4,972 research outputs found

    Photonic circuits for generating modal, spectral, and polarization entanglement

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    We consider the design of photonic circuits that make use of Ti:LiNbO3_{3} diffused channel waveguides for generating photons with various combinations of modal, spectral, and polarization entanglement. Down-converted photon pairs are generated via spontaneous optical parametric down-conversion (SPDC) in a two-mode waveguide. We study a class of photonic circuits comprising: 1) a nonlinear periodically poled two-mode waveguide structure, 2) a set of single-mode and two-mode waveguide-based couplers arranged in such a way that they suitably separate the three photons comprising the SPDC process, and, for some applications, 3) a holographic Bragg grating that acts as a dichroic reflector. The first circuit produces frequency-degenerate down-converted photons, each with even spatial parity, in two separate single-mode waveguides. Changing the parameters of the elements allows this same circuit to produce two nondegenerate down-converted photons that are entangled in frequency or simultaneously entangled in frequency and polarization. The second photonic circuit is designed to produce modal entanglement by distinguishing the photons on the basis of their frequencies. A modified version of this circuit can be used to generate photons that are doubly entangled in mode number and polarization. The third photonic circuit is designed to manage dispersion by converting modal, spectral, and polarization entanglement into path entanglement

    Demonstration of successful malaria forecasts for Botswana using an operational seasonal climate model

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    The severity and timing of seasonal malaria epidemics is strongly linked with temperature and rainfall. Advance warning of meteorological conditions from seasonal climate models can therefore potentially anticipate unusually strong epidemic events, building resilience and adapting to possible changes in the frequency of such events. Here we present validation of a process-based, dynamic malaria model driven by hindcasts from a state-of-the-art seasonal climate model from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts. We validate the climate and malaria models against observed meteorological and incidence data for Botswana over the period 1982–2006; the longest record of observed incidence data which has been used to validate a modeling system of this kind. We consider the impact of climate model biases, the relationship between climate and epidemiological predictability and the potential for skillful malaria forecasts. Forecast skill is demonstrated for upper tercile malaria incidence for the Botswana malaria season (January–May), using forecasts issued at the start of November; the forecast system anticipates six out of the seven upper tercile malaria seasons in the observational period. The length of the validation time series gives confidence in the conclusion that it is possible to make reliable forecasts of seasonal malaria risk, forming a key part of a health early warning system for Botswana and contributing to efforts to adapt to climate change

    Physical properties and antimicrobial activity of bioactive film based on whey protein and Lactobacillus curvatus 54M16 producer of bacteriocins

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    The objective of the work was to study the viability and antimicrobial activity of bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacteria (LAB) incorporated into whey protein/inulin/gelatine (WP) edible films in presence or absence of nutrient (modified MRS broth). Moreover, the role of the cell on the film structure and properties has been investigated. The results of the work showed that WP-based films were able to ensure a high viability of the bacteriocin-producing strain L. curvatus 54M16 during 28 days of storage at 4 °C. The addition of nutrient in the film matrix slightly affected the viability of the cells, but it was critical for the antimicrobial activity of the films. Films in presence of nutrient showed a good antimicrobial activity against L. innocua C6 as in vitro system as on cooked ham. The presence of LAB has a significant effect on the structure of the film: it reduced the viscosity of the film forming solution and improved the elasticity and the percentage of elongation. Whereas, no effect was observed for water vapour transmission rate and solubility. Thus, WP-based films in presence of modified MRS broth can be used as effective delivery and carrier systems for lactic acid bacteria to develop bioactive edible film or coating with antimicrobial properties

    Multiparticle Quantum Superposition and Stimulated Entanglement by Parity Selective Amplification of Entangled States

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    A multiparticle quantum superposition state has been generated by a novel phase-selective parametric amplifier of an entangled two-photon state. This realization is expected to open a new field of investigations on the persistence of the validity of the standard quantum theory for systems of increasing complexity, in a quasi decoherence-free environment. Because of its nonlocal structure the new system is expected to play a relevant role in the modern endeavor on quantum information and in the basic physics of entanglement.Comment: 13 pages and 3 figure

    La vita in una goccia d'acqua: spunti per un'azione didattico-educativa.

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    Il progetto \ue8 stato presentato dal Consiglio Direttivo della SIP (Societ\ue0 Itlaiana di Protistologia ONLUS). L\u2019obiettivo principale di questo progetto \ue8 quello di costituire ed organizzare un\u2019iniziativa didatticoformativapresso gli insegnanti di scienze della scuola secondaria di primo grado, come educatori della classe dei giovani in et\ue0 scolare, volta a sviluppare le cognizioni scientifico-applicative sull\u2019importanza dei microorganismi unicellulari eucariotici, comunemente definiti "protisti", in ambito sanitario e ambientale. Molto spesso dei protisti, i principali artefici del pi\uf9 grande salto evolutivo nella storia dei viventi, non esiste il bench\ue9 minimo accenno. La principale ragione di tale incompletezza sta nella non facile presentazione di tali organismi. I protisti, infatti, hanno dimensioni microscopiche e quindi non sono visibili ad occhio nudo. Eppure, questi organismi, oltre ad avere un elevata importanza evolutiva, sono indicatori di qualit\ue0 dell\u2019ambiente oltre ad essere di imponente interesse sanitario. I protisti di tipo parassitologico sono gli agenti infettanti di malattie molto gravi, quali la malaria, la toxoplasmosi e la leishmaniosi, tra le pi\uf9 note, e rivestono, oggi, grande importanza nei progetti d\u2019interesse prioritario per gli interventi istituzionali di sanit\ue0 pubblica in Italia e nel resto del mondo, ma di essi e delle loro infezioni ben poco sanno gli operatori e gli utenti della scuola secondaria dove, invece, il messaggio educazionale pu\uf2 essere molto efficiente anche in termini di prevenzione. Per tutto questo \ue8 molto importante promuovere la conoscenza di tale \u201cmondo sommerso\u201d nel quale esistono organismi sia da evitare in quanto patogeni (prevenzione primaria) che da promuovere in ambienti naturali (monitoraggio ambientale e controllo dell\u2019inquinamento). Il secondo obiettivo \ue8 quello di mettere al servizio di questa iniziativa le conoscenze scientifiche che vengono dalla ricerca, la pi\uf9 specializzata, come quella perseguita dai ricercatori che nel progetto svolgono le docenze. Contestualmente, il terzo obiettivo \ue8 quello di sopperire alla mancanza di informazioni sui protisti, rendendo evidente, attraverso l\u2019allestimento di una sala didattico-espositiva presso il Museo del Mare che ha sede nell\u2019Area Marina Protetta (AMP) Torre del Cerrano, l\u2019immagine di questo microcosmo, che svela i principali fenomeni che regolano la vita sulla Terra e che svolge un importante ruolo per la conservazione della biodiversit\ue0 sul nostro pianeta. Quest\u2019ultimo obiettivo \ue8 raggiunto anche dagli insegnanti e dai loro studenti, mettendo in uso le conoscenze ottenute nel corso del progetto, tramite l\u2019utilizzo della sala didattico-espositiva come un laboratorio di ricerca. In base a quanto sopra esposto possiamo dire che i risultati attesi da questo progetto sono: 1. Accrescimento delle cognizioni tecnico-scientifiche da parte degli insegnanti di scienze della scuola secondaria arruolati nel progetto nel settore della Protistologia, con particolare riguardo all\u2019importanza evolutiva e applicativa nel settore ambientale e sanitario dei protisti. 2. Ricaduta di queste cognizioni sugli studenti delle classi coinvolte, come risultato dell\u2019adempimento didattico dei suddetti insegnanti e rafforzamento delle stesse tramite l\u2019utilizzazione della sala didattico-espositiva come laboratorio applicativo di lavori di gruppo sul tema dei protisti e del loro coinvolgimento nella qualit\ue0 dell\u2019ambiente e della salute. 3. Ottenimento della collaborazione tra ricerca universitaria, scuola e aree marine protette in maniera sinergica

    Preterm birth after loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP). how cone features and microbiota could influence the pregnancy outcome

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    OBJECTIVE: In the last years, the mean age of women who underwent cervical treatment for high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN 2-3) is similar to the age of women having their first pregnancy. The aim of this study was to evaluate the risk of preterm birth in subsequent pregnancies after loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP). PATIENTS AND METHODS: From January 2013 to January 2016 the study identified a total of 1435 women, nulliparous, who underwent LEEP for CIN 2-3, and who wished to have their first pregnancy. Before surgery, the lengths of the cervix were calculated by transvaginal sonography. After the treatment, the dimension of the removed tissue was evaluated. During the pregnancy, all women carried out periodic transvaginal sonography and vaginal-cervical swabs. RESULTS: The average age of patients was 31.96±5.24 years; the interval between the surgical procedure and pregnancy was 12.04±4.67 months; the gestational age at births was 37.53±2.91 weeks. The first vaginal and cervical swab performed during pregnancy was negative in 81.8% of patients. The most prevalent infections were related to C. Albicans, G. Vaginalis, and Group B Streptococcus (GBS). The rate of preterm delivery was significantly higher in women with a minor cervical length. CONCLUSIONS: The length and the volume of cervical tissue excised have been shown to be directly related to the risk for preterm birth. Furthermore, vaginal infections and their persistence during pregnancy in women with a history of LEEP may be associated with an increased risk for preterm birth, compared with women with no history of LEEP

    Optical and Energetic Investigation of an Advanced Corona Ignition System in a Pressure-Based Calorimeter

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    In recent years, radio-frequency corona igniters have been extensively studied for their capability to ensure an effective ignition also in lean or diluted mixtures. Corona ignition is volumetric, with streamers coming from a star-shaped electrode. During the discharge, many radicals and excited species, able to speed up the combustion onset, are generated. At the same time, corona igniters are able to release a considerable amount of thermal energy inside the combustion chamber. The correct determination of such energy is crucial to evaluate the effectiveness of the ignition. In this work, corona discharge is experimentally evaluated inside an optical vessel. In this apparatus, the released thermal energy is measured by means of pressure-based calorimetry, and at the same time the natural luminosity of the streamers is recorded with a high-speed camera. The goal is to find a relationship between thermal energy release and streamers luminosity. Tests are performed using nitrogen as medium, at different pressure levels inside the vessel. The peak electrode voltage is varied to characterize the igniter behaviour in different operating conditions. The results of this work can be used to quantify the corona ignition capabilities to involve a wide amount of medium while releasing a high amount of thermal energy. A repeatability evaluation of streamer evolution is investigated as well