1,674 research outputs found

    Obstetrical complications among adolescent girls at the maternity ward of Ignace Deen National Hospital

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    Background: The objective of this study was to highlight obstetrical complications that occurred among adolescent girls who delivered at the ward and to identify factors associated with the occurrence of such complications.Methods: This was a prospective study of descriptive and analytical type extending over a period of one year from September 1, 2016 to August 31, 2017 carried out at the maternity ward of Ignace Deen National Hospital at Conakry Teaching Hospital (CHU). It covered a continuous series of 1034 deliveries among adolescent girls.Results: The frequency of childbirth among adolescent girls was 16.7%. The main complications identified were dystocia, severe preeclampsia, eclampsia, retroplacental hematoma, placenta previa, uterine rupture, severe anemia, postpartum hemorrhage and puerperal endometritis. These complications occurred among adolescent girls aged 18 to 19, christian, skin and pelvic bones secondary school or university students. Factors associated with such complications were the marital status (p=0.010), the gestational age (p=0.012), the number of prenatal consultations (p=0.001), the place of prenatal consultation (p=0.001), the reason for admission (p=0.000) and the mode of admission (p=0.000).Conclusions: Childbirth among adolescent girls is frequent in this context; complications are numerous but they are preventable in the vast majority of cases

    Evaluation in vitro de la sensibilité de Pythium aphanidermatum aux fongicides utilisés dans les plantations de papayers en Côte d’Ivoire

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    La pourriture des racines et du collet du papayer en Côte d’Ivoire sévit dans les plantations, causant des pertes énormes. Cependant, malgré les traitements fongiques, la maladie persiste. L’objectif de cette étudeest de tester in vitro la sensibilité de Pythium aphanidermatum, responsable de la maladie, aux fongicides utilisés dans les plantations de papaye. Ainsi, l’efficacité des fongicides Callomil, Aliette, Volley, Opal et Callicuivre a été testé in vitro sur P. aphanidermatum. Ces pesticides ont été incorporés dans le milieu synthétique PDA, avec le milieu témoin constitué de PDA sans fongicide. Le diamètre moyen du mycélium du champignon a été mesuré. Puis, l’inhibition de la croissance du champignon a été déterminée en fonction du fongicide utilisé. Pythium aphanidermatum s’est montré hautement sensible à Callomil, sensible à Aliette, résistant à Volley et hautement résistant à Opal et Callicuivre. La sensibilité du pathogène vis-à-vis des fongicides varie également en fonction de la quantité de matière active (μg/ml) apportée en boîte de Pétri à l’exception de Callicuivre pour lequel le champignon s’est révélé hautement résistant à toutes les doses utilisées. Les résultats confirment l’inefficacité de l’oxychlorure de cuivre observée en plantation. Des tests in vivo permettront de confirmer les résultats.© 2009 International Formulae Group. All rights reservedMots clés : Champignon; pesticides ; milieu synthétique ; résistant

    Surgical intervention on uterine fibromyoma in a country with limited resources: case of the gynaecology-obstetrics department of the Communal Medical Centre of Ratoma Conakry - Guinea

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    Background: In developing countries, treatment of uterine fibromyoma is confronted with numerous problems, namely: financial inaccessibility to the proposed treatments, fear of surgery and the weakness of the technical platform. The objectives of the study were to calculate the frequency of uterine fibromyomas, describe the socio-demographic characteristics of patients, identify the main clinical data and to describe the modalities of surgical management.Methods: It was a mixed descriptive study, cumulative over a period of 5 years (60 months) with data collection in two phases: a 4-year retrospective study from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2018 and a 1-year prospective study from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019.Results: Authors collected 135 cases of uterine fibromyomas operated on out of a total of 260 cases of gynaecological pathologies, i.e. a frequency of 51.92%. Nulliparous women were the most concerned (45.18%), and women who attended school (60%) and those who did not attend school (40%). Women at home and housewives accounted for 42.20% and 54.07% respectively. Clinically, the circumstances of discovery were dominated by menometrorrhagia and menorrhagia respectively 77.77% and 68.14%. The large uterus was the most frequent physical sign found in 96.29% of cases. Uterine fibromyomas were recorded in 86.6% of cases in women with genital activity. The operative indications were dominated by the large polymyomatous uterus (64.44%), followed by hemorrhagic fibroma (18.52%) The surgical treatment was conservative in 92.60%. The total hysterectomy was performed in 7.40. Lethality was 1.4%.Conclusions: The surgical management of fibroids contrasts conservative treatment (myomectomy) with radical treatment (hysterectomy) with multiple possible approaches (hysteroscopy, vaginal surgery, laparoscopy or laparotomy). In this context, only laparotomy was possible due to lack of equipment. Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy equipment are necessary for less invasive surgery

    Reference Modelling in Support of M&S—Foundations and Applications

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    Whether by design or by practice, systems engineering (SE) processes are used more and more often in Modeling and Simulation (M&S). While the two disciplines are very close, there are some differences that must be taken into account in order to successfully reuse practices from one community to another. In this paper, we introduce the M&S System Development Framework (MS-SDF) that unifies SE and M&S processes. The MS-SDF comprises the SE processes of requirements capture, conceptual modelling, and verification and validation (V&V), and extends them to M&S. We use model theory as a deductive apparatus in order to develop the MS-SDF. We discuss the benefits of the MS-SDF especially in the selection between federation development and multi-model approaches and the design of composable models and simulations. Lastly, a real life application example of the framework is provided

    Etude longitudinale de la névralgie cervico-brachiale dans le service de neurologie du CHU Gabriel Touré, Bamako (Mali)

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    Introduction: La Névralgie Cervico-Brachiale (NCB) est une pathologie relativement fréquente dans la pratique courante. Elle est pourvoyeused'importants coûts médicaux et socio-économiques. Peu de données existent sur la NCB en Afrique.Méthodes: Il s'agit d'une étude longitudinale, descriptive et prospective qui s'est déroulée du 1er novembre 2009 au 30 Août 2010 au CHU Gabriel Touré de Bamako, Mali. Elle a pour objectif d'étudier les caractéristiques épidémiologiques et cliniques de la NCB. Le diagnostic à été strictement clinique, et la DN4 a permis de déterminer les caractéristiques de cette névralgie. L´intensité de la douleur a été évaluée par l'échelle verbale simple (EVS).L'échelle concis de la douleur et l'échelle HAD ont permis d'étudier l'impact de la douleur sur la qualité de vie des patients. Résultats: La fréquence de la NCB est de 10,9%.Les ménagères sont les plus touchées, 21(40,4%). L'âge moyen des patients est de 48 ±7 ans. La tranche d'âge de 50-59 ans représente la classe modale. La douleur est à prédominance nocturne chez 75,0% des patients. Les décharges  électriques sont la caractéristique principale soit 48,1% des patients et 57,7% malades présentent une douleur intense. Sur le plan  topographique, la racine C7, est la plus atteinte soit 50,0%. Sur la qualité de la vie, 44,2% des malades présentent des troubles du sommeil. Sur le plan thérapeutique l'évolution a été favorable chez 78,8% des patients sous AINS, Tramadol et Amitriptilline. Conclusion: otre travail à l'instar des études antérieures sur la NCB montre que cette pathologie reste une entité clinique relativement courante. Le pronostic généralement favorable est fonction d'un diagnostic précoce et d'une prise en charge adaptée

    Incidence and distribution of cassava mosaic begomoviruses in Cote d'Ivoire

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    Cassava mosaic disease (CMD) caused by the whitefly-transmitted begomoviruses (family Geminiviridae) is amajor threat to production of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) in Côte d’Ivoire. A survey was conducted in themajor production zones in Côte d’Ivoire to assess the incidence, severity, and distribution of cassava viraldiseases. At each survey site, up to ten plants were assessed for symptom severity; incidence and samples weretaken for virus testing. Techniques based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were used for the detection ofcassava mosaic begomoviruses (CMBs) in the sampled leaves. Incidence of CMD varied from 0 to 100% andsymptom severity from 1 to 5. Incidence differed significantly between the various agro-ecological zones(P<0.001), but severity was the same in those zones. Out of the 335 samples tested, African cassava mosaic virus(ACMV) was detected in 43.3%, East African cassava mosaic Cameroon virus (EACMCV) in 5.7%, and bothACMV and EACMCV in 31.3%; 19.7% of the samples analyzed were negative to all the viruses tested. None of thesamples was tested positive to the East African cassava mosaic virus-Uganda (EACMV-Ug). These resultssuggest high incidence of CMD in the cassava production zones in Côte d’lvoire and underscores a need forimplementation of control measures including phytosanitary measures with utilization of CMD-free materials forplanting and adoption of resistant varieties
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