1,157 research outputs found

    Hubungan Kondisi Fisik Lingkungan Rumah dan Perilaku Orang Tua dengan Kejadian Ispa pada Balita di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kedungmundu Kecamatan Tembalang Kota Semarang

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    Acute Respiratory Infection is an acute infection that attacks the respiratory track that is organs starting from the nose to the alveoli and the adnexa tissue. Acute Respiratory Infection is a major health problem in Indonesia because its growing from year to year. In 2009 recorded 24.566 of Acute Respiratory Infection in the city of Semarang. Kedungmundu public health center topped the first occurrence of Acute Respiratory Infection for the children under five years in the city of Semarang with a incident rate of 186,9 per 1000 children under five years. This research aims to find out correlation of ventilation wide, density, residential use of cooking fuel, parents pattern care, medical treatment searchings and smoking habits. This research method using observational with case control study designs. The samples of this research are 31 cases and 31 controls. Data collection using questioner, observation and do direct measurement. Data analysis using univariat analysis and bivariat analysis using chi square test. Based on the research results obtained ventilation wide and a density of dwelling are not eligible in case of groups more than control group. Cooking fuel in case group there are several of respondents are still using firewood. Parents pattern care and medical treatment searchings of respondents has been good. Smoking habits of case and control group are high. Based on the result of statistical test revealed that there was a correlation, ventilation wide (p= 0,011; OR = 4,444), density (p= 0,008; OR = 2,348), cooking fuels (p= 0,001; OR = 2,550). There was no correlation parents pattern care (p= 0,088 ; OR= 3,284), medical treatment searchings (p= 1,000 ; OR= 2,069), smoking habits (p= 0,084 ; OR= 5,043). So it can be conclude that there is a meaningful correlation between ventilation wide, density and cooking fuels with acute respiratory infection. And there is no meaningful correlation between parents pattern care, medical treatment searchings and smoking habits with acute respiratory infectio

    Performance of Clustering on ANFIS for Weather Forecasting

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    This paper proposes the comparison of using K-Means and Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) to optimize the premise parameters on Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) for weather forecasting. The ANFIS architecture groups each of the feature inputs in the first layer into three clusters, and uses three rules for the second layer. The comparison is performed based on the RMSE value and the number of iteration. The testing is done on the percentage of 40%, 50%, and 60% of the total data. In addition, the testing is done by grouping the data based on season called rainy and dry seasons. The testing results show that both K-Means and FCM havealmost the same RMSE, except for rainy season where K-Means has better RMSE. However, K-Means requires relatively more iterations to achieve convergence. The use of FCM, in general, gives better results than K-Means. It is also shown that ANFIS provides the best performance for data onto the dry season

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Thinkpair-share Untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Konsep Masalah Sosial IPS Pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    The purpose of this research is: to improve understanding of social problem concept ofsocial studies through applying cooperative learning model type think-pair-share in thestudents of Elementary School. This is classroom action research (CAR) with two cyclesperformed. Each cycles consist of four steps, there were planning, implementation ofaction, observation and reflection. The subjects of this research is fourth grade studentsin Elementary School State 2 Kedungputeri Ngawi. Data collecting techniques in thisresearch was observation, test, interview and documentation. For data analyzingtechniques was reducing data, presenting data, and taking research conclusion orverification. The research result can be conclude that there is an improvementunderstanding of social problem concept of social studies in fourth grade students ofElementary School State 2 Kedungputeri Ngawi. On initial conditions, the class averagevalue is 61,31 by the number of students who complete learned is 11 students (40,74%).In cycle I, the average value is 79,51 with students who complete learned is 22 students(81,48%). In cycle II, the average value is 91,26 with students who complete learned is 25students (92,59%)

    Functional Activity Among Workers in Home Industry of Melinjo Chips at Plumbon Village

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    Functional activities is a potential ability performed by an individual to perform normal activities and duties as expected. Evaluation of the functional activity of workers is important to be done to improve the labor productivity. The purpose of this study was to determine the functional activity of the workers. The research was conducted using cross sectional approach with 166 samples. The research was conducted in February-March 2012 in melinjo home industry at Plumbon village. Functional activity was assessed by using the instrument of Back Pain Function Scale (BPFS) which has been translated into Indonesian language. Research results showed an average score of functional activity in melinjo chips workers was 54.46. Suggestion from this study for community nurses especially occupational nurse is making efforts to increase the functional activity score of melinjo chips worker

    Identifikasi Keterampilan Pukulan Olahraga Woodball

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    Cabang olahraga yang ada dan diakui di dunia telah banyak mengalami peningkatan baik dari segi kualitas maupun kuantitasnya. Dilihat dari segi kuantitasnya, dalam kurun waktu tujuh tahun terakhir terdapat cabang olahraga baru yang mulai diperkenalkan bahkan sudah dipertandingkan pada event olahraga tingkat daerah dan nasional pada masing-masing Negara, bahkan tingkat Internasional. Woodball merupakan cabang olahraga hasil modifikasi dari cabang olahraga golf. Teknik yang dipergunakan dalam olahraga woodball hampir sama dengan teknik yang dipergunakan pada permaianan golf. Dari pemaparan di atas, penulis tertarik untuk mengidentifikasi keterampilan pukulan apa saja yang harus dimiliki oleh pemain woodball, sehingga pemain woodball dapat mengontrol pukulannya dan meningkatkan ketepatan pukulannya. Keterampilan pukulan jarak jauh yaitu memukul bola hingga bola berada pada 65 meter atau lebih dari starting area. Pertimbangan ukuran pukulan jarak jauh karena panjang maksimal fairway 130 meter maka diharapkan saat pukulan pertama dapat mencapai setengah dari jarak fairway, sehingga dapat melakukan pukulan hingga gating dengan jumlah pukulan sedikit mungkin. Keterampilan pukulan jarak menengah yaitu memukul bola hingga bola berada pada jarak 30 meter atau lebih dari starting area. Keterampilan pukulan jarak pendek yaitu memukul bola hingga bola berada pada jarak 5 meter dari area start (starting area) atau kurang dari 5 meter. Keterampilan pukulan parking dan gating ditentukan dengan kemampuan pemain dalam menempatkan bola pada jarak dan sudut yang tepat sehingga dapat melakukan gating pada pukulan selanjutnya. Dari penjelasan di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa, selain memiliki kemmapuan fisik dengan teknik dasar yang baik dan benar, pemain woodball juga harus memiliki beberapa keterampilan untuk dapat berprestasi. Untuk dapat menghasilkan pemain woodball yang berprestasi, perlu diadakan pelatihan yang sesuai dengan karakteristik permainan woodball

    Representasi Pakaian Muslimah dalam Iklan (Analisis Semiotika Charles Sanders Peirce pada Iklan Kosmetik Wardah di Tabloid Nova)

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    Since the beginning, Wardah branding their products with the halal label. Therefore, Wardah builtIslamic imagine in their ads, one of way to hold the brand ambassadors dressed hijab or moslem dress. How todress is a form of communication. Through dress, a person can convey a message to someone else. The messageis used for imaging of the products Wardah. Based on this, the author are interested to examining how therepresentation of moslem dress in Wardah cosmetics ad.This research used a semiotic analysis of Charles Sanders Peirce to translate the meaning of thesymbols in Wardah cosmetics ad. According to Peirce, semiotics set of three main elements is called trianglemeaning theory (sign, object, and interpretant). The signs in the picture can be classified into icon, index, andsymbol. The method used is qualitative. Qualitative research aims to explain the phenomenon with deep,through deep data collection.The results can be drawn from this research is moslem dress in Wardah Cosmetics ad representedthrough the use of clothing that cover the nakedness but still stylish and fashionable, so it reinforces the image ofmodern Islamic which was built by Wardah

    Meningkatkan Kemampuan Sains Anak Usia Dini Melalui Pembelajaran Berbasis Ketrampilan Proses

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    MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN SAINS ANAK USIA DINI MELALUI PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS KETRAMPILAN PROSES ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to find out (1) the process of science learning at the kindergarten and (2) the improvement of science mastery of the kindergarten?óÔé¼Ôäós pupils after the process skills are conducted. This research was done at TK Islamic kindergarten of Annisa Bantar Gebang Bekasi, especially at The B Kindergarten with 21 pupils as the objects of research and 3 people as the observers.This research used the action research method of Kemmis MC Taggart with the four components, that is: a) planning, b) action, c) observation, d) reflection. The data was collected by means of interview, observation, and document analysis. The data was analysized qualitatively and quantitatively. The result of the research shows that by using the process skills in science learning. It?óÔé¼Ôäós improving the science mastery of early-aged children, mainly at the Kindergarten B, it was improved. It was showed by the result of t test (22,264) is higher than t critical two tail (2,086). It means the improvement of science mastery of early-aged children is significant
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