3 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of Combined Problem-Based Learning and Flipped Classroom Strategies in Teaching a Medical-Surgical Nursing Course: A Randomized Controlled Trial Study

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    Institute of Health Science Suaka Insan Banjarmasin has been using Problem Based Learning (PBL) as an innovative teaching strategy since 2012. Students reported that they were not always enthusiastic with the processes and the tutors could not prevent the boredome during PBL implementation. The new teaching strategy is assumed to create new learning atmosphere, stimulate the studentsā€™s motivation, and gain the attentention to learn. These beneļ¬ts would have a great impact in improving higher order thinking, problem solving, critical thinking, and independent learning. The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of PBL and the ļ¬‚ipped PBL (FPBL).A randomized control trial was conducted, 84 students were recruited and divided into non-experimental group (PBL) and experimental group (FPBL). Both groups were post-tested on their academic achievement,independent learning,and critical thinking skill after the learning process speciļ¬cally, medical surgical nursing course: renal system.The comparison of students academic achievement was analyzed by using t-test and Mann-Whitney test was administered to analyze independent learning and critical thinking skill. Finding showed that the students in the experimental group gained higher score in all aspects than the control group and pvalue in three areas are <than 0,05. Therefore, the result revealed the new teaching method was effective in improving higher order thingking skill, critical thinking skill, and independent learning. The ļ¬ndings provided the option for the nurse educators in Institute of Health Science Suaka Insan to develop the transformative learning strategy by implementing the new teaching method

    Undergraduate nursing studentsā€™ experience using the combination of Flipped Classroom and Jigsaw strategy

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    STIKES Suaka Insan Banjarmasin has been using the technique of Aronson Jigsaw as a cooperative learning by combining it together with flipped learning since the last semester. Earlier work by one of the authors suggested that Nursing studentsā€™ in STIKES Suaka Insan had lack of ability in terms of independent learning and did not enjoy their studying in the large group setting. Some publication revealed that Jigsaw strategy consider to enhance cooperative learning by making each student focus on particular topic and be more responsible towards the learning outcome. In support of the implementation of Jigsaw, flipped learning has a strength to present the new environment for the millennial. Hence, by combining flipped learning and jigsaw strategy (FLJ) approach will provide an opportunity for the students to become more independent and ready to answer the challenges for 21st century Nursing Education. The aims of this study were to determine the effectiveness of FLJ on studentsā€™ independent learning and determine the combination of FLJ trends among nursing students at STIKES Suaka Insan Banjarmasin. This study combined experimental and descriptive qualitative research design, participated 2 groups who were divided by randomization process totaling 64 students; 32 students in control group (interactive lecture) and 32 students in the experimental group (combination of flipped classroom and jigsaw strategy). The study administered 21 agreement statements regarding independent learning among two groups and it was analyzed using mann-whitney u test. In addition to quantitative approach it is also important that the study gives attention on the trends of flipped classroom and jigsaw strategy based on studentsā€™ perspective. Hence, 20 students in the experimental group were asked to join in focus group discussion (FGD). All the data in FGD were analyzed by content analysis. Mean Score for the control group was at 63.74 and mean score for the experimental group was at 72.56. The qualitative analysis revealed some characteristic of the learners who joined in FGD. It also showed the factors affecting their learning in FLJ which includes time, facilities specifically rooms and types of co-learners within their class.Findings revealed that the students in the experimental group gained higher score in their independent learning than the students in the control group. It indicated that teachersā€™ adoption of FJL for studentsā€™ learning activities is helpful for students to improve their independent learning. The findings provided the option for the nurse educators in STIKES Suaka Insan to develop FLJ by implementing its strategy and provide the nursing students to become more independent towards the learning outcome.

    Culture Shock dan Proses Adaptasi Mahasiswa/i Tahun Pertama di Asrama Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan

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    Mahasiswa baru mengalami kecenderungan untuk mengalami culture shock. Proses adaptasi yang dijalani selama masa penyesuaikan diri di tempat yang baru, seperti asrama, dapat menambah atau bahkan mengurangi kejadian culture shock. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kejadian culture shock dan proses adaptasi mahasiswa/i tahun pertama di Asrama Putera dan Puteri sebuah Sekolah tinggi ilmu kesehatan di Kota Banjarmasin Kalimantan Selatan-Indonesia. Penelitian dengan jenis deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pengambilan data secara cross-sectional dilakukan terhadap mahasiswa/i yang tidak di asrama putera dan puteri. Sebanyak 42 responden menyetujui untuk ikut serta dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 38 responden (90%) berada pada derajat culture shock yang rendah. Sedangkan tingkat adaptasi untuk tinggal di asrama tinggi pada 38 responden (90%). Kegiatan atau aktivitas yang dapat meningkatkan upaya bersosialisasi saat orientasi kehidupan asrama sangat disarankan dapat mempercepat proses adaptasi dan mengurangi efek culture shock pada mahasiswa/i tahun pertama yang tinggal di asrama