4 research outputs found

    Review on Ushirasava (fermented traditional medicine of Ayurveda)

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    Sandhana Kalpana is very common Kalpana described in Ayurvedic literature. We can found many footprints of Sandhana Kalpana in Vedas also. Asava and Arishta are popularly used in Ayurvedic practice. These preparations occupy unique position in pharmaceutics on account of their superiority to other preparations. Ushirasava is one of the important Asava among them. Ushirasava / Usheerasava is a liquid Ayurvedic medicine used in treatment of bleeding disorders. This medicine is cooling in nature and is prescribed in the diseases which occur due to the excessive heat in body. Hence this medicine pacifies the excess Pitta Dosha in body

    Efficacy of Ayurvedic herbal gel in the management of Dandruff: A case study

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    Dandruff (Darunak)is the common skin disease affecting the scalp area with the presence of itching, hair fall, dryness of scalp and dander. It is affecting the half of the adult population of either gender worldwide. Even though the prevalence is so high, its etiology being varied the treatment modalities are also different. Although dandruff is not among those disease to cause severe illness or morbidity, but it has a lot of social concern which reflects individual’s confidence and self-esteem. This paper aims to present clinical case study presentation with diagnosis using advance technique of Trochoscopy and the management of dandruff with the topical application of Dashemani Kandughna gel which showed excellent results

    Prachhan Karma with Lepa and Shirodhara – An Effective Treatment of Indralupta – A Case Study

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    Hairs play an important role in personality and always remained the center of attraction. Beautiful hairs are considered as parameter of beauty, people are very conscious about hair, and they are always in search of good remedy for maintaining their hairs. Indralupta (Alopecia Areata) is acquired skin aliment that can affect all the hair bearing skin including scalp, beard which is characterized by localized areas of non-scarring hair loss which can be compared with Alopecia Areata. Hair loss is one of the most common problem people faces, the cause of being today’s lifestyle. The prevalence rate of Alopecia Areata is 0.7% in India.[1] Modern medication (steroids and minoxidil) has adverse effects such as drowsiness, dizziness, vomiting and continuous intake of steroid leads to diabetes, hypertension, and osteoporosis. Many curative and preventive steps are mentioned in Ayurveda by Acharya Sushruta such as Nasya (instillation of medicine by nostrils), Rasayana (path of essence), Murdha taila, Siravedha (bloodletting by puncturing), Prachhan, Lepan (pack), and Shiroabhyanga. Snehan (oil Massage), Swedan (sweating), Shaman, and Shodhana chikitsa told by Sushruta for Indralupta. Among these, Prachhan karma helps to stimulate the hair follicles. Prachhan karma (bloodletting by puncturing), followed by Lepa (pack) and Shirodhara (medicated liquid flow over head) with medicine having Keshya, Balya, and rejuvenating property gives good results in Indralupta. Due to limitation and side effects of minoxidil and steroids some safe and effectual medication from other medical science are expected. Here is a case of Indralupta (Alopecia Areata) successfully treated with Prachhan karma followed by Lepa and Shirodhara with Ayurvedic Medicine

    Analytical study and preparation of praval garbha pottali

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    The Pottali rasayana Kalpana is one among the four types of rejuvenation formulations (Chaturvidh rasayana Kalpana) of mercury (Parad). They are known for its specific method of preparation, unique end product, optimum potency, smaller dosage and larger therapeutic applicability. Praval garbha pottali is a herbo-mineral complex formulation. Gandhak paka method was selected for preparation as it is the most commonly used procedure. It also is a best method to enhance the efficiency of the drugs and keep them in a concise form. The description of Pottali rasayana Kalpana is found in numerous Rasagranthas (Classical books of Rasa shastra); however, very less research work is carried out on them, and minimal research is carried out on Praval garbha pottali. Pottali rasayana Kalpana are not well-versed in current ayurvedic practice due to the lack of research study. XRD, FTIR, and EDS mapping is carried out on the prepared pravalgarbha pottali