332 research outputs found

    Special Issue - Analisi e test preliminari sull\u27accessibilit? nei dispositivi mobili

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    .L\u27interazione con i dispositivi mobili non ? pi? univoca, ma pu? variare secondo il profilo d\u27utente, il dispositivo o il contesto nel quale operiamo. Particolare importanza assume questo aspetto per le persone con limitazioni di abilit?. Essi devono interagire con i propri dispositivi mobile usando modalit? alternative. Questi utenti possono avere limitazioni visive, uditive, fisiche o legate all\u27et?, che impediscono loro l\u27accesso quando questo ? fornito solo in modalit? predefinite quali quella grafica. Lo scopo di questo lavoro ? quello di fornire una panoramica sull\u27accessibilit? degli attuali dispositivi mobili, sia per fornire agli utenti degli elementi di indirizzo d\u27uso, sia per analizzare quali soluzioni sono state crete e applicate per l\u27accessibilit? di questi nuovi dispositivi, sia per fornire almeno un cenno alle eventuali barriere ancora esistenti. Tra i vari criteri possibili utilizzabili per classificare e quindi descrivere la situazione, la scelta ? caduta sulle distinzioni esistenti in base al sistema operativo. Altri criteri potevano essere adottati, quali, ad esempio, il tipo di dispositivo. Tuttavia poich? dispositivi diversi, come tablet o smarphone, si comportano in modo simile se supportati dallo stesso sistema operativo, si ? preferito partire dal software di base. Cambiano le dimensioni fisiche del dispositivo, ma non i criteri utilizzati per assicurare l\u27accessibilit?

    Purification and characterization of a lipoxygenase enzyme from durum wheat semolina

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    Purification of a lipoxygenase enzyme from the cultivar Tresor of durum wheat semolina (Triticum turgidum var. durum Desf) was reinvestigated furnishing a new procedure. The 895-fold purified homogeneous enzyme showed a monomeric structure with a molecular mass of 95 +/- 5 kDa. Among the substrates tested, linoleic acid showed the highest k(cat)/K(m) value; a beta-carotene bleaching activity was also detected. The enzyme optimal activity was at pH 6. 8 on linoleic acid as substrate and at pH 5.2 for the bleaching activity on beta-carotene, both assayed at 25 degrees C. The dependence of lipoxygenase activity on temperature showed a maximum at 40 degrees C for linoleic acid and at 60 degrees C for bleaching activity on beta-carotene. The amino acid composition showed the presence of only one tryptophan residue per monomer. Far-UV circular dichroism studies carried out at 25 degrees C in acidic, neutral, and basic regions revealed that the protein possesses a secondary structure content with a high percentage of alpha- and beta-structures. Near-UV circular dichroism, at 25 degrees C and at the same pH values, pointed out a strong perturbation of the tertiary structure in the acidic and basic regions compared to the neutral pH condition. Moreover, far-UV CD spectra studying the effects of the temperature on alpha-helix content revealed that the melting point of the alpha-helix is at 60 degrees C at pH 5.0, whereas it was at 50 degrees C at pH 6.8 and 9.0. The NH(2)-terminal sequence allowed a homology comparison with other lipoxygenase sequences from mammalian and vegetable sources

    An Electrically Conductive Oleogel Paste for Edible Electronics

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    Edible electronics will facilitate point-of-care testing through safe devices digested/degraded in the body/environment after performing a specific function. This technology, to thrive, requires a library of materials that are the basic building blocks for eatable platforms. Edible electrical conductors fabricated with green methods and at a large scale and composed of food derivatives, ingestible in large amounts without risk for human health are needed. Here, conductive pastes made with materials with a high tolerable upper intake limit (≥mg kg−1 body weight per day) are proposed. Conductive oleogel composites, made with biodegradable and food-grade materials like natural waxes, oils, and activated carbon conductive fillers, are presented. The proposed pastes are compatible with manufacturing processes such as direct ink writing and thus are suitable for an industrial scale-up. These conductors are built without using solvents and with tunable electromechanical features and adhesion depending on the composition. They have antibacterial and hydrophobic properties so that they can be used in contact with food preventing contamination and preserving its organoleptic properties. As a proof-of-principle application, the edible conductive pastes are demonstrated to be effective edible contacts for food impedance analysis, to be integrated, for example, in smart fruit labels for ripening monitoring

    Progressive encephalomyelitis with rigidity and myoclonus associated with anti-GlyR antibodies and Hodgkin's lymphoma : A case report

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    Introduction: A 60-year-old man presented with a 6-month history of low back pain and progressive rigidity of the trunk and lower limbs, followed by pruritus, dysphonia, hyperhydrosis, and urinary retention. Brain and spinal imaging were normal. EMG showed involuntary motor unit hyperactivity. Onconeural, antiglutamic acid decarboxylase (anti-GAD), voltage-gated potassium channel, and dipeptidyl peptidase-like protein 6 (DPPX) autoantibodies were negative. CSF was negative. Symptoms were partially responsive to baclofen, gabapentin, and clonazepam, but he eventually developed severe dysphagia. Antiglycine receptor (anti-GlyR) antibodies turned out positive on both serum and CSF. A plasmapheresis cycle was completed with good clinical response. A PET scan highlighted an isolated metabolically active axillary lymphnode that turned out to be a classic type Hodgkin lymphoma (HL), in the absence of bone marrow infiltration nor B symptoms. Polychemotherapy with ABVD protocol was completed with good clinical response and at 1-year follow-up the neurological examination is normal. Background: Progressive encephalomyelitis with rigidity and myoclonus (PERM) is a rare and severe neurological syndrome characterized by muscular rigidity and spasms as well as brain stem and autonomic dysfunction. It can be associated with anti-GAD, GlyR, and DPPX antibodies. All of these autoantibodies may be variably associated with malignant tumors and their response to immunotherapy, as well as to tumor removal, is not easily predictable. Conclusion: Progressive encephalomyelitis with rigidity and myoclonus has already been described in association with HL, but this is the first case report of a HL manifesting as anti-GlyR antibodies related PERM. Our report highlights the importance of malignancy screening in autoimmune syndromes of suspected paraneoplastic origin

    The LRRK2 Arg1628Pro variant is a risk factor for Parkinson's disease in the Chinese population

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    The c.G4883C variant in the leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) gene (protein effect: Arg1628Pro) has been recently proposed as a second risk factor for sporadic Parkinson's disease in the Han Chinese population (after the Gly2385Arg variant). In this paper, we analyze the Arg1628Pro variant and the associated haplotype in a large sample of 1,337 Han subjects (834 patients and 543 controls) ascertained from a single referral center in Taiwan. In our sample, the Arg1628Pro allele was more frequent among patients (3.8%) than among controls (1.8%; p = 0.004, OR 2.13, 95% CI 1.29-3.52). Sixty heterozygous and two homozygous carriers of the Arg1628Pro variant were identified among the patients, of which only one was also a carrier of the LRRK2 Gly2385Arg variant. We also show that carriers of the Arg1628Pro variant share a common, extended haplotype, suggesting a founder effect. Parkinson's disease onset age was similar in patients who carried the Arg1628Pro variant and in those who did not carry it. Our data support the contention that the Arg1628Pro variant is a second risk factor for Parkinson's disease in the Han Chinese population. Adding the estimated effects of Arg1628Pro (population attributable risk [PAR] ∼4%) and Gly2385Arg variants (PAR ∼6%) yields a total PAR of ∼10%

    Neurofascin (NFASC) gene mutation causes autosomal recessive ataxia with demyelinating neuropathy

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    Introduction: Neurofascin, encoded by NFASC, is a transmembrane protein that plays an essential role in nervous system development and node of Ranvier function. Anti-Neurofascin autoantibodies cause a specific type of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) often characterized by cerebellar ataxia and tremor. Recently, homozygous NFASC mutations were recently associated with a neurodevelopmental disorder in two families. Methods: A combined approach of linkage analysis and whole-exome sequencing was performed to find the genetic cause of early-onset cerebellar ataxia and demyelinating neuropathy in two siblings from a consanguineous Italian family. Functional studies were conducted on neurons from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) generated from the patients. Results: Genetic analysis revealed a homozygous p.V1122E mutation in NFASC. This mutation, affecting a highly conserved hydrophobic transmembrane domain residue, led to significant loss of Neurofascin protein in the iPSC-derived neurons of affected siblings. Conclusions: The identification of NFASC mutations paves the way for genetic research in the developing field of nodopathies, an emerging pathological entity involving the nodes of Ranvier, which are associated for the first time with a hereditary ataxia syndrome with neuropathy

    Stabilizing organic photocathodes by low temperature atomic layer deposition of TiO2

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    Low-temperature atomic layer deposition forms a compact TiO2 film atop a polymer light absorber for stable and efficient organic–inorganic photo-driven H2 evolution.</p
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