53 research outputs found

    Direct experimental observation of nonclassicality in ensembles of single photon emitters

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    In this work we experimentally demonstrate for the first time a recently proposed criterion adressed to detect nonclassical behavior in the fluorescence emission of ensembles of single-photon emitters. In particular, we apply the method to study clusters of NV centres in diamond observed via single-photon-sensitive confocal microscopy. Theoretical considerations on the behavior of the parameter at any arbitrary order in presence of poissonian noise are presented and, finally, the opportunity of detecting manifold coincidences is discussed

    Efficiency, selectivity and robustness of the nuclear pore complex transport

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    All materials enter or exit the cell nucleus through nuclear pore complexes (NPCs), efficient transport devices that combine high selectivity and throughput. A central feature of this transport is the binding of cargo-carrying soluble transport factors to flexible, unstructured proteinaceous filaments called FG-nups that line the NPC. We have modeled the dynamics of transport factors and their interaction with the flexible FG-nups as diffusion in an effective potential, using both analytical theory and computer simulations. We show that specific binding of transport factors to the FG-nups facilitates transport and provides the mechanism of selectivity. We show that the high selectivity of transport can be accounted for by competition for both binding sites and space inside the NPC, which selects for transport factors over other macromolecules that interact only non-specifically with the NPC. We also show that transport is relatively insensitive to changes in the number and distribution of FG-nups in the NPC, due mainly to their flexibility; this accounts for recent experiments where up to half of the total mass of the NPC has been deleted, without abolishing the transport. Notably, we demonstrate that previously established physical and structural properties of the NPC can account for observed features of nucleocytoplasmic transport. Finally, our results suggest strategies for creation of artificial nano-molecular sorting devices.Comment: 38 pages, six figure

    Single-photon-emitting optical centers in diamond fabricated upon Sn implantation

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    The fabrication of luminescent defects in single-crystal diamond upon Sn implantation and annealing is reported. The relevant spectral features of the optical centers (emission peaks at 593.5 nm, 620.3 nm, 630.7 nm and 646.7 nm) are attributed to Sn-related defects through the correlation of their photoluminescence (PL) intensity with the implantation fluence. Single Sn-related defects were identified and characterized through the acquisition of their second-order auto-correlation emission functions, by means of Hanbury-Brown-Twiss interferometry. The investigation of their single-photon emission regime as a function of excitation laser power revealed that Sn-related defects are based on three-level systems with a 6 ns radiative decay lifetime. In a fraction of the studied centers, the observation of a blinking PL emission is indicative of the existence of a dark state. Furthermore, absorption dependence from the polarization of the excitation radiation with about 45 percent contrast was measured. This work shed light on the existence of a new optical center associated with a group-IV impurity in diamond, with similar photo-physical properties to the already well-known Si-V and Ge-V emitters, thus providing results of interest from both the fundamental and applicative points of view.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Nanodiamonds-induced effects on neuronal firing of mouse hippocampal microcircuits

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    Fluorescent nanodiamonds (FND) are carbon-based nanomaterials that can efficiently incorporate optically active photoluminescent centers such as the nitrogen-vacancy complex, thus making them promising candidates as optical biolabels and drug-delivery agents. FNDs exhibit bright fluorescence without photobleaching combined with high uptake rate and low cytotoxicity. Focusing on FNDs interference with neuronal function, here we examined their effect on cultured hippocampal neurons, monitoring the whole network development as well as the electrophysiological properties of single neurons. We observed that FNDs drastically decreased the frequency of inhibitory (from 1.81 Hz to 0.86 Hz) and excitatory (from 1.61 Hz to 0.68 Hz) miniature postsynaptic currents, and consistently reduced action potential (AP) firing frequency (by 36%), as measured by microelectrode arrays. On the contrary, bursts synchronization was preserved, as well as the amplitude of spontaneous inhibitory and excitatory events. Current-clamp recordings revealed that the ratio of neurons responding with AP trains of high-frequency (fast-spiking) versus neurons responding with trains of low-frequency (slow-spiking) was unaltered, suggesting that FNDs exerted a comparable action on neuronal subpopulations. At the single cell level, rapid onset of the somatic AP ("kink") was drastically reduced in FND-treated neurons, suggesting a reduced contribution of axonal and dendritic components while preserving neuronal excitability.Comment: 34 pages, 9 figure

    Photo-physical properties of He-related color centers in diamond

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    Diamond is a promising platform for the development of technological applications in quantum optics and photonics. The quest for color centers with optimal photo-physical properties has led in recent years to the search for novel impurity-related defects in this material. Here, we report on a systematic investigation of the photo-physical properties of two He-related (HR) emission lines at 535 nm and 560 nm created in three different diamond substrates upon implantation with 1.3 MeV He+ ions and subsequent annealing. The spectral features of the HR centers were studied in an "optical grade" diamond substrate as a function of several physical parameters, namely the measurement temperature, the excitation wavelength and the intensity of external electric fields. The emission lifetimes of the 535 nm and 560 nm lines were also measured by means of time-gated photoluminescence measurements, yielding characteristic decay times of (29 +- 5) ns and (106 +- 10) ns, respectively. The Stark shifting of the HR centers under the application of an external electrical field was observed in a CVD diamond film equipped with buried graphitic electrodes, suggesting a lack of inversion symmetry in the defects' structure. Furthermore, the photoluminescence mapping under 405 nm excitation of a "detector grade" diamond sample implanted at a 1x1010 cm-2 He+ ion fluence enabled to identify the spectral features of both the HR emission lines from the same localized optical spots. The reported results provide a first insight towards the understanding of the structure of He-related defects in diamond and their possible utilization in practical applicationsComment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Fabrication of quantum emitters in aluminium nitride by Al-ion implantation and thermal annealing

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    Single-photon emitters (SPEs) within wide-bandgap materials represent an appealing platform for the development of single-photon sources operating at room temperatures. Group III- nitrides have previously been shown to host efficient SPEs which are attributed to deep energy levels within the large bandgap of the material, in a way that is similar to extensively investigated colour centres in diamond. Anti-bunched emission from defect centres within gallium nitride (GaN) and aluminium nitride (AlN) have been recently demonstrated. While such emitters are particularly interesting due to the compatibility of III-nitrides with cleanroom processes, the nature of such defects and the optimal conditions for forming them are not fully understood. Here, we investigate Al implantation on a commercial AlN epilayer through subsequent steps of thermal annealing and confocal microscopy measurements. We observe a fluence-dependent increase in the density of the emitters, resulting in creation of ensembles at the maximum implantation fluence. Annealing at 600 {\deg}C results in the optimal yield in SPEs formation at the maximum fluence, while a significant reduction in SPE density is observed at lower fluences. These findings suggest that the mechanism of vacancy formation plays a key role in the creation of the emitters, and open new perspectives in the defect engineering of SPEs in solid state.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure
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