347 research outputs found

    Rapid assessment of drug use and sexual HIV risk patterns among vulnerable drugusing populations in Cape Town, Durban and Pretoria, South Africa

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    This exploratory study examines the links between drug use and high-risk sexual practices and HIV in vulnerable drug-using populations in South Africa, including commercial sex workers (CSWs), men who have sex with men (MSM), injecting drug users (IDUs) and non-injecting drug users who are not CSWs or MSM (NIDUs). A rapid assessment ethnographic study was undertaken using observation, mapping, key informant interviews and focus groups in known ‘hotspots\' for drug use and sexual risk in Cape Town, Durban and Pretoria. Key informant (KI) and focus group interviews involved drug users and service providers. Purposeful snowball sampling and street intercepts were used to recruit drug users. Outcome measures included drug-related sexual HIV risk behaviour, and risk behaviour related to injection drug use, as well as issues relate to service use. HIV testing of drug-using KIs was conducted using the SmartCheck Rapid HIV-1 Antibody Test. Non-injection drug use (mainly cannabis, methaqualone, crack cocaine and crystal methamphetamine) and injection drug use (mainly heroin) was occurring in these cities. Drug users report selling sex for money to buy drugs, and CSWs used drugs before, during and after sex. Most (70%) of the drug-using KIs offered HIV testing accepted and 28% were positive, with rates highest among CSWs and MSM. IDUs reported engaging in needle sharing and needle disposal practices that put them and others at risk for contracting HIV. There was a widespread lack of awareness about where to access HIV treatment and preventive services, and numerous barriers to accessing appropriate HIV and drug- intervention services were reported. Multiple risk behaviours of vulnerable populations and lack of access to HIV prevention services could accelerate the diffusion of HIV. Targeted interventions could play an important role in limiting the spread of HIV in and through these under-reached and vulnerable populations. Keywords: Drug use, sexual risk behaviour, HIV/AIDS, South Africa.SAHARA-J Vol. 5 (3) 2008: pp. 113-11

    Anodic dissolution of metals in oxide-free cryolite melts

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    The anodic behavior of metals in molten cryolite-alumina melts has been investigated mostly for use as inert anodes for the Hall-Héroult process. In the present work, gold, platinum, palladium, copper, tungsten, nickel, cobalt and iron metal electrodes were anodically polarized in an oxide-free cryolite melt (11%wt. excess AlF3 ; 5%wt. CaF2) at 1273 K. The aim of the experiments was to characterize the oxidation reactions of the metals occurring without the effect of oxygen-containing dissolved species. The anodic dissolution of each metal was demonstrated, and electrochemical reactions were assigned using reversible potential calculation. The relative stability of metals as well as the possibility of generating pure fluorine is discussed

    Continuum variational and diffusion quantum Monte Carlo calculations

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    This topical review describes the methodology of continuum variational and diffusion quantum Monte Carlo calculations. These stochastic methods are based on many-body wave functions and are capable of achieving very high accuracy. The algorithms are intrinsically parallel and well-suited to petascale computers, and the computational cost scales as a polynomial of the number of particles. A guide to the systems and topics which have been investigated using these methods is given. The bulk of the article is devoted to an overview of the basic quantum Monte Carlo methods, the forms and optimisation of wave functions, performing calculations within periodic boundary conditions, using pseudopotentials, excited-state calculations, sources of calculational inaccuracy, and calculating energy differences and forces

    The Coupled Electronic-Ionic Monte Carlo Simulation Method

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    Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) methods such as Variational Monte Carlo, Diffusion Monte Carlo or Path Integral Monte Carlo are the most accurate and general methods for computing total electronic energies. We will review methods we have developed to perform QMC for the electrons coupled to a classical Monte Carlo simulation of the ions. In this method, one estimates the Born-Oppenheimer energy E(Z) where Z represents the ionic degrees of freedom. That estimate of the energy is used in a Metropolis simulation of the ionic degrees of freedom. Important aspects of this method are how to deal with the noise, which QMC method and which trial function to use, how to deal with generalized boundary conditions on the wave function so as to reduce the finite size effects. We discuss some advantages of the CEIMC method concerning how the quantum effects of the ionic degrees of freedom can be included and how the boundary conditions can be integrated over. Using these methods, we have performed simulations of liquid H2 and metallic H on a parallel computer.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figure

    Genomic and expression analysis of multiple Sry loci from a single Rattus norvegicus Y chromosome

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    BACKGROUND: Sry is a gene known to be essential for testis determination but is also transcribed in adult male tissues. The laboratory rat, Rattus norvegicus, has multiple Y chromosome copies of Sry while most mammals have only a single copy. DNA sequence comparisons with other rodents with multiple Sry copies are inconsistent in divergence patterns and functionality of the multiple copies. To address hypotheses of divergence, gene conversion and functional constraints, we sequenced Sry loci from a single R. norvegicus Y chromosome from the Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat strain (SHR) and analyzed DNA sequences for homology among copies. Next, to determine whether all copies of Sry are expressed, we developed a modification of the fluorescent marked capillary electrophoresis method to generate three different sized amplification products to identify Sry copies. We applied this fragment analysis method to both genomic DNA and cDNA prepared from mRNA from testis and adrenal gland of adult male rats. RESULTS: Y chromosome fragments were amplified and sequenced using primers that included the entire Sry coding region and flanking sequences. The analysis of these sequences identified six Sry loci on the Y chromosome. These are paralogous copies consistent with a single phylogeny and the divergence between any two copies is less than 2%. All copies have a conserved reading frame and amino acid sequence consistent with function. Fragment analysis of genomic DNA showed close approximations of experimental with predicted values, validating the use of this method to identify proportions of each copy. Using the fragment analysis procedure with cDNA samples showed the Sry copies expressed were significantly different from the genomic distribution (testis p < 0.001, adrenal gland p < 0.001), and the testis and adrenal copy distribution in the transcripts were also significantly different from each other (p < 0.001). Total Sry transcript expression, analyzed by real-time PCR, showed significantly higher levels of Sry in testis than adrenal gland (p, 0.001). CONCLUSION: The SHR Y chromosome contains at least 6 full length copies of the Sry gene. These copies have a conserved coding region and conserved amino acid sequence. The pattern of divergence is not consistent with gene conversion as the mechanism for this conservation. Expression studies show multiple copies expressed in the adult male testis and adrenal glands, with tissue specific differences in expression patterns. Both the DNA sequence analysis and RNA transcript expression analysis are consistent with more than one copy having function and selection preventing divergence although we have no functional evidence

    The composition and weathering of the continents over geologic time

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    The composition of continental crust records the balance between construction by tectonics and destruction by physical and chemical erosion. Quantitative constraints on how igneous addition and chemical weathering have modified the continents’ bulk composition are essential for understanding the evolution of geodynamics and climate. Using novel data-analytic techniques we have extracted temporal trends in sediments’ protolith composition and weathering intensity from the largest available compilation of sedimentary major-element compositions: ∼ 15,000 samples from 4.0 Ga to the present. We find that the average Archean upper continental crust was silica rich and had a similar compositional diversity to modern continents. This is consistent with an early-Archean, or earlier, onset of plate tectonics. In the Archean, chemical weathering sequestered ∼ 25 % more CO2 per mass eroded for the same weathering intensity than in subsequent time periods, consistent with carbon mass-balance despite higher Archean outgassing rates and more limited continental exposure. Since 2.0 Ga, over long (> 0.5 Ga) timescales, crustal weathering intensity has remained relatively constant. On shorter timescales over the Phanerozoic, weathering intensity is correlated to global climate state, consistent with a weathering feedback acting in response to changes in CO2 sources or sinks

    Politische Dimensionen von Militärübungen und Manövern – ein Projektbericht

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    Die virtuellen Kriege und Operationen, die in Militärübungen gespielt und geprobt werden, können entweder der Abschreckung dienen oder aber Angriffe vorbereiten bzw. zur Maskierung tatsächlicher Angriffe dienen. Für Beobachter ist es vielfach nicht offensichtlich, um welche Art von Militärübung es sich handelt. Die Ergebnisse eines vierjährigen internationalen Projektes zu politischen Dimensionen von Militärübungen richten das Schlaglicht insbesondere auf Missverständnisse und deren ungewollte politische Auswirkungen, die im Extremfall unbeabsichtigt zum Krieg führen können