99 research outputs found

    Discourse Analysis of Cohesive Devices in Saudi Student’s Writing

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    This paper attempts to analyze a piece of writing written by Saudi student in public schools which is problematic in terms of cohesion. The analysis is based upon the work of Halliday and Hasan (1976) and others such as Hoey (1991). The cohesive devices are defined, described and a framework of analysis is developed to investigate the writing with attention to grammatical and lexical cohesion. The student’s writing quality is then judged according to the problems showcased by lack of cohesion. Instructors’ role is perceived in dealing with cohesion in students’ writing


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    Peningkatan pertumbuhan penduduk dan ekonomi yang mana semuanya serba praktis menyebabkan peningkatan pemakaian plastik. Keefektifan plastik ini mengakibatkan penggunaan plastik pada masyarakat sangatlah tinggi, dimana styrofoam tergolong dalam jenis plastik polystrene yang sulit untuk di degradasi secara biologis. Oleh karena itu diperlukan suatu metode yang tepat untuk mengolah limbah styrofoam menjadi bahan bakar alternatif melalui metode pirolisis. Pada proses pirolis senyawa hidrokarbon yang lebih pendek membutuhkan temperatur yang relatif tinggi berkisar 300-500oC. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan temperatur optimal pada produk pirolisis serta mendapatkan karakteristik BBM yang mengacu pada standar ASTM. Penelitian dilakukan dengan memvariasikan temperatur yang digunakan sebesar 175℃, 238℃, 279℃, 336℃, dan 362℃. Berdasarkan hasil analisa produk bahan bakar cair hasil pirolisis polysterene (styrofoam) dengan menggunakan katalis fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) didapatkan %yield, densitas, calorie value, 0API gravity dan Octane Number masing-masing yaitu: 69,7%, 0,7367 gr/ml, 11259,6546 kal/gr, 60,5 dan 92,8 dan telah memenuhi standar Direktur Jendral Minyak dan Gas Bumi dalam negeri No.0177.K/10/DJM.T/2018

    Redesigning Arabic Learning Books, An exploration of the role of graphic communication and typography as visual pedagogic tools in Arabic-Latin bilingual design

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    What are ‘educational typefaces’ and why are they needed today? Do Arabic beginners need special typefaces that can simplify learning further? If so, what features should they have? Research findings on the complexity of learning Arabic confirm that the majority of language textbooks and pedagogic materials lead to challenging learning environments due to the poor quality of book design, text-heavy content and the restricted amount of visuals used. The complexity of the data and insufficient design quality of the learning materials reviewed in this practice-based research demand serious thought toward simplification, involving experts in the fields of graphic communication, learning and typeface design. The study offers solutions to some of the problems that arise in the course of designing language-learning books by reviewing selected English learning and information design books and methods of guidance for developing uniform learning material for basic Arabic. Key findings from this study confirm the significant role of Arabic designers and educators in the production of efficient and effective learning materials. Their role involves working closely with Arabic instructors, mastering good language skills and being aware of the knowledge available. Also, selecting legible typefaces with distinct design characteristics to help fulfil various objectives of the learning unit. This study raises awareness of the need for typefaces that can attract people to learn Arabic more easily within a globalized world. The absence of such typefaces led to the exploration of simplified twentieth-century Arabic typefaces that share a similar idea of facilitating reading and writing, and resolving script and language complexity issues. This study traces their historical context and studies their functional, technical and aesthetic features to incorporate their thinking and reassign them as learning tools within the right context. The final outcome is the construction of an experimental bilingual Arabic-English language book series for Arab and non-Arab adult beginners. The learning tools used to create the book series were tested through workshops in Kuwait and London to measure their level of simplification and accessibility. They have confirmed both accessibility and incompatibility within different areas of the learning material of the books and helped improve the final outcome of the practice. The tools have established the significant role of educational typefaces, bilingual and graphic communication within visual Arabic learning

    Metabolomics, biomass and lignocellulosic total sugars analysis in foxtail millet (setaria italica) inoculated with different combinations of plant growth promoting bacteria and mycorrhiza

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    Foxtail millet (Setaria italica) is the second most widely produced millet with potential as a biofuel source. Employment of plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) and mycorrhiza could serve as environment-friendly alternatives for the use of excessive NPK fertilizers and producing biofuel. The highest increase of biomass was associated with endomycorrhiza combined with PGPB in comparison to control. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analysis detected 28 metabolites in foxtail shoot with most of them upregulated in ecto/endomycorrhiza group and combined with PGPB. The upregulation of metabolites associated with synthesis of amino acids correlated positively with biomass. The inoculation with both PGPB and endomycorrhiza gave the best results with reference to total sugar yield. Our study indicates that PGPB and endomycorrhiza combination is well suited for enhancing biomass and boosting sugar yield, which are useful attributes for utilizing foxtail millet as a biofuel source

    Penerapan Sound Effect Untuk Memperkuat Naratif Pada Tata Suara Film Fiksi “Rumah Paku”

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    Penerapan Sound Effect Untuk Memperkuat Naratif Pada Tata Suara Film Fiksi “Rumah Paku”Suara merupakan hal yang tidak bisa dipisahkan dari sebuah karya audiovisual termasuk film. Sound effect menjadi salah satu unsur suara dalam filmmempunyai peran yang cukup vital sebagai media penyampaian informasi secaraauditif. informasi tersebut kemudian akan membentuk persepsi auditif penontonyang berimbas kepada pemaknaan terhadap sebuah adegan atau konflik dalam film secara keseluruhan. Secara fungsi penggunaan sound effect dapatberpengaruh terhadap banyak hal di dalam sebuah film, seperti realitas,kontinuitas, kedalaman ruang, ruang, dan mood. Sound effect bisa menjadialternatif dalam memperkuat naratif sebuah film.Penataan suara dalam film fiksi rumah paku akan mengutamakan Elementsound effect agar bisa menghasilkan ilusi terhadap realitas, kontinuitas, kedalamanruang, ruang, dan mood untuk mempengaruhi persepsi auditif penonton. persepsiauditif yang dibangun berimbas pada pemahaman penonton tentang jalan ceritadan konflik dari film tersebut. Film ini mencoba untuk menerapkan aksi di luarlayar, dimana konflik dipengaruhi oleh hal-hal yang tidak terlihat di dalam layaratau faring. Semua aksi di luar layar dibangun oleh penata suara.Konsep penciptaan karya film Rumah Paku ini ialah memperkuat unsurnaratif menggunakan Sound Effect. Sound Effect diterapkan dengan tujuan untukmemperkuat naratif cerita dengan membangun off screen space atau ruang di luarlayar pada film Rumah Paku. Hasil yang dicapai setelah memperkuat unsur naratifmenggunakan Sound Effect sehingga, penonton dapat memahami jalan cerita serta aksi diluar layar yang dibangun oleh penata suara

    Pengaruh Current Ratio(CR), Return On Equity (ROE), Debt To Equity Ratio (DER)Terhadap Harga Saham (Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di BEI Periode 2015-2018)

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    Produk adalah sertifikat kepemilikan perusahaan, dan pemegang saham berhak mengklaim pendapatan dan aset perusahaan. Motif penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh Current Ratio (CR), Return on Equity (ROE), dan Debt to Equity (DER) persentase Indonesia secara bergantian selama 2015-2018. Simak metode kuantitatif yang digunakan, sebuah contoh ditemukan oleh 10 produsen pada 2015-2018. Kumpulan record menggunakan beberapa jejak regresi. pada pendapatan (ROE) dan debt to income ratio (DER) terpengaruh dan pada saat yang sama berdasarkan total share charge dari grup-grup yang terdaftar pada perdagangan saham Indonesia tahun 2015-2018

    Civil Aviation Policy and Privatisation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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    ABSTRACT The study examines the extent to which the liberalisation and privatisation of the Saudi Arabian civil aviation sector achieved the claimed benefits of transforming public utilities into private ownership. At the theoretical level, it explored the nature of privatisation, and its relationship with wider reform policies and modernisation paradigms, as an approach for reforming public sector organisations. Empirically it examined the civil aviation sector in Saudi Arabia as its main case study, comparing it with the British Airways and Kenya Airways privatisations, and providing an overview of civil aviation liberalisation and privatisation processes in the Gulf region. Qualitative data collection methods were used, including personal interviews and official documents, and a broad meaning of privatisation was adopted as more suited to the Saudi case. An in-depth analysis of the interview material and data relating to the process of Saudi Arabia’s civil aviation privatisation and liberalisation, helped identify present successes as well as major issues and problems facing the sector. Despite considerable market potential, unfair competition and other bureaucratic restrictions and obstacles could still have negative consequences for newly-established private companies. Certain issues concerning the requirement for more private participation and more competition among operators and service providers need to be solved, while policy makers and regulators must take many important and crucial decisions to meet expectations and customer demands. All players in the Saudi civil aviation market should be treated equally and a sound regulatory framework, along with objective monitoring, needs to be established to support fair competition among the airlines and other private operators Unless the situation changes, many opportunities for success in the Saudi market for civil aviation might be lost. However, further success is expected to be achieved with the eventual full privatisation of Saudi Arabian Airlines and the complete liberalisation of the civil aviation sector. Key words: civil aviation privatisation, civil aviation regulation, civil aviation in Saudi Arabia.Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.London. Saudi Cultural Burea

    The role of novel genes in axon regeneration after CNS injury:A Systematic review and Meta-analysis

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    Background: Novel genes and their implications towards different facets of medicine are all the rage in today’s scientific community. This investigation was conducted to ascertain the effects of these genetic sequences on the regeneration potential of axons that were damaged due to injury to the central nervous system (CNS).Methods: Articles relevant to our aims and objectives were scoured across different online databases from the year 2018 onwards to provide an updated view in this regard.Results: 9 studies were selected after application of the requisite selection criterion. The studies mainly used mice as subjects, while one evaluated the effects on sea lampreys and African clawed frog species. The analysis included studies reporting the noticeable vs negligible effects of genetic sequences on axon regeneration, with an overall odds ratio (OR) of 0.52 (95% CI: 0.45, 0.60) and a statistically significant difference between the groups (Z = 8.84, P < 0.00001). A relative risk of 0.60 and a 95% confidence interval of 0.54 to 0.68 was also obtained. There was no significant heterogeneity between the studies, indicating that the effect size was consistent across the studies.Conclusion: The results showed that different proteins were coded for different injury models, indicating that genetic sequences play a noticeable role in the ability of axons to regenerate after CNS injury. However, considering the limitations of our study, the need for more such statistical analysis using different genetic examples is warranted

    Transcriptional analysis of intestinal colonization by Salmonella enteritidis PT4 in 1-day chickens using microarray

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    The recent association between S. Enteritidis PT4 and poultry products has caused a great deal of concern from adverse publicity and with resulting national and international requirements to control the major food-poisoning Salmonella serotypes at the breeder and layer levels in order to ensure that poultry products are Salmonella-free. The exact mechanism whereby these serotypes are able to colonise the intestine of chickens is still exactly unknown. Indeed, there is increasing evidence that colonisation is not solely a metabolic function but that some form of physical association with cells or an organ in the gut is involved. Thus, invasion and fimbrial genes required for colonisation have been identified (Clayton et al., 2008, Morgan et al., 2004) suggesting physical contact was required. An alternative approach would be to analyse the patterns of gene expression by microarray analysis at the site of colonisation (caeca). This has been done for a number of niches and is now being applied to intra-cellular infection but has not so far been applied to the intestine. The S. Enteritidis transcriptome during the colonisation of the caeca of one day chicks was characterised by Agilent microarray. The microarray results were evaluated by real-time PCR with 96% compatibility. The pattern of gene transcription was different in the intestine compared with broth culture. Thirty four percent of the genes showed a significant change in level of expression. Major changes occured from adaptation to the caecal environment with up-regulation of genes required for energy generation and carbohydrate metabolism/transport, while amino acids and nucleotide metabolism, translation, replication and cell wall biogenesis genes were among the down-regulated genes. Fumarate respiratory and osmotic response genes were selected from the up-regulated genes and were mutated and tested in the lab for their inhibitory effect and for competitive growth under anaerobic and osmotic environments showing variable responses. Association between chicken colonisation phenotype and gene mutation indicated that genes associated with osmolarity was more important than tri carboxylic acid (TCA)-associated genes in their contribution to the colonisation phenotype. There is considerable scope for improvement in inactivated vaccines through a more rational approach. An inactivated vaccine prepared by formalising S. Enteritidis harvested directly from the chicken caeca was thought to be more protective than bacteria grown in vitro. Unfortunately this was not the case. Expected reasons for this failure are explained, and alternative approach to producing a proper effective inactivated vaccine is suggested

    Dynamics of calcite cementation in response to oil charge and reservoir evolution: Thamama, Group, U.A.E.

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    Carbonate rocks consider as significant reservoirs for hydrocarbon. More than 60% of the world’s hydrocarbon is placed in carbonate reservoirs. Carbonate rocks are heterogeneous and contain complex pore system. This complexity causes the hydrocarbon recovery from these reservoirs difficult; having less than 35% of hydrocarbon is being recovered. The heterogeneity and the variation in pore system are a result of various depositional settings and successive diagenetic overprints. Diagenetic overprints account for most of the pore system complexity in subsurface. This project undertakes one of the important diagenetic processes, calcite cementation, which though to have major impact on reservoir quality. The project aims to better understand the controls on calcite cementation in five Lower Cretaceous Reservoirs, in particular the role of calcite cementation with relation to oil charge in reservoir quality. Other diagenetic processes were also asses including dolomitization, dissolution, micritization and chemical compaction. The five reservoirs (A, B, C, F & G) are from Field A which is located in Abu Dhabi, UAE. The reservoirs comprise of interbedded porous “Reservoir” and low porosity-permeability “Dense” limestones deposited in broad range of settings, ranging from restricted to open marine platform. Reservoir intervals are part of HSTs, deposited during higher sea level time. The dense intervals were deposited during TST and thought to be cemented early resulting in early compartmentalization in all reservoirs. The mMg/Ca and in-situ (SIMS) δ18OVPDB were measured through complete calcite cement stratigraphy obtained from equant, syntaxial and blocky calcite in all reservoirs. Both mMg/Ca and δ18OVPDB of oldest calcite cement zone are matching with published mMg/Ca and δ18OVPDB of Lower Cretaceous, suggesting precipitation from Lower Cretaceous seawater. The mMg/Ca and δ18OVPDB also vary from reservoir to another reflecting change in Cretaceous seawater. These data also coincide with trace element observations particularly Mn and Sr. All these parameters show fluctuations in Cretaceous seawater during 135-123Ma caused by global changes in climate and oceanic crust production rates. Lower reservoirs including F (133Ma) and C (130Ma) were more probably affected by the Hauterivian global cooling which resulted in higher δ18OVPDB in the early precipitated cements. Precipitation in upper Reservoir B (126Ma) was most likely affected by the abrupt warm episode just before the OAE1. Reservoir A (123Ma) precipitation may be affected by the Early Aptian cooling episode and the OAE1. Reservoir G is the only one not recording δ18OVPDB similar of Cretaceous seawater. Cementation in Reservoir G was affected by depleted δ18OVPDB fluids from early stage, perhaps hot, basinal waters. More interestingly, the mMg/Ca, δ18OVPDB Mn and Sr means of younger calcite cement zones which thought to be evolved during burial show similar trend to the oldest cement zones with various offsets. This suggests that calcite cement in each reservoir evolved in a relatively close system inferring by this that the reservoirs are compartmentalized. The compartmentalization is probably due to the sysedimentary or early cemented hardgrounds in the Dense Zones. The Dense Zones acted as seals for the reservoirs from early stage causing the later precipitated calcite cement which is diagenetically affected to behave in predictable and similar way. Moreover, calcite precipitation temperatures inferred from mMg/Ca and δ18OVPDB show progressive increase towards younger cement zones indicating fluid evolution with burial in also relatively close system. In-situ δ18OVPDB and oil inclusions suggest earlier oil charge in the shallower reservoirs compared with deeper reservoirs and coeval water leg. Consequently, cementation in the shallower reservoirs continued with lower rate and hence preserved some primary and secondary pores. Conversely, in the water leg cementation continue to occlude most of the pore spaces. Furthermore, early oil emplacement in the shallower reservoirs increased the cementation temperature of calcite in the oil leg to reach maximum precipitation temperatures of ~144˚C. Whereas, in the water leg and deeper reservoirs, cementation continued to a temperature of ~110˚C. Overall, reservoir quality in Thamama Group was affected by various diagenetic processes. Some have resulted in reservoir quality enhancement such as dolimitization which involves formation of microporosity as a result of replacive rhombic dolomite, dissolution particularly the late one which believed to be due organic acid, and micritization with yield microporosity particularly in Reservoir B. Open fractures might have also enhanced reservoir quality to some extent. Diagenetic events that have deteriorated reservoir quality include calcite and saddle dolomite cementation as well as stylolitization. Greater calcite cementation can be found in water leg compared with oil leg because oil thought to decrease cementation rate
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