270 research outputs found

    Transforming ASN.1 Specifications into CafeOBJ to assist with Property Checking

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    The adoption of algebraic specification/formal method techniques by the networks' research community is happening slowly but steadily. We work towards a software environment that can translate a protocol's specification, from Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1 - a very popular specification language with many applications), into the powerful algebraic specification language CafeOBJ. The resulting code can be used to check, validate and falsify critical properties of systems, at the pre-coding stage of development. In this paper, we introduce some key elements of ASN.1 and CafeOBJ and sketch some first steps towards the implementation of such a tool including a case study.Comment: 8 pages, 12 figure


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    A product cannot fulfil its role, its calling, unless it enters the final consumption, satisfying the need of the consumer who has bought it. But, the road from the producer to the consumer, in the contemporary conditions is not general, nor simple, nor short, nor cheap. The processes of globalisation, the internationalisation of the markets have lead to the intensification of the distribution of products, and, at the same time, to the amplification of the distances they travel. All these have determined the awarding of greater attention on the maintenance of the quality of the food products on the entire technical-economical circuit.storage, transport, trading, food products, quality

    The Psycho-sensorial Value of the Food Products a Provocative Component in Purchase Decision

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    The psycho-sensorial value is a specific, complex and determinant concept of the food products that is reflected by means of psycho-sensorial properties such as: shape, size, aspect, colour, taste, smell, fragrance, bouquet, density, clarity. The assessment of these properties by the consumers is decisive for the acceptance or the rejection of foods and classifies the products into savoury, or non-savoury, attractive, indifferent, or unattractive. The psycho-sensorial features of food products allow us to make quick assessments of their qualities, but with a high degree of subjectivity among the common consumers and big individual variations, assessments that are highly influenced by the hedonic value of food products. The sensory analysis of foods is part of the modern analytical methods: when correctly and scientifically applied, it allows a real assessment of the quality of these products, evaluation which could not be obtained only by assessing physicochemical and microbiological methods. However, the scientific methods for sensorial assessment have a higher degree of objectivity and are used successfully in industry and trade, in evaluating the qualitative level of foods by authorised and qualified people. Otherwise, the design of the psycho-sensorial value of food products involves tests and sensorial analyses and has as main objective the establishment of concordances among the consumers’ demands and the level of the sensorial characteristics of the products. The present paper aims at underlining the necessity to design the psycho-sensorial value of processed foods, as well as the importance of educating and informing the consumers for a better capacity to get oriented on the market, and implicitly, for a right purchase decision.food products, psycho-sensorial value, purchase decision, consumer, design

    Pain Relief in Older Adults Following Static Contractions is not Task-Dependent

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    Pain complaints increase with age. Exercise is frequently utilized for pain relief but the optimal exercise prescription to relieve pain is not clear. Following static contractions, young adults experience the greatest pain relief with low intensity, long duration contractions. The pain response to static contractions in older adults however is unknown. PURPOSE : To compare pain reports in healthy older adults before and after static contractions of varying intensity and duration. METHODS: Pain perception was assessed in 23 healthy older adults (11 men, 12 women; 72.0 ± 6.3 yrs) using a pressure pain device consisting of a 10 N force applied to the right index finger through a Lucite edge (8 x 1.5mm) for two minutes. Subjects pushed a timing device when they first felt pain (i.e., pain threshold) and rated their pain intensity every 20 seconds using a 0-10 numerical rating scale. Pain threshold and pain ratings were measured before and immediately after static contractions of the left elbow flexors at the following three doses: 1) three brief maximal voluntary contractions (MVC); 2) 25% MVC sustained for 2 minutes; and 3) 25% MVC sustained until task failure. Experimental sessions were randomized and separated by one week. RESULTS : Time to task failure for the 25% MVC contraction was 11.8 ± 5.1 minutes. A reduction in pain was found following all three tasks with no difference between tasks (trial x task effect: p \u3e 0.05), despite the duration of the 2 minute low-intensity contraction being ~17% of the contraction held to task failure. Pain thresholds for all doses increased 20% from 51 ± 33 to 61 ± 37 seconds and pain ratings averaged over the six time points decreased 20% from 3.3 ± 2.8 to 2.6 ± 2.5 following static contractions (trial effect: p \u3c 0.001 and p \u3c 0.001, respectively). CONCLUSION : Low and high intensity static contractions of both long and short duration produce similar levels of pain reduction in older adults. These preliminary data suggest that several different types of static contractions can induce significant pain relief in older adults. Age-related changes in the pain response to static contractions must be taken into account when prescribing static exercise for the management of pain

    Formalization, Mechanization and Automation of G\"odel's Proof of God's Existence

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    G\"odel's ontological proof has been analysed for the first-time with an unprecedent degree of detail and formality with the help of higher-order theorem provers. The following has been done (and in this order): A detailed natural deduction proof. A formalization of the axioms, definitions and theorems in the TPTP THF syntax. Automatic verification of the consistency of the axioms and definitions with Nitpick. Automatic demonstration of the theorems with the provers LEO-II and Satallax. A step-by-step formalization using the Coq proof assistant. A formalization using the Isabelle proof assistant, where the theorems (and some additional lemmata) have been automated with Sledgehammer and Metis.Comment: 2 page

    Univalent Foundations and the UniMath Library

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    We give a concise presentation of the Univalent Foundations of mathematics outlining the main ideas, followed by a discussion of the UniMath library of formalized mathematics implementing the ideas of the Univalent Foundations (section 1), and the challenges one faces in attempting to design a large-scale library of formalized mathematics (section 2). This leads us to a general discussion about the links between architecture and mathematics where a meeting of minds is revealed between architects and mathematicians (section 3). On the way our odyssey from the foundations to the "horizon" of mathematics will lead us to meet the mathematicians David Hilbert and Nicolas Bourbaki as well as the architect Christopher Alexander

    EU Higher Education in the Knowledge Society

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    Mutually exclusive nuances of truth in Moisil logic

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    Moisil logic, having as algebraic counterpart \L ukasiewicz-Moisil algebras, provide an alternative way to reason about vague information based on the following principle: a many-valued event is characterized by a family of Boolean events. However, using the original definition of \L ukasiewicz-Moisil algebra, the principle does not apply for subalgebras. In this paper we identify an alternative and equivalent definition for the nn-valued \L ukasiewicz-Moisil algebras, in which the determination principle is also saved for arbitrary subalgebras, which are characterized by a Boolean algebra and a family of Boolean ideals. As a consequence, we prove a duality result for the nn-valued \L ukasiewicz-Moisil algebras, starting from the dual space of their Boolean center. This leads us to a duality for MVn_n-algebras, since are equivalent to a subclass of nn-valued \L ukasiewicz-Moisil algebras