7 research outputs found


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    Selaras dengan perkembangan zaman di era teknologi yang semakin maju, banyaknya perusahaan berlomba-lomba dalam meningkatkan inovasi, perencanaan dan perancangan arsitektur enterprise yang dapat memberikan dampak yang signifikan dalam perkembangan zaman di era Tekologi Informasi ini. Perusahaan CV. Navindo Jaya Makmur merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak pada bidang jasa pada pelayanan pemasangan CCTV dan pemeliharaan CCTV, perusahaan ini menjawab tantangan perusahaan atau kebutuhan rumah tangga dalam hal segi keamanan. CV. Navindo Jaya Makmur sendiri berdiri sejak 2016 silam, dalam sistem kebutuhan dari sisi internal perusahaan sendiri hanya terdiri dari 2 divisi yang bernaung dalam menjalankan peran pada perusahaan, yaitu divisi pemasaran dan divisi pemasangan. Dalam menjalankan proses bisnisnya, perusahaan CV. Navindo Jaya Makmur mengalami kendala kurangya dari sisi SDM perusahaan dan kurangnya wadah atau divisi yang menangani layanan pada calon customer. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membuat perencanaan dan perancangam arsitektur enterprise pada perusahaan CV. Navindo Jaya Makmur dengan menggunakan metode as/is TI dan framework TOGAF (The Open Group Architecture framework) pada bagian (infrastructure bisnis, aplikasi dan teknologi). Luaran dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah gambaran perencanaan dan perancangan kebutuhan perusahaan dalam membantu pekerjaan tupoksi (tugas pokok dan fungsi) dan menjadi tolok ukur perusahaan dalam menyelaraskan kebutuhan, tujuan, dan capaian yang diraih pada perusahaan dalam jangka waktu yang akan datang


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    Teknologi informasi sangatlah penting bagi proses bisnis perusahaan. Dengan adanya teknologi informasi dapat memudahkan perusahaan dalam mencapai tujuan. Penerapan teknologi informasi telah diterapkan PT. XYZ yang berfokus pada bidang manufaktur industri hilir dari produk semen. Perusahaan ini mengelola 34 pabrik yang ada di Jawa Timur, Jawa Tengah, Sulawesi Selatan dan Nusa Tenggara Barat. Oleh karena itu perusahaan ini perlu mengembangkan teknologi informasi yang menyatu dengan proses bisnisnya, salah satunya adalah penerapan sistem SunFish – ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning). Dalam penerapan sistem SunFish-ERP tidak menjamin kemungkinan tidak adanya ancaman atau risiko ketika sistem menjalankan proses bisnis yang mengganggu jalannya aktivitas di setiap regu struktur organisasi perusahaan. Pentingnya pengelolaan risiko dari proses bisnis hulu ke hilir PT. XYZ bertujuan agar sistem dapat berjalan lebih optimal. Salah satu kontribusi dari akademisi terhadap industri adalah dengan mengimplementasikan kerangka kerja ISO 31000 tentang identifikasi dan penanganan risiko yang ada. Dengan tujuan dari penelitian ini membantu perusahaan dalam melakukan analis risiko, evaluasi risiko hingga pemeringkatan risiko

    Inter-dependencies on BPM Maturity Model Capability Factors in Deriving BPM Roadmap

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    Business Process Management (BPM) Maturity Model captures the “as-is” condition of the organization’s Process Capabilities (PC). Once an organization has defined their “as-is” condition, they are the best positioned to establish their BPM roadmap. The organization can then clearly plot which of the thirty process capabilities they need to improve or enhance to deliver the most overall value to the organization. The analysis determined that particular PC’s are not mutually exclusive but rather, interrelates with other process capabilities to drive greater operational maturity in organizations. Thus, this research study aims to provide an analysis in the interrelationship of each process capabilities and leveraging it for the future state of the organization. Each process capability, in the BPM Maturity Model, is analysed by utilising a Dependency Matrix, a dynamic causal model that establishes the relationship between process capabilities. Authors compiled a lexical definition of process capabilities, in terms of what it means for it to be in a state of “achieved”. By utilising the lexicon, predecessors and successors of process capabilities were identified and captured in a matrix grid. The result of the research is an identification of interrelationships between Process Capabilities. A Dependency Matrix which represents the interrelationships and contains the Predecessor and Successor to measure the effort for each Process Capabilities. Furthermore, the dependencies among the capabilities will empower organizations implementing BPM Maturity Model by providing them with a richer understanding of where they need to invest their focuses when creating their roadmap

    Manajemen Risiko TI ISO 31000 Dengan Cobit 5 Dan FMEA (PT. XYZ)

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    PT. XYZ adalah sebuah korporasi penyedia layanan Internet Service Provider atau yang dikenal dengan istilah ISP dan jasa kebutuhan layanan TI lainnya yang sedang mengembangankan bisnis nya di Kota Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur. Adapun proses bisnis utama dari PT. XYZ adalah membantu client dalam merancang bangun serta memberikan solusi terbaik bagi kebutuhan IT, komunikasi dan jaringan dalam mendukung proses bisnis. Belum diterapkannya pengelolaan risiko pada PT. XYZ dianggap dapat menurunkan performa korporasi apabila tidak cepat diselesaikan. Merujuk pada studi permasalahan sebelumnya, studi ini akan mengkaji terkait manajemen risiko IT dengan framework COBIT 5 for risk dan FMEA berasas ISO 31000. Dimana COBIT 5 for risk memiliki kelebihan dalam mengidentifikasi risiko, proses pengkajian risiko melalui FMEA serta berasas pada ISO 31000 yang diterapkan oleh sebagian besar korporasi. Studi ini menghasilkan sebuah padanan atau ilustrasi terkait alur pengelolaan risiko dimana terdiri dari penggabungan beberapa framework pengelolaan risiko. Selanjutnya studi ini dapat berkontribusi sebagai acuan korporasi dalam pengelolaan risiko

    Procurement Process Analysis Using Process Mining in Cement Manufacturing Company (Case Study PT. Semen Indonesia Persero, Tbk)

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    Procurement process holds crucial role in companies’ business process, particularly manufacturing company. PT Semen Indonesia as one of manufacturing Companies in Indonesia relies on procurement process in order to fulfill their business. However, existing e-procurement does not cover all the procurement process which creates process variants have made whole procurement process run into bottleneck. Deeper analysis required to dig insights on the process variants to derive the cause of problem. Hence, this research aims to explore Process Mining to gain more insights from the process using data log derived from the system. BPM lifecycle used as an approach to reach the objective of the research. However, not all phases in BPM lifecycle are imposed, yet Process Identification, Process Discovery and Process Analysis. The result showed that top three activities that take time most are Upload to E Procurement, Purchasing Configuration, and Technical Evaluation which require improvements.

    Implementation of Open-Source ERP-Based Fleet Management System on SMEs Transportation Service Provider

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    Enterprises Resource Planning (ERP) systems can be analogized as the backbone of the information system in a company. Many large-scale companies have adopted ERP systems to increase efficiency in the company's business processes. This research departs from the issue of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that are required to use ERP to compete in the global market but cannot implement an ERP system at a high cost. However, SMEs have financial limitations in adopting high-cost ERP systems. On the other hand, many open-source ERP systems can currently be used for free but with a limited number of modules. This study focuses on implementing an open-source ERP system using Odoo software version 15 on SMEs Transportation Services Providers. The goal is to develop an open-source ERP-based fleet management system for SMEs. The system developed successfully met the company's managerial expectations. All processes previously carried out manually have been carried out using the developed system. All cross-sectional data is stored in the company's master data and can be integrated to support the decision-making process, and company archives have been well documented. Based on the results of User Acceptance Testing (UAT), 98% of the system has met the needs of SMEs. It can be concluded that the implementation of an open-source ERP-based fleet management system is very helpful in managing the business processes of SMEs Transportation Services Providers more effectively and efficiently.  Enterprises Resource Planning (ERP) systems can be analogized as the backbone of the information system in a company. Many large-scale companies have adopted ERP systems to increase efficiency in the company's business processes. This research departs from the issue of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that are required to use ERP to compete in the global market but cannot implement an ERP system at a high cost. However, SMEs have financial limitations in adopting high-cost ERP systems. On the other hand, many open-source ERP systems can currently be used for free but with a limited number of modules. This study focuses on implementing an open-source ERP system using Odoo software version 15 on SMEs Transportation Services Providers. The goal is to develop an open-source ERP-based fleet management system for SMEs. The system developed successfully met the company's managerial expectations. All processes previously carried out manually have been carried out using the developed system. All cross-sectional data is stored in the company's master data and can be integrated to support the decision-making process, and company archives have been well documented. Based on the results of User Acceptance Testing (UAT), 98% of the system has met the needs of SMEs. It can be concluded that the implementation of an open-source ERP-based fleet management system is very helpful in managing the business processes of SMEs Transportation Services Providers more effectively and efficiently