137 research outputs found

    Assessment of the side effects of progestogen only contraception in the immediate postpartum period: the case of implants with levonorgestrel Jadelle®

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    Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the side effects of Jadelle® implants in the immediate postpartum.Methods: To do this, we inserted the implants at two different postpartum period: first, between the first and the seventh day for the immediate postpartum period (IPP) group; second, between the 45th and the 3rd postpartum months for the late postpartum (LPP) group. The variables studied were age, gesture, parity, abortions, number of live children, childbirth, caesarean section, quality of milky climb, age last child, pregnancy-attendant, pregnancy term at time of delivery, complaints, weight.Results: From May 2012 to December 2013, we collected two hundred patients, one hundred from each group (immediate postpartum and late postpartum). The average age of mothers in the IPP group was 28 years and 29 years for LPP group. After insertion, in both group, spotting were the most frequent complaints. The weight variations were between +800 g and -600 g for the group IPP and +260 g and -170 g for the other group; which makes a statistically significant difference. In both groups, at the end of the six months, no patient had menstruation.Conclusions: Our results are encouraging to further promote contraception in the immediate postpartum period in developing countries and thus reach a wide range of users. We can therefore say that the side effects are not different during this period and largely are also tolerated

    Tumeur à cellules de Sertoli-Leydig de l’ovaire: à propos d’un cas chez une jeune fille de 22 ans

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    Les tumeurs à cellules de Sertoli et Leydig sont des tumeurs sécrétantes rares du mésenchyme et des cordons sexuels. Cependant elles constituentl’une des tumeurs le souvent responsables de syndrome de virilisation. La certitude diagnostique est histologique après la chirurgie et il n’ y'a pasde signe échographie spécifique malgré la forte présomption clinique. Le pronostic comme la plupart des néoplasies est lié au degré dedifférenciation cellulaire et la présence d’éléments hétérologue en leur sein. L’objectif de notre travail était de rapporter un authentique syndromede virilisation chez une jeune fille de 22 ans secondaire à une tumeur non épithéliale de l’ovaire à cellule de Sertoli et à cellule de Leydig. Lesformes peu différenciées des tumeurs de Sertoli-Leydig ont un potentiel de malignité non négligeable. Le traitement est chirurgical, lachimiothérapie par association de sels de platine et de taxanes constitue un adjuvant intéressant. Le pronostic après la chirurgie est dominé pardes récidives. Sertoli-Leydig cell tumors are rare secreting mesenchymal and sex cord-stromal tumors. However, they constitute one type of tumor most often responsible for virilization syndrome. A definite diagnosis is provided by histological examination following surgical excision of the tumor. It has no characterizing features on ultrasonography, in spite of the strong clinical presumption. Like many neoplasias, prognosis is related to the degree of cellular differentiation and to the presence of heterologous elements. The aim of our study was to report the case of a 22-year old woman suffering from a real virilization syndrome secondary to non-epithelial Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor of the ovary. Poorly differentiated Sertoli-Leydig tumors have high malignant potential. Treatment is surgical; taxane-platinum combination chemotherapy is an interesting adjuvant. Prognosis after surgical resection is related to the risk of relapses. 

    Sexualité des femmes ménopausées en Afrique sub-saharienne: exemple du Sénégal

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    Introduction: en Afrique, la vie sexuelle après la ménopause reste un domaine mal exploré du fait de son caractère tabou. L'objectif de cette étude était d'apprécier la qualité de la sexualité du couple au cours de la ménopause. Methodes: il s'agissait d'une une enquête transversale concernant un échantillon représentatif de 320 femmes ménopausées. Les critères d'inclusion étaient la ménopause naturelle. N'étaient pas incluses de l'étude les patientes ayant fait l'objet d'une ménopause précoce ou iatrogène. La fiche d'enquête était divisée en 4 chapitres : les caractéristiques socio-culturelles de la femme, les données cliniques, les données psycho-sexuelles et les données thérapeutiques. Nous avons utilisé la comparaison des proportions et le test du Chi 2 avec un seuil de signification inférieur à 0,05. Resultats: l'âge moyen des femmes était de 60 ans. L'âge moyen de survenue de la ménopause était de 48 ans et l'ancienneté de la ménopause était de 11,3 ans. Aucune femme de notre étude n'était épargnée par les manifestations du syndrome climatérique. Les bouffées de chaleur étaient présentes dans 85,9%, la sècheresse vaginale dans 62,8% et les troubles urinaires dans 52,5%. Seules les femmes mariées déclaraient avoir des rapports sexuels avec leurs conjoints (62,1%). Ces rapports sexuels étaient occasionnels dans 68,9% des cas alors que 18,1% des femmes n'avaient plus d'activité sexuelle. La diminution de l'activité sexuelle était due aux troubles de l'érection du conjoint (62% des couples) et au manque de désir sexuel (83,5% des femmes). Une absence d'excitation sexuelle et d'orgasme étaient également retrouvée respectivement dans 92% et 100%. Cependant, 93,5 % des femmes mariées jugeaient supportable leur vécu. Conclusion: le statut marital, la dyspareunie, la sècheresse vaginale et les troubles érectiles du conjoint ont un impact réel sur la sexualité de la femme ménopausée au Sénégal

    Characterization of element and mineral content in Artemisia annua and Camellia sinensis leaves by handheld X-ray fluorescence

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    Tea infusion is the most frequently worldwide consumed beverage next to water, with about 20 billion cups consumed daily. Artemisia annua leaves contain comparable levels of nutrients and mineral elements (dry matter basis) to many marketed tea (Camellia sinensis) leading us to suspect that this crop could also serve as an alternative source of nutrients for humans. Analyzer moveable X-ray fluorescence is used to evaluate the content of major, minor and toxic elements in A. annua from two different countries compared to six marketed tea in Senegal. To ensure qualified results, certified reference materials were used to perform the calibration. The very low and often negligible levels of inherent elements in the leaves, which are far below recommended toxic levels, establishes A. annua and selected marketed tea as a good reservoir of elements that might favour its use as a potential herbal tonic by humans. The mineral elements are present in different kinds of herbal leaves in various proportions depending on soil composition and the climate in which the plant grows.Keywords: X-ray fluorescence (XRF), Artemisia annua, Camellia sinensis, elements, leaves, medicinal plantAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(26), pp. 4179-418

    Lipid profile frequency and the prevalence of dyslipidaemia from biochemical tests at Saint Louis University Hospital in Senegal

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency of lipid profile requests and the  prevalence of dyslipidemia in patients at the biochemistry laboratory of St. Louis University Hospital, as well as their correlation with sex and age. Methods: This was a retrospective study reviewing 14,116  laboratory results of patients of both sexes, over a period of six months (January-June 2013) regardless of the indication for the request. The lipid parameters included were: Total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, trig lycerides with normal values defined as follows: Total cholesterol (<2g/l), HDL- cholesterol (>0,40g/l), LDL- cholesterol (<1,30g/l) and Triglycerides (<1,50g/l). Results: The average age of our study population was 55.15 years with a female predorminance (M/F=0.60). The age group most represented was that between 55-64 years. The frequency of lipid profile request in our sample was 9.41% (or 1,329). The overall prevalence of isolated hypercholesterolemia, hyperLDLaemia,  hypoHDLaemia, hypertriglyceridaemia, and mixed hyperlipidemia were respectively 60.91%, 66.27%, 26.58%, 4.57% and 2.75%. Hypercholesterolemia, hyperLDLaemia, hypertriglyceridaemia and mixed hyperlipidaemia were higher in women with respectively 66.22%, 67.98%, 4.58%, 2.89% than in men (52.01%, 62.81%, 4.44% and 2.40% respectively). On the other hand, the prevalence of hypoHDLaemia was higher in males (32.19%) compared to females (23.76%). Hypercholesterolemia correlated  significantly with age and sex. Conclusion: Our study showed a relatively low request rate for lipid profile and a high prevalence of dyslipidaemia hence the importance of conducting a major study on the prevalence of dyslipidaemia and associated factors in the Senegalese population.Key words: Lipid profile, dyslipidaemia, prevalence, Senega

    Laparoscopic management of cervical and endometrial cancer in Africa: experience of the National Hospital Centre of Pikine

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    Background: Laparotomy represents the standard historical surgical approach to these cancers. Process of treatment of benign adnexal pathologies to the emergence of a new pathway for the management of these cancerous pathologies.Methods: Our prospective study from December 2016 to December 2018 included 10 patients with early-stage uterine cancer and endometrial cancer confirmed by MRI. The characteristics of patients, their cancer, their intervention and morbidity were revealed.Results: Our results show that the average age of the patients was 63 years; There were 2 cases of cervical cancer and 8 cases of endometrial cancer. For cervical cancer, it was essentially squamous cell carcinoma; one patient was at stage Ia2 and the other at stage Ib1. For endometrial cancers, squamous cell carcinoma was 80%; 6 patients were in stage IB and 2 in stage IC. Of the 10 patients undergoing surgery, 9 had laparoscopic colpohysterectomy and lymphadectomy and one complementary laparoscopic lymphadenectomy. The average number of lymph nodes removed was 9 and no lymph node metastasis was found. In the immediate postoperative period, one patient had transient urinary incontinence and another had vaginal slice lymphorhea.Conclusions: The main interest of this practice is to be the least morbid possible for patients at the early stage. With our short experience, we obtained a reduction in operating time, a reduction in hospital stay, a decrease in the consumption of analgesics and antibiotics postoperatively and a reduction in per and postoperative complications

    In vitro vasorelaxation mechanisms of bioactive compounds extracted from Hibiscus sabdariffa on rat thoracic aorta

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In this study, we suggested characterizing the vasodilator effects and the phytochemical characteristics of a plant with food usage also used in traditional treatment of arterial high blood pressure in Senegal.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Vascular effects of crude extract of dried and powdered calyces of <it>Hibiscus sabdariffa </it>were evaluated on isolated thoracic aorta of male Wistar rats on organ chambers. The crude extract was also enriched by liquid-liquid extraction. The various cyclohexane, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate, butanol extracts obtained as well as the residual marc were subjected to Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography. The different methanolic eluate fractions were then analyzed by Thin Layer (TLC) and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and their vascular effects also evaluated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The H. Sabdariffa crude extract induced mainly endothelium-dependent relaxant effects. The endothelium-dependent relaxations result from NOS activation and those who not dependent to endothelium from activation of smooth muscle potassium channels. The phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of phenolic acids in the ethyl acetate extract and anthocyans in the butanolic extract. The biological efficiency of the various studied extracts, in term of vasorelaxant capacity, showed that: Butanol extract > Crude extract > Residual marc > Ethyl acetate extract. These results suggest that the strong activity of the butanolic extract is essentially due to the presence of anthocyans found in its fractions 43-67.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results demonstrate the vasodilator potential of <it>hibiscus sabdariffa </it>and contribute to his valuation as therapeutic alternative.</p