234 research outputs found

    Power to Decide: Women and Decision Making

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    All of us have heard of Swami Vivekananda, the wandering monk who lived from 1863 to 1902 was one of the finest minds that our country ever produced. Vivekananda’s spirituality was a reflection of his understanding of life. He viewed life dispassionately and saw divinity in every being. This understanding of the broader meanings of life also made him a champion of women’s rights. He wanted the women to be empowered so that they could deal with their lives themselves. His advice to men was, ``our right of interference is limited entirely to giving education. Women must be put in a position to solve their own problems in their own way. No one can or ought to do this for them. And our Indian women are capable of doing it as any in the world.’

    Decision Making: Art of Problem Solving

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    Three primary decision making approaches: Avoiding, Problem solving and Problem seeking. Every decision-making process reaches a conclusion, which can be a choice to act or not to act, a decision on what course of action to take and how, or even an opinion or recommendation. Sometimes decision making leads to redefining the issue or challenge. Accordingly, three decision-making processes are known as avoiding, problem solving, and problem seeking

    Assembling a Small Scale Aquaponics System

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    An Aquaponics is the integration of traditional aquaculture with hydroponics. Commercial aquaponics uses methods and equipment from both the hydroponics and aquaculture industries. Effluents from aquatic animals are used by plants as food. In the process, the plants purify water for the aquatic animals. The fish waste provides an organic food source for the plants and the plants act as a natural filter. This nitrogen cycle is at the heart of aquaponics. In hydroponics, special nutrient solutions are have to be constantly introduced for the plants. The resulting salt residues regularly flushed out of the unit. In aquaculture, large amounts of nitrogenous waste are generated by the fish and they have to be removed from the tanks as fast as possible. When the nutrient-rich wastewater from the aquaculture tanks is fed to the plants and plants utilize the nitrogenous waste of fish, effectively cleaning up the water, which can then be recycled. Commercial aquaponics production exists primarily in controlled environments, such as greenhouses or outdoor locations with favourable climates, using methods and equipment that draw from both the hydroponics and aquaculture industries

    Pharmacoeconomic analysis of type 2 diabetes mellitus and its microvascular complications

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    The international society for pharmacoeconomics and outcomes research (ISPOR) defines “Pharmacoeconomics as the field of study that evaluates the behaviour of individuals, firms and markets relevant to the use of pharmaceutical products, services and programs and which frequently focuses on the costs (inputs) and consequences (outcomes) of that use”. It is the description and analysis of the cost of drug therapy to health care systems and society. This prospective observation study was carried out for over a period of 6 months commencing from March 2014 to August 2014 among inpatients of General medicine and Nephrology departments of a tertiary care referral hospital in kerala.All diabetes mellitus patient treated in the Inpatient department of General medicine and Nephrology department during March-August 2014 were monitored, collect relevant data and entered into the data sheet. Based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the protocol approved by the IEC, patients belonging to the age group 40-70 of both sex were selected and enrolled for the study

    Decision making-The power &utility of communication and Problem solving

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    All of us have heard of Swami Vivekananda, the wandering monk who lived from 1863 to 1902 was one of the finest minds that our country ever produced. Vivekananda’s spirituality was a reflection of his understanding of life. He viewed life dispassionately and saw divinity in every being. This understanding of the broader meanings of life also made him a champion of women’s rights. He wanted the women to be empowered so that they could deal with their lives themselves. His advice to men was, ``our right of interference is limited entirely to giving education. Women must be put in a position to solve their own problems in their own way. No one can or ought to do this for them. And our Indian women are capable of doing it as any in the world.’

    Vision To Decide: Women And Decision Making

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    A career decision is a lifelong process. It is all about exploring and experiencing the world of work.It is all about understanding abilities, interests, skills, values and combining these to create a meaningful framework for life. If someone has to join a career course, so many options might be in front of them. They should have the capability to take the right decision. For that they should have self-awareness about the career and what are the different options for it.That finally leads to the decision on career path

    Status of women employed in seafood pre-processing units of Alapuzha, Kerala

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    In this write-up the author presents an excellent account of the problems of women w orkers in seafood pre­ processing units located at Alapuzha and the details presented are well applicable, with minor variations, for the streamlining and upgradation of the status of women workers at the pre-processing plants located mostly along the coastline of the country. The details given can be of considerable benefit to those in charge of aqua products pre-processing plants of the country

    Global Millimeter VLBI Array Survey of Ultracompact Extragalactic Radio Sources at 86 GHz

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    Ultracompact extragalactic radio sources, representing the inner parsec and sub-parsec scales of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), form the best laboratory to test extreme physics and understand our universe. Studies of ultracompact extragalactic radio sources have revealed the morphology and kinematics of AGN from sub-parsec to Mega-parsec scales, the powerful energy emission ranging from radio to gamma rays, the galaxy evolution, the important role of accretion disk and super massive black hole in the formation, acceleration and collimation of relativistic jets and many other interesting facts about AGNs. A substantial fraction of these studies has been enabled by the advent and continued developments of the technique of very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) which combines radio telescopes across the entire Earth into a single instrument. VLBI observations at 86 GHz (wavelength, ~3 mm) reach a resolution of about 50 microarcsec, and can probe the collimation and acceleration regions of relativistic outflows in the vicinity of super massive black holes in AGN. In this context, a high resolution 86 GHz VLBI survey of a representative sample of ultracompact extragalactic radio sources provides the best statistical tool, to investigate the underlying physics of AGN and their relativistic jets. This dissertation presents results from a large global VLBI survey of compact radio sources carried out in 2010-2011 with the Global Millimeter VLBI Array. The main goals of the survey are to extend VLBI imaging surveys at 86 GHz to fainter sources, to develop a comprehensive sample of ultracompact radio sources imaged at 86 GHz, and to study the morphology and the distribution of brightness temperatures. The survey data reaches a typical baseline sensitivity of 0.1 Jy and a typical image sensitivity of 5 mJy/beam. A total of 162 unique compact radio sources have been observed in this survey. All the sources are detected and imaged,signifying a nearly twofold increase in the total number of sources ever imaged with VLBI at 86 GHz. 138 sources are imaged for the first time with VLBI at 86 GHz through this survey. Gaussian model fitting of the visibility data is applied to represent the structure of the observed sources and to estimate the flux densities and sizes of distinct emitting regions (components) in their jets. These estimates are used to calculate the brightness temperature (Tb) at the jet base (core) and in the next closest regions (jet components) downstream of the core. These model fit based estimates of Tb are compared to the estimates of brightness temperature limits made directly from the visibility data, demonstrating a good agreement between the two methods. The apparent brightness temperature estimates for the jet cores in our sample ranges from 1.1 x 10^9 K to 5.5 x 10^12 K, with the mean brightness temperature of 1.8 x 10^11 K. The apparent brightness temperature estimates for the nearest jet components in our sample ranges from 5.8 x 10^7 K to 4.1 x 10^11 K. A population model with a single intrinsic value of brightness temperature, To, is applied to reproduce the observed distribution. It yields To = (3.77^{+0.10}_{-0.14}) x 10^11 K for the jet cores, implying that the inverse Compton losses dominate the emission. In the nearest jet components, To = (1.42^{+0.16}_{-0.19}) x 10^11 K is found, which is slightly higher than the equipartition limit of ~5 x 10^10 K expected for these jet regions. A correlation between To and Lorentz factor, gamma_j inherent to the population model description precludes fitting for To and gamma_j simultaneously. We find that a relation To[K] ~(7.7 x 10^8) x (gamma_j)^2.7 is implied for this modelling framework by the survey data. The approach used to derive the intrinsic brightness temperature at 86 GHz through population modelling is applied to the database of VLBI survey at lower frequencies (2, 8, 15 GHz).This enables us to investigate the multi-frequency aspects of Tb. The intrinsic brightness temperature obtained for cores at 86 GHz is found to be lower than that at 2 GHz, 8 GHz and 15 GHz. Such a decrease of To will provide a hint in favor of the decelerating jet model or particle-cascade model. A decreasing To would also have consequences for higher frequency VLBI. This has to be further investigated by compiling the jet speeds, beta_app with observed Tb. The intrisic To and the observed Tb in core and jets show that the brightness temperature drops by approximately a factor of ~(2-10) already on sub-parsec scales in the jets. This evolution might occur with the inverse Compton, synchrotron, and adiabatic losses subsequently dominating the energy losses. A basic evolutionary scheme in which the changes observed in the jet emission are caused by the adiabatic energy losses in relativistic shocks is investigated. For objects with sufficient structural detail detected, the adiabatic energy losses are shown to dominate the observed variations of brightness temperature along the jet implying that the jet components can be viewed as adiabatically expanding relativistic shocks. Under the equipartition condition between the magnetic field energy and particle energy density, the absolute distance of the VLBI core from the central engine can be estimated. The brightness temperature measurements obtained from this survey at 86 GHz are combined with the database of VLBI survey at lower frequencies (2, 8, 15 GHz) to study the brightness temperatures in source frame in the sub-parsec scale of the ultracompact radio sources. From the vicinity of the central engine, the brightness temperature increases slowly and then rises with a steeper slope and then slow down. This gives a strong implication that the jets are accelerated and collimated by the magnetically driven force, as predicted by the relativistic inner jet models for the magnetic acceleration


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    Ayurveda is a medical system which has well developed systems of diagnosis and treatment. It is the only medical system in world, which has apparatus to deal with complete human being, which comprises of mind, body and soul. The treatment is highly personalized according to the patients physical nature, age, immunity, mind power, habit etc. A customized diet, life style, exercise, mental support, breathing and meditation techniques also form the part of the treatment. There is a section in Ayurveda called Rasasastra which describes the use of metals, minerals, and poisons with their actions to combat chronic and complicated diseases. As we all know most of the Rasa drugs are toxic. These pass through extensive processing before they are declared fit for internal use. These preparations are sustaining themselves since centuries in clinical use. A thing that does not adversely affect the body and mind is known as Pathya (wholesome) the diet and regimens opposite to these qualities are said to be Apathya (unwholesome). Many Pathyapathya ahara viharas are mentioned in the Rasa classics. The rationale behind the selection of Aharas and Viharas as Pathya (wholesome) or Apathya (unwholesome) mainly depends on the properties of drugs which are used as Pathya as well as that of drug which is used as medicine. The implied meaning is rules and regulations about diet and movements etc. to be advised by the Physician along with treatment. The medicines are ineffective unless these are followed. In the case of Pathya most probable drug interaction will be synergism and of Apathya dravyas will be antagonism. However, their improper processing, misuse, improper mode of administration may cause adverse effects in the human body. Even though the drugs are in assimilable forms, there should be suitable vehicles for their absorption. Here comes the importance of Pathyapathya while using these metallic forms. Suitable Pathya is necessary while using these Rasa drugs for proper absorption of drug, to reduce its adverse effects, to increase its bio-availability etc