3 research outputs found

    Impact du dispositif Contrat Local de SantĂ© sur la capacitĂ© d’action dans les champs de la prĂ©vention, de la promotion de la santĂ© et de la santĂ© environnement dans les RĂ©gions Bretagne et Pays de la Loire. Rapport final sur le 1er mandat CLS du Direes

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    Presented as a tool for reducing social and territorial inequalities in health, it would be wrong to summarise the potential of local health contracts (CLS) solely in terms of their work in coordinating actions carried out at local level. While the mobilisation of actors in a given area can be expected to increase efficiency through concerted action to avoid the deployment of redundant initiatives, the CLS must also be seen as a "health in all policies" mechanism that can involve actors outside the social and health field. The heterogeneity of the actors involved suggests that a CLS could thus provide answers to complex problems that cannot be solved by working in silos.This report, produced as part of the first part of the CLS mandate given by the Regional Health Agencies of Brittany and Pays de la Loire as a result of the inter-regional health research, evaluation and expertise system (Direes), had the general aim of providing a better understanding of the impact and added value in terms of health promotion and health-environment of the CLSs deployed in their territories.PrĂ©sentĂ© comme un outil de rĂ©duction des inĂ©galitĂ©s sociales et territoriales de santĂ©, on aurait tort de rĂ©sumer le potentiel des contrats locaux de santĂ© (CLS) Ă  leur seul travail de coordination des actions menĂ©es Ă  l’échelon local. Si l’on peut effectivement attendre de la mobilisation des acteurs d’un territoire un gain d’efficience par un travail de concertation Ă©vitant le dĂ©ploiement d’initiatives redondantes, il faut aussi voir le CLS comme un dispositif de « santĂ© dans toutes les politiques » susceptible d’impliquer des acteurs hors du champ socio-sanitaire. L’hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© des acteurs impliquĂ©s suggĂšre qu’un CLS pourrait ainsi apporter des Ă©lĂ©ments de rĂ©ponse Ă  des problĂšmes complexes insolubles par un travail en silo.Ce rapport, produit dans le cadre du premier volet du mandat CLS confiĂ© par les Agences RĂ©gionales de SantĂ© de Bretagne et Pays de la Loire dĂ©coulant du Dispositif inter-rĂ©gional de recherche, d’évaluation et d’expertise en santĂ© (Direes), avait pour visĂ©e gĂ©nĂ©rale d’offrir une meilleure apprĂ©hension de l’impact et de la plus-value en matiĂšre de promotion de la santĂ© et de santĂ©-environnement des CLS dĂ©ployĂ©s sur leur territoire

    The Contribution of Health Promotion Research to Advancing Local Policies: New Knowledge, Lexicon and Practice–Research Network

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    International audienceHealth promotion research is deeply rooted in the principles and values of the health promotion movement and in the Alma-Ata Declaration’s drive towards a new concept of local health systems. Policies and strategies to improve population health by mobilizing local resources and actors are the central objects of investigation and are often subsumed into a larger body of studies that conducts population health intervention research. In this chapter, we reflect on an investigation (the CLoterreS project) of a policy instrument defined in the French national legislation to improve coordination and mobilization of the local actors to reduce inequities in health. We first present the key features of health promotion research and those of our object of investigation followed by an account of how the current context of health promotion research shaped our strategy to strengthen our capacity to study this object and inform policies. We then present some of our main results along with their impact on practice and policy. We found that our practitioner–researcher partnership contributed to enhancing interest for health promotion research and provided a new lexicon of actions at the local level and opportunities to intervene in different policy fora. This partnership also sets our project on a course, thus allowing to grab other research opportunities

    [Mesurer les stratégies locales ciblant les déterminants de la santé des populations : développement et application de l'outil CLoterreS]

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    International audienceBackgroundLocal governments are well-positioned to promote healthy behaviours and environments. In France, since 2009, this role can be reinforced by signature of a Local Health Contract with the Regional Health Agency. This multi-year scheme includes an action plan which may cover four areas: health promotion, disease prevention, health care and long-term care. Although approximately 400 Local Health Contracts had been signed by 2018, we found only sparse evidence on the context in which they were formulated and the contents of their action plans. Based on the international literature, the CLoterreS study aimed to develop an instrument characterizing the contracts’ action plans, with a specific focus on prevention and health promotion. This paper presents an assessment and application of the CLoterreS instrument.MethodsThe instrument was developed and applied in five steps: 1) development of the contextual and thematic variables; 2) pre-testing of a coding chart and its coding guide; 3) consultation with practitioners; 4) assessment of inter-rater agreement; and 5) application of the instrument to a nationally-stratified random sample of 53 contracts.ResultsWhile inter-rater agreement by type of variables was satisfactory (Îș > 0.7), some variables had to be discarded due to lack of information or insufficient agreement. The analysis indicates that most of the 53 contracts studied were signed in urban areas, on the scale of a single town or a syndicate of municipalities. The action plans are clearly focused on life circumstances, health promotion and protection or primary prevention of diseases, insofar as, on average, 73% of the contracts’ action forms address at least one of these topics. The proportion of action forms dealing with at least one topic in secondary or tertiary prevention, long-term care or the organisation of health care and services is nevertheless substantial (43%). Illustrations of actions are presented.ConclusionBuilding on internationally recognized evidence-based practice, the CLoterreS instrument has proven useful in characterizing health promotion action plans at the local level. Its use by practitioners could foster a broader vision of the scope of actions that can be implemented through a Local Health Contract and in conjunction with other local prevention and access-to-care schemes.ContexteLes collectivitĂ©s locales sont bien placĂ©es pour promouvoir des comportements et des environnements favorables Ă  la santĂ©. En France, depuis 2009, ce rĂŽle peut ĂȘtre renforcĂ© par la signature d'un Contrat local de santĂ© (CLS) avec l'Agence rĂ©gionale de santĂ©. Ce dispositif pluriannuel inclut un plan d'action pouvant aborder quatre domaines : promotion de la santĂ©, prĂ©vention des maladies, soins, accompagnement mĂ©dico-social. MalgrĂ© environ 400 CLS recensĂ©s en 2018, les connaissances sur leur contexte d’élaboration et le contenu de leurs plans d'action restent limitĂ©es. En s'appuyant sur la littĂ©rature internationale, l’étude CLoterreS visait Ă  dĂ©velopper un outil permettant de caractĂ©riser les CLS selon leurs plans d'action, notamment en matiĂšre de prĂ©vention et de promotion de la santĂ©. Dans cet article nous prĂ©sentons une Ă©valuation et une application de l'outil CLoterreS.MĂ©thodeL'outil a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ© et appliquĂ© en cinq Ă©tapes : 1) le dĂ©veloppement de variables contextuelles et thĂ©matiques ; 2) le prĂ©test de la grille de codage et de son guide ; 3) la consultation de professionnels ; 4) un test d'accord inter-juges ; et 5) l'application et l'utilisation de l'outil Ă  partir d'un Ă©chantillon alĂ©atoire stratifiĂ© Ă  l’échelle nationale de 53 CLS.RĂ©sultatsLe test d'accord inter-juges par type de variable Ă©tait satisfaisant (Îș > 0,7), mais certaines variables ont dĂ» ĂȘtre Ă©cartĂ©es par manque d'information ou faute d'accord suffisant. L'analyse indique que la plupart des 53 CLS Ă©tudiĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© signĂ©s en milieu urbain, Ă  l’échelle d'une municipalitĂ© ou d'une intercommunalitĂ©. Les plans d'action sont clairement orientĂ©s vers les circonstances de vie, la promotion et la protection de la santĂ© ou la prĂ©vention primaire des maladies, dans la mesure oĂč, en moyenne, 73 % des fiches action abordent au moins un thĂšme relevant de ce domaine. La proportion de fiches action abordant au moins un thĂšme relevant de la prĂ©vention secondaire ou tertiaire, de l'accompagnement mĂ©dico-social ou de l'organisation de soins et services de santĂ© est nĂ©anmoins substantielle (43 %). Des exemples d'action sont prĂ©sentĂ©s.ConclusionS'appuyant sur des pratiques probantes reconnues Ă  l’échelle internationale, l'outil CLoterreS s'est avĂ©rĂ© utile pour caractĂ©riser des plans d'action en promotion de la santĂ© au niveau local. Son utilisation par des professionnels pourrait encourager une vision plus large de la diversitĂ© d'actions pouvant ĂȘtre mises en Ɠuvre dans un CLS et en lien avec d'autres dispositifs locaux de prĂ©vention et d'accĂšs aux soins