12 research outputs found
Demonstrator of Time Services based on European GNSS signals: the H2020 DEMETRA Project
During 2015-2016, a European Consortium of 15 partners from 8 different
countries, developed the DEMETRA (DEMonstrator of EGNSS services based
on Time Reference Architecture), a project funded by the European Union
in the frame of the Horizon 2020 program. This project aims at
developing and experimenting time dissemination services dedicated to
specific users like traffic control, energy distribution, finance,
telecommunication, and scientific institutions. Nine services have been
developed. These services provide time dissemination with accuracy
levels from millisecond to the sub-ns, and also additional services like
certification, calibration, or integrity. Five of these services are
based on the European GNSS.
After a development phase (see PTTI 2016 presentation) the full DEMETRA
system has been working during six months for demonstration. The paper
will report about the experimentation results, showing performances and
limits of the proposed time dissemination services, aiming to foster the
exploitation of the European GNSS for timing applications
Scientific planning and commanding of the Rosetta payload
ESA’s Rosetta mission was launched in March 2004 and is on its way to comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, where it is scheduled to arrive in summer 2014. It comprises a payload of 12 scientific instruments and a Lander. All instruments are provided by Principal Investigators, which are responsible for their operations. As for most ESA science missions, the ground segment of the mission consists of a Mission Operations Centre (MOC) and a Science Operations Centre (SOC). While the MOC is responsible for all spacecraft-related aspects and the final uplink of all command timelines to the spacecraft, the scientific operations of the instruments and the collection of the data and ingestion into the Planetary Science Archive are coordinated by the SOC. This paper focuses on the tasks of the SOC and in particular on the methodology and constraints to convert the scientific goals of the Rosetta mission to operational timelines
The H2020 european project DEMETRA: Experimental time services based on European GNSS signals
DEMETRA, the 'DEMonstrator of Egnss services based on Time Reference Architecture', is an European Project funded by the European Union in the Horizon 2020 program. The main aim of the project was to develop and test a prototype of Time Service Provider based the European Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) providing innovative or improved time services based on different technologies and embedded in a modular architecture. The main innovative features are time certification, non-repudiation, integrity, reliability, resilience. The demonstrator has been developed and tested during the years 2015-2016. Nine different time services were developed and tested also in real environment at users premises. The paper reports the results of the experimental campaigns and the main lesson learned also by the trials with potential users
The European project DEMETRA:Demonstrating time dissemination services
Recently an European Consortium of 15 partners from 7 different countries, started to work on a research project, DEMETRA (DEMonstrator of EGNSS services based on Time Reference Architecture), funded by the European Union in the frame of the Horizon 2020 program, aiming to develop and experiment time services based on the European Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). DEMETRA aims to be a prototype of an European time dissemination service, based on the timing signal of the European Galileo system, adding particular features like certification, calibration, or integrity, that could be of interest to some specific users like traffic control, energy distribution, finance, telecommunication, and scientific institutions
The Horizon 2020 DEMETRA project: DEMonstrator of EGNSS services based on Time Reference Architecture
DEMETRA (DEMonstrator of EGNSS services based on Time Reference Architecture) is a project co-funded by the EU through the research and innovation programme 'Horizon 2020'. The DEMETRA project started in January 2015 and lasts 24 months. Based on the current practice of national metrological laboratories, identifying the additional necessities of the timing users, DEMETRA will define and develop a prototype of a European time disseminator, based on EGNSS. Nine different time services are proposed for demonstration by consortium partners. The DEMETRA partnership, including Scientific Institutions, GNSS Industries, and a Service Provider cover the different faces of the project, including an analysis of commercial potential in terms of market and business development
Time dissemination services: The experimental results of the European H2020 DEMETRA project
In 2015 and 2016 a European Consortium of 15 scientific and industrial partners from 8 different countries collaborates on the DEMETRA (DEMonstrator of EGNSS services based on Time Reference Architecture) project, funded by the European Union in the frame of the Horizon 2020 program, aimed at developing and experimenting time dissemination services based on the European GNSS. The project aims at being a prototype of an European time dissemination service, based on the timing signal of the Galileo system, adding particular features like - among the others - certification, calibration, or integrity, that could be of interest to a wide range of users belonging to different sectors as traffic control, energy distribution, finance, telecom, and scientific institutions. Nine time dissemination services are proposed. The project is under experimentation since March 2016, we report the first experimentation results of the system, showing potentialities and limits of the proposed services, aiming to foster the development and possibly standardization of the time dissemination services
Experimental time dissemination services based on European GNSS signals: The H2020 DEMETRA project
DEMETRA aims to be a prototype of an European time dissemination service, based on the timing signal of the European Galileo system, adding particular features like - among the others - certification, calibration, or integrity, that could be of interest to a wide range of users belonging to different sectors as traffic control, energy distribution, finance, telecommunication, and scientific institutions. Nine time dissemination services are proposed. The paper will report about the development status and the first experimentation results of the system, showing potentialities and limits of the proposed time dissemination services, aiming to foster the exploitation of the European GNSS for timing applications