378 research outputs found

    Histology, composition, and quality traits of chicken Pectoralis major muscle affected by wooden breast abnormality

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    Only a few years ago, the poultry industry began to face a recent abnormality in breast meat, known as wooden breast, which frequently overlaps with white striping. This study aimed to assess the impact of wooden breast abnormality on quality traits of meat. For this purpose, 32 normal (NRM), 32 wooden (WB), and 32 wooden and white-striped (WB/WS) Pectoralis major muscles were selected from the same flock of heavy broilers (males, Ross 708, weighing around 3.7 kg) in the deboning area of a commercial processing plant at 3 h postmortem and used to assess histology, proximate (moisture, protein, fat, ash, and collagen) and mineral composition (Mg, K, P, Na and Ca), sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar protein patterns, and technological traits of breast meat. Compared to the normal group, WB/WS fillets showed more severe histological lesions characterized by fiber degeneration, fibrosis, and lipidosis, coupled with a significantly harder texture. With regard to proximate and mineral composition, abnormal samples exhibited significantly (P < 0.001) higher moisture, fat, and collagen contents coupled with lower (P < 0.001) amounts of protein and ash. Furthermore, increased calcium (131 vs. 84 mg kg(-1); P < 0.05) and sodium (741 vs. 393 mg kg(-1); P < 0.001) levels were found in WB/WS meat samples. The SDS-PAGE analysis revealed a significantly lower amount of calcium-ATPase (SERCA, 114 kDa), responsible for the translocation of Ca ions across the membrane, in normal breasts compared to abnormal ones. As for meat quality traits, fillets affected by wooden abnormality exhibited significantly (P < 0.001) higher ultimate pH and lower water-holding/water-binding capacity. In particular, compared to normal, abnormal samples showed reduced marinade uptake coupled with increased drip loss and cooking losses as well. In conclusion, this study revealed that meat affected by wooden breast or both wooden breast and white striping abnormalities exhibit poorer nutritional value, harder texture, and impaired water-holding capacity

    Cleaning the Label of Cured Meat; Effect of the Replacement of Nitrates/Nitrites on Nutrients Bioaccessibility, Peptides Formation, and Cellular Toxicity of In Vitro Digested Salami

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    Curing salts composed of mixtures of nitrates and nitrites are preservatives widely used in processed meats. Despite many desirable technological effects, their use in meat products has been linked to methemoglobinemia and the formation of nitrosamines. Therefore, an increasing "anti-nitrite feeling" has grown among meat consumers, who search for clean label products. In this view, the use of natural compounds as alternatives represents a challenge for the meat industry. Processing (including formulation and fermentation) induces chemical or physical changes of food matrix that can modify the bioaccessibility of nutrients and the formation of peptides, impacting on the real nutritional value of food. In this study we investigated the effect of nitrate/nitrite replacement with a combination of polyphenols, ascorbate, and nitrate-reducing microbial starter cultures on the bioaccessibility of fatty acids, the hydrolysis of proteins and the release of bioactive peptides after in vitro digestion. Moreover, digested salami formulations were investigated for their impacts on cell proliferation and genotoxicity in the human intestinal cellular model (HT-29 cell line). The results indicated that a replacement of synthetic nitrates/nitrites with natural additives can represent a promising strategy to develop innovative "clean label" salamis without negatively affecting their nutritional value

    IMPAcT-RLS2: Indagine nazionale sulla salute e la sicurezza sul lavoro: il ruolo dei Rappresentanti dei Lavoratori per la Sicurezza

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    L’Indagine IMPAcT-RLS2 si inserisce nel più ampio programma di ricerca INSuLa2, la cui prima edizione, condotta nel 2014 e rivolta a tutti gli attori della prevenzione, ha approfondito aspetti della tutela della salute e sicurezza sul lavoro (SSL) secondo il punto di vista delle varie figure intervistate. La survey indirizzata ai Rappresentanti dei lavoratori per la sicurezza (RLS), focalizzata inizialmente su tre contesti regionali, è stata implementata grazie all’indagine IMPAcT-RLS, realizzata nel 2016, che ha coinvolto un campione di circa 2.100 soggetti, rappresentativo a livello nazionale, per dimensione aziendale e settore di attività economica. L’indagine ha evidenziato l’importanza di disporre di informazioni sempre più approfondite sul ruolo dei RLS e di monitorarne l’andamento nel tempo. Il presente studio ribadisce l’importanza di istituire rilevazioni periodiche e replicabili, finalizzate ad aumentare le conoscenze e la consapevolezza sui sistemi di prevenzione e promuovere interventi sempre più mirati per il miglioramento della tutela della SSL.The IMPAcT-RLS2 survey is part of a larger context of INSuLa2 research program; its first edition was conducted in 2014 and targeted to all prevention professionals, investigating occupational health and safety (OSH) protection issues perceived by the various professionals’ point of view. The survey addressed to Health and Safety Representatives (HS reps.), focused on three regional contexts, was further implemented in 2016 through the IMPAcT-RLS survey, which involved a sample representative at national level, by company size and economic activity sector consisting of about 2,100 subjects. The survey highlighted the importance of having ever more in-depth information on the role of HS reps. and monitoring their evolution over time. This study arises from the need to create periodic and replicable surveys, aimed at increasing knowledge and awareness of prevention systems and promoting increasingly targeted interventions for improving the protection of OS

    Predictive role of node-rads score in patients with prostate cancer candidates for radical prostatectomy with extended lymph node dissection: comparative analysis with validated nomograms

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    Background and objectives: The Reporting and Data System (RADS) have been used in the attempts to standardize the results of oncological scans in different scenarios, such as lymph nodes, adding configuration criteria to size determination. We analyze the predictive value of preoperative Node-RADS determination at imaging for pelvic lymph node (PLN) involvement in cases of prostate cancer (PC) considered for radical prostatectomy (RP) with extended lymph node dissection (eLND) and we compare it with validate predictive nomograms (MSKCC, Briganti and Gandaglia). Methods: 150 patients with a histological diagnosis of PC (high risk or intermediate with an estimated risk for pN+ higher than 5% using the Briganti or 7% using the Gandaglia nomogram) submitted for RP with an ePLND from 2018 and 2021 were retrospectively examined. Node-RADS determination was performed in all cases using the preoperative magnetic resonance (MR), performed by a radiologist blinded for pathologic results and compared with the MSKCC, Briganti 2012, Gandaglia 2017 and Gandaglia 2019 nomograms. Results: PLN involvement at final pathology (pN+) was found in 36/150 (24.0%) of cases and the mean percentage of positive LNs in pN+ cases was 15.90 ± 13.40. The mean number of PLNs removed at RP was similar (p = 0.188) between pN0 (23.9 ± 8.0) and pN+ (25.3 ± 8.0) cases. Considering a Node RADS 4-5 positive and a Node RADS 1-2 negative, the PPV was 100% and the NPV was 79.6%. A Node RADS score 4-5 showed a lower sensitivity (0.167 versus 0.972, 1.000, 0.971, 0.960 respectively), a higher specificity (1.000 versus 0.079, 0.096, 0.138, 0.186 respectively) and a similar AUC (0.583 versus 0.591, 0.581, 0.574, 0.597 respectively) when compared to MSKCC, Briganti 2012, Gandaglia 2017 and Gandaglia 2019 nomograms. Conclusions: Our evaluation suggests that Node RADS score, combining configuration criteria to size determination could improve specificity in terms of pathologic PLN prediction but a very low sensitivity has been also described
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