22 research outputs found

    Concurrence spatiale, différenciation verticale et comportement bancaire

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    A banking spatial competition model is developed to activate the horizontal and vertical parameters of differentiation in a two- dimensional space. Banking competition has become more relevant given the vertical differentiation elements related to some financial assets features. We consider a model in which spatial competition including vertical differentiation sets banks into a geometrical variable space linked with the regulation of deposit interest rates and financial transformation intensity. Thus we can rehabilitate in some case the Hotelling minimum differentiation principle applied to banking space and the financial changes based on the relation between financial imitation and financial innovation.Banking, spatial competition

    Convergence et performances des systèmes bancaires des pays de l’OCDE

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    L’internationalisation et la déréglementation des systèmes bancaires rendent indispensable l’analyse de la convergence de leurs performances. Dans cet article nous nous focalisons sur l’évolution des performances productives et des coûts de production des secteurs bancaires au sein des principaux pays de l’OCDE. En vue d’étudier la convergence des niveaux de ces indicateurs, nous proposons des méthodes d’estimation de la technologie de référence et de la fonction de coût basées sur la notion de fonction distance. Ces approches permettent de comparer les performances des systèmes bancaires non seulement à leur propre passé mais aussi aux meilleures pratiques observées dans le groupe sans imposer a priori trop d’hypothèses restrictives comme l’absence d’inefficacité technique et/ou allocative et les rendements d’échelle constants. Notre étude empirique concerne 17 pays, dont 8 appartenant à la zone euro, sur la période 1988-1998. Si nos résultats indiquent que le processus de convergence des performances bancaires est un phénomène complexe, ils révèlent indéniablement des effets de rattrapage des secteurs nationaux vis-à-vis des leaders situés sur leur frontière d’efficacité productive et de coût.The internationalization and deregulation of banking systems make convergence analysis of their performance essential. In the present article, we focus on the evolution of production performance and costs of banking sectors in major OECD countries. The convergence of these indicator levels is assessed using methods based on distance functions. This approach not only provides a historical perspective of banking system performance but also enables to compare it with the best practices within the sample without imposing too restrictive assumptions such as technical or allocative efficiency or constant returns to scale. The empirical study concerns seventeen countries, eight of which in the Eurozone, over the period 1988-1998. The results show statistical evidence of catching-up with leading countries situated on the frontiers of production and cost efficiency. If our results indicate that the convergence process of banking system performance is a complex phenomenon, it undeniably reveals catching up effects of the national sectors with the leaders located on their production and cost frontiers

    What do we expect form global finance after the crisis? The four forgotten Commandments

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    The recent crisis should not be used to prouve the failure of the entire financial system. Global banking systems are regulated by rules, that have not been applied correctly all over the place. And just one "hole" in the regulatory net is sufficient to make it useless.Financial crisis, core banking economics, banking model, transparency, state intervention, market discipline

    'Raison d'être et spécificités de la firme bancaire : pourquoi la banque n'est-elle pas une entreprise comme les autres ?'

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    The definition of the bank and its conduct is often founded on a vision borrowed to industrial economy. Models of the banking firm that derive from this vision consider the bank as a producer of credits from deposits or as a producer of deposits from credits. However, following an institutional viewpoint, the banking activity is strongly regulated. Could the functioning of banks be related to the one of an industrial firm ? What are the specificities of banks ?banking firm, microecomic of banking

    Convergence et performances des systèmes bancaires des pays de l’OCDE*

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    The internationalization and deregulation of banking systems make convergence analysis of their performance essential. In the present article, we focus on the evolution of production performance and costs of banking sectors in major OECD countries. The convergence of these indicator levels is assessed using methods based on distance functions. This approach not only provides a historical perspective of banking system performance but also enables to compare it with the best practices within the sample without imposing too restrictive assumptions such as technical or allocative efficiency or constant returns to scale. The empirical study concerns seventeen countries, eight of which in the Eurozone, over the period 1988-1998. The results show statistical evidence of catching-up with leading countries situated on the frontiers of production and cost efficiency. If our results indicate that the convergence process of banking system performance is a complex phenomenon, it undeniably reveals catching up effects of the national sectors with the leaders located on their production and cost frontiers. L’internationalisation et la déréglementation des systèmes bancaires rendent indispensable l’analyse de la convergence de leurs performances. Dans cet article nous nous focalisons sur l’évolution des performances productives et des coûts de production des secteurs bancaires au sein des principaux pays de l’OCDE. En vue d’étudier la convergence des niveaux de ces indicateurs, nous proposons des méthodes d’estimation de la technologie de référence et de la fonction de coût basées sur la notion de fonction distance. Ces approches permettent de comparer les performances des systèmes bancaires non seulement à leur propre passé mais aussi aux meilleures pratiques observées dans le groupe sans imposer a priori trop d’hypothèses restrictives comme l’absence d’inefficacité technique et/ou allocative et les rendements d’échelle constants. Notre étude empirique concerne 17 pays, dont 8 appartenant à la zone euro, sur la période 1988-1998. Si nos résultats indiquent que le processus de convergence des performances bancaires est un phénomène complexe, ils révèlent indéniablement des effets de rattrapage des secteurs nationaux vis-à-vis des leaders situés sur leur frontière d’efficacité productive et de coût.

    Potential of Islamic finance : a survey of Tunisian Northwest companies / Rym Ammar Ayachi, Dhafer Saidane and Fayçal Mansouri

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    The present paper aims to assess the Islamic products potential demand for entrepreneurs in the Tunisian Northwest region. In order to do so, we developed a questionnaire which was sent to these entrepreneurs. The survey results show that the latter perceive Islamic Finance as a seductive phenomenon. However, its development appears to be difficult. Indeed, according to the survey results, the lack of knowledge may impede the expansion of Islamic banking in Tunisia. Moreover, the following factors:, cost, religious conviction, proximity, flexibility and satisfaction of the needs, may affect the entrepreneurs' choice to deal with Islamic financial institution. In addition, the lack of entrepreneurs' confidence with regard to the compliance of Islamic banking with the Shariah principles has a negative effect on Islamic finance development in the Tunisian Northwest, region. For this reason, Tunisian Islamic banks should put more effort to reinforce their competitiveness

    Qu’attend-on de la finance mondiale après la crise ? Les quatre commandements oubliés

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    The recent crisis should not be used to prouve the failure of the entire financial system. Global banking systems are regulated by rules, that have not been applied correctly all over the place. And just one "hole" in the regulatory net is sufficient to make it useless

    Qu’attend-on de la finance mondiale après la crise ? Les quatre commandements oubliés

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    The recent crisis should not be used to prouve the failure of the entire financial system. Global banking systems are regulated by rules, that have not been applied correctly all over the place. And just one "hole" in the regulatory net is sufficient to make it useless

    A Multi-Attribute Utility Model for Performance Evaluation of Sustainable Banking

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    In this study, we develop a performance evaluation model based on a multi-attribute utility approach aiming at reaching the sustainable banking (SB) status. This model is built accounting for various banks' stakeholders in a win-win paradigm. In addition, it offers the opportunity for adopting a global measure of performance as an indication of a bank's sustainability degree. This measure is referred to as banking sustainability performance index (BSPI). This index may constitute a basis for ranking banks. Moreover, it may constitute a bridge between the assessment types of financial and extra-financial rating agencies. A real application is performed on three French banks

    A Multi-Attribute Utility Model for Performance Evaluation of Sustainable Banking

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    In this study, we develop a performance evaluation model based on a multi-attribute utility approach aiming at reaching the sustainable banking (SB) status. This model is built accounting for various banks' stakeholders in a win-win paradigm. In addition, it offers the opportunity for adopting a global measure of performance as an indication of a bank's sustainability degree. This measure is referred to as banking sustainability performance index (BSPI). This index may constitute a basis for ranking banks. Moreover, it may constitute a bridge between the assessment types of financial and extra-financial rating agencies. A real application is performed on three French banks