22 research outputs found

    Self-regulatory-based compliance module improve chronic kidney failure patients condition

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    Adherence is very important to pay attention to in health management and the quality of life among end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients, in the fact that adherence is still lacking. This study aimed to analyze the effect of self-regulatory-based compliance modules improving interdialytic weight gains (IDWG), blood pressure (BP), sodium levels, and functional independence. A quantitative research design with a quasi-experiment approach (pre and post-test control study). A total of 28 samples for each group were taken using purposive sampling. Self-regulation based on health promotion was given using module and IDWG, sodium levels, BP measured with laboratories and physical examination, and Functional Independence measured using a questionnaire. Wilcoxon signed-rank test and Mann-Whitney test were the selected analyses for this study. There was a significant effect on self-regulation-based compliance to IDWG (p=0.012), sodium levels (p=0.001), systolic pressure (p=0.003), and functional independence (p=0.002) in the intervention group. A significant difference was also shown between the two groups (p<0.05). The self-regulation-based compliance module showed improved patient compliance in terms of fluid restriction, taking drugs, paying attention to diet, and managing activities. Adherence to patients increases good outcomes in controlling IDWG, BP, sodium levels, and functional independence in ESRD patients

    Teknik Relaksasi Napas Dalam Kombinasi Guided Imagery Berbasis Teori Comfort terhadap Intensitas Nyeri Pasca Bedah Sectio Caesarea

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of combining deep breathing relaxation techniques with guided imagery on the pain intensity of postoperative Sectio Caesarea (SC) patients. The method used was a quasi-experiment on women who underwent SC surgery. The results showed a significant effect after the intervention on pain intensity (p=0.000; d=2.876), accompanied by a significant change in pain intensity (p=0.000). In conclusion, breathing relaxation techniques in combination with guided imagery based on the comfort theory can reduce the pain intensity of post-SC surgery patients.  Keywords: Comfort Theory, Guided Imagery, Deep Breathing, Pai

    Development of compliance theory based on self-regulation in chronic kidney failure patients on hemodialysis

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    Self-management in regulating diet, fluids, activities, and medication in chronic renal failure patients which getting hemodialysis is still worse. This research aimed to develop the theory of compliance based on self-regulation to increase patient obedience and awareness. A cross-sectional approach of 130 respondents was recruited using simple random sampling. Structural equation modeling partial least square (SEM-PLS) was the statistical analysis for this study. All indicators in the outer model showed outer loading value >0.7, it declared feasible to predict each of the latent variables. The R-square value of appraisal latent was 0.576, Coping was 0.897, and self-care compliance was 0.713. The model was relevant when applied in other research studies with a Q-Square value=0.832. The goodness of fit (GoF) was 0.832>0.36, which means that the model was applied well. The appraisal variable is the strongest variable that influences coping, based on the hypothesis test. The self-regulation-based compliance model for blood pressure, interdialytic weight gain (IDWG), sodium levels, and functional independence can be developed through analysis of the structural model

    Pelatihan Kegawatdaruratan Berbasis Caring terhadap Kompetensi Profesional Perawat Emergency

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    This study aims to analyze the influence of caring-based emergency training on the professional competence of emergency nurses. The method used is quantitative with a quasi-experiment design (pre-post test with control group design). The research results showed that the caring-based emergency training given to the intervention group significantly influenced nurses' professional competence (p=0.000). The data testing results between groups after being given the intervention showed a significant change in the professional competence of nurses (p=0.000). In conclusion, caring-based emergency training effectively increases the professional competence of emergency nurses at RSUD Dr. Soetomo, Surabaya. An increase in nurse competency scores in both primary and secondary surveys demonstrates this.   Keywords: Caring, Emergency, Professional Competency, Emergency Training, Nurs

    Spiritual Mindfulness Berbasis Adaptation Theory terhadap Kecemasan dan Vital Sign pada Pasien Pneumonia

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of spiritual mindfulness based on adaptation theory on anxiety and vital signs in pneumonia patients. The research method uses a quasi-experiment in pneumonia patients at RSUD Dr. Soetomo, Surabaya. Forty-eight respondents were divided into 24 intervention groups and 24 control groups recruited using purposive sampling. The independent variable is spiritual mindfulness based on adaptation theory. The dependent variable is anxiety, measured using the Zung SRAS questionnaire, and vital signs are measured using observational data. Data analysis using Paired t-test and independent t-test. The study results in the intervention group showed a significant effect of the intervention on anxiety (p=0.000; d=1.436) and vital signs (systolic blood pressure p=0.000, diastolic blood pressure p=0.001, pulse p=0.000, respiratory rate p=0.000 and SPO2 p = 0.001. In conclusion, spiritual mindfulness techniques based on adaptation theory can reduce anxiety and vital signs of pneumonia patients at Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya.   Keywords: Anxiety, Mindfulness, Pneumonia, Spirituality, Vital Sig

    Adherence to antiretroviral therapy, CD4 count, viral load and opportunistic infections in people with HIV/AIDS: a cross-sectional study

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    Introduction: Globally, antiretroviral therapy (ART) has been successful in reducing the death rate due to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Different conditions in Indonesia mean the death rate due to HIV/AIDS is still high. The problem lies in the low compliance with ART. This study aimed to analyze the correlation between ART adherence with number of CD4, the opportunistic infection (OI) and viral load in PLHIV. Methods: A quantitative survey with cross-sectional approach was conducted between August – September 2022. As many as 375 PLHIV were recruited and agreed to give consent as research respondents. All respondents completed a questionnaire about ART adherence, OI and had blood taken to check CD4 count and viral load. Analyses were performed using Chi-squared test SPSS version 21 with significance level p<0.05. Results: A significant relationship was shown between ART adherence and OI (p value= 0.000 with <0.05). The respondents who reported adherence in ART also showed asymptomatic OI. The analysis also showed that ART adherence had significant relationship with CD4 count (p value= 0.000 with <0.05) and viral load (p value= 0.000 with <0.05), respectively. Respondents   adherent to taking ART had better level of CD4 and suppressed viral load in the body. Conclusions: Adherence of antiretroviral therapy is the important factor contributing to the immune status of PLHIV, which has an impact on reducing CD4 count and suppressing viral load, thereby preventing the emergence of OI

    Efektivitas Assessment Peripheral Vascular Access Device (PVAD) terhadap Pencegahan Plebhitis

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    This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the Peripheral Vascular Disease Access Device (PVAD) assessment for the prevention of phlebitis. The method used is a literature review by searching for articles in the Scopus, ScienceDirect, CINAHL, Pubmed, Oxford, and SAGE databases. The results showed that patient assessment on intravenous therapy is helpful for patients undergoing intravenous therapy. Assessment made during insertion can increase the safety of administering intravenous therapy. Nurses' perceptions of the safety of intravenous administration are increasing. Some of the literature states that the assessment does not have a standard. This assessment is appropriate for identifying the need for intravenous therapy and facilitating intravenous therapy intervention. An understanding of the administration of intravenous therapy supports the implementation of the assessment. In conclusion, peripheral vascular access device (PVAD) assessment has clinical value in screening for phlebitis prevention.&nbsp; Keywords: Phlebitis Prevention, Assessment, Peripheral Device

    Automatic reminder for fluids management on confidence and compliance with fluid restrictions in hemodialysis patients

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    Discharge planning has not been able to increase confidence and fluid restriction adherence in endstage renal failure patients undergoing hemodialysis. This study aimed to develop an application of discharge planning with automatic reminder of fluid management to improve fluid restriction adherence in hemodialysis patients. Research and development with the first stage was developing an application prototype by evaluating hemodialysis patients' issues through interviews and questionnaires of 115 respondents. Focus group discussions with health professionals and expert discussions were conducted after data collecting. Second stage was a quasiexperimental study with 30 respondents in each group using simple random sampling. Research analysis used MANOVA test. The development of a prototype consisted of pooling intake, pooling output, fluid control log, education, setting and automatic fluid monitoring reminder. The results of interviews with the target users showed that the app was feasible. The effect of interventions on beliefs (perceived threat, perceived benefit, perceived barrier, and self-efficacy) with p = 0.001, fluid restriction compliance and IDWG p = 0.001 after the intervention using the development of discharge planning with automatic reminder app. Development of discharge planning with automatic reminder of fluid management consists of several menus and the main feature was an automatic fluid monitoring reminder. This app can increase self-confidence in fluid restriction and adherence in patients undergoing hemodialysis. © Advanced Scientific Research. All rights reserved


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    Objective:  This study aimed was to search the effectiveness intervention psychological first aid to anxiety and post high case COVID-19 trauma. Methods:  A quasy experiment study with two groups consisting of 110 respondents was recruited using purposive sampling. Independent variable was the psychological fisrt aid intervention, the instrument used the media module. Dependent variable consists of anxiety that measured with depression anxiety stress scale 21 and COVID-19 post pandemic trauma measured with crisis mental health emergency questionnaire. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 21 with the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Tests. Results:  The results of the significance test showed that psychological fisrt aid had a significant effect on anxiety (p = 0.001) and post high case COVID-19 trauma (p = 0.000). The anxiety and post high case COVID-19 trauma  showed better change in intervention group than control group Conclusion: Psychological first aid interventions for respondents with anxiety and trauma after the high case of COVID-19 showed a significant effect. Psychological first aid in dealing with post high case anxiety and trauma of COVID-19 can focus on the principle of look, listen and link to integrate the intervention process from the largest unit to the smallest unit, so that the intervention has a direct impact on patients in improving their psychological condition. experienced by the patient

    Kesiapan Masyarakat Dalam Penanganan Pre Hospital Covid-19 Di Surabaya : Studi Kualitatif

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    Objective: Pre-hospital conditions in handling COVID-19 were part of the mortality rate before the patient was taken to the hospital. The purpose of this study was to determine the community's readiness in handling pre hospital covid-19 in Surabaya. Methods: This article design was descriptive using a qualitative research approach. Results: The results of the study show that there were four themes are related how the condition of the community's readiness in handling pre-hospital Covid-19 was factors of knowledge, technology and infrastructure, politics and power, socialConclusion: The readiness of the community in handling pre-hospital Covid-19 can be described using the transcultural care model by assessing factors of knowledge, technology and infrastructure, politics and power, social