59 research outputs found

    Like Mother, Like Daughter?: Maternal Employment and Women's Career and Family Aspirations

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    The purpose of this project is to examine college-aged women’s future career and family aspirations and whether these aspirations vary based on the participants’ mothers’ employment history. These aspirations are categorized into three orientations: work, home, and adaptive (a desire to balance family and career), originally established in Catherine Hakim’s (2000) Preference Theory. A questionnaire was given to assess college-aged women’s views regarding career, marriage, and family, with a particular focus on role-orientations. All participants had not been previously married and had no children. The findings support the influence of maternal employment as a model for participants’ own orientations. Compared to participants whose mothers stayed home full time, participants whose mothers worked outside the home full time showed higher levels of career orientation, adaptive orientation, and career commitment, and lower levels of family orientation

    Fluctuations in a superconducting quantum critical point of multi-band metals

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    In multi-band metals quasi-particles arising from different atomic orbitals coexist at a common Fermi surface. Superconductivity in these materials may appear due to interactions within a band (intra-band) or among the distinct metallic bands (inter-band). Here we consider the suppression of superconductivity in the intra-band case due to hybridization. The fluctuations at the superconducting quantum critical point (SQCP) are obtained calculating the response of the system to a fictitious space and time dependent field, which couples to the superconducting order parameter. The appearance of superconductivity is related to the divergence of a generalized susceptibility. For a single band superconductor this coincides with the \textit{Thouless criterion}. For fixed chemical potential and large hybridization, the superconducting state has many features in common with breached pair superconductivity with unpaired electrons at the Fermi surface. The T=0 phase transition from the superconductor to the normal state is in the universality class of the density-driven Bose-Einstein condensation. For fixed number of particles and in the strong coupling limit, the system still has an instability to the normal sate with increasing hybridization.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    PARTILHAS VIRTUAIS, ATOS COMPARTILHADOS:: transposição de acervos de pesquisas e construções coletivas de “pesquisadores nativos”

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    The article reflects on the dynamics of the digital platform of the “Observatório do Patrimônio Cultural do Sudeste”, created with the aim of giving visibility to the processes of patrimonialization and safeguarding of cultural manifestations in the states of Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo. Going beyond the "functions" of an ethnographic research data repository, the platform is highlighted as a sociotechnical complex co-built by different, multicentered relationships and memories. Considering the respective component pages of the site “Matrizes do Samba do Rio de Janeiro”, “Pequena África Paulistana” and “Dança do Samba” and the process of their conception and production from the perspective of the protagonism of native-researchers, political-epistemological displacements/transformations are outlined in the practices and representations listed in the field of intangible heritage. From the “heritage gesture” to the so-called “shared act”, it is possible to observe and to participate in a cultural proposal radically linked to democracy and historical reparation.O artigo reflete sobre as dinâmicas da plataforma digital do “Observatório do Patrimônio Cultural do Sudeste”, criada com o intuito de dar visibilidade aos processos de patrimonialização e salvaguarda de manifestações culturais nos estados de Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Minas Gerais e Espírito Santo.  Ultrapassando as "funções" de um repositório de dados de pesquisas etnográficas, a plataforma é ressaltada como um complexo sociotécnico co-construído por relações e memórias distintas. A partir das respectivas páginas componentes do sítio “Matrizes do Samba do Rio de Janeiro”, “Pequena África Paulistana” e “Dança do Samba”, e do protagonismo de pesquisadores-nativos em suas dinâmicas de confecção, são tratados os deslocamentos/transformações político-epistemológicos nas práticas e representações arroladas no campo do patrimônio imaterial. Do “gesto patrimonial” ao denominado “ato compartilhado”, aponta-se para uma proposta de cultura radicalmente atrelada à democracia e à reparação histórica

    Desafios da patrimonialização do imaterial no caso da prática performativa do "jongo"

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    O artigo focaliza os desafios da patrimonialização do imaterial no caso da prática performativa do jongo, refletindo sobre instâncias que as políticas de patrimonialização do imaterial viabilizam ou novos modos de criação de valor (ou de conhecimento vivo). Ressaltamos que o processo de mobilização é tão importante quanto as objetificações cujo registro ou preservação ou propriedade se trata. Assim, grupos os mais diversos, mas notadamente de matrizes étnicas afroindígenas (ressaltamos esse aspecto, pois comunica com as narrativas de miscigenação caras ao modernismo brasileiro) se iconizam mutuamente, e adquirem protagonismo e maestria, não por concessão ou adequação, e sim como desafio de abertura dos quadros estreitos da nacionalidade para horizontes contemporâneos e outros futuros possíveis.