7,476 research outputs found

    Estimation of the methane emission factor for the Italian Mediterranean buffalo

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    In order to contribute to the improvement of the national greenhouse gas emission inventory, this work aimed at estimating a country-specific enteric methane (CH4) emission factor for the Italian Mediterranean buffalo. For this purpose, national agriculture statistics, and information on animal production and farming conditions were analysed, and the emission factor was estimated using the Tier 2 model of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Country-specific CH4 emission factors for buffalo cows (630 kg body weight, BW) and other buffalo (313 kg BW) categories were estimated for the period 1990–2004. In 2004, the estimated enteric CH4 emission factor for the buffalo cows was 73 kg/head per year, whereas that for other buffalo categories it was 56 kg/head per year. Research in order to determine specific CH4 conversion rates at the predominant production system is suggested

    Vacuum field energy and spontaneous emission in anomalously dispersive cavities

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    Anomalously dispersive cavities, particularly white light cavities, may have larger bandwidth to finesse ratios than their normally dispersive counterparts. Partly for this reason, their use has been proposed for use in LIGO-like gravity wave detectors and in ring-laser gyroscopes. In this paper we analyze the quantum noise associated with anomalously dispersive cavity modes. The vacuum field energy associated with a particular cavity mode is proportional to the cavity-averaged group velocity of that mode. For anomalously dispersive cavities with group index values between 1 and 0, this means that the total vacuum field energy associated with a particular cavity mode must exceed ℏω/2\hbar \omega/2. For white light cavities in particular, the group index approaches zero and the vacuum field energy of a particular spatial mode may be significantly enhanced. We predict enhanced spontaneous emission rates into anomalously dispersive cavity modes and broadened laser linewidths when the linewidth of intracavity emitters is broader than the cavity linewidth.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Modulation of macrophage activation by prostaglandins

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    The effect of prostaglandtn E2, iloprost and cAMP on both nitric oxide and tumour necrosis factor-α release in J774 macrophages has been studied. Both prostaglandin E2 and iloprost inhibited, in a concentration-dependent fashion, the lipopolysaccharide-induced generation of nitric oxide and tumour necrosis factor-α. The inhibitory effect of these prostanoids seems to be mediated by an increase of the second messenger cAMP since it was mimicked by dibutyryl cAMP and potentiated by the selective type IV phosphodiesterase inhibitor RO-20-1724. Our results suggest that the inhibition of nitric oxide release by prostaglandin E2 and iloprost in lipopolysaccharide-activated J774 macrophages may be secondary to the inhibition of tumour necrosis factor-α generation, which in turn is likely to be mediated by cAMP

    The inhibition by hydrocortisone of prostaglandin biosynthesis in rat peritoneal leucocytes is correlated with intracellular macrocortin levels

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    Hydrocortisone inhibits prostaglandin generation by rat peritoneal leucocytes by releasing the polypeptide phospholipase inhibitor, macrocortin. The susceptibility of these cells to hydrocortisone is directly correlated with their intracellular macrocortin content. Cells depleted of the peptide by prior incubation with steroid cannot respond to the steroid, until a fresh intracellular store has been synthesized. In vitro, this process requires 4-5 h. Cells remain sensitive to the inhibitory action of the peptide at all times

    Analysis of gut microbiota in rheumatoid arthritis patients. Disease-related dysbiosis and modifications induced by etanercept

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    A certain number of studies were carried out to address the question of how dysbiosis could affect the onset and development of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), but little is known about the reciprocal influence between microbiota composition and immunosuppressive drugs, and how this interaction may have an impact on the clinical outcome. The aim of this study was to characterize the intestinal microbiota in a groups of RA patients treatment-naïve, under methotrexate, and/or etanercept (ETN). Correlations between the gut microbiota composition and validated immunological and clinical parameters of disease activity were also evaluated. In the current study, a 16S analysis was employed to explore the gut microbiota of 42 patients affected by RA and 10 healthy controls. Disease activity score on 28 joints (DAS-28), erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein, rheumatoid factor, anti-cyclic citrullinated peptides, and dietary and smoking habits were assessed. The composition of the gut microbiota in RA patients free of therapy is characterized by several abnormalities compared to healthy controls. Gut dysbiosis in RA patients is associated with different serological and clinical parameters; in particular, the phylum of Euryarchaeota was directly correlated to DAS and emerged as an independent risk factor. Patients under treatment with ETN present a partial restoration of a beneficial microbiota. The results of our study confirm that gut dysbiosis is a hallmark of the disease, and shows, for the first time, that the anti-tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) ETN is able to modify microbial communities, at least partially restoring a beneficial microbiota

    Ripening-induced changes in microbial groups of artisanal Sicilian goats' milk cheese.

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    Changes in the microbial flora of "Caprino dei Nebrodi", a raw goat's milk cheese produced in Sicily, were studied during ripening. From 2 batches of cheese, 4 samples were taken at day 0, 2, 15, and 30 of ripening. Also, samples of curd and milk used in the manufacturing process were analyzed. By the end of the ripening process (day 30), high log10 cfu/g were found for Lactobacilli (7.20), Lattococci (7.10), and Enterococci (7.00), whereas counts of Enterobacteriaceae (3.91), Escherichia coli (3.30), and Staphylococcus (3.89) were found to be lower. The study provides useful information on the microbiological properties of "Caprino dei Nebrodi" cheese, and the results obtained suggest that in order to increase the quality of this artisanal product, it is necessary to improve the sanitary conditions of milking and cheese-making. The study was intended as a preliminary step towards the isolation and identification of bacterial species found in this type of goat's cheese

    Long-term treatment with high-dose of sildenafil in a thalassemic patient with pulmonary hypertension

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    We report a case of a 37-years-old man, affected by thalassemia major, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, chronic HCV-hepatitis, diabetes mellitus, severe osteoporosis, prior septic pulmonary embolism and pulmonary artery hypertension was performed a long-term treatment with highdose of sildenafil (120 mg/die) with reduction of pulmonary arterial systolic pressure and of the dyspnea

    Evidence for tidal interaction and merger as the origin of galaxy morphology evolution in compact groups

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    We present the results of a morphological study based on NIR images of 25 galaxies, with different levels of nuclear activity, in 8 Compact Groups of Galaxies (CGs). We perform independently two different analysis: a isophotal study and a study of morphological asymmetries. The results yielded by the two analysis are highly consistent. For the first time, it is possible to show that deviations from pure ellipses are produced by inhomogeneous stellar mass distributions related to galaxy interactions and mergers. We find evidence of mass asymmetries in 74% of the galaxies in our sample. In 59% of these cases, the asymmetries come in pairs, and are consistent with tidal effects produced by the proximity of companion galaxies. The symmetric galaxies are generally small in size or mass, inactive, and have an early-type morphology. In 20% of the galaxies we find evidence for cannibalism. In 36% of the early-type galaxies the color gradient is positive (blue nucleus) or flat. Summing up these results, as much as 52% of the galaxies in our sample could show evidence of an on going or past mergers. Our observations suggest that galaxies in CGs merge more frequently under ``dry'' conditions. The high frequency of interacting and merging galaxies observed in our study is consistent with the bias of our sample towards CGs of type B, which represents the most active phase in the evolution of the groups. In these groups we also find a strong correlation between asymmetries and nuclear activity in early-type galaxies. This correlation allows us to identify tidal interactions and mergers as the cause of galaxy morphology transformation in CGs.[abridge]Comment: 64 pages, 35 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Use of peas in organic buffalo farming: effects on nutrient digestibility and milk production

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    Twenty lactating buffalo cows, organically farmed, were used to examine the effects of including peas in total mixed ration. Two concentrates were formulated to contain, as the main protein sources, either 350 g/kg of soybean cake (CC) or 450 g/kg of peas (ExpC). Cows were blocked into two groups according to parity and previous milk yield and were assigned to one of two dietary treatments: one group was fed a diet with 6 kg/d of CC, whereas the treatment group was fed diet in which 3 kg/d of CC were replaced by an equal quantity of ExpC. Digestibility of the diets and milk yield of the cows were measured. The experimental period covered the whole lactation period. No differences were observed between groups for milk yield and composition, and for digestibility. The main hypothesis tested, that the replacement of soybean cake with peas in buffalo diet would not affect milk yield and composition,was confirmed. This suggested that the partial substitution of soybean cake with peas in diet for buffalo cows can be possible without affect performances

    Impact on Glucose Homeostasis: Is Food Biofortified with Molybdenum a Workable Solution? A Two-Arm Study

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    Diabetes is expected to increase up to 700 million people worldwide with type 2 diabetes being the most frequent. The use of nutritional interventions is one of the most natural approaches for managing the disease. Minerals are of paramount importance in order to preserve and obtain good health and among them molybdenum is an essential component. There are no studies about the consumption of biofortified food with molybdenum on glucose homeostasis but recent studies in humans suggest that molybdenum could exert hypoglycemic effects. The present study aims to assess if consumption of lettuce biofortified with molybdenum influences glucose homeostasis and whether the effects would be due to changes in gastrointestinal hormone levels and specifically Peptide YY (PYY), Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 (GLP-1), Glucagon-Like Peptide 2 (GLP-2), and Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide (GIP). A cohort of 24 people was supplemented with biofortified lettuce for 12 days. Blood and urine samples were obtained at baseline (T0) and after 12 days (T2) of supplementation. Blood was analyzed for glucose, insulin, insulin resistance, β-cell function, and insulin sensitivity, PYY, GLP-1, GLP-2 and GIP. Urine samples were tested for molybdenum concentration. The results showed that consumption of lettuce biofortified with molybdenum for 12 days did not affect beta cell function but significantly reduced fasting glucose, insulin, insulin resistance and increased insulin sensitivity in healthy people. Consumption of biofortified lettuce did not show any modification in urine concentration of molybdenum among the groups. These data suggest that consumption of lettuce biofortified with molybdenum improves glucose homeostasis and PYY and GIP are involved in the action mechanism
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