6,478 research outputs found

    Progress report on the ongoing activity for constructing a catalogue of geological/geotechnical information at accelerometric stations

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    The main goals within Task2 are: • the development of the new standard format for station monograph; • collection, organization and synthesis of geological, geomorphological, geotechnical and geophysical data; • evaluation of the reliability of the existing data; • compilation of station monographs; • a site classification. All the research units are involved in the collection and elaboration of data relevant to the compilation of the monographs. RU2 (INGV-RM1) and RU6 (UniRM1-DISG) have directly contributed in the development of the structure and content of the new monograph, and in the release of the first proposal of site classification. Additional contributions from other RUs concern the assessment of the reliability of the existing shear wave velocity data (RU4 - PoliTO), the preparation of the geomechanical section of the new monograph (RU7 - UniSI-UniRM1-DST) and for web support to data collection and online monograph compilation (RU1 (INGV-MI)

    A search for Z' in muon neutrino associated charm production

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    In many extensions of the Standard Model the presence of an extra neutral boson, Z', is invoked. A precision study of weak neutral-current exchange processes involving only second generation fermions is still missing. We propose a search for Z' in muon neutrino associated charm production. This process only involves Z' couplings with fermions from the second generation. An experimental method is thoroughly described using an ideal detector. As an application, the accuracy reachable with present and future experiments has been estimated.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, late

    Geoethics and geological culture. Reflections from the Geoitalia Conference 2011

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    This is the first volume of an international scientific journal that is dedicated to issues of geoethics and geological culture. Its goal is to inform the Italian and international scientific communities about what emerged at the GeoItalia 2011 conference, attended by not only Italian geoscientists. At this conference, the geoscientists questioned their role in society and the responsibilities that they have to assume as scholars of the planet Earth and experts of the territory. They highlighted the need for rediscovery of the cultural values of geology as a science that can contribute to the construction of correct social knowledge, and the need to be aware that geoethics cannot exist without a real awareness among geoscientists of the cultural value of the Earth sciences

    Database relativo agli 8.101 comuni italiani, contenente informazioni di pericolositĂ  di base e locale, in formato Microsoft Access

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    Nell’ambito della attività del Task 5/7 “Reti neuronali” è stato messo a punto un database (file in formato Microsoft ACCESS, denominato “Prodotto 1_UO Geologica INGV Roma - UR CNR ITC L'Aquila.accdb”, allegato al presente rapporto) che, per ciascuno degli 8.101 comuni italiani nell’elenco dell’Istat (http://www.istat.it/strumenti/definizioni/comuni/), contiene informazioni sulla pericolosità sismica di base e locale. I dati inseriti sono finalizzati alle elaborazioni previste per il Livello 0. Tutti i parametri di pericolosità sismica sono stati calcolati considerando il comune come un punto, avente coordinate geografiche riferite ad un elemento caratteristico posizionato nel centro abitato capoluogo

    Geoethics and geological culture: awareness, responsibility and challenges

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    The international debate in the field of geoethics focuses on some of the most important environmental emergencies, while highlighting the great responsibilities of geoscientists, whatever field they work in, and the important social, cultural and economic repercussions that their choices can have on society. The GeoItalia 2009 and 2011 conferences that were held in Rimini and Turin, respectively, and were organized by the Italian Federation of Earth Science, were two important moments for the promotion of geoethics in Italy. They were devoted to the highlighting of how, and with what tools and contents, can the geosciences contribute to the cultural renewal of society. They also covered the active roles of geoscientists in the dissemination of scientific information, contributing in this way to the correct construction of social knowledge. Geology is culture, and as such it can help to dispel misconceptions and cultural stereotypes that concern natural phenomena, disasters, resources, and land management. Geological culture consists of methods, goals, values, history, ways of thinking about nature, and specific sensitivity for approaching problems and their solutions. So geology has to fix referenced values, as indispensable prerequisites for geoethics. Together, geological culture and geoethics can strengthen the bond that joins people to their territory, and can help to find solutions and answers to some important challenges in the coming years regarding natural risks, resources, and climate change. Starting from these considerations, we stress the importance of establishing an ethical criterion for Earth scientists, to focus attention on the issue of the responsibility of geoscientists, and the need to more clearly define their scientific identity and the value of their specificities

    Promoting Geoethics in Society: A New Challenge for Geoscientists

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    The Geoscience community is called to play an important role in society: helping in the defense against natural risks, orienting on global issues like climate change, looking for new ways to source natural resources from a sustainable perspective, building a knowledgeable society and help to improve the living conditions of human life especially in low income countries. This implies geoscientists are more aware of their social responsibility and capable of working by the principles of integrity, honesty with respect for land, water and air..

    Geological events during the Holocene: an overview for Northern Europe and the Mediterranean

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    The Holocene is the most recent geological epoch spanning from about 11700 years ago to the present day. The most important human civilizations appeared during the Holocene. From the Holocene onwards, environmental changes, and the hazards associated with them, became extremely important for their impact on historical events, in some cases blending with humanity’s vicissitudes and influencing the rise and decline of civilizations. This paper summarises the geological and climatic conditions of Northern Europe during the Holocene and tries to determine whether or not they support the hypothesis formulated by Felice Vinci (Vinci, 2003) about the migration of Baltic populations towards the Mediterranean in the Bronze Age at the end of the “climatic optimum” (Houghton et al., 1990; Rohling & De Rijk, 1999). This study presents data on glacio-eustatic changes and on isostatic uplift together with information on probable tsunamis that occurred in the North Atlantic, North Sea, Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea. Moreover, some data on catastrophic events that affected the Mediterranean region are reported, because these catastrophes could have favoured the settlement of “people coming from the sea” that took advantage of the demographic and socio-economic weakening of indigenous populations (Driessen, 2002). The paper aims to provide geological and palaeogeographic constraints to the hypotheses formulated by Felice Vinci on the migration of Scandinavians towards the Mediterranean. The data analysed have been collected from the available scientific literature (see references). The amount of information available for each geological phenomenon is vast and sometimes theories developed from the same data are in conflict. The comparison between the Mediterranean and the Baltic areas (one of which could have been the theatre of the Homeric events) will be useful to find evidence of geological phenomena within the Homeric texts, giving useful indications to better understand where the poems are set or at least to provide interesting discussion points related to Felice Vinci’s hypothesis (Vinci 2003)

    Evento sismico ed etica della responsabilità nell’avanzamento delle conoscenze scientifiche

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    Ethics takes advantage of the experience. Based on the experience, man directs criteria and individual and social behaviours, trying to make more responsible actions in the historical and environmental context in which he lives, with the goal of a real progress of mankind. The experience increases in times of crisis, when the available tools become insufficient to provide a further progress and we are forced to consider the level of civilization attained. In passing through points of rupture, the equilibrium of consolidated and shared beliefs can enter into crisis, making a change indispensable. The severity of a seismic event, such as that occurred in L'Aquila on 6 April 2009, in addition to the emotional impact produced, requires a deep reflection from our community, because of the scientific questions that necessarily it raises, questions that may no longer be evaded by a debate, almost entirely focused on the issues of seismic hazard. The earthquake is an breakage event: in the Earth's crust (physical phenomenon), on the construction (technical aspects and socio-economic repercussions), in the community (psycho-emotional and anthropological effects), in the consciences (ethical implications). A seismic event represents a verification moment: inside the community, we have to face atavistic fears and bring into question acquired certainties, trying to measure the degree of cohesion and the response to this disturbance; in technical field, we compare the structural capacity of the buildings with the seismic demand, and from this comparison we can understand the real level of safety of building systems, used materials and predisposed norms; in scientific field, researchers verify the knowledge elements of phenomena, interpretation models, adopted strategies and followed research lines. Therefore, the earthquake may represent an opportunity for the scientific knowledge advancement and the human progress. However, it is not so obvious that this will happen. The history of the science teaches us that few researchers are be able to catch the new in what everyone can see. Other scientists continue to discuss, very slowly changing their ideas regarding the new trends, that those few researchers have identified and redefined. After this event, what can change? And, above all, what will have to change? Some concepts commonly used in the study and mitigation of seismic risk (prediction, prevention, emergency, laws, popularization) will be considered, in the attempt to seize new guidelines for the defence against earthquakes

    Scientific information: problems and responsibilities

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    In industrialized countries the scientific information is a central element in the cultural formation of the civil community, but more often it is delegated to the mass media, not adequately prepared for issues to be addressed. This is often translated into a transfer of opinions, behind which there is no reality. In this way the mass media control the scientific information and convey opinions designed to protect various kinds of political interests and do not lead to an improvement of the mankind. If science has assumed over time an ever greater authoritativeness from a technical point of view, it has lost importance in education and training of the critical conscience of the society: it is not able to provide the community the appropriate tools to make it self-understanding and self-judging regarding various problems and proposed solutions. This situation has also occurred because the same researches (in good or bad faith) often tend to confuse the observed data with their scientific interpretation. And so a theory, made by a politically established team of scientists, becomes a dogma for the society, without any possibility of verification. It is necessary to reverse this trend. The scientist must assume responsibility for his role as trainer and educator of the social community, acting at different levels: in schools, in universities, in the professional field, etc. In this way it will be possible to lay new foundations to set the relationship between society, mass media and politics. A civil society more fully prepared in scientific terms, well-informed about the possible causes and effects of phenomena, will be able to discern the quality of the media information, will be able to ask the policy more effective solutions of problems and the mass media will be forced to became conscientious spokesperson of these social needs. A virtuous circle could be started, in which all the players involved will be made responsible of their role in this process that, beginning from knowledge of the problem, arrives at its solution, with the aim of the common good
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