1,985 research outputs found

    Pharmacy Students Learning Styles and Preferences toward Teaching Methods in Learning Pharmaceutical Care Concept

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    The paradigm concerning the role of pharmacist has shifted from supplying drugs to providing pharmaceutical care services.1 Pharmacy faculties have responsibility to develop a curriculum that enables pharmacy students to provide pharmaceutical care services. Pharmaceutical care is provided by identifying, solving and preventing drug-related problems in patients.2 There is a need to use alternative teaching methods to aid the students develop abilities for providing pharmaceutical care. Some research has demonstrated an association between preference toward certain teaching methods and individual s learning style.3 Learning style is the process by which an individual obtains their knowledge or skills.4 Understanding pharmacy students learning style will support educators to facilitate learning process by applying appropriate teaching methods. The purpose of the study was to describe pharmacy students learning style and preferences toward some teaching methods in learning Pharmaceutical Care Concept. The study was a survey using questionnaire that consisted of two parts. Part one was Kolb s Learning Style Inventory to assess students learning styles and second part were statements of four teaching methods to know students preferences. The questionnaire was given to 4th year pharmacy students registered in Clinical Pharmacy II course. In Clinical Pharmacy II course students were taught to identify and solve drug-related problems as a component of pharmaceutical care services. After completed the questionnaire, students were asked to choose their preferences toward four teaching methods. The study surveyed 63 pharmacy students. There were 11 incomplete questionnaires excluded from analysis. The characteristic of students surveyed is described in Table I. The students’ learning styles and preferences are described in Table II. Of the 52 students, the largest group was Assimilators (52%). The remaining students were divided among other three learning styles (23% Divergers, 21% Convergers, and 4% Accommodators). All Accommodator preferred case study as their teaching method. Lecturing was the most preferred teaching method for Divergers and Assimilators, while most Convergers prefered case study as their teaching method. Of all teaching methods, the most preferred was lecturing

    Big Five Personality, Ethical Sensitivity, and Performance of Auditors

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    This study aimed to examine and to obtain empirical evidence on the effect of Ethical Sensitivity on the Auditors' Performance and the influence of moderation of Big Five Personality on the relationship between the Ethical Sensitivity and Performance of Auditors of the Public Accountant Offices in Bali. The study used primary data sources and the data types used were quantitative data, collected through questionnaires. Data analysis technique used was Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) approach. The results obtained in the study is the ethical sensitivity has a positive effect on the auditors' performance and personality traits contained in the Big Five Personality model which can strengthen the relationship between ethical sensitivity and the auditors' performance. Auditors who have the personalities of extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability and openness to experience tend to remain ethical even in the face of a pressing ethical dilemma that they are able to provide optimal performance

    The formation of the double neutron star pulsar J0737--3039

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    We find that the orbital period (2.4 hours), eccentricity (0.09), dipole magnetic field strength (6.9 x 10^9 Gauss) and spin period (22 ms) of the new highly relativistic double neutron star system PSR J0737-3039 can all be consistently explained if this system originated from a close helium star plus neutron star binary (HeS-NS) in which at the onset of the evolution the helium star had a mass in the range 4.0 to 6.5 M_sun and an orbital period in the range 0.1 to 0.2 days. Such systems are the post-Common-Envelope remnants of wide Be/X-ray binaries (orbital period ~ 100 to 1000 days) which consist of a normal hydrogen-rich star with a mass in the range 10 - 20 M_sun and a neutron star. The close HeS-NS progenitor system went through a phase of mass transfer by Roche-lobe overflow at a high rate lasting a few times 10^4 years; assuming Eddington-limited disk accretion onto the neutron star this star was spun up to its present rapid spin rate. At the moment of the second supernova explosion the He star had a mass in the range 2.3 to 3.3 M_sun and in order to obtain the present orbital parameters of PSR J0737-3039 a kick velocity in the range 70 - 230 km/s must have been imparted to the second neutron star at its birth.Comment: accepted by MNRA

    Komodifikasi Tari Barong di Pulau Bali (Seni Berdasarkan Karakter Pariwisata)

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    Artikel ini berjudul “Komodifikasi Tari Barong di Pulau Bali”, yang mengungkap bagaimana keterkaitan antara seni tradisional yang bersifat religius yang pada awalnya hanya dipersembahkan untuk upacara ritual keagamaan, namun kini menjadi industri pariwisata yang bernilai komersial. Pulau Bali atau yang terkenal dengan sebutan Pulau Dewata atau Pulau Seribu Pura kerap kali menjadi tujuan utama dari para wisatawan, baik lokal maupun mancanegara sebagai tempat berlibur. Selain pesona alam yang indah, Bali memang sangat kaya akan adat istiadat dan budayanya. Seiring dengan tuntutan pemasaran produk pariwisata, maka Kenyataan yang ada di Bali saat ini terkait dengan seni pertunjukan adalah, bagaimana mengemas seni tradisional yang bernilai religius menjadi seni pariwisata yang bernilai komersial yang dapat dipertontonkan secara bebas kepada para wisatawan. Salah satu seni pertunjukan yang telah dikomodifikasi menjadi seni pariwisata adalah tari tradisional Barong

    Pengaruh Pemberian Air Kelapa terhadap Perkembangan Embrio pada Dendrobium Anosmum Lindl

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan air kelapa pada media kultur terhadap jumlah embrio pada D. anosmum Lindl.. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Struktur dan Perkembangan Tumbuhan, Jurusan Biologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Udayana dan di UPT. Balai Benih Induk Tanaman Pangan dan Hortikultura Provinsi Bali pada Bulan Februari 2015 hingga Juli 2015. Tiga macam media dasar digunakan yaitu PDA, Organik, dan MS dengan tiga konsentrasi air kelapa sebanyak 0 ml/L, 50 ml/L dan 100 ml/L. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan air kelapa sebanyak 100 ml/L pada MS menunjukkan bahwa media tersebut mampu meningkatkan jumlah embrio tahap akhir yang terbentuk (> 32 sel)

    Residu Ddt (Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloroethane) Pada Burung Cerek Jawa (Charadrius Javanicus Chasen 1938) Di Kawasan Pantai Trisik Kulon Progo YOGYAKARTA

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    Residues of DDT (Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloroethane) in coastal environment can reach into the Bird's body through intermediary Javan Plover's food. The residues will experience biomagnification and biotransformation in organism compartment. The purpose of this research was to determine residue of DDT in the Trisik seashore, natural food, and the Javan Plover's body part. Research located in the area of lower Progo River and coastal Trisik. Environmental sampling methods made directly. Sampling of natural food by coring and sampling birds by mist nets. Detection of DDT residues in environment sample by gas chromatography (GC). Measurement of DDT residues in natural food and bird by spectrophotometer. Quantitative Data are obtained by measurement of environmental samples , food, and Javan Plover. Eventhough Qualitative Data are discussed in descriptive. The results showed DDT residues were detected in the water samples of the Progo River and coastal Trisik of range 0,0407-0,0581 ppm, land sediments from the Progo River and Trisik seashore about 0,192 ppm-0,760 ppm, natural food ranging from 0.02-0.07 ppm, and finally the residue from the Javan Plover reached 0.04-1.05 ppm