42 research outputs found

    Genetic transformation of forest trees

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    In this review, the recent progress on genetic transformation of forest trees were discussed. Its described also, different applications of genetic engineering for improving forest trees or understanding the mechanisms governing genes expression in woody plants. Key words: Genetic transformation, transgenic forest trees, gene expression. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol.2(10) 2003: 328-33

    Le s symbioses fixatrices d’azote : types et régulateurs t ranscriptionnels de la nodulation

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    Les symbioses fixatrices d’azote sont des interactions à bénéfice réciproque entre certaines espèces végétales (légumineuses et plantes actinorhiziennes principalement) et des microorganismes du sol ( r hizobium ou Frankia ). Ces symbioses contribuent de façon considérable à la nutrition azotée de ces plantes e t donc à leur développement particulièrement sur l es sols pauvres en azote . L’établissement de ces symbioses démarre par un dialogue moléculaire , puis par la formation de structures appelées nodules ou nodosités , siège des échanges entre les deux partenaires (plante et bactérie) La formation et le développement de nodules requièrent la médiation de gènes spécifiques parmi les quels figurent les régulateurs transcriptionnels ( facteurs de transcription et microARN) microARN). Des facteurs de transcription dont CYCLOPS, NSP1 et NSP2 communs entre les symbioses r hizobium légumineuse et Frankia plante actinorhizienne ont été caractérisés à d ifférents stades du développement du nodule Ils interagissent avec les protéines DE LLA pour induire l’expression du gène NIN , n écessaire à l’initiation de l’infection . Ces facteurs de transcription sont régulés par divers microARN. Cette revue résume l es types de symbioses fixatrices d’azote et les récentes avancées sur l es régulateurs transcriptionnels impliqué s dans l es étapes de pré infection, d’infection et d’organogenèse du nodule . Pour ce faire, nous avons collecté et analysé des données pertinentes de la littérature sur des études moléculaires et cellulaires des symbioses fixatrices d’azote

    Screening cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] varieties by inducing water deficit and RAPD analyses

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    The effects of water deficit induced by polyethylene glycol-6000 on some cowpea varieties, which belong to the national germplasm in Senegal are reported. Our results showed that, the length of the epicotyl was not affected by water deficit but the length of primary root was influenced only in Mouride variety. Water deficit influenced mostly the number of lateral roots. The 985 variety showed a great increase of its lateral root numbers and could be considered a drought tolerant variety. In contrast, the IT81D-1137 variety is very sensitive to water deficit because its lateral root number were reduced 3.8 fold compared to the control. These physiological studies were complemented by analyzing the genetic diversity of these varieties with random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). The RAPD analysis suggested that the samples were also genetically diverse. Key Words: Vigna unguiculata, drought tolerance, PEG, RAPD. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol.3(3) 2004: 174-17

    Genetic diversity in cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] varieties determined by ARA and RAPD techniques

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    Cowpea, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. presents phenotypical variabilities and in order to study the genetic diversity of cultivated Senegalese varieties, two experimental approaches were used. First, a physiological characterization based on nitrogen fixation was used to assess cowpea breeding lines. Inoculation with two Bradyrhizobium strains (NGR234 and ISRA312), showed a difference in nitrogen fixation potential between the cowpea varieties. Diongoma is the highest nitrogen fixing variety, whereas Mouride is the lowest. The second approach employed genetic characterization based on DNA polymorphism to screen. Results suggest that random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technology can be used to reorganize the national germplasm in order to eliminate the putative duplicates, and to identify elite varieties. (African Journal of Biotechnology: 2003 2(2): 48-50

    The emerging oilseed crop Sesamum indicum enters the “Omics” era

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    Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) is one of the oldest oilseed crops widely grown in Africa and Asia for its high-quality nutritional seeds. It is well adapted to harsh environments and constitutes an alternative cash crop for smallholders in developing countries. Despite its economic and nutritional importance, sesame is considered as an orphan crop because it has received very little attention from science. As a consequence, it lags behind the other major oil crops as far as genetic improvement is concerned. In recent years, the scenario has considerably changed with the decoding of the sesame nuclear genome leading to the development of various genomic resources including molecular markers, comprehensive genetic maps, high-quality transcriptome assemblies, web-based functional databases and diverse daft genome sequences. The availability of these tools in association with the discovery of candidate genes and quantitative trait locis for key agronomic traits including high oil content and quality, waterlogging and drought tolerance, disease resistance, cytoplasmic male sterility, high yield, pave the way to the development of some new strategies for sesame genetic improvement. As a result, sesame has graduated from an “orphan crop” to a “genomic resource-rich crop.” With the limited research teams working on sesame worldwide, more synergic efforts are needed to integrate these resources in sesame breeding for productivity upsurge, ensuring food security and improved livelihood in developing countries. This review retraces the evolution of sesame research by highlighting the recent advances in the “Omics” area and also critically discusses the future prospects for a further genetic improvement and a better expansion of this crop. (Résumé d'auteur

    Insight into the AP2/ERF transcription factor superfamily in sesame and expression profiling of DREB subfamily under drought stress

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    Background. Sesame is an important oilseed crop mainly grown in inclement areas with high temperatures and frequent drought. Thus, drought constitutes one of the major constraints of its production. The AP2/ERF is a large family of transcription factors known to play significant roles in various plant processes including biotic and abiotic stress responses. Despite their importance, little is known about sesame AP2/ERF genes. This constitutes a limitation for drought-tolerance candidate genes discovery and breeding for tolerance to water deficit. Results. One hundred thirty-two AP2/ERF genes were identified in the sesame genome. Based on the number of domains, conserved motifs, genes structure and phylogenetic analysis including 5 relatives species, they were classified into 24 AP2, 41 DREB, 61 ERF, 4 RAV and 2 Soloist. The number of sesame AP2/ERF genes was relatively few compared to that of other relatives, probably due to gene loss in ERF and DREB subfamilies during evolutionary process. In general, the AP2/ERF genes were expressed differently in different tissues but exhibited the highest expression levels in the root. Mostly all DREB genes were responsive to drought stress. Regulation by drought is not specific to one DREB group but depends on the genes and the group A6 and A1 appeared to be more actively expressed to cope with drought. Conclusions. This study provides insights into the classification, evolution and basic functional analysis of AP2/ERF genes in sesame which revealed their putative involvement in multiple tissue-/developmental stages. Out of 20 genes which were significantly up- /down-regulated under drought stress, the gene AP2si16 may be considered as potential candidate gene for further functional validation as well for utilization in sesame improvement programs for drought stress tolerance. (Résumé d'auteur

    Analyse physico-chimique de l’eau de l’unité d’hémodialyse du chr de Saint- Louis (Sénégal)

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    L’insuffisance rénale chronique est un des problèmes majeurs de la santé publique dans le monde. Au Sénégal, une étude récente réalisée dans la population générale adulte avait retrouvé une prévalence de l’ordre de 6,1%. «L’eau pour dilution de concentrées d’hémodialyse» est produite en continue et utilisée en grande quantité chez l’hémodialysé chronique, donc il apparaît primordial de veiller à sa bonne qualité. Au Sénégal, aucune étude n’a été faite à ce jour pour évaluer l’efficacité du système de traitement de l’eau pour dilution des concentrés de dialyse dans les différents centres de dialyse du pays. L’objectif de ce travail est de contrôler l’efficacité du système de traitement de l’eau pour dilution de concentrées d’hémodialyse afin de s’assurer de son innocuité. Les prélèvements ont été effectués au niveau de trois points clés du circuit de traitement de l’eau pour hémodialyse. A l’entrée et à la sortie de l’osmoseur, à la sortie de la boucle de distribution. Les analyses ont été effectuées à l’aide d’électrodes spécifiques. Les valeurs de potentiels ont permis de tracer les courbes d’étalonnage. La détermination par régression des pentes et des ordonnées à l’origine de la relation de Nernst donne E(mV ) = B - A Log Cm avec des coefficients de corrélation variant entre 0,988 et 0,999 prouvant que 98% au moins des variations de tensions mesurées (E) sont attribuables à la concentration. L’analyse physico-chimique des teneurs en chlorures, nitrates et fluorures révèle des teneurs plus élevées à l’entrée de l’osmoseur qu’à la sortie. Ces basses valeurs découlent du rôle de l’osmoseur qui filtre une grande partie des électrolytes. Par contre, à la sortie de la boucle de distribution les teneurs en électrolytes des différents échantillons étaient plus importantes que celles à la sortie de l’osmoseur. Cette forte concentration en électrolytes atteste d’une pollution par la boucle de distribution de l’eau déjà filtrée par l’osmoseur. L’intérêt de cette étude réside dans le fait qu’elle met en lumière l’importance du contrôle de la qualité de l’eau pour l’hémodialyse et la nécessité d’un bon planning de maintenance préventive efficace de l’ensemble de la boucle de traitement d’eau au sein de chaque centre.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clés: Hémodialyse, eau, chlorures, fluorures, nitrates, électrodes spécifiquesEnglish Title: Physicochemical analysis of Saint–Louis regional hospital’s hemodialysis unit’s water (Senegal)English AbstractChronic kidney disease is a major public health problem worldwide. In Senegal, a recent study in the general adult population found a prevalence of about 6,1%. "Water for diluting concentrated hemodialysis" is produced and used continuously at high levels in hemodialysis chronic. It is therefore essential to ensure its quality. In Senegal, no study has been done to assess the effectiveness of water treatment system for dialysis concentrates dilution in different dialysis centers of the country. The objective of this work is to monitor the effectiveness of the water treatment system for hemodialysis concentrated dilution to ensure its safety. The samples were taken on key issues of hemodialysis water’s treatment circuit. Three levels of sampling were selected. At the entrance and at the outlet of the reverse osmosis unit at the outlet of the distribution loop. Analyses were performed using specific electrodes. Potential values allowed us to map the calibration curves. Determination by regression of slopes and intercepts of the Nernst relation gives with correlation coefficients ranging from 0.988 to 0.999 showing that at least 98% of the measured voltages fluctuations (E) are attributable to the concentration. Physicochemical analysis of the levels of chlorides, nitrates and fluorides reveals higher levels at the entrance of the reverse osmosis unit than at the outlet. These low values resulting of the role of reverse osmosis which filter much of the electrolytes. For against, at the outlet of the distribution loop the electrolyte content of the different samples were greater than those at the outlet of the reverse osmosis unit. This high electrolyte concentration attests to pollution of the water distribution loop already filtered by reverse osmosis. The interest of this study lies in the fact that it highlights the importance of monitoring the quality of water for hemodialysis and the need for good planning for effective preventive maintenance throughout the water treatment loop within each center.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Hemodialysis, water, nitrates, fluoride, chloride, specific electrode