167 research outputs found

    The Hygiene Factors Contributing to Work Satisfaction, Interaction with locals and Life Satisfaction among Dell Expatriates in the Asia Pacific Region

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    Pembangunan profesional ekspatriat telah menjadi semakin penting kepada organisasi transnasional sejak beberapa dekad yang lalu (Adler, 2008; Mendenhall, 2006; Mezias & Scandura, 2005). The professional development of expatriates has become increasingly important to transnational organizations over the past few decades

    Hiasan kemuncak bangunan

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    Apabila kita berkunjung ke kota-kota di Indonesia pertama-tama yang menarik perhatian kita adalah bentuk-bentuk bangunan rumah penduduk. Berdasarkan macam-macam bentuk atap rumah, masing-masing diberi nama menurut gayanya sendiri, di Jawa misalnya ada yang dinamakan atap joglo, atap limasan, tajug, kampung dan sebagainya. Di Minangkabau rumah gadang mempunyai bentuk atap khusus yang berbeda dengan bangunan meunasah dari Aceh

    Pendampingan Pembuatan Imooji sebagai Media Promosi Digital bagi Usaha Kecil di Kota Banjarmasin

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    Imooji is a digital promotional media to introduce products or services from small businesses that are not widely known. The introduction of small businesses to digital promotional media is very important, especially during a pandemic, in order to overcome the constraints of direct promotion which has limited activities. This program aims to provide assistance to a number of small businesses in utilizing Imooji as part of the development of the creative economy. The scope of this program includes 20 small businesses in Banjarmasin. The method of this program is through direct assistance to each place of business with the involvement of lecturers and student groups as companions. This program has an impact on increasing the knowledge of small business actors about Imooji as a form of promotional media. They are also directly assisted in creating Imooji to promote their business digitally. The result of the program is an increase in the skills of small business actors in making Imooji as a digital promotion medium for their business. The digital literacy of the small business actors involved is also increasing and hoped that will help them to promote their business efficiently and effectively. &nbsp

    Membangun Hubungan Jangka Panjang Pelanggan Melalui Relationship Marketing

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    Relationship marketing, however defined, has received considerable attention recently. Relationship marketing has emerged as a new paradigm in the marketing’s concepts and practices. This paradigm has shifted from transactional approach to relationship-based marketing strategy.  The main purpose of relationship marketing is focused on a long-term relationship with a key parties—customer, suppliers, and distributor. Today, relationship marketing concept has been a key point of firm’s business activities. In a modern business, marketer’s tasks not only meet customer want, but also treat their customer as well. Firm should understand the principles of underlying relationship marketing before. Those principles are loyalty and customer satisfaction, profitability, and customer retention. Relationship marketing is concerned with how organizations manage and improve their relationships with customer for long-term profitability. In the end of this paper, I will define important steps that marketers must do. Finally, this paper discusses about relationship marketing in building relationship with customer for long-term.             &nbsp

    The Parthenon, January 15, 1937

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    Otras publicaciones recibidas en 2001/2

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    Cronache del secondo Novecento

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    Sommario: 1. 31 gennaio 1948: nasce la Regione autonoma della Sardegna. - 2. La conquista dellì'autonomia. - 3. Gli anni della "ricostruzione" (1949-1958). 4. La battaglia per il Piano di Rinascita. - 5. Gli "anni della Rinascita". - 6. La "società del malessere". - 7. I problemi di fine secolo