccine in non-human primates. Rhesus macaques were immunized with ChAd-Control or ChAd-SARS-CoV-2-S and challenged 1 month later by combined intranasal and intrabronchial routes with SARS-CoV-2. A single intranasal dose of ChAd-SARS-CoV-2-S induces neutralizing antibodies and T cell responses and limits or prevents infection in the upper and lower respiratory tracts after SARS-CoV-2 challenge. As ChAd-SARS-CoV-2-S confers protection in non-human primates, it is a promising candidate for limiting SARS-CoV-2 infection and transmission in humans