244 research outputs found

    Interaction between genotype and climates for Holstein milk production traits in Iran

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    This study was designed to investigate the interaction between genotype and climate for milk and fat production traits of Iranian Holstein dairy herds. Milk and fat production data were grouped in 5 climates, on the basis of Extended De Martonne method. (Co)Variance components and genetic parameters of first lactation records from 514 herds were estimated by DFREML procedure. Estimation of genetic parameters by univariate animal model showed that heritability of milk and fat yields were from 0.22 to 0.30 and 0.06 to 0.26, respectively; that proved by the results of multivariate model. Genetic correlations between different climates ranged from 0.66 to 1 for milk yield and 0.16 to 1 for fat yield, respectively. Calculated genetic correlation between milk production traits in 5 various climates of Iran showed that there is a significant interaction between humid climate with other climates for both milk and fat yield traits. Using Spearman and Rank correlation for estimation of correlation between bulls breading values, for two traits showed the significant genotype by environment interaction between humid climate and Meditrranean climate for milk yield and between humid climate and other climates for fat yield.Key words: Holstein, genetic correlation, breeding value, genotype by environment interaction

    The miR-196a SNP Rs11614913 but not the miR-499 rs37464444 SNP is a risk factor for non-small cell lung cancer in an Iranian population

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    BACKGROUND: Globally, lung cancer represents a major cause of cancer-related deaths. The regulation of gene expression is modulated by small noncoding RNAs called miRNAs that can act as both tumor suppressors and oncogenes. The maturation, expression and binding to target mRNAs is affected by single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in miRNA genomic regions thereby contributing to cancer susceptibility. SNPs Rs11614913 in miR196a and Rs3746444 in miR-499 are implicated in the development of cancers such as non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in non-Arabic subjects. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A small cohort of 204 participants including 104 lung cancer patients and 100 non-cancer controls subjects were enrolled into the study. The allele frequencies were determined by Polymerase Chain Reaction- Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) and their correlation with lung cancer risk was determined. RESULTS: The miR-196a rs11614913 polymorphism increased the risk of NSCLC (CC vs. TT+TC: OR= 2.26, 95%CI= 1.28 - 3.98, P= 0.0046) in a dominant genetic model. No statistically significant association was found between the miR-499 rs37464444 polymorphism and NSCLC. CONCLUSION: The rs11614913 polymorphism in miR-196a, but not the miR-499 rs37464444 polymorphism, increased the risk of NSCLC. Further studies with larger sample sizes in correlation with functional outcomes at the cellular level should be undertaken

    Perfluorooctanoic acid exposure assessment on common carp liver through image and ultrastructural investigation

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    Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) poses particular concern as an emerging pollutant in both surface and ground waters. Fish, as a natural inhabitant of these waters and being highly representative of vertebrates, represents an ideal animal model to assess the toxic effects of PFOA. Hereby, liver microscopic texture was comparatively evaluated in individuals of common carp subchronically exposed to PFOA using grayscale differential box counting, a fractal analysis method. Furthermore, liver cytoplasmic glycogen areas and ultrastructure were also evaluated and compared to the image analysis findings. Redundancy Analysis was performed to assess, in summary, how much the variation of fractal dimension and lacunarity was explained by the concentration of PFOA in liver, the mass of liver and the number of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA)-immunoreactive nuclei. Treatment group ordination was better determined by fractal dimension than lacunarity. Interestingly, a significant complexity increase was associated with the modification of liver microscopic texture due to PFOA exposure. This complexity increase was related to “cloudy swelling”, possibly representing a primarily adaptive strategy against PFOA challenge, rather than a slight, reversible form of degeneration as traditionally proposed. The occurrence of endoplasmic reticulum stress, unfolded protein reaction and hormetic response was proposed and discussed

    Nanomaterial integration into the scaffolding materials for nerve tissue engineering: a review

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    The nervous system, which consists of a complex network of millions of neurons, is one of the most highly intricate systems in the body. This complex network is responsible for the physiological and cognitive functions of the human body. Following injuries or degenerative diseases, damage to the nervous system is overwhelming because of its complexity and its limited regeneration capacity. However, neural tissue engineering currently has some capacities for repairing nerve deficits and promoting neural regeneration, with more developments in the future. Nevertheless, controlling the guidance of stem cell proliferation and differentiation is a challenging step towards this goal. Nanomaterials have the potential for the guidance of the stem cells towards the neural lineage which can overcome the pitfalls of the classical methods since they provide a unique microenvironment that facilitates cell-matrix and cell-cell interaction, and they can manipulate the cell signaling mechanisms to control stem cells' fate. In this article, the suitable cell sources and microenvironment cues for neuronal tissue engineering were examined. Afterward, the nanomaterials that impact stem cell proliferation and differentiation towards neuronal lineage were reviewed. © 2020 Hamidreza Arzaghi et al., published by De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston 2020

    The first experience of ex-vivo lung perfusion (EVLP) in Iran: An effective method to increase suitable lung for transplantation

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    Background: Although lung transplantation is a well-accepted treatment for end-stage lung diseases patients, only 15-20 of the brain-dead donors' lungs are usable for transplantation. This results in high mortality of candidates on waiting lists. Ex-vivo lung perfusion (EVLP) is a novel method for better evaluation of a potential lung for transplantation. Objective: To report the first experience of EVLP in Iran. Methods: The study included a pig in Vienna Medical University, Vienna, Austria, and 4 humans in Masih Daneshvari Hospital, Tehran, Iran. All brain-dead donors from 2013 to 2015 in Tehran were evaluated for EVLP. Donors without signs of severe chest trauma or pneumonia, with poor oxygenation were included. Results: An increasing trend in difference between the pulmonary arterial pO2 and left atrial pO2, an increasing pattern in dynamic lung compliance, and a decreasing trend in the pulmonary vascular resistance, were observed. Conclusion: The initial experience of EVLP in Iran was successful in terms of important/critical parameters. The results emphasize on some important considerations such as precisely following standard lung harvesting and monitoring temperature and pressure. EVLP technique may not be a cost-effective option for low-income countries at first glance. However, because this is the only therapeutic treatment for end-stage lung disease, it is advisable to continue working on this method to find alternatives with lesser costs

    The first experience of ex-vivo lung perfusion (EVLP) in Iran: An effective method to increase suitable lung for transplantation

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    Background: Although lung transplantation is a well-accepted treatment for end-stage lung diseases patients, only 15-20 of the brain-dead donors' lungs are usable for transplantation. This results in high mortality of candidates on waiting lists. Ex-vivo lung perfusion (EVLP) is a novel method for better evaluation of a potential lung for transplantation. Objective: To report the first experience of EVLP in Iran. Methods: The study included a pig in Vienna Medical University, Vienna, Austria, and 4 humans in Masih Daneshvari Hospital, Tehran, Iran. All brain-dead donors from 2013 to 2015 in Tehran were evaluated for EVLP. Donors without signs of severe chest trauma or pneumonia, with poor oxygenation were included. Results: An increasing trend in difference between the pulmonary arterial pO2 and left atrial pO2, an increasing pattern in dynamic lung compliance, and a decreasing trend in the pulmonary vascular resistance, were observed. Conclusion: The initial experience of EVLP in Iran was successful in terms of important/critical parameters. The results emphasize on some important considerations such as precisely following standard lung harvesting and monitoring temperature and pressure. EVLP technique may not be a cost-effective option for low-income countries at first glance. However, because this is the only therapeutic treatment for end-stage lung disease, it is advisable to continue working on this method to find alternatives with lesser costs

    Study of cement apparatus, cement production and transportation in adult male Neoechinorhynchus rutili (Acanthocephala: Eoacanthocephala).

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    Investigation with light and electron microscopy has been made of the cement apparatus of mature male Neoechinorhynchus rutili parasite of Gasterosteus aculeatus. N. rutili possesses a single compact mass of glandular tissue (cement gland) with eight giant nuclei. The nucleus is lobed shape and has a conspicuous nucleolus with granular appearance. The cytoplasm of the gland contains prominent rough endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria and electron dense secretory granules. A short duct connects the gland with a single separate cement reservoir. The duct appears to lack a lumen and is seen as an electron dense compact structure. Many microtubules of approximately 150 nm in outer diameter are located through the cytoplasm of the duct. It is proposed that in N. rutili the microtubules are responsible for the transport of cement granules from the gland to the reservoir. The cement reservoir appears as a compact organ filled with granules measuring at least 0.5 m in diameter