4,189 research outputs found

    Biotechnological production of vanillin from natural feedstocks and development of new procedures for the recovery of the product

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    This PhD research project was focused on innovative biotechnological production and recovery of vanillin and vanillin precursors. Experiments carried out using whole cells or crude enzyme preaparations demonstrated that: selective recovery of the product, using macroporous resins, enhances the biological conversion of ferulic acid to vanillin using resting cells of Escherichia coli FR13 strain; (b) thermal pre-treatment at 55°C of crude PVA acylase from Streptomyces mobaraensis DSM40847 improves the conversion of capsaicin to vanillylamin

    Clumpy streams in a smooth dark halo: the case of Palomar 5

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    By means of direct N-body simulations and simplified numerical models, we study the formation and characteristics of the tidal tails around Palomar 5, along its orbit in the Milky Way potential. Unlike previous findings, we are able to reproduce the substructures observed in the stellar streams of this cluster, without including any lumpiness in the dark matter halo. We show that overdensities similar to those observed in Palomar 5 can be reproduced by the epicyclic motion of stars along its tails, i.e. a simple local accumulation of orbits of stars that escaped from the cluster with very similar positions and velocities. This process is able to form stellar clumps at distances of several kiloparsecs from the cluster, so it is not a phenomenon confined to the inner part of Palomar 5's tails, as previously suggested. Our models can reproduce the density contrast between the clumps and the surrounding tails found in the observed streams, without including any lumpiness in the dark halo, suggesting new upper limits on its granularity.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures. A&A Letters, accepted. Top panel of Fig. A1 replaced, minor typos corrected. High resolution version available at http://mygepi.obspm.fr/~paola/Pal5

    Looking for a needle in a haystack : how to measure the length of a stellar bar?

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    One of the challenges related to stellar bars is to determine accurately the length of the bar in a disc galaxy. In past literature, a wide variety of methods has been employed to measure the extent of a bar. However, a systematic study on determining the robustness and accuracy of different bar length estimators is still beyond our grasp. Here, we investigate the accuracy and the correlation (if any) between different bar length measurement methods while using an NN-body model of a barred galaxy where the bar evolves self-consistently in presence of a live dark matter halo. We investigate the temporal evolution of the bar length, using different estimators (involving isophotal analysis of de-projected surface brightness distribution and Fourier decomposition of surface density), and study their robustness and accuracy. Further attempts have been made towards determining correlation between any two of these bar length estimators used here. In presence of spirals, the bar length estimators which only consider the amplitudes of different Fourier moments (and do not take into account the phase-angle of m=2m=2 Fourier moment), systematically overestimate the length of the bar. The strength dark-gaps (produced by bars) correlates strongly with the bar length in early rapid growth phase, and is only weakly anti-correlated during subsequent quiescent phase of bar evolution. However, the location of dark-gaps correlates only weakly with the bar length, hence can not be used as a robust proxy for determining the bar length. In addition, the bar length estimators, obtained using isophotal analysis of de-projected surface brightness distribution, systematically overestimate the bar length. The implications of bar length over(under)estimation in the context of determining fast/slow bars are further discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures (including appendix), comments are welcome

    The Milky Way as a High Redshift Galaxy: The Importance of Thick Disk Formation in Galaxies

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    We compare the star-formation history and dynamics of the Milky Way (MW) with the properties of distant disk galaxies. During the first ~4 Gyr of its evolution, the MW formed stars with a high star-formation intensity (SFI), Sigma_SFR~0.6 Msun/yr/kpc2 and as a result, generated outflows and high turbulence in its interstellar medium. This intense phase of star formation corresponds to the formation of the thick disk. The formation of the thick disk is a crucial phase which enables the MW to have formed approximately half of its total stellar mass by z~1 which is similar to "MW progenitor galaxies" selected by abundance matching. This agreement suggests that the formation of the thick disk may be a generic evolutionary phase in disk galaxies. Using a simple energy injection-kinetic energy relationship between the 1-D velocity dispersion and SFI, we can reproduce the average perpendicular dispersion in stellar velocities of the MW with age. This relationship, its inferred evolution, and required efficiency are consistent with observations of galaxies from z~0-3. The high turbulence generated by intense star formation naturally resulted in a thick disk, a chemically well-mixed ISM, and is the mechanism that links the evolution of MW to the observed characteristics of distant disk galaxies.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; accepted to ApJ Letter

    A Vertical Resonance Heating Model for X- or Peanut-Shaped Galactic Bulges

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    We explore a second order Hamiltonian vertical resonance model for X-shaped or peanut-shaped galactic bulges. The X-shape is caused by the 2:1 vertical Lindblad resonance with the bar, with two vertical oscillation periods per orbital period in the bar frame. We examine N-body simulations and find that due to the bar slowing down and disk thickening during bar buckling, the resonance and associated peanut-shape moves outward. The peanut-shape is consistent with the location of the vertical resonance, independent of whether the bar buckled or not. We estimate the resonance width from the potential m=4 Fourier component and find that the resonance is narrow, affecting orbits over a narrow range in the angular momentum distribution, dL/L ~ 0.05. As the resonance moves outward, stars originally in the mid plane are forced out of the mid plane into orbits just within the resonance separatrix. The height of the separatrix orbits, estimated from the Hamiltonian model, is approximately consistent with the peanut-shape height. The X-shape is comprised of stars in the vicinity of the resonance separatrix. The velocity distributions from the simulations illustrate that low inclination orbits are depleted within resonance. Within resonance, the vertical velocity distribution is broad, consistent with resonant heating caused by the passage of the resonance through the disk. In the Milky Way bulge we relate the azimuthally averaged mid-plane mass density near the vertical resonance to the rotation curve and bar pattern speed. At an estimated vertical resonance galactocentric radius of ~1.3 kpc, we confirm a mid-plane density of ~5x10^8 Msol/kpc^3, consistent with recently estimated mass distributions. We find that the rotation curve, bar pattern speed, 2:1 vertical resonance location, X-shape tips, and mid-plane mass density, are all self-consistent in the Milky Way galaxy bulge.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRA

    The slowing down of galaxy disks in dissipationless minor mergers

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    We have investigated the impact of dissipationless minor galaxy mergers on the angular momentum of the remnant. Our simulations cover a range of initial orbital characteristics and the system consists of a massive galaxy with a bulge and disk merging with a much less massive (one-tenth or one-twentieth) gasless companion which has a variety of morphologies (disk- or elliptical-like) and central baryonic mass concentrations. During the process of merging, the orbital angular momentum is redistributed into the internal angular momentum of the final system; the internal angular momentum of the primary galaxy can increase or decrease depending on the relative orientation of the orbital spin vectors (direct or retrograde), while the initially non-rotating dark matter halo always gains angular momentum. The specific angular momentum of the stellar component always decreases independent of the orbital parameters or morphology of the satellite, the decrease in the rotation velocity of the primary galaxy is accompanied by a change in the anisotropy of the orbits, and the ratio of rotation speed to velocity dispersion of the merger remnant is lower than the initial value, not only due to an increase in the dispersion but also to the slowing -down of the disk rotation. We briefly discuss several astrophysical implications of these results, suggesting that minor mergers do not cause a "random walk" process of the angular momentum of the stellar disk component of galaxies, but rather a steady decrease. Minor mergers may play a role in producing the large scatter observed in the Tully-Fisher relation for S0 galaxies, as well as in the increase of the velocity dispersion and the decrease in v/σv/\sigma at large radii as observed in S0 galaxies.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    NGC 6340: an old S0 galaxy with a young polar disc. Clues from morphology, internal kinematics and stellar populations

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    Lenticular galaxies are believed to form by a combination of environmental effects and secular evolution. We study the nearby disc-dominated S0 galaxy NGC 6340 photometrically and spectroscopically to understand the mechanisms of S0 formation and evolution in groups. We use SDSS images to build colour maps and light profile of NGC 6340 which we decompose using a three-component model including Sersic and two exponential profiles. We also use Spitzer images to study the morphology of regions containing warm ISM and dust. Then, we re-process and re-analyse deep long-slit spectroscopic data for NGC 6340 and recover its stellar and gas kinematics, distribution of age and metallicity with the NBursts full spectral fitting. We obtain the profiles of internal kinematics, age, and metallicity out to >2 half-light radii. The three structural components of NGC 6340 are found to have distinct kinematical and stellar population properties. We see a kinematical misalignment between inner and outer regions of the galaxy. We confirm the old metal-rich centre and a wrapped inner gaseous polar disc (r~1 kpc) having weak ongoing star formation, counter-rotating in projection with respect to the stars. The central compact pseudo-bulge of NGC 6340 looks very similar to compact elliptical galaxies. In accordance with the results of numerical simulations, we conclude that properties of NGC 6340 can be explained as the result of a major merger of early-type and spiral galaxies which occurred about 12 Gyr ago. The intermediate exponential structure might be a triaxial pseudo-bulge formed by a past bar structure. The inner compact bulge could be the result of a nuclear starburst triggered by the merger. The inner polar disc appeared recently, 1/3-1/2 Gyr ago as a result of another minor merger or cold gas accretion.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, accepted to A&

    Bars and boxy/peanut bulges in thin and thick discs. II. Can bars form in hot thick discs?

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    The Milky Way as well as a majority of external galaxies possess a thick disc. However, the dynamical role of the (geometrically) thick disc on the bar formation and evolution is not fully understood. Here, we investigate the effect of thick discs in bar formation and evolution by means of a suite of N-body models of (kinematically cold) thin-(kinematically hot) thick discs. We systematically vary the mass fraction of the thick disc, the thin-to-thick disc scale length ratio as well as thick disc's scale height to examine the bar formation under diverse dynamical scenarios. Bars form almost always in our models, even in presence of a massive thick disc. The part of the bar constituted by the thick disc closely follows the overall growth and temporal evolution of the part of the bar constituted by the thin disc, only the part of the bar in the thick disc is weaker than the part of the bar in the thin disc. The formation of stronger bars is associated with a simultaneous larger loss of angular momentum and a larger radial heating. In addition, we demonstrate a preferential loss of angular momentum and a preferential radial heating of disc stars, along the azimuthal direction within the extent of the bar, in both thin and thick disc stars. For purely thick disc models (without any thin disc), the bar formation critically depends on the disc scale length and scale height. A larger scale length and/or a larger vertical scale height delays the bar formation time and/or suppresses the bar formation almost completely in thick-disc-only models. We find that the Ostriker-Peeble criterion predicts the bar instability scenarios in our models better than the Efstathiou-Lake-Negroponte criterion.Comment: 20 pages, 14 figures, 1 table (including appendix), accepted for publication in A&

    Astrocomp: a web service for the use of high performance computers in Astrophysics

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    Astrocomp is a joint project, developed by the INAF-Astrophysical Observatory of Catania, University of Roma La Sapienza and Enea. The project has the goal of providing the scientific community of a web-based user-friendly interface which allows running parallel codes on a set of high-performance computing (HPC) resources, without any need for specific knowledge about parallel programming and Operating Systems commands. Astrocomp provides, also, computing time on a set of parallel computing systems, available to the authorized user. At present, the portal makes a few codes available, among which: FLY, a cosmological code for studying three-dimensional collisionless self-gravitating systems with periodic boundary conditions; ATD, a parallel tree-code for the simulation of the dynamics of boundary-free collisional and collisionless self-gravitating systems and MARA, a code for stellar light curves analysis. Other codes are going to be added to the portal.Comment: LaTeX with elsart.cls and harvard.sty (included). 7 pages. To be submitted to a specific journa

    Gas inflows, star formation and metallicity evolution in galaxy pairs

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    It has been known since many decades that galaxy interactions can induce star formation (hereafter SF) enhancements and that one of the driving mechanisms of this enhancement is related to gas inflows into the central galaxy regions, induced by asymmetries in the stellar component, like bars. In the last years many evidences have been accumulating, showing that interacting pairs have central gas-phase metallicities lower than those of field galaxies, by {\sim} 0.2-0.3 dex on average. These diluted ISM metallicities have been explained as the result of inflows of metal-poor gas from the outer disk to the galaxy central regions. A number of questions arises: What's the timing and the duration of this dilution? How and when does the SF induced by the gas inflow enrich the circumnuclear gas with re-processed material? Is there any correlation between the timing and strength of the dilution and the timing and intensity of the SF? By means of Tree-SPH simulations of galaxy major interactions, we have studied the effect that gas inflows have on the ISM dilution, and the effect that the induced SF has, subsequently, in re-enriching the nuclear gas. In this contribution, we present the main results of this study.Comment: Proceedings of the IAU Symposium 277 "Tracing the Ancestry of Galaxies", 4 pages, 2 figure