14 research outputs found

    The Effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhizae and Sp-36 Fertilizer Application on The Growth of Butternut Squash (Cucurbita Moschata Durch) in Swampy Land

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    This study aimed to: (1) determine the effect of various doses of arbuscular mycorrhizae with SP-36 fertilizer on the growth of butternut squash in the swampy land; (2) determine the best combination of various doses of arbuscular mycorrhizae with SP-36 fertilizer on the growth and of butternut squash in the swampy land. The research was carried out in the Green House of SMK PP Negeri Banjarbaru from October 2020 to November 2021. The study used a factorial completely randomized design (CRD) with 2 factors. The fist factor was arbuscular mycorrhizae dose (M) which consisted of 4 levels, namely: m0 = Control ; m1 = 5 g tan - 1 equivalent to 0.1 ton ha - 1;m2 = 10 g tan - 1 equivalent to 0.2 ton ha - 1; m3 = 15 g tan - 1 equivalent to 0.3 ton ha - 1.The second factor was SP-36 fertilizer dose (S) fertilizer which consists of 4 levels, namely: s0 = Control; s1 = 1,39 g tan - 1 equivalent to 0,125 ton ha - 1; s2 = 2,22 g tan - 1 equivalent to 0,2 ton ha -  ; s3 = 3.06 g tan - 1 equivalent to 0.275 ton ha- 1, combination repeated 3 (three) times, with 6 polybags of them, so that there were 288 plants in total. The result showed that there was an interaction effect on the volume of roots at 2 and 4 weeks after planting, shoot dry weight, root dry weight and shoot root ratio. The single factor of application of arbuscular mycorrhizae and SP-36 fertilizer each had a very significant effect on root colonization. Combination of arbuscular mycorrhizae at a dose of 10 g ton - 1 equivalent to 0.2 ton ha- 1 and SP-36 fertilizer at a dose of 3.06 g ton - 1 equivalent to 0.275 ton ha – 1 could increase the growth of butternut squash in the swampy land

    The Effect of Various Types of Mulch on the Growth and Yield of Dayak Onions (Eleutherine palmifolia (L.) Merr)

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    The research on the effect of various types of mulch on the growth and yield of Dayak onions (Eleutherine palmifolia (L.) Merr) has been carried out in the field at Al-Ikhwan complex, Banjarbaru City, South Kalimantan in March until July 2019. This research used a completely randomized design (CRD) single factor with 4 types of mulch treatment; m0 = without mulch, m1 = silver black plastic mulch, m2 = rice straw mulch, m3 = water hyacinth mulch, then repeated 3 times, thus 12 units of plot experiment. Each experimental unit contained 20 plants, with 6 sampling plant for observation. The parameters observed in this study were plant height, number of leaves, number of tillers, time of first flower appearance, number of bulb, and total fresh weight of bulb. The results showed that the treatment of various types of mulch could not affect the growth and yield of Dayak onions and there was not available the best type of mulch on the growth and yield of Dayak onions

    Adaptasi terhadap Dampak Iklim Ekstrem pada Pola Tanam Jeruk Siam Banjar (Citrus suhuensis) dengan Sistem Surjan

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    Climate change has a real impact on yields, seasonal shifts, cropping patterns of citrus siam banjar plantations (Citrus suhuensis) on tidal land. This research aims to analyze the relationship of the cropping patterns of surjan systems and climate extremes, as an effort to overcome climate change.  The research was conducted in Batola in 2020 using written and oral survey methods. Data was extracted from farmers and  related institutions. The respondents consisted of 45 men and 45 women. On each sub-district, 2 villages were surveyed according to tidal land type, namely Marabahan district (SP1 and SP2) type C, Mandastana subdistrict (Karang Indah and Karang Bunga) type B, and Cerbon district (Simpang Nungki and Kambat River) type A. The results showed that the chance of El-Niño was around 16.7-22.7%, while La-Niña reached 40%. The total extreme event  was 67.8% of La-Niña side by side with El-Niño 15 times and generally El-Niño precedes La-Niña by about 40%. The total extreme event  reached 62.7%. The productivity of citrus observations in 2015-2019 was 1.274 ton/ha and during El-Niño yields decreased by 0.05 ton/ha. Crops damaged by El-Niño in 20152016 were -2% of the area of 6,825.03 ha. More than 90% of farmers during extreme events applied a pattern of superior local-rice oranges-rice to tabukan and oranges-vegetables on mounds. Cropping patterns on tidal tidal land show a high level of resistance to climate change because they have not changed much for decades  in both normal, dry, and wet climatic conditions.   Keywords: El-Niño, extreme climate, La-Niña, siam banjar oranges, tidal land type A, B dan

    Growth Response of Edamame Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) with Application of Urea and Rhizobium Biofertilizer on Peat Soil Media

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    Edamame is a type of soybean that is consumed in an immature period. High demand for market exports especially to Japan, must be balanced by maximizing production with the use of marginal lands. One of marginal lands is peatland which might be used as growth media for edamame with Urea and Rhizobium biofertilizer application to support its growth. The recent study aimed at analyzing the combination of Urea and Rhizobium biofertilizer on the growth of edamame on peat soil media. The experiment was laid out in. Completely Randomized Design (CDR) with two factors. First factor was Urea dosage: p1 = 50 kg ha-1, p2 = 150 kg ha-1, p3 = 100 kg ha-1, p4 = 200 kg ha-1. The second factor was Rhizobium biofertilizer treatment: r0 = without Rhizobium biofertilizer and r1 = Rhizobium biofertilizer 8g kg-1 edamame seeds. All combination was repeated 3 times with 3 polybags of them, so that there were 72 plants in total. The results showed that there was a response between application of Urea and Rhizobium biofertilizer have a significant effect on the observed parameters, that is plant height (cm), number of trifoliate leaves (straind), shoot dry weight (g) and root dry weight (g). The result showed that the application of Urea 50 kg ha-1 with Rhizobium biofertilizer increased plant growth of edamame on peat soil.   Keywords: Biofertilizer, Edamame soybean, Fresh vegetable, Wetlan

    Aplikasi Abu Sekam dan Ketersediaan Air untuk Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan, Hasil dan Kandungan Flavonoid Bawang Dayak (Eleutherine palmifolia (L.) Merr): Application of Rice Husk Ash and Various Levels of Water Availability to Increase Growth, Yield and Flavonoid Content of Dayak Onion (Eleutherine palmifolia (L.) Merr)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran abu sekam dan tingkat ketersediaan air dalam peningkatan pertumbuhan, hasil dan kandungan flavonoid bawang dayak. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei sampai dengan Oktober 2022 di Rumah Kaca Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lambung Mangkurat. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) dua faktor berulangan 3, faktor pertama dosis abu sekam terdiri dari 4 taraf: 0 ton ha-1, 2.5 ton ha-1, 5 ton ha-1, dan 7.5 ton ha-1, dan faktor kedua adalah tingkat ketersediaan air terdiri dari 4 taraf: 100% kapasitas lapang, 75% kapasitas lapang, 50% kapasitas lapang dan 25% kapasitas lapang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi abu sekam dapat meningkatkan jumlah daun, jumlah anakan, berat umbi dan kandungan flavonoid pada umbi bawang dayak. Kandungan flavonoid tertinggi sebesar 0.101% diperoleh pada dosis abu sekam 7.5 ton ha-1. Perlakuan ketersediaan air di bawah kapasitas lapang cenderung menurunkan pertumbuhan, hasil, dan kandungan flavonoid bawang dayak. Berat kering umbi lebih memberikan pengaruh terhadap kandungan flavonoid umbi bawang dayak dibandingkan jumlah umbi. Kata kunci: amelioran, kapasitas lapang, metabolit sekunder, tanaman obatThe study aimed to analyze the role of rice husk ash dose and water availability in increasing growth, yield and flavonoid content of Dayak onions. The research was carried out from May to October 2022 in the Greenhouse at Faculty of Agriculture, Lambung Mangkurat University. The design used was a two-factor randomized block design with 3 repetitions, the first factor of rice husk ash dosage consisted of 4 levels: 0 ton ha-1, 2.5 ton ha-1, 5 ton ha-1, dan 7.5 ton ha-1, and the second factor was the level of water availability consisting of 4 levels: 100% field capacity, 75% field capacity, 50% field capacity and 25% field capacity. The results showed that application of rice husk ash might increase the number of leaves, number of tillers, weight of bulbs, and flavonoid content in Dayak onion bulbs. The highest flavonoid content of 0.101%, was obtained at a dose of 7.5 ton ha-1. The treatment of water availability below field capacity tended to reduce the growth, yield and flavonoid content of Dayak onions. The dry weight of the bulbs has more influence on the flavonoid content of Dayak onion bulbs rather than the number of bulbs. Keywords: ameliorant, field capacity, medicinal plants, secondary metabolite

    Effect of water deficit of Ultisols, Entisols, Spodosols, and Histosols on oil palm productivity in Central Kalimantan

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    The same rainfall can cause different degrees of water stress depending on soil type, so the production response shown by plants can be different. This study is essential for growers, especially in predicting oil palm production based on water deficit for each soil type. The study was conducted on oil palm plantations in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, with four soil types in 1,446.15 ha (40 blocks). The source of data collected from oil palm plantations included bunch number, average bunch weight, rainfall, and soil physical and chemical properties for the last 15 years (2007 - 2021). This experimental study used a two-stage cluster sampling method. The results showed that the best productivity, bunch number, and average bunch weight were found on Ultisols. The four soil types tested showed the same annual production distribution dynamic, but the response rate from each soil type showed differences. Entisols and Spodosols were more prone to drought stress due to water deficit than Ultisols and Histosols because of the differences in soil texture. Water deficit causes a decrease in oil palm productivity by 5 - 22% in the first year (Ultisols 12 - 22%; Entisols 12 - 22%; Spodosols 7 - 19%;  Histosols 5 - 15%) and 1 - 8% in the second year (Ultisols 3 - 7%; Entisols 2 - 4%; Spodosols 5 - 8%; Histosols 1 - 5%) compared to previous years production. A decrease in oil palm productivity occurs at 3 - 5 months (bunch failure phase), 1 year (abortion sensitive phase), and 2 - 2.5 years (sex differentiation phase) after a water deficit appears