844 research outputs found

    Bankruptcy in Indian Private Sector Banks: A Neural Network Analysis

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    This paper aims to predict the bankruptcy in Indian private banks using financial ratios such as ROA, GNPA, EPS, PAT, and GNP of the country. This paper also explains the importance of Ohlson’s number, Graham’s number and Zmijewski number as the major predictors of bankruptcy while developing a model using neural networks. For the prediction, the financial data for private sector banks of India such as HDFC, HDFC, ICICI, AXIS, YES bank, KOTAK MAHINDRA Bank, FEDERAL BANK, INDUSIND Bank, RBL and KARUR VYSYA for the last 10 years from 2010-2019 have been analysed. The model developed during the research will help the financial institutions and banks in India to understand the economic condition of the banking industry

    Role of ultrasound in reducing complication during primary trocar insertion in laparoscopic surgery: prospective observational study

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    Background: Patients presenting to Gynecology OPD at LLRM Medical College, Meerut, UP, India for benign laparoscopic surgery from June 2016 to May 2017 were included in the study. A total of 130 women completed the study of which 30 had history of previous abdominal surgery and 100 had no history of previous abdominal surgery. The ability of the visceral slide test to detect periumbilical adhesions was compared with laparoscopic detection of adhesions.Methods: Patients fulfilling inclusion and exclusion criteria and preanaesthetic clearance were subjected to office based Visceral Slide test using high frequency ultrasound probe (7.5 MHz) in the sagittal plane at the level of umbilicus. Distance between the skin and posterior rectus sheath was measured. Diagnostic accuracy of visceral slide test and mean time taken to perform the test was noted.Results: On laparoscopy 4 women had periumbilical adhesions while 24 women in the total sample had adhesions elsewhere in the abdominal cavity. The visceral slide test had a sensitivity of 75%, specificity of 98%, positive predictive value of 75% and negative predictive value of 99%. The diagnostic accuracy of the test is 97%. The median time to perform the examination was 1.69 minutes.Conclusions: The visceral slide technique was convenient and rapid to perform, and reliably identified adhesions in the periumbilical area

    Monochorionic monoamniotic live twin ectopic pregnancy: a rarity

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    The incidence of unilateral live twin ectopic pregnancy is approximately 1:1,25,000 but increased in last few decades due to increased use of fertility drugs for ovulation induction, superovulation and assisted reproductive technology. It is also associated with increased incidence of pelvic inflammatory diseases. Patient was 30 years old G3P2L2 who presented to OPD of this LLRM medical college, Meerut with complain of amenorrhoea of two and half months. Pelvic examination revealed tenderness in lower abdomen, left adnexal fullness and tenderness without any bleeding. On USG, left adnexal monochorionic monoamniotic ectopic twins with normal cardiac activity. Exploratory laparotomy followed by left sided salpingectomy was done and patient was discharged with satisfactory condition. This is a very rare case and PID is also among risk factors and may also cause twin ectopic pregnancy

    Preference relation and Community detection

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    E. coli is a bacteria indicating the presence of contamination in clean water. This research aims to design a tool to eliminate E. coli bacteria, so water well worthy citizens for the purposes of everyday. Photolysis process with variations in reactor diameter of 2.5 ", 3", and 4 "in the detention time 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 minutes will be used to eliminate the bacteria E.coli. Photolysis process in this reactor using ultraviolet light 10 watts, λ = 365 nm. analysis of the data used is the correlation between the allowance of E.coli with photolysis process variations and combinations of reactors. E.coli preliminary results reached 80% in the detention time of 100 minutes in the reactor 2.5 ". Whereas in the photolysis of the detention time of 100 minutes with reactor 3" allowance of E.coli reached 79%. And the allowance of E.coli reach 77% in 100 minutes detention time at reactor 4 ". Key words : E.coli - Photolysis - UV intensity - Variations Reactor


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    Dalam upaya untuk melakukan bioremediasi tumpahan minyak bumi dilakukan penelitian bakteri laut yang mampu mendegradasi komponen crude oil yaitu phenanthrene, DBT, dan paraffin. Sampel air laut Pulau Pari, DKI Jakarta diaklimasi dalam column reactor selama 2 bulan dengan 6 variasi fertilizer (Super IB, NH4NO3, Uric Acid, Hi-Control, Osmocoat, dan Chitosan). Kemudian sampel bakteri diisolasi pada medium ONR7a padat yang ditambah dengan 100 μl crude oil. Bakteri potensial pendegradasi crude oil diisolasi dan dipurifikasi pada medium marine agar secara streak plate dan disubkultur. Enambelas isolat terpilih diuji kemampuannya mendegradasi phenanthrene, DBT, dan paraffin. Isolat bakteri terpilih yaitu Dn yang terbukti dapat mendegradasi ketiga komponen crude oil. Selanjutnya isolat bakteri tersebut diuji pertumbuhannya pada 5 macam medium yaitu marine broth, polypepton, medium yang mengandung phenanthrene, DBT, dan paraffin. Uji pertumbuhan dilakukan pada kadar NaCl 2% dan 5% pada suhu 30°C serta rasio C/N/P = 100:20:3. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan bakteri tercepat pada medium yang mengandung DBT dengan kadar NaCl 2% (g = 3,029 jam), sedangkan pada medium yang mengandung paraffin kadar NaCl 2% memerlukan waktu pertumbuhan terlama (g = 9,342 jam). Pengukuran kemampuan sel bakteri melekat pada hidrokarbon (MATH) menunjukkan bahwa nilai adhesi tertinggi terhadap substrat phenanthrene yaitu 89,23%. Berdasarkan karakterisasi morfologi koloni, morfologi sel, pengecatan gram, karakterisasi fenotipik dengan kit API 20 NE, diketahui bahwa isolat Dn berbentuk diplococcus, bersifat gram negatif, dan bersifat denitrifier. Identifikasi molekular berdasarkan sequencing 16S rRNA dan konstruksi phylogenetic tree menunjukkan bahwa isolat Dn sangat mirip dengan Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus ATCC 27132T. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa isolat bakteri laut di perairan Pulau Pari yang diaklimasi dalam colum reactor beranekaragam dan terdapat isolat bakteri Dn yang mampu mendegradasi ketiga komponen crude oil dengan penambahan sumber N dan P

    Male Fertility Preservation: A boon for young cancer survivors

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    Diagnosis of any ailment especially cancer is found to be pivotal to evaluating the type of treatment that needs to be administered to man. It aids in subsequent prognosis and timely recovery in patients. When concerned with male cancer survivors, the emphasis on their fertility health is always an issue. As the numbers of survivors are increasing day by day due to the advanced medical and technological approaches, man could look with confidence to a life of ease from cancer. To review and compile all the feasible as well as relevant information about the preservation of male fertility from published resources. Reputed databases were searched for content based on specific keywords like “fertility preservation after cancer treatment", "methods of male gamete preservation", "methods of semen collection for preservation", "fertility preservation", "erectile dysfunction" and "testicular cancer and fertility". The year of publication for articles under study was restricted from 2016-2021 in most of the databases. It was found that oncologists generally recommended preservation of the male fertility before the commencement of the cancer treatment procedures. Preservation of fertility among young men should be considered in all patients before initiating any kind of prognosis related to the disease

    Angiotensin Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE2) - A macromolecule and its impact on human reproduction during COVID-19 pandemic

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID 19) is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome novel coronavirus 2 (SARS-nCoV-2). It has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020. Since then, several researchers have worked/ are working on this virus by a multifactorial approach to finding out the mechanism of entry, transmission route, post-infection replication process, survival, and post-recovery utilities. As we know, SARS, MERS, and Zika viruses have affected human reproductive potentials, consequently, COVID 19 also can affect both men's and women's reproductive potential through ACE2 macromolecule. This study aimed to summarize the role of ACE2- macromolecule in COVID 19 entry and further processes in the reproductive path of both men and women. Research articles were searched in NCBI-NLM, Google Scholar, and Scopus databases. We searched based on the phrase “COVID 19”, “ACE2”, “ACE2 in testes”, “ACE2 in the female reproductive tract”, “ACE2 during pregnancy”, “ACE2 during early embryo”, “COVID 19 and impact in human reproduction” and selected the articles for summarizing this article. Most recent articles and the mechanism of COVID 19 were selected for our understanding. The results of the study revealed that  COVID 19 impacts the reproductive potential of both men and women. Testes are the most vulnerable organ prone to infection in men, and vaginal fluid and the uterus could be the choice of infection in the female. Till now, COVID 19 has not been directly detected in semen samples and vaginal fluid. Results of the study can be concluded that ACE2 plays a major role in COVID 19 infection, ACE2 expression could be more in the testes, ovary, uterus, and vagina. COVID 19 could impact more on human reproduction and lead to a loss of fertility status for a while. All antiviral treatments could pose a negative impact on human reproduction. Further research should be carried out on the already existing theoretical hypothesis of SARS-Co-V-2 on human reproduction