26 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACTStable Isotope Analysis (SIA) has provided information on ocean productivity, and ecological aspects related to whales’ habitat use and feeding ecology, stock structure, physiology, and evolution. We reviewed published studies using SIA on whales worldwide from November 1979 to June 2017. Gaps in geographical areas and heterogeneity amongst species studied using this methodology wereassessed. We also investigated which tissue was most frequently analysed, sources of variation in stable isotope values, how this methodology has been combined with other techniques, and how it can be useful for the conservation of the taxon and marine ecosystems. A total of 63 publications were found, and it was possible to detect a general increase in the number of publications along time, as 49% of the studies were from the last 7.5 years of the period analyzed. Almost 55% of studies focused on foraging ecology and habitat use. The baleen plate was the main tissue analyzed. Studies were related to 14 species, the most common being the fi n whale, Balaenoptera physalus (N=19) and the bowhead whale, Balaena mysticetus (N=18). Telemetry and SIA methodologies combined were helpful to understand geographical variations in stable isotope values. The methodology can also be valuable under the current scenario of climate change, for example providing information on feeding plasticity and changes in niche amplitude of diff erent species. Despite uncertainties related with stable isotopes distribution in the ocean, and with its incorporation rates for whales, for example, SIA provides primordial ecological information for effi cient management and conservation of this group. RESUMOA análise de isótopos estáveis (AIE) fornece informações sobre a produtividade do oceano e aspectos ecológicos de baleias relacionados ao uso do habitat e ecologia alimentar, estrutura de estoque, fi siologia e evolução. Foram revisados estudos publicados usando a AIE em baleias em todo o mundo entre novembro de 1979 e junho de 2017. Foram avaliadas lacunas nas áreas geográfi cas eheterogeneidade entre as espécies estudadas usando essa metodologia. Também investigamos quais tecidos foram mais utilizados para análise, as fontes de variação em valores de isótopos estáveis, a combinação desta metodologia com outras técnicas e como pode ser útil para a conservação deste táxon e dos ecossistemas marinhos. Um total de 63 publicações foi encontrado e foi possível detectar aumento no número de publicações, uma vez que 49% dos estudos foram realizados nos últimos 7 anos e meio do período analisado. Quase 55% dos estudos concentraram-se na ecologia de forrageio e no uso do habitat. As cerdas bucais foram o principal tecido analisado. Os estudos investigaram14 espécies, sendo mais comuns aqueles relacionados a baleia-fi n, Balaenoptera physalus (N=19) e a baleia-da-Groenlândia, Balaena mysticetus (N=18). As metodologias de telemetria e AIE combinadas foram úteis para entender as variações geográfi cas em valores de isótopos estáveis. Ametodologia pode também ter valor no cenário de mudanças climáticas fornecendo informações sobre plasticidade alimentar e amplitude de nicho de diferentes espécies, por exemplo. Apesar das incertezas relacionadas à distribuição dos valores de isótopos estáveis no mar e às taxas deincorporação em baleias, por exemplo, a AIE fornece informações ecológicas primordiais para o manejo e conservação desse grupo.Palavras-chave: Balaenopteridae; Balaenidae; Análise de isótopos estáveis; Ecologia da conservação.

    Biomagnificación de mercurio en la cadena trófica del Delfín Moteado del Atlántico (Stenella frontalis), usando el isótopo estable de nitrógeno como marcador ecológico

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    An assessment of mercury (Hg) concentrations and nitrogen stable isotope (15N) was conducted in the food chain of the Atlantic spotted dolphin (Stenella frontalis), including phytoplankton, zooplankton, planktivorous fish and its major prey (predatory fish and a single species of cephalopod), that compose a tropical trophic chain of the Brazilian southeastern coast. Tissue concentrations of Hg in a voracious predator fish, the largehead hairtail (Trichiurus lepturus), one of the dolphin’s prey, were 9.8 times lower than median concentrations found in dolphin tissues. 15N values in predatory fish were found to be lower to those of its predator the spotted dolphin. Isotopic data suggested significant differences for 15N along the trophic chain, with the top predator (dolphin) exhibiting heavier value, followed by the voracious predator fish and the benthonic carnivorous fish, the whitemouth croaker (Micropogonias furnieri). Phytoplankton displayed the lightest 15N, followed by zooplankton and the planktophagous fish, the lebranche mullet (Mugil liza). This fish species and the cephalopod showed the lowest median Hg concentration. All links of the entire trophic chain presented trophic transfer of Hg with a biomagnification factor higher than 1. A significant relationship was found between the log Hg concentration and trophic level (TL) of all evaluated species, with a positive slope (= 0.87). The calculated trophic magnification factor (TMF= 7.44) indicates that Hg concentration increased per TL, and also that the entire coastal food chain from the South Atlantic Ocean presented a biomagnification power of Hg within a range previously reported for tropical coastal ecosystems.Se realizó una evaluación de las concentraciones del mercurio (Hg) y del isótopo estable de nitrógeno (δ15N) en la cadena trófica del Delfín Moteado del Atlántico (Stenella frontalis), incluyendo fitoplancton, zooplancton, peces planctívoros y sus principales presas (peces depredadores y una sola especie de cefalópodo), componentes de una cadena trófica tropical de la costa sureste de Brasil. Una de las presas del delfín, un pez depredador voraz, el pez sable (Trichiurus lepturus), presentó una concentración mediana del Hg 9,8 veces inferior que la del delfín. El valor de 15N es más bajo que al de su depredador. Los datos del isótopo han sugerido que ha habido diferencias significativas para el 15N a lo largo de la cadena trófica, en la que en el mayor depredador (delfín) se ha mostrado más pesado, seguido por el pez depredador y el pez bentófago, la corvina (Micropogonias furnieri). Se ha observado que el fitoplancton presentó el 15N más liviano, seguido por el zooplancton y el pez planctófago, el lebranche (Mugil liza). Este pez y el cefalópodo han mostrado la mediana más baja de Hg. Se han encontrado transferencias mayores que 1 en todos los vínculos de la cadena evaluada. Se ha obtenido una relación significativamente positiva entre la concentración del Hg (en logaritmo) y el nivel trófico (TL), incluyendo todas las especies investigadas, presentando una pendiente positiva (δ= 0,87). El factor de magnificación trófica (FMT= 7,44) indica que la concentración del Hg ha aumentado por TL, y también que toda la cadena trófica costera presentó un poder de biomagnificación de Hg dentro de un rango previamente reportado para ecosistemas costeros tropicales

    Diet and potential feeding overlap between Trichiurus lepturus (Osteichthyes: Perciformes) and Pontoporia blainvillei (Mammalia: Cetacea) in Northern Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    This study describes the diet and assesses potential overlap in the feeding habits of Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus, 1758 and Pontoporia blainvilleiGervais & D'Orbigny, 1844 in northern Rio de Janeiro, southeastern Brazil. Fishes were numerically dominant in both diets, followed by cephalopods for P. blainvillei and crustaceans for T. lepturus. Both predators move along similar coastal feeding areas in northern Rio de Janeiro, but our results indicate differences in their resource exploitation, what allows for their coexistence

    Sightings of Pontoporia blainvillei (Gervais & D' Orbigny, 1844) and Sotalia fluviatilis (Gervais, 1853) (Cetacea) in South-eastern Brazil

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    Pontoporia blainvillei (Gervais & D' Orbigny, 1844) and Sotalia fluviatilis (Gervais, 1853) have typically coastal habits and are sympatric in South-eastern Brazil. The purpose of this work was to record sightings and describe aspects concerning the behaviour of both species in this region, between 1993 and 1998. The sightings were accomplished by cruises and from a fixed point. Information provided by fishermen were also considered. In general, P. blainvillei was observed in all seasons of the year, up to five nautical miles away from the coast, up to 15 m deep and the groups comprised up to five specimens. The most part of the groups of S. fluviatilis, were observed in autumm and winter times and comprised up to 10 specimens. In about half of the sightings, the presence of calves and/or juveniles was noted. The cooperative (group) fishing was the foranging behaviour most frequently noted for S. fluviatilis

    Mercury bioaccumulation and isotopic relation between Trichiurus lepturus (Teleostei) and its preferred prey in coastal waters of southeastern Brazil

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    The trophic transfer of total mercury (THg) and its bioaccumulation from prey species to the predator fish Trichiurus lepturus was analysed in coastal waters of southeastern Brazil to evaluate the trace element dynamic in this predator-prey system. The isotopic (δ13C and δ15N) relation between this predator and its prey allowed inferences on prey assimilation and predator feeding habits. The THg increment varied from 4.5 to 19.5 times between prey and predator, with a biomagnification power of 0.59. The prey species could be divided into three groups regarding δ15N values: i) 13.6 to 13.2‰ (juvenile conspecifics, Pellona harroweri, and Peprilus paru); ii) 12.5 to 11.8‰ (Chirocentrodon bleekerianus, Lycengraulis grossidens, and Dorytheuthis plei); and iii) 10.5‰ (Xiphopenaeus kroyeri). Based on δ13C values, the prey groups were: i) -15.3‰ (X. kroyeri); ii) -17.6 to -16.8‰ (C. bleekerianus, D. plei, P. harroweri, P. paru, and juvenile conspecifics); and iii) -18.7‰ (L. grossidens). The values of THg and δ15N highlighted juvenile conspecifics as the main via of this trace element and the most assimilated prey. The isotopic relation between predator and its prey species showed a feeding activity preferably coastal and pelagic