116 research outputs found

    The CRE-Like Element Inside the 5′-Upstream Region of the Rat Sodium/Iodide Symporter Gene Interacts with Diverse Classes of b-Zip Molecules that Regulate Transcriptional Activities through Strong Synergy with Pax-8

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    AbstractWe previously demonstrated that transcription of the rat sodium/iodide symporter (NIS) gene is regulated by NUE, an upstream enhancer located between nucleotides −2264 and −2495 of the 5′-flanking region. To elucidate the mechanism of TSH/cAMP-mediated regulation of NIS gene expression, we have characterized the putative cAMP response element (CRE)/activator protein (AP)-1 site (termed NUC) that is closely located between the two Pax-8 (paired box domain transcription factor-8) binding sites within NUE. In two different approaches using either gel supershift analyses or dominant-negative inhibitors of b-Zip molecules, we have shown that NUC can be recognized by several members of the AP-1 and CREB family transcription factors that modulate the transcriptional activity of NUE. Using tethered dimers of b-Zip molecules, we have also demonstrated that specific homo- or heterodimers of AP-1 can synergistically stimulate NUE activity in concert with Pax-8. To demonstrate further that NUC is a bona fide CRE, we made an artificial promoter with the five-time tandem repeat of this sequence (5xNUC). In comparison to the canonical CRE (5xCRE), 5xNUC manifested greater transcriptional activity and broader response to cAMP signaling. Hence, we postulate that the significance of this evolutionally conserved CRE-like site may lie in its broader cell type specificity

    Neuroradiological findings in Alagille syndrome

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    Alagille syndrome (ALGS) is a multisystemic disease caused by mutations in genes of Notch pathway, which regulates embryonic cell differentiation and angiogenesis. Clinically, ALGS is characterized by cholestasis, cardiac defects, characteristic facial features, skeletal and ophthalmologic abnormalities. The aim of this review is to illustrate neuroradiological findings in ALGS, which are less well-known and prevalent, including cerebrovascular anomalies (such as aneurysms, dolichoectasia, Moyamoya syndrome and venous peculiarities), Chiari 1 malformation, craniosynostosis, intracranial hypertension, and vertebral anomalies (namely butterfly vertebra, hemivertebra, and craniocervical junction anomalies). Rarer cerebral midline malformations and temporal bone anomalies have also been described

    Foix-Chavany-Marie syndrome in a 17-year-old female with congenital cytomegalovirus infection.

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    Foix-Chavany-Marie syndrome is characterized by bilateral facio-glosso-pharyngo-masticatory paralysis of voluntary movement due to bilateral anterior opercular lesions. We describe the case of a 17-year-old female affected by Foix-Chavany-Marie syndrome and congenital cytomegalovirus infection, evaluating the possible etiopathogenetic correlation between cerebral cortical dysplasia and intrauterine infections

    Smoke, alcohol and drug addiction and male fertility

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    In recent decades, the decline in human fertility has become increasingly more worrying: while therapeutic interventions might help, they are vexing for the couple and often burdened with high failure rates and costs. Prevention is the most successful approach to fertility disorders in males and females alike. We performed a literature review on three of the most common unhealthy habits - tobacco, alcohol and drug addiction - and their reported effects on male fertility. Tobacco smoking is remarkably common in most first-world countries; despite a progressive decline in the US, recent reports suggest a prevalence of more than 30% in subjects of reproductive age - a disturbing perspective, given the well-known ill-effects on reproductive and sexual function as well as general health. Alcohol consumption is often considered socially acceptable, but its negative effects on gonadal function have been consistently reported in the last 30 years. Several studies have reported a variety of negative effects on male fertility following drug abuse - a worrying phenomenon, as illicit drug consumption is on the rise, most notably in younger subjects. While evidence in these regards is still far from solid, mostly as a result of several confounding factors, it is safe to assume that cessation of tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption and recreational drug addiction might represent the best course of action for any couple trying to achieve pregnancy

    Cooperative binding of the cationic porphyrin tris-t4 enhances catalytic activity of 20s proteasome unveiling a complex distribution of functional states

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    The present study provides new evidence that cationic porphyrins may be considered as tunable platforms to interfere with the structural “key code” present on the 20S proteasome α-rings and, by consequence, with its catalytic activity. Here, we describe the functional and conformational effects on the 20S proteasome induced by the cooperative binding of the tri-cationic 5-(phenyl)-10,15,20-(tri N-methyl-4-pyridyl) porphyrin (Tris-T4). Our integrated kinetic, NMR, and in silico analysis allowed us to disclose a complex effect on the 20S catalytic activity depending on substrate/porphyrin concentration. The analysis of the kinetic data shows that Tris-T4 shifts the relative populations of the multiple interconverting 20S proteasome conformations leading to an increase in substrate hydrolysis by an allosteric pathway. Based on our Tris-T4/h20S interaction model, Tris-T4 is able to affect gating dynamics and substrate hydrolysis by binding to an array of negatively charged and hydrophobic residues present on the protein surface involved in the 20S molecular activation by the regulatory proteins (RPs). Accordingly, despite the fact that Tris-T4 also binds to the α3ΔN mutant, allosteric modulation is not observed since the molecular mechanism connecting gate dynamics with substrate hydrolysis is impaired. We envisage that the dynamic view of the 20S conformational equilibria, activated through cooperative Tris-T4 binding, may work as a simplified model for a better understanding of the intricate network of 20S conformational/functional states that may be mobilized by exogenous ligands, paving the way for the development of a new generation of proteasome allosteric modulators

    Cooperative Binding of the Cationic Porphyrin Tris-T4 Enhances Catalytic Activity of 20S Proteasome Unveiling a Complex Distribution of Functional States

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    The present study provides new evidence that cationic porphyrins may be considered as tunable platforms to interfere with the structural "key code" present on the 20S proteasome α-rings and, by consequence, with its catalytic activity. Here, we describe the functional and conformational effects on the 20S proteasome induced by the cooperative binding of the tri-cationic 5-(phenyl)-10,15,20-(tri N-methyl-4-pyridyl) porphyrin (Tris-T4). Our integrated kinetic, NMR, and in silico analysis allowed us to disclose a complex effect on the 20S catalytic activity depending on substrate/porphyrin concentration. The analysis of the kinetic data shows that Tris-T4 shifts the relative populations of the multiple interconverting 20S proteasome conformations leading to an increase in substrate hydrolysis by an allosteric pathway. Based on our Tris-T4/h20S interaction model, Tris-T4 is able to affect gating dynamics and substrate hydrolysis by binding to an array of negatively charged and hydrophobic residues present on the protein surface involved in the 20S molecular activation by the regulatory proteins (RPs). Accordingly, despite the fact that Tris-T4 also binds to the α3ΔN mutant, allosteric modulation is not observed since the molecular mechanism connecting gate dynamics with substrate hydrolysis is impaired. We envisage that the dynamic view of the 20S conformational equilibria, activated through cooperative Tris-T4 binding, may work as a simplified model for a better understanding of the intricate network of 20S conformational/functional states that may be mobilized by exogenous ligands, paving the way for the development of a new generation of proteasome allosteric modulators

    Next Generation Molecular Diagnosis of Hereditary Spastic Paraplegias: An Italian Cross-Sectional Study

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    Hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP) refers to a group of genetically heterogeneous neurodegenerative motor neuron disorders characterized by progressive age-dependent loss of corticospinal motor tract function, lower limb spasticity, and weakness. Recent clinical use of next generation sequencing (NGS) methodologies suggests that they facilitate the diagnostic approach to HSP, but the power of NGS as a first-tier diagnostic procedure is unclear. The larger-than-expected genetic heterogeneity-there are over 80 potential disease-associated genes-and frequent overlap with other clinical conditions affecting the motor system make a molecular diagnosis in HSP cumbersome and time consuming. In a single-center, cross-sectional study, spanning 4 years, 239 subjects with a clinical diagnosis of HSP underwent molecular screening of a large set of genes, using two different customized NGS panels. The latest version of our targeted sequencing panel (SpastiSure3.0) comprises 118 genes known to be associated with HSP. Using an in-house validated bioinformatics pipeline and several in silico tools to predict mutation pathogenicity, we obtained a positive diagnostic yield of 29% (70/239), whereas variants of unknown significance (VUS) were found in 86 patients (36%), and 83 cases remained unsolved. This study is among the largest screenings of consecutive HSP index cases enrolled in real-life clinical-diagnostic settings. Its results corroborate NGS as a modern, first-step procedure for molecular diagnosis of HSP. It also disclosed a significant number of new mutations in ultra-rare genes, expanding the clinical spectrum, and genetic landscape of HSP, at least in Italy

    Survival and Recurrence of Endocarditis following Mechanical vs. Biological Aortic Valve Replacement for Endocarditis in Patients Aged 40 to 65 Years: Data from the INFECT-Registry

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    Background: Infective endocarditis (IE) is a serious disease, and in many cases, surgery is necessary. Whether the type of prosthesis implanted for aortic valve replacement (AVR) for IE impacts patient survival is a matter of debate. The aim of the present study is to quantify differences in long-term survival and recurrence of endocarditis AVR for IE according to prosthesis type among patients aged 40 to 65 years. Methods: This was an analysis of the INFECT-REGISTRY. Trends in proportion to the use of mechanical prostheses versus biological ones over time were tested by applying the sieve bootstrapped t-test. Confounders were adjusted using the optimal full-matching propensity score. The difference in overall survival was compared using the Cox model, whereas the differences in recurrence of endocarditis were evaluated using the Gray test. Results: Overall, 4365 patients were diagnosed and operated on for IE from 2000 to 2021. Of these, 549, aged between 40 and 65 years, underwent AVR. A total of 268 (48.8%) received mechanical prostheses, and 281 (51.2%) received biological ones. A significant trend in the reduction of implantation of mechanical vs. biological prostheses was observed during the study period (p < 0.0001). Long-term survival was significantly higher among patients receiving a mechanical prosthesis than those receiving a biological prosthesis (hazard ratio [HR] 0.546, 95% CI: 0.322–0.926, p = 0.025). Mechanical prostheses were associated with significantly less recurrent endocarditis after AVR than biological prostheses (HR 0.268, 95%CI: 0.077–0.933, p = 0.039). Conclusions: The present analysis of the INFECT-REGISTRY shows increased survival and reduced recurrence of endocarditis after a mechanical aortic valve prosthesis implant for IE in middle-aged patients